Is this true? Can someone please point out some patch notes from some forgotten season i'm not thinking about? Was there some dedicated thing that happened during the drought of season 2 I can't recall from all the alpha's to the head over the years? And if it is true is there a dev that wants to explain how and why we are going on 10 seasons and not even one SINGLE new 5v5 arena or Cap and Hold map or game mode? This is not a lack of dev time. This is not because Gecko has a small team working on this issue. And there is no reason for this to be on the list of "things we'd like to do" as this is well past due to your dedicated pvp player base regardless of how much of a minority within the entirety of the sto player population we might represent. This is pure customer neglect. Give us a dedicated PvP update!
When you guys introduce a new "grind" there is no story element. For example. Crafting revamp was in no way tied into pvp nor did anything to push the main story forward or to even push it into some sort of side story. It might've been cool to have memory alpha occupied by the undine forcing all r&d operations to a new map... say a mars ship yard map maybe? That map could've easily been turned into a new pvp map. And easily you could've added weapons specifically catered for use against other players. Like the old k-9 weapons.
You now allow cross faction queuing based on story decisions and yet fail to even add one new game mode..... royal rumble anyone? Easily you could've created a salvage map where 3 players of each faction duke it out over jenolan dyson sphere until their respective fleets arrive before the peace talks are announced by tuvok. PvP tied into the story. New pvp map. Bam! New 3v3v3 game mode. All in one update.
Story, gear, grind, pvp. When you add something to the game it should push all of these elements forward. Not just one. Pvp is a primary end game event for most mmo's. And yet its not going anywhere for 10 seasons now in sto. This is ridiculous. We have the grind. We have the ships. You keep introducing new gear and power creep. Now please push pvp forward by tying it in to the story and introducing new pvp maps regularly with each update to specifically keep your pvp player base interested in coming back each season for pvp. And create a system for us to upgrade ships and get the gear we need to face off against other players by PVPING. Not playing story missions. Which is not the area of the game we love the most.
And run a balance pass. Invite pvpers to use the new gear/ships in pvp matches on tribble so you can get an idea of how players are going to use them to give a more accurate idea about what you may want to buff or nerf before official release.
Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
We have no information on Season 10 atm at all. For all we know, there won't be a Season 10.
The next major release upcoming is Expansion 2 - Delta Rising, and no, there will not be any specific work on PvP done in that one.
While other games might use PvP as their endgame, this is not the case in STO. In STO, endgame consists of Crafting, Reputation and Queued PvE missions, as seemingly that is what the players want.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
Pretty sure next year they will say we want to update pvp in a furture patch like this year and year before.
There was a comment this time around, that seemed to indicated that there was a specific timeframe this time around, rather than just "we'd like to look at it".
Fortunally they are taking them time, and aren't exactly trustworthy when it comes to promises, so they may just end up keeping their focus on whats important.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
we got...wait for it....shuttle pvp, a game mode that was DOA because of poor balancing of clicky consoles on shuttles. Again lots of content less rants by 14 year old min-maxers that Geko n co ignored when it went on tribble for testing. We told them it d be DOA and look at it now.
For more glorious pvp additions see my sig.
And no not a single season, although i would argue 1.2 (1.1?) was somewhat about pvp.
We also got the introduction and subsequent removal of FvF.
Space assault is gone for good, so i'd say that cancels out shuttle map. ...uhm new capture icons in KvK CnH....bunny rabbits
They added the Shanty Town somewhere in the couple of Seasons, so it's not exactly "10 Seasons".
But honestly, it's far too late for any PvP love. And since a very small fraction of the community even PvPs, it would be a waste of money to work on it at this point.
Problem is most players aren't interested in pvp because when they try an arena or kerrat they get creamed by the experienced players with the right gear.
I found this part interesting.
The PvP feedback I most generally get from PvP when people get out, is that they don't feel like doing it again because they don't want to deal with people who can't deal with getting their butts handed to them and start whining and swearing.
