after 32 years, Voyager would be considerably out of date
The original enterprise was launched in 2245, Search for Spock was set in 2285. So enterprise was 40 years old, hence was to be decomissioned
you do realize that there are vast differences in technologies from the time frame (and ship building) you are speaking of, to when voyager was built.. right.. 32 years is not all that long of a time... considering we have navy vessels designed to have 50 year life spans in real life, 32 years is not all that long of a time for class of vessel now..
compairing tos and tmp stuff to anything next gen and higher is like comparing a model a ford, to a brand new mustang..
When Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant it's safe to assume that they did take Voyager apart too study it's tech (They did in the books, but that's a different timeline from STO, so we can't use it as direct proof). However, there is nothing to say that they didn't put it back together again (along with upgrades Starfleet implemented during the Dominion War). Starfleet probably then took the lessons learned from studying Voyager and applied them too their other Intrepid class vessels.
As for the various Enterprise's being decommissioned after 40 some odd years (if they survived that long...), It's because they are the Enterprise, the flagship of Starfleet. That ship is supposed to represent the pinnacle of Starfleet tech so when it comes time to refit the Enterprise they just build a new one rather than refit the old one.
The Prometheus registry issue is a mess though, as whilst what was seen on the hull is generally accepted as being it's correct registry, her dedication plaque and internal displays showed her registry as being NX-74913 - which was what was SUPPOSED to be displayed, but Foundation Imaging didn't get the memo.
According to Rick Sternbach in the Eaglemoss Official Starships Collection accompanying magazine for the Prometheus (beautiful models, by the way. Totally worth getting), it's the other way around; the set-design guys didn't get the memo about the lower registration number in time and they incorrectly used the original higher registry. The logic for the lower registration was that it was meant to indicate that the Prometheus project had been in development for a very long time.
IIRC in Surface Tension when you and Tuvok show up whatsherface says something like "Starfleet only sends two ships!? And one of them an outdated heap of junk!?"
Unfortunately, Star Trek trips over registry numbers over and over again when it comes to dating ships, and is not a reliable way to date. The Akira, Nova and I think the Steamrunner all suffer from registry dating inaccuracies >.<
Starship Classes are broadly assigned a range of registry numbers. Defiant Class was given the NCC-724XX range, while the Intrepids were given the 746XX range. Galaxy Class ships had the NCC-706XX and 718XX ranges.
The ships therefore are not assigned registries in order of available numbers considered as a whole, but assigned a number based on what is available within that class' allotment. If none exists, another registry range can be assigned or a ship can be exclusively assigned a registry outside of its class' allotment, which is seen with many long-lived classes like the Oberth, the Miranda and the Excelsior. They were just around long enough to undergo several waves of production and just didn't have enough registry numbers to meet the demand. That's why the USS Reliant's number was 1847, and the Majestic's was 31911 (The Majestic was destroyed in the Dominion War). No doubt the Majestic was built later, but they are the same class, while Ambassador Class starships, which were newer technologically, all fit within the allotment of NCC-26XXX.
IIRC in Surface Tension when you and Tuvok show up whatsherface says something like "Starfleet only sends two ships!? And one of them an outdated heap of junk!?"
I assumed she was complaining about my ship, not Tuvok's.
As for the various Enterprise's being decommissioned after 40 some odd years (if they survived that long...), It's because they are the Enterprise, the flagship of Starfleet. That ship is supposed to represent the pinnacle of Starfleet tech so when it comes time to refit the Enterprise they just build a new one rather than refit the old one.
Except we know for a fact that at LEAST 3 of the enterprises were destroyed, and not "retired"
The NCC-1701 was destroyed, the A was another ship they just changed the name/registry on, It was decomissioned. it's unknown what happened to the B outside the few scenes it was in in generations. the C was Destroyed by romulans. the D was destroyed in Generations. and the E was decommissioned in in game lore.
Many of them saw Refits/upgrades during their careers. Hell the end of nemisis saw the E undergoing a massive repair/refit. any other ship would have likely been decomissioned with that much battle damage.
Probably even more drastic than that, assuming Moore's Law.
Moore's law worked for computer chips, but it does not apply to all technology. Cars and ships are probably an excellent example where it didn't apply. Cars today are not 1000 times faster than cars 20 years ago were, with 1000 times the storage space.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Well I assume interstellar spacecraft would be more akin to computer chips than automobiles.
Also automobiles are significantly more complex 100 years after the Model A. [tinhat] Plus there's corporate incentive not to advance automobile technology forward, so much as sideways. [/tinhat]
Well I assume interstellar spacecraft would be more akin to computer chips than automobiles.
Also automobiles are significantly more complex 100 years after the Model A. [tinhat] Plus there's corporate incentive not to advance automobile technology forward, so much as sideways. [/tinhat]
Point taken though.
