Pretty simple really wanted to suggest placing any ship typically acquired through low lockbox's win chance into the lobi store as well.
This would allow people with stupidly bad luck that have spent around $150+ on keys and opening box's to still acquire the ship they would like to fly and consequently enjoy the game with.
I believe this would also possibly increase sales due to people eventually being guaranteed that they will be able to get the ship if they open enough box's and get the required lobi.
Everything else would still function as it currently does ie. you could still win that ship free from the box if you get lucky, however if your luck sucks you can still use the lobi.
The lobi amount of 800 / typical lobi ship cost is also pretty decent since at the 4 guaranteed lobi per box min your looking at around 200 box's maximum to get the lobi which puts it around the 200 estimated box's opened to get the ship via box.
This could have a number of other beneficial affects as well, if people are actually opening box's rather than selling key's it would then most likely lead to better availability of doff's in the exchange and lockbox weapons, consoles and other useful items.
In general the Lock-box ships are added to the Lobi store. However, the Lock box ''Special'' ships are not added. There are a really good reason for that: You keep your stupid luck pounding cash at the boxes in order to get a ship. I've spend somewhat near 300 on the latest box, only to receive 1 ''special'' ship. That's how it works.
To ''lower'' the cost getting a special ship as you suggest, would not benefit PWE in any way. And in the end, you neither.
In general the Lock-box ships are added to the Lobi store. However, the Lock box ''Special'' ships are not added. There are a really good reason for that: You keep your stupid luck pounding cash at the boxes in order to get a ship. I've spend somewhat near 300 on the latest box, only to receive 1 ''special'' ship. That's how it works.
To ''lower'' the cost getting a special ship as you suggest, would not benefit PWE in any way. And in the end, you neither.
The "special" ones you mentioned are indeed the ones I'm talking about being added
Realistically yes there are people who still pound away at opening the box's in order to get the ships however for each one person who does there's most likely 2 or more people who simply sell the keys or refuse to touch one of the lockbox's being that chances are opening them is pretty much akin to throwing their money away.
My suggestion would potentially make it more likely that people would actually buy the key and open the box being that they would be guaranteed to get the ship they actually desire at worst $200 later.
Now granted you might not get someone to spend that 300 you mentioned, however 2 people spending $200 is still a possible $100 profit, anything a business can do to make the customer feel less like they are being ripped off tends to result in a profit due to more people actually willing to spend money on whatever their product is.
My suggestion doesn't really lower the cost as you put it so much as eases the mind towards spending the money (if your really willing to dish that much out), you know that at least with the investment your going to be able to get what you want with a 100% chance.
As to being "no benefit to me either", I would have to disagree I would actually be flying the ship I want to fly atm and possibly be also playing the game more than I do currently, rather then logging in on each char for around 10mins daily to grind then leaving while I wait to get enough for a better / more enjoyable ship I like to fly, I'm currently at well over 1k lobi however I don't like any of the currently offered lobi ships for the character in question.
Perfectworld I'm assuming realizes that keeping people at least moderately happy about their purchases is just plain good business and if you can increase profit by doing something that has essentially no impact on your bottom line and at the same time potentially makes for happier customers enjoying as well as purchasing what your company has spend money to create, it seems rather like a win win situation to me, but you never know I guess their could potentially be a large group of people out there that spend $300+ every month on lockbox's and actually feel that the money is well spent and be quite happy to do so, however I somehow doubt that this is truly the case and find it far more likely that there would be more people willing to fork out $200 to get what they want rather than potentially forking out much more and getting nothing they desire.
Now granted you could potentially just sell keys as a number of people do but to each their own I guess, hopefully they will at least consider the idea and best case scenario implement it worse case they do nothing and a happy middle they take steps to actually make the box's worth opening rather than selling off keys to get the ship you want.
To ''lower'' the cost getting a special ship as you suggest, would not benefit PWE in any way. And in the end, you neither.
The "special" ones you mentioned are indeed the ones I'm talking about being added
Realistically yes there are people who still pound away at opening the box's in order to get the ships however for each one person who does there's most likely 2 or more people who simply sell the keys or refuse to touch one of the lockbox's being that chances are opening them is pretty much akin to throwing their money away.
My suggestion would potentially make it more likely that people would actually buy the key and open the box being that they would be guaranteed to get the ship they actually desire at worst $200 later.
Now granted you might not get someone to spend that 300 you mentioned, however 2 people spending $200 is still a possible $100 profit, anything a business can do to make the customer feel less like they are being ripped off tends to result in a profit due to more people actually willing to spend money on whatever their product is.
My suggestion doesn't really lower the cost as you put it so much as eases the mind towards spending the money (if your really willing to dish that much out), you know that at least with the investment your going to be able to get what you want with a 100% chance.
As to being "no benefit to me either", I would have to disagree I would actually be flying the ship I want to fly atm and possibly be also playing the game more than I do currently, rather then logging in on each char for around 10mins daily to grind then leaving while I wait to get enough for a better / more enjoyable ship I like to fly, I'm currently at well over 1k lobi however I don't like any of the currently offered lobi ships for the character in question.
Perfectworld I'm assuming realizes that keeping people at least moderately happy about their purchases is just plain good business and if you can increase profit by doing something that has essentially no impact on your bottom line and at the same time potentially makes for happier customers enjoying as well as purchasing what your company has spend money to create, it seems rather like a win win situation to me, but you never know I guess their could potentially be a large group of people out there that spend $300+ every month on lockbox's and actually feel that the money is well spent and be quite happy to do so, however I somehow doubt that this is truly the case and find it far more likely that there would be more people willing to fork out $200 to get what they want rather than potentially forking out much more and getting nothing they desire.
Now granted you could potentially just sell keys as a number of people do but to each their own I guess, hopefully they will at least consider the idea and best case scenario implement it worse case they do nothing and a happy middle they take steps to actually make the box's worth opening rather than selling off keys to get the ship you want.