Thats also why I don't PvP... I am far from the best, but I am also not the worst... I get my fair share of kills when I go into PvP, I really just don't want to see the ******** from "expirienced" pvp'ers who can't manage getting ripped to shreds repeatedly by a PvE'er.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
Got to admit, it's the same reason why I stopped PvP a long time ago.
I recall even suggesting Cryptic split up the queues into casuals and hardcore a couple of times, but I just got ridiculed by the PvP community for even thinking about suggesting such a thing. So after I finished my PvP accolades, I simply walked away.
I was reading something about a certain dev naming pvp-players 14 year old kids in the pvp-forums, though that was some time ago.
Aside from that pvp-population is too small. Its even smaller then DPS-Community and we still havent got challenging content. Its far smaller than KDF-Community, and well, I dont think I have to say much to them.
So pretty much, pvp is too small scale hence no money maker. Thats my guess.
I think one of the reasons it is as small as it is is the virtual non-existence of balance in the game, as a result you get one of two options in most pvp matches:
1: Faceroll (one of the teams brought bad builds or no teamwork)
2: Stalemate (Everyone brought cookie cutter builds and no countermeasures)
If the game was better balanced I think pvp would recover a bit. I know people say "You can't balance pvp and pve at the same time" but you can, you balance for pvp, then the pvpers will be happy and then on that balance you build your pve, it's the only solution I can see.
It doesn't need a whole season I'd be happy with a couple more maps, a leaderboard built in like Hilbert's and matchmaking on the solo Q's. Is that too much to ask?
Icing on the cake would be a function to create leagues or tournies on the fly. Maybe a special accolade or title for being top pvper every month, that kind of thing.
As a random chance in the crafting you can get PVP mods to weapons, either PVP Damage and PVP resist. There could be more but that's the ones I've seen.
Between the horrible, horrible balancing issue (you either get face rolled or you face roll someone or complete stalemate, neither you or your opponent can die to one another) no actual updates, it's no wonder PVP is as dead as it is, and I'm honestly surprised it's still in the game with only a private PVP queue.
The dealing with people thing is something you'll find in every game and isn't a reason in itself why PVP isn't as popular as it should be. There are strictly PVP style games out there which have these kind of people as well, but the games themselves are as popular as ever(ignore function is your friend).
Anyway, balance is not coming to this game anytime soon especially with the recent updates, along with that, there doesn't appear to be any PVP updates coming(nothing confirmed that I can find).
So, if you want your PVP fix, you have to play another game.
Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
They added the Shanty Town somewhere in the couple of Seasons, so it's not exactly "10 Seasons".
But honestly, it's far too late for any PvP love. And since a very small fraction of the community even PvPs, it would be a waste of money to work on it at this point.
I don't believe that. I think it's unlikely we will actually see some major PvP content additions, but I think if they would come, they would draw back plenty of the PvPers that have left over the years, and that would also have a positive impact on the game's population and income. I don't know if it would be enough to be justify the expense on Cryptic, but I think it would be notable to the PvP community itself. And that's what the players need to care about.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
I do not believe there is a clear answer. I think Cryptic, like most game companies, came into this believing that PvP was necessary for them to be successful but so far their finances show they can make money without it. I think that is confusing to them. They want to do it, MMO business history tells them they should do it, but the financials tell them to go another way as it is not necessary, and so PvP keeps getting pushed back.
I do believe they will do it at some point, but I also believe that Star Citizen and Eve Online are going to be butting Space PvP heads next summer and I am not certain if Cryptic has any place in that market.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
That's one of the reasons it would work, as it is you can throw any old rubbish on a ship and beat pve and if you continue to build the same terrible NPCs on a pvp balance base then you can continue to use the same terrible builds on them (though perhaps to slightly worse effect) but as long as you make the necessary modifications to NPCs to make them the same as they are now pve players wont notice the difference. Meanwhile in pvp, people stop complaining about most of the balance issues and the group who complain for the sake of complaining will continue to complain.
