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Starfleet Uniform Guide



  • sistericsisteric Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    scrag0416 wrote: »
    Starfleet essentially follows Earth Naval traditions with regards to ranks and sturcture (sure some differences are present but overall this holds true) - Operational Command = JCS makes ZERO sense. Starfleet has an Admiral overall in charge (various titles apply from Commander Starfleet/Chief of Staff/Commander in Chief) who is the same as the Chief of Naval Operations who is a member of the JCS. Anyway the point of thisRegardless the term is not correct. I am assuming it is a Title and not denoting action. "Operational" is an adjective and not a noun...maybe Starflleet needs a Websters but the term is amaturish and incorrect. The term is Starfleet Operations. That is a title.

    I know that they are using Naval Traditions in many respects. But there is a lot more simularities to buisness operations than a normal wet navy has. I used to be in the US Navy and see the glaring differences.

    And the point of the term not being correct is not true. Even the the JCS uses the term "operational command" in defining sub units with it's military structure. Starfleet Operational Command would just be the guiding body over all of Starfleet's operations. The President would still be the Commander-in-Chief. But starfleet has and Admiralty that oversees various departmental operations. These Admirals would meet to co-ordinate thier relative departments and possibly plan joint operations and personnel placement. This "council" would be refered to as Starfleet Operational Command as it defines it's role distinctively and easily for military and non-military personnel equally. A thing need in the social and political norms of the Federation.
    Federation: Fleet Admiral Zombee (Alien Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Danic (Vulcan Science)::Fleet Admiral Daniel Kochheiser (Human Engineer)
    KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
    RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
    RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
    TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
    Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
    Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)

    CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
  • antzudanantzudan Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    yreodred wrote: »
    Funny, i'm using just the opposite.
    Officers get TNG color Sceme, everyone else get Odyssey standard. :)


    I thought my way made more sense because if you needed to find an officer you'd just need to find someone in lots of black. Plus the department of the officer isn't as important as for a crewman.
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Member Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    In reading through the SF Uniform guide I notice the diplomatic uniform from T4 Diplomacy completion is not included and should be. But please tell me the standard will NOT be what we see the Xindi delegation and Sugihara wearing in Surface. They really are horrible.

    Using the career colors is not appropriate as the Diplo uniform should be about representing the UFP and should mostly correspond to the dress whites of modern Admirals. The charcoal grey shirt with career color on the white dress jacket we are seeing just isn't right.

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • vosorosvosoros Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Does the Admiral belt (Jupiter Vetran) unlock at level 50 in this game? I'm level 47 (at the mo) and can't find it at the tailors...so, confused face.


    Likewise with the long odyssey jacket variant...
  • sirboulevardsirboulevard Member Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    vosoros wrote: »
    Does the Admiral belt (Jupiter Vetran) unlock at level 50 in this game? I'm level 47 (at the mo) and can't find it at the tailors...so, confused face.


    Likewise with the long odyssey jacket variant...

    No. They are veteran rewards for Gold Members. The Long Jacket is a 200 Day reward. The Belt is a 900 day reward. LTSers have both instantly.

    TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    antzudan wrote: »

    I thought my way made more sense because if you needed to find an officer you'd just need to find someone in lots of black. Plus the department of the officer isn't as important as for a crewman.
    All true, but full colored uniforms look more impressive. :D
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Cryptic's official uniform guide is awesome.

    But 1 thing kinda bugs me. They use teal (row E) for both medical and science. I have seen NPCs with blue (row F) and when you go to create a new science captain the color is F16 (blue) by default, but Cryptic's official color guide only lists the teal color from row E in the palette.

    I never understood why it's called sciences blue. It always looked more green to me.