Well, so far, technology advancement on interplanetary spacecraft has been.... slow. So I am not so optimistic here. We no longer have a space shuttle, we don't have moon or mars bases... But on the other hand, we have a ton more satellites providing services to the inhabitants of Earth...
I am not sure if computer technology will remain unique in that it observes in Moore's Law, or if there will be more types of technology that could advance like that. In the end, Moore's Law is not a strict physical law or anything - it was basically an observation that held true for a long time, but it seems it's also coming to an end for computer technology. Computer chips are at a point where the usual way of improving computing power fails, and we may need a new paradigm to advance further, and that does not guarantee Moore's Law will remain in effect.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Didn't the USS.Iowa serve from WW2 to the 90s?
And CVN-65 have just been retired recently, even though it has been active since what, 60s?
32 years is nothing.
Hast thou not gone against sincerity
Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds
Hast thou not lacked vigor
Hast thou exerted all possible efforts
Hast thou not become slothful
According to Rick Sternbach in the Eaglemoss Official Starships Collection accompanying magazine for the Prometheus (beautiful models, by the way. Totally worth getting), it's the other way around; the set-design guys didn't get the memo about the lower registration number in time and they incorrectly used the original higher registry. The logic for the lower registration was that it was meant to indicate that the Prometheus project had been in development for a very long time.
It is the other way around, because before the Prometheus of the Prometheus class there was the Prometheus of the Nebula class. This ship was probably destroyed during the Klingon War, otherwise Starfleet would have used a different name for the new ship.
During Star Trek III, the Enterprise then was 40 years old. And was still in service. However it was set for retirement. So I can see Voyager still have some life left in her.
Plus the newer ships was built to last a good 50+ years in service. As even the Galaxy Class was built so. Even a good bit of the ship was ready for upgrades as it wasn't fully filled with rooms/quarters/bays.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
It is the other way around, because before the Prometheus of the Prometheus class there was the Prometheus of the Nebula class. This ship was probably destroyed during the Klingon War, otherwise Starfleet would have used a different name for the new ship.
From Memory Alpha
Either way, the Prometheus was a renamed ship. Given that the Prometheus was using an experimental system, I would say that the NX-59650 is just as likely as the NX-74913, especially during the Dominion War. Perhaps, the NX-59650 was in mothballs and the Prometheus name was recycled to confuse or hide the nature of the multi-vector project from the Dominion and other star nations. This was similarly done in World War II by the US Navy to confuse the Japanese by re-using the names Yorktown and the Lexington as soon as possible.
- Miranda Class starships continue to be seen from Star Trek II through to at least the end of Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Given their hull plating always harkens back to the construction methods of the late 23rd century (never seen with the "Aztec" style plating seen on the Galaxy class, or any other more modern hull textures) it is reasonable to assume that all of these Miranda Class starships were produced before the launch of the Ambassador Class. This implies that even the newest Miranda Class vessels are tipping close to a century. This is also under the assumption that these ships weren't all destroyed (How many times have you seen a Miranda Class or variant NOT blow up?)
The hull plating of the Galaxy class and the Miranda class are nearly identical.
I don't know why people assume a starship should have such a short lifespan. As others have pointed out, the Galaxy class was designed to have a 100 year life cycle. The Excelsior class had an extraordinarily long life, too.
...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
Wasn't there a Prometheus Class seen in the battle of Procyon V?
If the NX Prometheus launched in 2374, that would make the vessel class ~ 126 years old if we assume the battle with the Sphere Builders occurred in 2501.
A Nova and a Vorcha as well. Oh and canon, cause it was on TV.
Wasn't there a Prometheus Class seen in the battle of Procyon V?
If the NX Prometheus launched in 2374, that would make the vessel class ~ 126 years old if we assume the battle with the Sphere Builders occurred in 2501.
A Nova and a Vorcha as well. Oh and canon, cause it was on TV.
well as to voyager change the nacelles look and change the registry from u.s.s. voyager NCC-74656 to u.s.s. voyager NCC-74656-A this should explain why voyager still around 32 years later
well as to voyager change the nacelles look and change the registry from u.s.s. voyager NCC-74656 to u.s.s. voyager NCC-74656-A this should explain why voyager still around 32 years later
if too many people complain why she still in service then just fix it by registry number . best way to shut them up plus you figure they made so many changes to ship 32 years later anyways
if too many people complain why she still in service then just fix it by registry number . best way to shut them up plus you figure they made so many changes to ship 32 years later anyways
Which makes no sense, since the Enterprise-E served nearly the exact same time period, but the ship was lost. Then again, people complain about everything. I once seen a long-winded paragraph on how NuKirk was not actually the real Kirk because of the difference in eye color.
