The last three versions of this thread brought about significant improvement to the quality of Ground PvP gameplay. With the release of Season 9.5 there are a few new concerns for Ground PvP. Additionally, there are a few older concerns that have become more apparent with Season 9.5. This directory is meant to provide the devs with an overview of current Ground PvP issues. Please post any specific concerns to this thread, but please create a new thread if you wish to discuss one specific issue in greater detail.
List begins here:
01. Kit ability: LungeIssue: The base damage on Lunge was increased too high with the Season 9 kit revamp. As a result, many critical hits with just a few minor tactical buffs (such as target optics) will one hit kill players through their shields. Additionally, a critical hit on an expose will one hit kill a player the vast majority of the time. A fully buffed critical hit lunge on an expose can deal well over 5,000 damage with 80% shield bypass.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic02. Kit ability: Suppressing Fire Issue: Suppressing Fire may be maintained on a target with 100% uptime. The loss of continuous cleanses for 15 seconds from Battle Strategies has turned this kit ability into an ability without a viable counter. Additionally, the damage reduction penalty and slow may be stacked to completely and indefinitely neutralize a player's ability to deal damage or escape.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic03. Kit ability: Battle Strategies Issue: Battle Strategies is an extremely lackluster kit ability now that the Season 9 kit revamp removed the continuous tactical debuff cleanse. The ability has a long cooldown and a very minor buff.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic04. Kit ability: Psionic Assault Issue: The Undine lockbox kit module Psionic Assault, a mental debuff, cannot be removed with Science kit abilities Biofilter Sweep or Hypospray Melorazine (mental debuff cleansers).
Status: To be advised by Cryptic05. Kit ability: Quantum Mortar / Turret Issue: Engineering turret and mortar fabrications do not despawn on the death of the engineer and the engineer loses ownership of said fabrications. As a result, the engineer is allowed to spawn additional fabrications without despawning the first set. This allows engineers to spawn an extra 3 quantum mortars and phaser/disruptor/plasma turrets per life.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic06. Weapon proc: Bio-Molecular Incubation Issue:The weapon proc from 8472 reputation rifles is obtaining damage buffs from any buffs increasing "All damage". As a result, the weapon proc alone is one hit killing players through 700-800 radiation damage hits with 100% shield bypass.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic07. Race trait: Creative Issue: Many Engineering abilities are not receiving the damage and healing bonus from the Creative trait. A full list of engineering abilities was made by frtoaster
here. A more complete list was compiled by guriphu
Status: To be advised by Cryptic08. Lockbox trait: Savior Issue: The Xindi lockbox trait, Savior, is not applying the healing bonus to any shield heals. However, all health heals are correctly affected by this trait. The description itself implies that all heals (shield and health) should be affected by this trait.
Status: Resolved: Working as designed per reply from Borticuscryptic.09. Reputation trait: Enhanced Personal Shields Issue: The patch used in an attempt to fix the issue with the Enhanced Personal Shields trait has made the problem worse.
On April 22, 2014 a bug report was filed in regards to a problem with the Enhanced Personal Shields trait setting player shield health to 0/0. The patch has caused the Enhanced Personal Shields trait to continuously reset a player's shields from 0/0 to maximum, making it impossible to keep a player's shields down if they are using the trait.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic10. Duty officer: Security Officer, +100% damage with Ambush, dealt as a DoT version Issue:The duty officer interacts incorrectly with plasma grenade fire patches. When a plasma grenade is thrown while using this duty officer, the plasma grenade fire retains the ambush buff. This results in the plasma fire patch continuously applying DoT on ambush stacks to anything affected by the plasma fire.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic11. Duty officer: Shield Distribution Officer, 50% Chance for Weapon Malfunction with Draw Fire version Issue: The Shield Distribution Officer providing a chance for weapon malfunction upon taking damage with draw fire is not working correctly. Rather than triggering a weapon malfunction for 8 seconds; the duty officer is triggering 30 seconds of weapon malfunction immunity. The issue began at the same time as the Chain Weapon Malfunction Diagnostic Engineers, but this duty officer wasn't fixed when the Diagnostic Engineers were fixed right after Season 9.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic12. Weapon: TR-116B Issue:The 100% shield bypass on the new crafting TR-116B rifle makes it extremely easy to bypass an Engineer's ability to shield tank. The weapon also does not respect "immunity to shield bleedthrough" from items just as the medical vanguard trait or NPC Elachi shields.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic13. Omega Distortion Field Issue: The Omega Force two piece set bonus, Distortion Field, is breaking stealth upon the triggering of any self or team wide procs such as the MACO shield's "Spectrum Overload" proc (Melee-range Stun effect, centered on you and your teammates.) The Omega Distortion Field ability is intended to be used as an aggro breaker, but cannot be used as such because receiving damage and triggering "on damage" procs will break the stealth buff. Even teamates taking damage may break the stealth buff if they take damage and trigger a team wide "on damage" proc.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic14. Expose chance on abilitiesIssue: The expose chance proc is incorrectly cut in half on kit and captain abilities. Abilities such as Fuse Armor that previously had 10% expose chance now only have 5% expose chance. See
this post for a detailed explanation.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic15. Nanoenergy Cell - Kinetic CapacitorIssue: The Nanoenergy Cell - Kinetic Capacitor adds a 10% chance to knockback to all weapon attacks. The problem is this proc has no cooldown or immunity period and may be used to chain knockback a player to hold them down indefinitely. This makes it impossible for said player to react or fight back against other players. Multiple high rate of fire weapons make it extremely easy to chain knockback multiple players with ease.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic16. Kit ability: Automated Adrenal HypoIssue: The Xindi lockbox kit module Automated Adrenal Hypo is an ability that either revives within 15 seconds or reduces cooldowns by 25% on expiration. However, applying the hypo to oneself will lower the cooldown on the Automated Adrenal Hypo ability as well as all other abilities. When under tactical initiative, players are capable of activating this ability every 18.9 seconds...a mere 3.9 second downtime on the ability. Finally, dying while under the effects of this hypo does not count toward the kill counter in PvP matches. As a result, Science officers must be killed within the 3.9 second window where they do not have this ability activated in order for the kill to be counted toward the game's score.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
That's not a complete list. Neither is this (it doesn't include any new powers), but it will get you closer.