    Using their guide I think I managed to figure it out for science blue for myself. :)
  • ironenemesis0612ironenemesis0612 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I dont kn ow if anyone asked already but was wondering if there is a way to print the uniform guide?
  • carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I always get confused when I beam into a social zone and see players in the Oddy uniform. Some of them do the white shoulders, but I notice a lot of others are doing the grey. I'm always rocking the white as a Captan but should I be in grey shoulders?
  • adverberoadverbero Member Posts: 2,045 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    westmetals wrote: »
    Technically, according to the guide, they should be in white (since all player characters are 'captains' in the sense that they command a ship, even if not by rank). However, I personally don't (and I suspect a lot of other players may have the same reasons) because it tends to glare and overwhelm the prof stripe... and also because the closest canon uniforms (the TNG-movie/late-DS9 style) had grey there.

    When I'm wearing the Odyssey uni, mine is grey there... or dark blue in some cases, as that's my Fleet's color. And I think I did one char who has a version in black.

    It seems going by the NPCs you don;t need to wear the white shoulders, You can wear the Black Admiral shoulders and still have a ship, Tuvok does since we see him on a Bridge in the Dialogue window for the PvE ques and during the story missions.

    Personally I wear the Black shoulders and have my First Officer in the White shoulders, they command the ship, I use it as a Flagship, made sense to me

    These are the Voyages on the STO forum, the final frontier. Our continuing mission: to explore Pretentious Posts, to seek out new Overreactions and Misinformation , to boldly experience Cynicism like no man has before.......
  • carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Something else I'm trying to figure out - my Tactical officer (think Tuvok), should they have the yellow stripe in operations or red? I can't figure out where tactical falls in the 2410 department colour code.
  • sistericsisteric Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    carlosbfly wrote: »
    Something else I'm trying to figure out - my Tactical officer (think Tuvok), should they have the yellow stripe in operations or red? I can't figure out where tactical falls in the 2410 department colour code.

    Red. Tactical and Security are red. Eng and Ops is yellow and Science and Med is Blue.
    Federation: Fleet Admiral Zombee (Alien Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Danic (Vulcan Science)::Fleet Admiral Daniel Kochheiser (Human Engineer)
    KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
    RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
    RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
    TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
    Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
    Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)

    CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
  • carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Thanks. I was going off Tuvok, who was in yellow on Voyager.
  • kailanoskailanos Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    carlosbfly wrote: »
    Thanks. I was going off Tuvok, who was in yellow on Voyager.

    Tuvok was a Tactical officer on VOY, but he started as Chief of Security. He fulfilled that role whenever Voyager was not in combat, therefore he wore yellow (Security/Operations). Similar to TOS, actually, because Spock was Science Officer and First Officer, so he could choose which division color to wear. He chose Sciences. At least, that's my interpretation of it.
  • st3whiteknightst3whiteknight Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If tactical is red, whats 'command'?
  • sistericsisteric Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If tactical is red, whats 'command'?

    TOS was Gold and sometimes green. In TNG and DS9 it became Red.
    Federation: Fleet Admiral Zombee (Alien Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Danic (Vulcan Science)::Fleet Admiral Daniel Kochheiser (Human Engineer)
    KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
    RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
    RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
    TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
    Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
    Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)

    CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
  • woerligenwoerligen Member Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If tactical is red, whats 'command'?

    With the Odyssey uniform, it's red stripe plus white shoulders.
    Leipzig University, 1409-2409
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    After some time away from the pc, I applied the Odyssey uniform to my Boffs.

    I don't want to sound ungrateful, but why does Engineering get A1 as department color? I tried some Eng Boffs and everyone got the same red.

    The Tactical crew gets A7.

    So what's the regular Eng color?

    Edit: Nevermind.. I realized I forgot about the Uniform Guide.

    But maybe someone could take a look at this anyway
  • wombat140wombat140 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Mine didn't do that, although I did it a week or two ago. Maybe it's a new bug, or set off by something particular about the user. Might narrow it down a bit.
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    After some time away from the pc, I applied the Odyssey uniform to my Boffs.

    I don't want to sound ungrateful, but why does Engineering get A1 as department color? I tried some Eng Boffs and everyone got the same red.

    The Tactical crew gets A7.

    So what's the regular Eng color?

    Edit: Nevermind.. I realized I forgot about the Uniform Guide.

