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Memories of a distant & not so distant past



  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited August 2014
    Kal Roh, for always being a fun guy to pvp with in Kerrat and Capinhold. Never talking too much ****, never being an TRIBBLE about anything- just a cool guy all around.

    JHenig, for hanging out in the pvp channel and being the only dev to contribute anythinng of value to pvp in the past three years
  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Husanak and BigRedJedi for their willingness to teach, and answer my questions.

    Bob the Yak - a pew pew master.

    Hale - who doesn't like to target or heal him?

    GrippleChew - just fun to be around.

    Glamdring - he kicked my butt over and over and over. I learned a lot from him.

    Thissler - his videos are fun, and he has the best smack talk in the game.

    Kreek - my favorite German player. Always understood the joke.

    Mikey, StarDagger, Talon Jones - who can forget the insanity?

    Everyone who has written a guide - thanks, they helped a lot.

    Nova Core - they embraced the error.
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
    STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    mancom wrote: »
    This is the current (net) record for a Javelin hit: Hil'bert deals 224167 (114792) damage to Stark with Javelin.
    (Please note that this is not even a crit. Also, it is the second highest recorded net damage event so far, only one (critical) Ramming Speed was better.)

    And this is the current raw record for a Javelin hit: Hil'bert deals 107401 (165346) damage (critical) to Dusty with Javelin.
    (But the second best raw javelin hit is only ~1k less.)

    Mine's not as good, but it's still fun to see how powerful the Javelin can be, in the right hands.

    As for my own list, all of the names and handles blend into one another. Here's some of them. (I'm sure I missed some, if I did I'm sorry!)

    Buffy - my longtime friend, fellow fleetmember and one of two people who got me into PvP.
    Sargon - for starting PvP Bootcamp.
    Devoras - one of my coaches, was very good at explaining the finer details and answering questions.
    Trinity, Entrax, colonelkira - Not directly, but showing me what a healer really can do to a team if done properly.
    Miku, Mcc - for showing me how to think unorthodox and create great ship builds.
    killzone - Kerrat enthusiast, and a good guy to test zombie/healer/sniffer builds with. I think he goes by a different name now.
    Thissler - for his/her many youtube builds.
    AzrealDragon, Neos472, etc - for being awesome students and PvP enthusiasts!
    All the folks at PvP Bootcamp, for being the selfless people they are.
    And the countless people I've been teamed with while I was playing a healer, for staying within 10km. :)

    And there's one more person, the guy who ran "TOS Connie", shuttle-only and other special PvP events each Saturday. I can't remember his name though. He made shuttle pvp cool and exciting before Cryptic made it official and boring.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • tripwire690tripwire690 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    -I want to mention Caprica of 32nd vipers. Who defined the "non-standard" unbaked build. And if i remember correctly was the first to run full torp boat. Which definitely put 32nd Vipers on the map.

    - jorge silva. for believing in me and for pushing Nova Core forward.

    - snog for reinforcing my faith in the fact that even when every other sci in the game was drugged up on tac teams new shield distribution effect.... it wasnt needed. and for showing me that more could be done with less. and for testing. i think someone else said it best. "he's literally tested everything!" :)

    -tsi for treating me like a fleet member when i had made my choice to join 7th core anyways.

    -pve heroes and specifically pjokk for taking me through my first pvp tournament.

    -sob. kedric for being hands down one of the best defiant pilots in this game before anyone ever knew who damian was. aiden for butting heads with me and teaching me that i'm not always right. and showing me that nova core never had to play by the other fleets rules. the one thing that truly makes a great fleet. thinking outside the box. players like to **** talk sob. they ran a 5 man sci team when i didnt have the guts to do so. they have some of the best players in the game. keep hating just because you prefer your "mono cannon" builds and team setups. I wish they would come back.

    -benjamin sisko for being THE BEST defiant captain when no one else thought it could compete with the fleet escort. and for running "canon" despite what bug ships can do. Sisko, kedric, and myself were a few of the original defiant captains who showed what the ship could really do when no other premades would run it.

    -aytanhi for taking me under his wing when 7th core had finally died.

    -trinity for testing with me.

    -mai kai for pushing me to think about more than just how patches effect MY class but how they effect the other two classes in a balanced and fun way for all players.

    -the original 7th core premade who invited me in and trained me like i had been there from the start. Both 7th core and 182nd.

    -Faithborn for inviting me to 182nd even though I decided to join the 7th Core.

    -darksamus. love him or hate him his builds are his own and no one knows trek from memory better than him.