But I honestly believe with a little bit of tinkering with NPC stats a balance pass with pvp in mind will work, not only that but with clear counters in place they can start building more advanced NPCs for new and elite content which raises pvper interest in pve slightly and effectively lowers the bar to pvp entry which is what pvpers want in order to keep the population up, potentially everybody wins.
Yeah, I don't think that'd actually work. There's a LOT of differences between NPC and Player stats, it'd take more than just "a few tweaks" to get things to actually work the same in both.
cosmic may have a point cryptic may have pushed themsleves out of the possible pvp market by waiting too long.
but that still does not excuse game balance issues regardless.PvE is a joke only because cryptic sees that we are willing to work hard and maybe even pay to get the new stuff faster this in itself along with lockboxes new ships means they can be profitable based on that.
so what this means is they will do what brings in the best income.Balanced stuff does not sell well go figure.
as for a solution guild wars 1 had the solution split your skills into 2 effects what a skill does to a playership and what a skill will do to an npc they dont even have to match remotly.
Yeah, I don't think that'd actually work. There's a LOT of differences between NPC and Player stats, it'd take more than just "a few tweaks" to get things to actually work the same in both.
Well but honestly, everything thats not tied to skilltree can be changed instantly with the loadout-system. If it work as it should (it does on some of my char, but not on others^^).
I used to switch between pve and pvp-builds when I was active in pvp, and it wasnt that much work (though i doubt escorts can produce much work here), but I ended PvP because simply, there was no merrit to it. Sure, dofighting with other was 10,15,30,45minutes can be fun, once or twice a week, and roflstamping a premade with a pug (yeah, there are some out there you can stomp on) is also quite funny. But at the end of the match the question is: How much Dil, Marks, EC or whatnot do I have now? And there the truth is, if you dont go kerrat, "nothing" sums it up. If you need 3 matches for the dil-income of one ISE, then yeah, ISE is the way to go.
The next major release upcoming is Expansion 2 - Delta Rising, and no, there will not be any specific work on PvP done in that one.
While other games might use PvP as their endgame, this is not the case in STO. In STO, endgame consists of Crafting, Reputation and Queued PvE missions, as seemingly that is what the players want.
Wrong again. PvP is the only endgame content this game has! Crafting, Reputation and Queued PvE missions is the stuff you do to be able to do the endgame content (PVP).
The lack of any endgame content besides PvP clearly proves that cryptic doesn't want long time players that are expecting challenging and nice additions. All they want is some casual players that join the game for 1-3 months, spend some money on useless TRIBBLE and leave again.
Wrong again. PvP is the only endgame content this game has! Crafting, Reputation and Queued PvE missions is the stuff you do to be able to do the endgame content (PVP).
The lack of any endgame content besides PvP clearly proves that cryptic doesn't want long time players that are expecting challenging and nice additions. All they want is some casual players that join the game for 1-3 months, spend some money on useless TRIBBLE and leave again.
LOL... PvP end game... it's not even viable as a break... It's not even viable to go there and laugh about the whiny players...
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
indeed and ever since PWE took the reins game has been focused at best income streams and you can bet PWE knows something about that their namesake game is a good example.
the soul of STO has long since died but i have hope for revival or at least for its end to be quick
The next major release upcoming is Expansion 2 - Delta Rising, and no, there will not be any specific work on PvP done in that one.
While other games might use PvP as their endgame, this is not the case in STO. In STO, endgame consists of Crafting, Reputation and Queued PvE missions, as seemingly that is what the players want.
There was a comment this time around, that seemed to indicated that there was a specific timeframe this time around, rather than just "we'd like to look at it".
Fortunally they are taking them time, and aren't exactly trustworthy when it comes to promises, so they may just end up keeping their focus on whats important.
For more glorious pvp additions see my sig.
And no not a single season, although i would argue 1.2 (1.1?) was somewhat about pvp.
We also got the introduction and subsequent removal of FvF.
Space assault is gone for good, so i'd say that cancels out shuttle map. ...uhm new capture icons in KvK CnH....bunny rabbits
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
But honestly, it's far too late for any PvP love. And since a very small fraction of the community even PvPs, it would be a waste of money to work on it at this point.