    But maybe someone could take a look at this anyway

    Don't worry about the tailor preset costumes too much. Depending on the uniform there are various issues when applying it to your character. Sometimes the colors applied are different than the image, sometimes it gives different boots than the image, sometimes it gives the wrong color for department. The colors chosen for canon uniforms aren't that great and don't make them look canon.

    You can always go here for canon color schemes the players have come up with. I've been using these guides for a long time and they are pretty accurate to what was seen in the movies and TV shows.

    Blackavaar's guide to canon colors http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=151369

  • pwmiykaelpwmiykael Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    I have a major OCD question that's been plaguing me since this uniform update first came out. I've seen so many different answers for it that it's driving me crazy, and I was hoping that I could get an official answer once and for all...maybe with a screen shot as proof. And it's such a tiny thing, too.

    Okay, so here it is: All captains wear white shoulders...BUT...do they all wear the red stripe? Or do they keep their original department color underneath the white segment?

    I've had just as many people in equal numbers give me completely opposite answers. If you know for an absolute fact that npc captains wear their department color under the white (science or engineering captains), please post! Like I said, a screenshot wouldn't hurt either. :smile:
  • josephdridgewayjosephdridgeway Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    pwmiykael wrote: »
    I have a major OCD question that's been plaguing me since this uniform update first came out. I've seen so many different answers for it that it's driving me crazy, and I was hoping that I could get an official answer once and for all...maybe with a screen shot as proof. And it's such a tiny thing, too.

    Okay, so here it is: All captains wear white shoulders...BUT...do they all wear the red stripe? Or do they keep their original department color underneath the white segment?

    I've had just as many people in equal numbers give me completely opposite answers. If you know for an absolute fact that npc captains wear their department color under the white (science or engineering captains), please post! Like I said, a screenshot wouldn't hurt either. :smile:
    It might be a good idea to use a nifty little vanilla feature and tag @Tacofangs, so he can see this, and respond, since he is one of the devs behind the oddy uniforms...
    Fleet Admiral Joseph D. Ridgeway
    The Armada
    Original join date: Feb 5, 2010
    Twitter: @davejl_99, & @STO_BBArmada
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    pwmiykael wrote: »
    I have a major OCD question that's been plaguing me since this uniform update first came out. I've seen so many different answers for it that it's driving me crazy, and I was hoping that I could get an official answer once and for all...maybe with a screen shot as proof. And it's such a tiny thing, too.

    Okay, so here it is: All captains wear white shoulders...BUT...do they all wear the red stripe? Or do they keep their original department color underneath the white segment?

    I've had just as many people in equal numbers give me completely opposite answers. If you know for an absolute fact that npc captains wear their department color under the white (science or engineering captains), please post! Like I said, a screenshot wouldn't hurt either. :smile:
    It might be a good idea to use a nifty little vanilla feature and tag @Tacofangs, so he can see this, and respond, since he is one of the devs behind the oddy uniforms...

    Tacofangs is an environment artist. He had nothing to do with the Odyssey uniform.
  • rangerryurangerryu Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    pwmiykael wrote: »
    I have a major OCD question that's been plaguing me since this uniform update first came out. I've seen so many different answers for it that it's driving me crazy, and I was hoping that I could get an official answer once and for all...maybe with a screen shot as proof. And it's such a tiny thing, too.

    Okay, so here it is: All captains wear white shoulders...BUT...do they all wear the red stripe? Or do they keep their original department color underneath the white segment?

    I've had just as many people in equal numbers give me completely opposite answers. If you know for an absolute fact that npc captains wear their department color under the white (science or engineering captains), please post! Like I said, a screenshot wouldn't hurt either. :smile:

    If they were meant to wear their former division colours then it would of mentioned it in the uniform guide. Assuming Starfleet "colour" guidelines are the same as twenty years ago then red is the colour of Command therefore what Captains (and Admirals) have to wear. Well meant to anyway as you can just colour it whatever you wanted to!

  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,462 Arc User
    Dressing up and playing with dolls was never my forte, but i guess the uniforms are a nice asset for those who fancy that kind of activity. ​​
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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