    -master adoy. before 7th core became nova core we were working on some crazy tag team sci setups. if you came back to nova core right now i know we could give some of these other fleets something to cry about. i'm not sure what happened to "show me your critz" but i know you are a sci captain that should be on a proper premade for sure. having always been one for sci dps you've defined a play style all your own. And as many players would comment.... its very well noticed. Star Citizen isnt gonna be out for a while. let me know if you wanna pwn together again.

    -beiber in his kdf sci ship. you helped me see the importance of balancing tank with cc in my sci. thank you.

    -tal@leonheart for teaching me the importance of chillax. no ego. no drama. tsi missed out on an amazing player. are you ever coming back?

    -tal@devolvedone for teaching me the importance of private matchmaking. something i was not very consistent with doing within the fleet. i would run opvp teams and encourage my fleet members to pvp but you taught me that its important to make time for fleet teams only to specifcally fight other fleet teams versus just opvp teams or team practice in the public queue. thank you for bringing that to nova core. you were the the best a fleet leader could ask for in actively contributing to the pvp success of our fleet each and every day. i'm sorry nova core wasnt everything you wished it would've been.

    -zelda for teaching me about the one thing most of the better fleets have in common... their team leads are tac captains. its been so long since i've played tac captain that no one even knows that the class was originally my main. expect to see some old school tripwire in season 10. i'm more than just a sci captain.

    -sion. hands down THE BEST duelist in STO in my opinion. And a personal sparring partner of mine. I wanted to play premade with you so badly but you are a dueler at heart. Thank you for helping me push my andorian escort hard. And for being honest about what can and cannot work escort wise.

    -MT. not sure if you remember but we dueled privately before my exodus to sci ship. when i was still flying defiant. i believe i lost our duel 3-2. after that things were silent with you for a while and next thing i know you're spokesperson/leader/mascot/backbone of pandas. but i never forgot the player i dueled. before the fleet. before the keybind controversy. skilled. efficient. practical. if only the wells had been out then. i could've backstepped and stopped you from ever becoming a panda. i wonder what sob would've looked like with a pony at the helm. :P

    -massacre.... a.k.a my massacat for being nova core at a time and in my absence when others chose to be something else. i don't think i've ever played with another player aside from darksamus so loyal to one fleet. sometimes you get lucky. and we are lucky to have gotten you.

    - tarsis canon for hands down being one of the most well known and unorthodox sci players to ever grace this game. one of the few players to get a working tac escort build with gw when it wasnt op. and my good friend. i miss my sci wingman.

    -afterburner for believing that a galaxy class dreadnaught can and should work for premade play. for loving that ship and one shotting peeps from 100% when everyone else said it couldnt be done.

    -ulata kel for joining nova core and sticking with us. I hope that when i'm back you will dps for me. you have always been a great player and another example of thining outside the box. flying the jem'hadar dreadnaught and making it work competetively when only one other player i know of could do the same. tre.

    -jorf for writing a piece of your guide based on my and one other captains struggles redefining our fleets.

    -trh/inner circle for flying with and against my fleet and i. without your support and competition those two tournament wins wouldn't have been possible.

    -528th fleet. special mention to ralph. I think for some time ralph, mai kai, bloodmage, and FS sci (i forget his name right now. i believe he was their leader) were some of the most well known when entering a map in the game. The other guys more than me.

    -Anyone who joined 7th Core, Strike Team Tripwire, or Nova Core. I can be a stubborn fleet leader. This was my first mmo. when i started i didnt even know what a holy trinity was.... wait wut? Some of you flew with me when I refused to play "dirty". Back when scramble was broken and everyone else used it we didnt and were defeated. not because of the skill. but because of my lack of experience as a leader. But you still stuck with me. Some of you stuck with me when i advocated my team builds but didnt consider yours as well. A few of you stood by when we had to rebuild the fleet from the ground up when the original 7th core team quit the game. thank you shad. some of you were there when our teams ALMOST beat a proper tsi premade. some of you were there when we ALMOST beat an MT team. And some of you were there when we had our first win against TRH. And our first tournament win in a long time since that original 7th core team took the premade field. Thank you all. without you nova core might not still be around today.

    Minimax mentioned those who have been here from "the start". Do you even remember DOB 5 man no shields rsp premade bro? :P I've been here. I've played through the drought of season 2 alongside hospital ship hilbert, tricobalt bomber minimax, starfleet security tac captain chains, and sob sci captain vector. I was here when ELLIE was the best healer in the game opposite era and KEK flew tac against aytanhi on a regular basis. I was here when era made the switch from pure healer to hybrid dps/healer. And even to this day i believe everyone on the team should be doing damage.