Possibly worth noting, too, that the Enterprises could well be a poor metric to judge a typical ship's lifespan by. Being the flagship, Starfleet is going to want to make sure she's as state of the art as possible. This would probably mean that her life cycle is as short as is necessary to keep her up with the ships of the time.
Being an Excelsior-class, assuming nothing catastrophic had happened to it, the Enterprise-B could well have been a functioning and serviceable ship into the TNG era and beyond, but having a 70+ year-old ship that's an outdated model, even if its guts are state-of-the-art, would probably look bad on Starfleet.
The Enterprise is the exception because it's generally considered to always be the flagship of the entire fleet. So there's interest in keeping that legacy on your most advanced vessels.
It's perfectly reasonable that even if the Enterprise B had never been lost/destroyed, it might still be renamed once the USS Ambassador was completed and that class of starship entered service.
Special dispensation renaming the USS Ambassador the USS Enterprise-C to serve as flagship (hero ship) of the federation.
Voyager, while noteworthy, was never confused as the flagship of the federation.
The Enterprise is the exception because it's generally considered to always be the flagship of the entire fleet. So there's interest in keeping that legacy on your most advanced vessels.
It's perfectly reasonable that even if the Enterprise B had never been lost/destroyed, it might still be renamed once the USS Ambassador was completed and that class of starship entered service.
Special dispensation renaming the USS Ambassador the USS Enterprise-C to serve as flagship (hero ship) of the federation.
Voyager, while noteworthy, was never confused as the flagship of the federation.
The Enterprise-A was never the most advanced ship. It was updated to the late 23rd Century standards. It had the best bridge in The Undiscovered Country in my opinion.
Given that the names, Lexington, Yorktown, Intrepid, Hood, and many others are also put into commission in similar veins, I would say that the hero names of the Federation are repeated to honor and as a display of strength.
I'm not worried about Voyager's age. As I'm also of the school of thought that most Starfleet spaceframes are still useful 100 years after initial construction. What was said about Kirk's original Enterprise in Star Trek III was, IMO, unique to that starship. Not necessarily the 23rd century standard. Let alone the 24th century standard. But I can't change the mind of naysayers on this topic.
My assumption is that Voyager will be parked just beyond Romulan Empire/Republic border into the Delta Quadrant. Not unlike the Republic Flotilla in Tau Dewa sector block. With missions on board to be handed out by Admiral Tuvok. Where the player's and Captain Harry Kim's Rhode Island will do the heavy lifting. I imagine mere word of Voyager's presence will spread like wildfire. But I doubt it will move anymore than the Republic Flotilla.
(/\) Exploring Star Trek Online Since July 2008 (/\)
you do realize that there are vast differences in technologies from the time frame (and ship building) you are speaking of, to when voyager was built.. right.. 32 years is not all that long of a time... considering we have navy vessels designed to have 50 year life spans in real life, 32 years is not all that long of a time for class of vessel now..
compairing tos and tmp stuff to anything next gen and higher is like comparing a model a ford, to a brand new mustang..
Probably even more drastic than that, assuming Moore's Law.
As for the various Enterprise's being decommissioned after 40 some odd years (if they survived that long...), It's because they are the Enterprise, the flagship of Starfleet. That ship is supposed to represent the pinnacle of Starfleet tech so when it comes time to refit the Enterprise they just build a new one rather than refit the old one.
According to Rick Sternbach in the Eaglemoss Official Starships Collection accompanying magazine for the Prometheus (beautiful models, by the way. Totally worth getting), it's the other way around; the set-design guys didn't get the memo about the lower registration number in time and they incorrectly used the original higher registry. The logic for the lower registration was that it was meant to indicate that the Prometheus project had been in development for a very long time.
Starship Classes are broadly assigned a range of registry numbers. Defiant Class was given the NCC-724XX range, while the Intrepids were given the 746XX range. Galaxy Class ships had the NCC-706XX and 718XX ranges.
The ships therefore are not assigned registries in order of available numbers considered as a whole, but assigned a number based on what is available within that class' allotment. If none exists, another registry range can be assigned or a ship can be exclusively assigned a registry outside of its class' allotment, which is seen with many long-lived classes like the Oberth, the Miranda and the Excelsior. They were just around long enough to undergo several waves of production and just didn't have enough registry numbers to meet the demand. That's why the USS Reliant's number was 1847, and the Majestic's was 31911 (The Majestic was destroyed in the Dominion War). No doubt the Majestic was built later, but they are the same class, while Ambassador Class starships, which were newer technologically, all fit within the allotment of NCC-26XXX.
Food for thought!
I assumed she was complaining about my ship, not Tuvok's.