I found this part interesting.
The PvP feedback I most generally get from PvP when people get out, is that they don't feel like doing it again because they don't want to deal with people who can't deal with getting their butts handed to them and start whining and swearing.
Thats also why I don't PvP... I am far from the best, but I am also not the worst... I get my fair share of kills when I go into PvP, I really just don't want to see the ******** from "expirienced" pvp'ers who can't manage getting ripped to shreds repeatedly by a PvE'er.
I recall even suggesting Cryptic split up the queues into casuals and hardcore a couple of times, but I just got ridiculed by the PvP community for even thinking about suggesting such a thing. So after I finished my PvP accolades, I simply walked away.
Aside from that pvp-population is too small. Its even smaller then DPS-Community and we still havent got challenging content. Its far smaller than KDF-Community, and well, I dont think I have to say much to them.
So pretty much, pvp is too small scale hence no money maker. Thats my guess.
I think one of the reasons it is as small as it is is the virtual non-existence of balance in the game, as a result you get one of two options in most pvp matches:
1: Faceroll (one of the teams brought bad builds or no teamwork)
2: Stalemate (Everyone brought cookie cutter builds and no countermeasures)
If the game was better balanced I think pvp would recover a bit. I know people say "You can't balance pvp and pve at the same time" but you can, you balance for pvp, then the pvpers will be happy and then on that balance you build your pve, it's the only solution I can see.
Icing on the cake would be a function to create leagues or tournies on the fly. Maybe a special accolade or title for being top pvper every month, that kind of thing.
The dealing with people thing is something you'll find in every game and isn't a reason in itself why PVP isn't as popular as it should be. There are strictly PVP style games out there which have these kind of people as well, but the games themselves are as popular as ever(ignore function is your friend).
Anyway, balance is not coming to this game anytime soon especially with the recent updates, along with that, there doesn't appear to be any PVP updates coming(nothing confirmed that I can find).
So, if you want your PVP fix, you have to play another game.
I don't believe that. I think it's unlikely we will actually see some major PvP content additions, but I think if they would come, they would draw back plenty of the PvPers that have left over the years, and that would also have a positive impact on the game's population and income. I don't know if it would be enough to be justify the expense on Cryptic, but I think it would be notable to the PvP community itself. And that's what the players need to care about.
My character Tsin'xing
but that still does not excuse game balance issues regardless.PvE is a joke only because cryptic sees that we are willing to work hard and maybe even pay to get the new stuff faster this in itself along with lockboxes new ships means they can be profitable based on that.
so what this means is they will do what brings in the best income.Balanced stuff does not sell well go figure.
as for a solution guild wars 1 had the solution split your skills into 2 effects what a skill does to a playership and what a skill will do to an npc they dont even have to match remotly.
Well but honestly, everything thats not tied to skilltree can be changed instantly with the loadout-system. If it work as it should (it does on some of my char, but not on others^^).
I used to switch between pve and pvp-builds when I was active in pvp, and it wasnt that much work (though i doubt escorts can produce much work here), but I ended PvP because simply, there was no merrit to it. Sure, dofighting with other was 10,15,30,45minutes can be fun, once or twice a week, and roflstamping a premade with a pug (yeah, there are some out there you can stomp on) is also quite funny. But at the end of the match the question is: How much Dil, Marks, EC or whatnot do I have now? And there the truth is, if you dont go kerrat, "nothing" sums it up. If you need 3 matches for the dil-income of one ISE, then yeah, ISE is the way to go.
Wrong again. PvP is the only endgame content this game has! Crafting, Reputation and Queued PvE missions is the stuff you do to be able to do the endgame content (PVP).
The lack of any endgame content besides PvP clearly proves that cryptic doesn't want long time players that are expecting challenging and nice additions. All they want is some casual players that join the game for 1-3 months, spend some money on useless TRIBBLE and leave again.
LOL... PvP end game... it's not even viable as a break... It's not even viable to go there and laugh about the whiny players...
the soul of STO has long since died but i have hope for revival or at least for its end to be quick