    I was around when murdock flew psw bop before blackjack was even heard of. no matter how many times i blew up i respawned and flew back in. I was there for fbp instapop. when subnuke "truly" needed nerfing. Many of us have been here from the beginning. we are "dinosaurs" as captain caprica would say. some of us don't like change. especially right now. and some of us wish we could go back to the way things were. I've been here and even though I've been absent it won't be long before i'm back again. 7th Core/Nova Core might be a small footnote in history. But don't forget who brought the double sci pwn with tachyon beam 3, charged particle burst 2 and psw3 when it stunned you until your respawn. i'm so grateful for this to have been my first mmo. Thank you Nick, Alex, Ellie, Eric Carter (you'll always be my yoda), KEK, Cha'kote, and especially Max Payne. Who was using dampeners on a sci before anyone i can remember.

    Some of you guys get hung up on "who's the best" and who plays the "cleanest". Your style is not my style. Their style is not our style. Varying team builds used to be what made this game fun. Now all i hear is "you don't run a proper setup." what is proper for one team is not for another team nor should it be. Know this. Nova Core has never been the best fleet. But we have never been the worst either.. We've adapted at times and refused to adapt at times. Team Dark Star won two tournaments with players like jorge and zelda. I will be working on another new Dark Star Team for fun premade and public matches soon. But I promise that as long as i'm playing this game.... Nova Core will represent until the servers go down. I hope you guys do the same.

    Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
  • usshannibalusshannibal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    -sion. hands down THE BEST duelist in STO. And a personal sparring partner of mine. I wanted to play premade with you so badly but you are a dueler at heart. Thank you for helping me push my andorian escort hard. And for being honest about what can and cannot work escort wise.

    Personally I would disagree on that one. He is a good duelist for sure but there are many duelists which duel on a higher level than him thats at least what I experienced with sion. You may have made better ones with him without considering other duelists probably.

    -=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
    Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
    More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
  • tinnytimpstinnytimps Member Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    A small thanks and tribute to HoBO and its members.


    "Pure Hax"

    Zelda. :cool:

    "This is unacceptable."

    Kell. :cool:

    "I'm so bad!"




    "Troll B'rel"


    "Give me a day or two, I need to set up this build."


    "Campaigning for more boob windows on the KHG Uniform." :cool:


    The best torp b'rel i've seen to date.


    Crusading always to try and boost his Beam Overload damage.


    Isn't proton beautiful? :cool:


    A major backbone to keeping hobo financially stable when tournament finals call.


    What can i say, I do love all your character names. haha

    And a thank you to all of our members that jump into Ker'rat, Ceases to amaze me how many hobos can be in one zone at some points, and its always a laugh on our ts!

    (Kind of a one sided post, but i guess you could say i'm appreciative to fight any fed in Ker'rat/Queues that isn't using the reman shield or breen set, and puts up a decent fight!)

    As always.

    /bind h zone PUNISH THE FEDs

  • xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The -X- guys from 2010. Some of the most fun I ever had in this game.
    Zackinger, Azorth, Theaus, Amidoinitright, Cowbell1, Dekkameron, finsches123, LaVarious, Rayban, Samsmoka, Wavemotion, relativeworks, SARAHMAN, Guardian-null-07 and anyone else I forgot.

    All the great guys I met in -X-Treme. Zenith_Nader, Koopa27, onemorelevel, spacepenguin121, Schizophrenic_Toast, SirJet, Chaplin_charlie, and everyone else over the years. A great group of guys, albeit small.

    Friends from LORE
    sesshomaru_, PointDuHoc, Mirourm, MajorFury, ironplated, hurleybird, Gul-Duvek (always a riot, ) Captain Data, CaptainRaynolds, allguns.

    So many from LORE. I enjoyed some of the back and forth on team strategy. Always a good time.
    All the guys who participated in Chaos to Order.

    Can't forget WOG. InertiaCreeps, weyout-killer, Husanak, Kilawpilath, and several others. Always enjoyed getting on their vent and doing all BOP teams.

    Watching the turret-boats in ker'rat.

    All the crazy guys from Critz.
    jsimon, evolsd, fallout, herbie, bobby, Ryan and the rest.

    Kedric for all the times we spent doing 1v1s on live and on tribble. Tons of fun.

    Pretty much everyone in Pandas. From frenemies to fleet mates. Always been a fun ride.

    Minimax for not being a douche in early 2010 when I started getting it to pew. And for showing me that KDF is the best. Joining Mini and the other Death before dishonor guys against the Evil Pandas. :) Those matches were always good fun.

    The list goes on and on.
    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
  • tripwire690tripwire690 Member Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Personally I would disagree on that one. He is a good duelist for sure but there are many duelists which duel on a higher level than him thats at least what I experienced with sion. You may have made better ones with him without considering other duelists probably.