Results of testing all pre-season-9 kit powers that do damage, powers (including items) that do healing, plus a few procs that do healing, although those might not be classed as powers.
Note that I am no longer maintaining this list.
Great list, thanks for compiling it. One thing of note, the KHG and MACO armor procs aren't supposed to obtain Creative anyway. Armor procs aren't powers capable of activation.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Cloak up as tactical, buff, decloak, sniper shot, repeat.
Yes, if you do things the correct way (as stated in the sticky in Gameplay Bugs Report) things get fixed.
Everything within this thread contains balancing concerns, be it positive or negative. There are a few bugs listed here, but the majority of this thread contains concerns that directly impact Ground PvP in a way that negatively affects the viability of specific mechanics within the ground game. Even with the bugs here, some of them aren't clearcut bugs, and input from a dev such as AdjudicatorHawk or BorticusCryptic is highly invaluable.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
I was going to say that guriphu made a better list, but he already beat me to it. You should probably include his list in the OP.
Good idea, I've updated the OP with the link.
Yes, good call pointing that issue out, I had completely forgotten about it. This issue has a significant negative effect on classes that rely on exposes to deal significant damage to enemy targets (Medics, Engineer tanks, defensive tacticals).
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Explosives Expert doff
Specialization: Explosives Expert is a duty officer specialization within the Operations department. A maximum of 1 may be assigned to the active duty roster.
Purple 20% chance: to self: Creates a second level 4 Quantum Mortar III for 180 sec
So no guaranties for 100% x3 quantum up time spam !
If it doesn't proc, then players may attempt to trigger a proc again after just a few seconds. It isn't difficult at all to ensure that you always have three mortars spawned per life as an engineer. The "for 180 sec" portion of the mortars doesn't work after the engineer dies. It is as if the timer for despawn is halted upon death.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
you mean 30 sec
...or 6.3 seconds under tactical initiative.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Vanilla Ground PvP information
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
Thanks Hawk.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Do you and your kind have to troll every ground post and say stuff like
"Wait there is a Ground game?"
"This game has ground?"
"WOW People play ground on this game?"
"Ground? Whats that?"
Its getting annoying, and not funny anymore as us grounders hear it all the time from you spaceers
You dont see us going into every post about space and saying
"Wow there is space in this game? i thought my ship was just to get me from point a to point b"
"Space? you mean spacebar?"
"WOW People Play Space?"
"Space? Whats that?"
So why do it to us?
The biggest problem is the uptime on the ability...especially with Tactical Initiative in play. Tactical Initiative drops the ability down to 18.9 seconds; a mere 3.9 second downtime when TI is up. For most abilities this isn't a problem, but this kit module essentially gives the player a second life for "free". Personally I feel it shouldn't be something that can be spammed so easily. I play science all the time, but completely losing the ability to die really takes some of the excitement out of fights. Making this ability immune to cooldown reduction would remove the issue of spamming the ability, but I fear the 1 minute 30 second cooldown would be far too long without the ability to reduce the cooldown. Perhaps a viable option would be to make the ability immune to cooldown reduction while dropping the ability's cooldown down to 60-70 seconds. That would provide a 21-25% uptime while still proving to be a valuable ability when timed correctly.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
made me lol, you go girl *cheers shai on*
the posts of this game has ground and stuff aren't funny havent ever been, just not really needed, i like and agree with this
Really hope they do something about it,its just so frustrating kill someone and kill doesnt count and he just go away and 15 secs later just repeat same thing.So easy to charge in the middle of enemy team and kill half of them with motivation boosted sci magic when you know you cant die and do repeat that every 15 to 20 secs.
When I think about ground combat I imagine Janeway all sweaty with a compression rifle and a knife
Your theories rely on lots of perfection. But there are no borg on ground only FS.
...And certain former FS members are using the kinetic capacitor item to chain knockback the entire opposing team from long range.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
The Tier 3 New Romulus trait provides a knockback on critical hit, but has a 20 second cooldown tied the ability. The trait is unresistable, but it is on a 20 second cooldown and cannot be chained...except from multiple sources. Due to the long cooldown, I suspect the unresistable state is intentional; the trait would be rather useless if the knockback was resisted and the 20 second cooldown started.
Knockback from lunge, pounce, and pulsewaves can be resisted, but unfortunately they don't provide players with knockback resistance after knockback from said attacks expires. Back when swords were chaining unresistable knockback, AdjudicatorHawk stated that all knockbacks should be providing knockback resistance upon expiration. This is not the case with the abilities you mentioned, I'll be sure to add that to the list. I added the nanoenergy cell specifically because the cell added a 10% chance on every attack to apply an unresistable knockback to the target. Other knockbacks are just as valid, but we don't want them to become useless in the same way that all stun effects are right now.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
theres this bug to
I haven't experimented with those cells/seen them being used but my thought would be if the they are indeed not respecting knock back resist it may be by design as they cost lobi. Never was an issue till that totally random change allowing those to be used on any weapon type.
Vanilla Ground PvP information