Captaincy, Excelsior-Class U.S.S. Bianca Beauchamp NCC-99947-F
Except we know for a fact that at LEAST 3 of the enterprises were destroyed, and not "retired"
The NCC-1701 was destroyed, the A was another ship they just changed the name/registry on, It was decomissioned. it's unknown what happened to the B outside the few scenes it was in in generations. the C was Destroyed by romulans. the D was destroyed in Generations. and the E was decommissioned in in game lore.
Many of them saw Refits/upgrades during their careers. Hell the end of nemisis saw the E undergoing a massive repair/refit. any other ship would have likely been decomissioned with that much battle damage.
Moore's law worked for computer chips, but it does not apply to all technology. Cars and ships are probably an excellent example where it didn't apply. Cars today are not 1000 times faster than cars 20 years ago were, with 1000 times the storage space.
Also automobiles are significantly more complex 100 years after the Model A. [tinhat] Plus there's corporate incentive not to advance automobile technology forward, so much as sideways. [/tinhat]
Point taken though.
Well, so far, technology advancement on interplanetary spacecraft has been.... slow. So I am not so optimistic here. We no longer have a space shuttle, we don't have moon or mars bases... But on the other hand, we have a ton more satellites providing services to the inhabitants of Earth...
I am not sure if computer technology will remain unique in that it observes in Moore's Law, or if there will be more types of technology that could advance like that. In the end, Moore's Law is not a strict physical law or anything - it was basically an observation that held true for a long time, but it seems it's also coming to an end for computer technology. Computer chips are at a point where the usual way of improving computing power fails, and we may need a new paradigm to advance further, and that does not guarantee Moore's Law will remain in effect.
And CVN-65 have just been retired recently, even though it has been active since what, 60s?
32 years is nothing.
Hast thou not felt ashamed of thy words and deeds
Hast thou not lacked vigor
Hast thou exerted all possible efforts
Hast thou not become slothful
It is the other way around, because before the Prometheus of the Prometheus class there was the Prometheus of the Nebula class. This ship was probably destroyed during the Klingon War, otherwise Starfleet would have used a different name for the new ship.
From Memory Alpha
Plus the newer ships was built to last a good 50+ years in service. As even the Galaxy Class was built so. Even a good bit of the ship was ready for upgrades as it wasn't fully filled with rooms/quarters/bays.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Either way, the Prometheus was a renamed ship. Given that the Prometheus was using an experimental system, I would say that the NX-59650 is just as likely as the NX-74913, especially during the Dominion War. Perhaps, the NX-59650 was in mothballs and the Prometheus name was recycled to confuse or hide the nature of the multi-vector project from the Dominion and other star nations. This was similarly done in World War II by the US Navy to confuse the Japanese by re-using the names Yorktown and the Lexington as soon as possible.
The hull plating of the Galaxy class and the Miranda class are nearly identical.
Also: who cares? :P
If the NX Prometheus launched in 2374, that would make the vessel class ~ 126 years old if we assume the battle with the Sphere Builders occurred in 2501.
A Nova and a Vorcha as well. Oh and canon, cause it was on TV.
most of that half being the canon ones :P
if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
Don't forget the Dauntless was in there as well.
Why there is no need.
if too many people complain why she still in service then just fix it by registry number . best way to shut them up plus you figure they made so many changes to ship 32 years later anyways
Which makes no sense, since the Enterprise-E served nearly the exact same time period, but the ship was lost. Then again, people complain about everything. I once seen a long-winded paragraph on how NuKirk was not actually the real Kirk because of the difference in eye color.
Being an Excelsior-class, assuming nothing catastrophic had happened to it, the Enterprise-B could well have been a functioning and serviceable ship into the TNG era and beyond, but having a 70+ year-old ship that's an outdated model, even if its guts are state-of-the-art, would probably look bad on Starfleet.
It's perfectly reasonable that even if the Enterprise B had never been lost/destroyed, it might still be renamed once the USS Ambassador was completed and that class of starship entered service.
Special dispensation renaming the USS Ambassador the USS Enterprise-C to serve as flagship (hero ship) of the federation.
Voyager, while noteworthy, was never confused as the flagship of the federation.
The Enterprise-A was never the most advanced ship. It was updated to the late 23rd Century standards. It had the best bridge in The Undiscovered Country in my opinion.
Given that the names, Lexington, Yorktown, Intrepid, Hood, and many others are also put into commission in similar veins, I would say that the hero names of the Federation are repeated to honor and as a display of strength.
My assumption is that Voyager will be parked just beyond Romulan Empire/Republic border into the Delta Quadrant. Not unlike the Republic Flotilla in Tau Dewa sector block. With missions on board to be handed out by Admiral Tuvok. Where the player's and Captain Harry Kim's Rhode Island will do the heavy lifting. I imagine mere word of Voyager's presence will spread like wildfire. But I doubt it will move anymore than the Republic Flotilla.