    To me sion is the best. I have limited dueling experience with anyone else. Sion is a builder. He is objective about his builds. If he loses he think tanks the problem with the best of the best duelers respective in their class that he knows of. He's humble. He's frequently mentioned duelers he feels are better than him. He constantly strives for improvement. He never feels he's "there" yet. I'll happily defer to your expertise hannibal. But regardless.... Sion is the best duelist in sto. At least to me. :D

    Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
  • usshannibalusshannibal Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    To me sion is the best. I have limited dueling experience with anyone else. Sion is a builder. He is objective about his builds. If he loses he think tanks the problem with the best of the best duelers respective in their class that he knows of. He's humble. He's frequently mentioned duelers he feels are better than him. He constantly strives for improvement. He never feels he's "there" yet. I'll happily defer to your expertise hannibal. But regardless.... Sion is the best duelist in sto. At least to me. :D

    Nah never talked about me, that is irrelevant :) , I was just referring to the duelists which were harder to fight against, than him not more, but i can see your point and i agree to that: he never gave up and always tried to optimize his builds and managed to improve his performance week by week :)

    -=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
    Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
    More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
  • xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    To me sion is the best. I have limited dueling experience with anyone else. Sion is a builder. He is objective about his builds. If he loses he think tanks the problem with the best of the best duelers respective in their class that he knows of. He's humble. He's frequently mentioned duelers he feels are better than him. He constantly strives for improvement. He never feels he's "there" yet. I'll happily defer to your expertise hannibal. But regardless.... Sion is the best duelist in sto. At least to me. :D

    He's always had a awesome attitude. I would rate him up there with Kedric on the awesome scale.
    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
  • therealmttherealmt Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    -I want to mention Caprica of 32nd vipers. Who defined the "non-standard" unbaked build. And if i remember correctly was the first to run full torp boat. Which definitely put 32nd Vipers on the map.

    - jorge silva. for believing in me and for pushing Nova Core forward.

    - snog for reinforcing my faith in the fact that even when every other sci in the game was drugged up on tac teams new shield distribution effect.... it wasnt needed. and for showing me that more could be done with less. and for testing. i think someone else said it best. "he's literally tested everything!" :)

    -tsi for treating me like a fleet member when i had made my choice to join 7th core anyways.

    -pve heroes and specifically pjokk for taking me through my first pvp tournament.

    -sob. kedric for being hands down one of the best defiant pilots in this game before anyone ever knew who damian was. aiden for butting heads with me and teaching me that i'm not always right. and showing me that nova core never had to play by the other fleets rules. the one thing that truly makes a great fleet. thinking outside the box. players like to **** talk sob. they ran a 5 man sci team when i didnt have the guts to do so. they have some of the best players in the game. keep hating just because you prefer your "mono cannon" builds and team setups. I wish they would come back.

    -benjamin sisko for being THE BEST defiant captain when no one else thought it could compete with the fleet escort. and for running "canon" despite what bug ships can do. Sisko, kedric, and myself were a few of the original defiant captains who showed what the ship could really do when no other premades would run it.

    -aytanhi for taking me under his wing when 7th core had finally died.

    -trinity for testing with me.

    -mai kai for pushing me to think about more than just how patches effect MY class but how they effect the other two classes in a balanced and fun way for all players.

    -the original 7th core premade who invited me in and trained me like i had been there from the start. Both 7th core and 182nd.

    -Faithborn for inviting me to 182nd even though I decided to join the 7th Core.

    -darksamus. love him or hate him his builds are his own and no one knows trek from memory better than him.

    -master adoy. before 7th core became nova core we were working on some crazy tag team sci setups. if you came back to nova core right now i know we could give some of these other fleets something to cry about. i'm not sure what happened to "show me your critz" but i know you are a sci captain that should be on a proper premade for sure. having always been one for sci dps you've defined a play style all your own. And as many players would comment.... its very well noticed. Star Citizen isnt gonna be out for a while. let me know if you wanna pwn together again.

    -beiber in his kdf sci ship. you helped me see the importance of balancing tank with cc in my sci. thank you.

    -tal@leonheart for teaching me the importance of chillax. no ego. no drama. tsi missed out on an amazing player. are you ever coming back?

    -tal@devolvedone for teaching me the importance of private matchmaking. something i was not very consistent with doing within the fleet. i would run opvp teams and encourage my fleet members to pvp but you taught me that its important to make time for fleet teams only to specifcally fight other fleet teams versus just opvp teams or team practice in the public queue. thank you for bringing that to nova core. you were the the best a fleet leader could ask for in actively contributing to the pvp success of our fleet each and every day. i'm sorry nova core wasnt everything you wished it would've been.

    -zelda for teaching me about the one thing most of the better fleets have in common... their team leads are tac captains. its been so long since i've played tac captain that no one even knows that the class was originally my main. expect to see some old school tripwire in season 10. i'm more than just a sci captain.

    -sion. hands down THE BEST duelist in STO in my opinion. And a personal sparring partner of mine. I wanted to play premade with you so badly but you are a dueler at heart. Thank you for helping me push my andorian escort hard. And for being honest about what can and cannot work escort wise.

    -MT. not sure if you remember but we dueled privately before my exodus to sci ship. when i was still flying defiant. i believe i lost our duel 3-2. after that things were silent with you for a while and next thing i know you're spokesperson/leader/mascot/backbone of pandas. but i never forgot the player i dueled. before the fleet. before the keybind controversy. skilled. efficient. practical. if only the wells had been out then. i could've backstepped and stopped you from ever becoming a panda. i wonder what sob would've looked like with a pony at the helm. :P

    -massacre.... a.k.a my massacat for being nova core at a time and in my absence when others chose to be something else. i don't think i've ever played with another player aside from darksamus so loyal to one fleet. sometimes you get lucky. and we are lucky to have gotten you.

    - tarsis canon for hands down being one of the most well known and unorthodox sci players to ever grace this game. one of the few players to get a working tac escort build with gw when it wasnt op. and my good friend. i miss my sci wingman.

    -afterburner for believing that a galaxy class dreadnaught can and should work for premade play. for loving that ship and one shotting peeps from 100% when everyone else said it couldnt be done.

    -ulata kel for joining nova core and sticking with us. I hope that when i'm back you will dps for me. you have always been a great player and another example of thining outside the box. flying the jem'hadar dreadnaught and making it work competetively when only one other player i know of could do the same. tre.

    -jorf for writing a piece of your guide based on my and one other captains struggles redefining our fleets.

    -trh/inner circle for flying with and against my fleet and i. without your support and competition those two tournament wins wouldn't have been possible.

    -528th fleet. special mention to ralph. I think for some time ralph, mai kai, bloodmage, and FS sci (i forget his name right now. i believe he was their leader) were some of the most well known when entering a map in the game. The other guys more than me.

    -Anyone who joined 7th Core, Strike Team Tripwire, or Nova Core. I can be a stubborn fleet leader. This was my first mmo. when i started i didnt even know what a holy trinity was.... wait wut? Some of you flew with me when I refused to play "dirty". Back when scramble was broken and everyone else used it we didnt and were defeated. not because of the skill. but because of my lack of experience as a leader. But you still stuck with me. Some of you stuck with me when i advocated my team builds but didnt consider yours as well. A few of you stood by when we had to rebuild the fleet from the ground up when the original 7th core team quit the game. thank you shad. some of you were there when our teams ALMOST beat a proper tsi premade. some of you were there when we ALMOST beat an MT team. And some of you were there when we had our first win against TRH. And our first tournament win in a long time since that original 7th core team took the premade field. Thank you all. without you nova core might not still be around today.

    Minimax mentioned those who have been here from "the start". Do you even remember DOB 5 man no shields rsp premade bro? :P I've been here. I've played through the drought of season 2 alongside hospital ship hilbert, tricobalt bomber minimax, starfleet security tac captain chains, and sob sci captain vector. I was here when ELLIE was the best healer in the game opposite era and KEK flew tac against aytanhi on a regular basis. I was here when era made the switch from pure healer to hybrid dps/healer. And even to this day i believe everyone on the team should be doing damage.

    I was around when murdock flew psw bop before blackjack was even heard of. no matter how many times i blew up i respawned and flew back in. I was there for fbp instapop. when subnuke "truly" needed nerfing. Many of us have been here from the beginning. we are "dinosaurs" as captain caprica would say. some of us don't like change. especially right now. and some of us wish we could go back to the way things were. I've been here and even though I've been absent it won't be long before i'm back again. 7th Core/Nova Core might be a small footnote in history. But don't forget who brought the double sci pwn with tachyon beam 3, charged particle burst 2 and psw3 when it stunned you until your respawn. i'm so grateful for this to have been my first mmo. Thank you Nick, Alex, Ellie, Eric Carter (you'll always be my yoda), KEK, Cha'kote, and especially Max Payne. Who was using dampeners on a sci before anyone i can remember.

    Some of you guys get hung up on "who's the best" and who plays the "cleanest". Your style is not my style. Their style is not our style. Varying team builds used to be what made this game fun. Now all i hear is "you don't run a proper setup." what is proper for one team is not for another team nor should it be. Know this. Nova Core has never been the best fleet. But we have never been the worst either.. We've adapted at times and refused to adapt at times. Team Dark Star won two tournaments with players like jorge and zelda. I will be working on another new Dark Star Team for fun premade and public matches soon. But I promise that as long as i'm playing this game.... Nova Core will represent until the servers go down. I hope you guys do the same.

    Ha i remember most of the old 7th core gang, darksamus, krizonar, etc haha. was fun in the old days with epic Cap'n Lulz matches :p
  • therealmttherealmt Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    i nominate 4monkeys for being my best former la familia fleet mate and the only person i knew who jumped into a premade match with Photonic shockwave bound to his spacebar for the full duration of the match hahahah.

  • xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    therealmt wrote: »
    i nominate 4monkeys for being my best former la familia fleet mate and the only person i knew who jumped into a premade match with Photonic shockwave bound to his spacebar for the full duration of the match hahahah.


    Lol Monkey was in La Familia?

    I thought it was just you and Naz.


    But, that said, Monkey, awesome LUL. That probably would have worked back then too.
    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
  • notrealednanotrealedna Member Posts: 1,028
    edited August 2014
    -I want to mention Caprica of 32nd vipers. Who defined the "non-standard" unbaked build. And if i remember correctly was the first to run full torp boat. Which definitely put 32nd Vipers on the map.

    - jorge silva. for believing in me and for pushing Nova Core forward.

    - snog for reinforcing my faith in the fact that even when every other sci in the game was drugged up on tac teams new shield distribution effect.... it wasnt needed. and for showing me that more could be done with less. and for testing. i think someone else said it best. "he's literally tested everything!" :)

    -tsi for treating me like a fleet member when i had made my choice to join 7th core anyways.

    -pve heroes and specifically pjokk for taking me through my first pvp tournament.

    -sob. kedric for being hands down one of the best defiant pilots in this game before anyone ever knew who damian was. aiden for butting heads with me and teaching me that i'm not always right. and showing me that nova core never had to play by the other fleets rules. the one thing that truly makes a great fleet. thinking outside the box. players like to **** talk sob. they ran a 5 man sci team when i didnt have the guts to do so. they have some of the best players in the game. keep hating just because you prefer your "mono cannon" builds and team setups. I wish they would come back.

    -benjamin sisko for being THE BEST defiant captain when no one else thought it could compete with the fleet escort. and for running "canon" despite what bug ships can do. Sisko, kedric, and myself were a few of the original defiant captains who showed what the ship could really do when no other premades would run it.

    -aytanhi for taking me under his wing when 7th core had finally died.

    -trinity for testing with me.

    -mai kai for pushing me to think about more than just how patches effect MY class but how they effect the other two classes in a balanced and fun way for all players.

    -the original 7th core premade who invited me in and trained me like i had been there from the start. Both 7th core and 182nd.

    -Faithborn for inviting me to 182nd even though I decided to join the 7th Core.

    -darksamus. love him or hate him his builds are his own and no one knows trek from memory better than him.

    -master adoy. before 7th core became nova core we were working on some crazy tag team sci setups. if you came back to nova core right now i know we could give some of these other fleets something to cry about. i'm not sure what happened to "show me your critz" but i know you are a sci captain that should be on a proper premade for sure. having always been one for sci dps you've defined a play style all your own. And as many players would comment.... its very well noticed. Star Citizen isnt gonna be out for a while. let me know if you wanna pwn together again.

    -beiber in his kdf sci ship. you helped me see the importance of balancing tank with cc in my sci. thank you.

    -tal@leonheart for teaching me the importance of chillax. no ego. no drama. tsi missed out on an amazing player. are you ever coming back?

    -tal@devolvedone for teaching me the importance of private matchmaking. something i was not very consistent with doing within the fleet. i would run opvp teams and encourage my fleet members to pvp but you taught me that its important to make time for fleet teams only to specifcally fight other fleet teams versus just opvp teams or team practice in the public queue. thank you for bringing that to nova core. you were the the best a fleet leader could ask for in actively contributing to the pvp success of our fleet each and every day. i'm sorry nova core wasnt everything you wished it would've been.

    -zelda for teaching me about the one thing most of the better fleets have in common... their team leads are tac captains. its been so long since i've played tac captain that no one even knows that the class was originally my main. expect to see some old school tripwire in season 10. i'm more than just a sci captain.

    -sion. hands down THE BEST duelist in STO in my opinion. And a personal sparring partner of mine. I wanted to play premade with you so badly but you are a dueler at heart. Thank you for helping me push my andorian escort hard. And for being honest about what can and cannot work escort wise.

    -MT. not sure if you remember but we dueled privately before my exodus to sci ship. when i was still flying defiant. i believe i lost our duel 3-2. after that things were silent with you for a while and next thing i know you're spokesperson/leader/mascot/backbone of pandas. but i never forgot the player i dueled. before the fleet. before the keybind controversy. skilled. efficient. practical. if only the wells had been out then. i could've backstepped and stopped you from ever becoming a panda. i wonder what sob would've looked like with a pony at the helm. :P

    -massacre.... a.k.a my massacat for being nova core at a time and in my absence when others chose to be something else. i don't think i've ever played with another player aside from darksamus so loyal to one fleet. sometimes you get lucky. and we are lucky to have gotten you.

    - tarsis canon for hands down being one of the most well known and unorthodox sci players to ever grace this game. one of the few players to get a working tac escort build with gw when it wasnt op. and my good friend. i miss my sci wingman.

    -afterburner for believing that a galaxy class dreadnaught can and should work for premade play. for loving that ship and one shotting peeps from 100% when everyone else said it couldnt be done.

    -ulata kel for joining nova core and sticking with us. I hope that when i'm back you will dps for me. you have always been a great player and another example of thining outside the box. flying the jem'hadar dreadnaught and making it work competetively when only one other player i know of could do the same. tre.

    -jorf for writing a piece of your guide based on my and one other captains struggles redefining our fleets.

    -trh/inner circle for flying with and against my fleet and i. without your support and competition those two tournament wins wouldn't have been possible.

    -528th fleet. special mention to ralph. I think for some time ralph, mai kai, bloodmage, and FS sci (i forget his name right now. i believe he was their leader) were some of the most well known when entering a map in the game. The other guys more than me.

    -Anyone who joined 7th Core, Strike Team Tripwire, or Nova Core. I can be a stubborn fleet leader. This was my first mmo. when i started i didnt even know what a holy trinity was.... wait wut? Some of you flew with me when I refused to play "dirty". Back when scramble was broken and everyone else used it we didnt and were defeated. not because of the skill. but because of my lack of experience as a leader. But you still stuck with me. Some of you stuck with me when i advocated my team builds but didnt consider yours as well. A few of you stood by when we had to rebuild the fleet from the ground up when the original 7th core team quit the game. thank you shad. some of you were there when our teams ALMOST beat a proper tsi premade. some of you were there when we ALMOST beat an MT team. And some of you were there when we had our first win against TRH. And our first tournament win in a long time since that original 7th core team took the premade field. Thank you all. without you nova core might not still be around today.

    Minimax mentioned those who have been here from "the start". Do you even remember DOB 5 man no shields rsp premade bro? :P I've been here. I've played through the drought of season 2 alongside hospital ship hilbert, tricobalt bomber minimax, starfleet security tac captain chains, and sob sci captain vector. I was here when ELLIE was the best healer in the game opposite era and KEK flew tac against aytanhi on a regular basis. I was here when era made the switch from pure healer to hybrid dps/healer. And even to this day i believe everyone on the team should be doing damage.

    I was around when murdock flew psw bop before blackjack was even heard of. no matter how many times i blew up i respawned and flew back in. I was there for fbp instapop. when subnuke "truly" needed nerfing. Many of us have been here from the beginning. we are "dinosaurs" as captain caprica would say. some of us don't like change. especially right now. and some of us wish we could go back to the way things were. I've been here and even though I've been absent it won't be long before i'm back again. 7th Core/Nova Core might be a small footnote in history. But don't forget who brought the double sci pwn with tachyon beam 3, charged particle burst 2 and psw3 when it stunned you until your respawn. i'm so grateful for this to have been my first mmo. Thank you Nick, Alex, Ellie, Eric Carter (you'll always be my yoda), KEK, Cha'kote, and especially Max Payne. Who was using dampeners on a sci before anyone i can remember.

    Some of you guys get hung up on "who's the best" and who plays the "cleanest". Your style is not my style. Their style is not our style. Varying team builds used to be what made this game fun. Now all i hear is "you don't run a proper setup." what is proper for one team is not for another team nor should it be. Know this. Nova Core has never been the best fleet. But we have never been the worst either.. We've adapted at times and refused to adapt at times. Team Dark Star won two tournaments with players like jorge and zelda. I will be working on another new Dark Star Team for fun premade and public matches soon. But I promise that as long as i'm playing this game.... Nova Core will represent until the servers go down. I hope you guys do the same.

    ^^who read all this without falling asleep is da boss :D
  • naz4naz4 Member Posts: 1,373 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    therealmt wrote: »
    i nominate 4monkeys for being my best former la familia fleet mate and the only person i knew who jumped into a premade match with Photonic shockwave bound to his spacebar for the full duration of the match hahahah.


    Lol, i definately remeber catchin him out doing that. At first i couldnt believe what i saw, but when he admitted it, it was unbelievably hilarious....lol
  • saxfiresaxfire Member Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I guess I have to give small list of people then..

    Porch, Tom, and the folks, - Founders of DPS Channels(or leaders atleast), teached me why being useful is important, and not just to enjoy oneself.

    Zenith - Dem pugmade pvps, I enjoyed them when they lasted.

    Snog - thnx for being there, you fun little guy! best sci ship support user I know.

    Naz - Thank you for bringing the DPS Community to art of PVP, I couldn't do it myself but you helped me!(I'm sure it was not just you but propably you were the main helper)

    Minimax(Emoe) - Since season 5 I met you in a CnH, you did 1 million damage with 0 heals, you became my inspiration in this game and you were always the reason I pushed forwards, my way was focused to be a vaper like you, but I ended up taking route of science ships instead of bops, you will always be honored by me.

    Ryan and Porch - Gratz for beating NWS 2 manned FIRST, I find it awesome. Those copycats don't deserve any honor, only dishonor.

    Toothless - Toothless was my second mentor in this game, I always wanted to defeat him in the PvP and be better than him, there were few others around too, but your bugship was able to counter all the cheese 99% of the community was not. RIP old Toothless.

    Hummingbirdjames - You supported my cause for a while, it helped me to stay original and to go to my own direction.

    Mangas - You gave me new way to look at things, thank you for sharing. You surely made sax be sax.

    Electrocat - You were good pal, thank you for being there, and thank you for mislicking the orb weaver on your tactical toon, without that, I wouldn't have wanted to prove how devastating science ships are on hands of tactical officers, without you, there would be no "saxhax"

    Nadiine(or whateveer your name was again) - you were not inspiration source to me, but you were doing what I am doing now, before I even had any reason to try it out. you already proved how my hard way to play the game had some hope. And now you are META.

    Thank you for the HOBOS from being more or less honorable targets to shoot.

    Thank you for the sad pandas for being more or less honorable targets to shoot, and friends aswell.

    Thank you to beth, ash, and the crew for being good pals aswell.
    Say the word, it saves the world.
    CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
    Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
  • sharxtremesharxtreme Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    My list is members of PvP community that don't depend on being in fleet/premade team and can fly whatever, wheknever with/against whoever and leave teeth marks.
    Guys who take riss, experiment and make crazy setups and trends and/or are guys that you don't mind even losing with/from:

    In no particular order:

    - Gorn of the dead - truly a fun guy and even more fun for 1v1 escort dogfights or random OPvP/PUG games

    - Spalato - great fun guy to play or just even talk with. whichever setup, role - he's got it

    - Edna and Entrax top of very, very select few best healers/escorts in game

    - Gizmo - very, very dangerous SCI and escort, great healer

    - Minimax, MT, meiergerd - best vapers in game. trendsetters for other that wish they could do same stuff

    - Saxfire experimentalist to the max. partigen before it was popular kids stuff, drain before it was cool kids stuff

    - Nando as a guy who can play everything great

    - Rrulok and John May Lives. You want them on your team. they will engage evasives and heal you, put a TT and ST on you in just the right milisecond. Saved my TRIBBLE countless times, and make me rage when i am enemy tactical

    - few Ker'rat KDF guys from few years back that made me jump to ESD and train me some Aux2dampeners and never take it off since

    - with those mentioned above just very few other guys who are always ready for 10v10 or crazy 5v5s. no second thoughts, no warping out, no tears after, no PUG stomping with fleet/premade teams, no dedicated wells/TDF users.

    Basically this list is for players who win/lose on their terms no matter the odds or popular game mechanics lockbox exploits.
    I have maybe forgot to mention some by name, but if i did its just a handfull.

    Good games.
  • jacknm1jacknm1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Me - Coz none of you other fickle players mentioned me :( TRIBBLE you all!

    Fleets - Sad Pandas / Hobo's - because they inspired me to beat them or atleast try

    Toothless / Scimitar Barbie - inspired and mentored me in 1v1 pvp'ing (escort Dogfighting)

    Saxfire - Coz no one knows more than sax

    Mr.X - Coz hes just awesome

    Minimax - Stuck to his guns, made of frozen straw but hits like a tonne of bricks

    Karrock - Best dam good looking KDF I've ever seen

    Hannibal and Hank - For doing what they saw to perfect 1v1/Team play and hanks ability to predict a players movement.

    Gorn of the Dead - <--- enough said

    Regulus - Coz hes sexy

    And all you other people i have mutual respect for, you know who you are and im a little hurt....lol
    Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
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