make sure you spec heavy into part gens. causes more radiation dmg to the faw spammers!
personaly, i've never had a problem with aceton. they are so easily countered. 1 TS 3 or move 4k from it... problem solved. also spec into insulators, and by all means, and i can't express this enuff, Don't hit it with energy weapon!! lol
frankly i hate that there are so few faction specific consoles left, but feds getting aceton is happy times for faw haters. {*is a faw hater}
Don't know why it says i'm an ARC user. i will never use that TRIBBLE Cryptic!
make sure you spec heavy into part gens. causes more radiation dmg to the faw spammers!
personaly, i've never had a problem with aceton. they are so easily countered. 1 TS 3 or move 4k from it... problem solved. also spec into insulators, and by all means, and i can't express this enuff, Don't hit it with energy weapon!! lol
frankly i hate that there are so few faction specific consoles left, but feds getting aceton is happy times for faw haters. {*is a faw hater}
They are very easily countered, that said 5x ships laying 10 AA's is somewhat funny :P
I haven't been in the Que's for a week or so but if that is what it's like at the moment then more power to them.
TRIBBLE for Tat though Cryptic Tachyon Detection Field for KDF plz...
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
We are having giveaway where we give aceton assimilators for free, our intent is to make sure every player in the pvp has one, aceton just is one of the best things the game has
Say the word, it saves the world. CUUCUUMBEER!"-With slight partigen with it." Proud member or DPS-800"-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
Oh, puh-leeze... PvP is broken for SO many different reasons. The AA isn't one of them. This is just the latest FotM. Hell, if the KDF ever got a damned console that wasn't tier1 TRIBBLE (TDS, Cryptic? 180 quantum, Cryptic? What about the consoles that are worth a TRIBBLE, Cryptic? Plasma manifold, really Cryptic, really?!?! WHY?) PvPers would be QQing their hearts to bed because of that.
You lot are the worst of the worst. You cry and complain and somehow get Cryptic to think you're 99% of the playerbase when you're more like 0.9%. You're so rigid and fixed in your minds for what you need to do to insta-vape people in PvP that some new thing -- EASILY defeated by a single torp launcher -- gives you the hiccups and asthma attacks at the same time.
Instead of using your brains, adapting, and overcoming, what do you do? Cry bloody effing MURDER to get the thing nerfed into uselessness. Never mind the 99% of the game that knows how to use them and does so intelligently, and doesn't want/need/tolerate any nerfs to the thing.
Your QQing is killing all good gameplay mechanics for us PvE players.
What you need to do is put them on 3 min timer like every other clicky console
They are probably the most OP console in terms of area-denial capability, do more drain than Tykens, and have half the cooldown. They'd still be OP if they couldnt be spammed out every few seconds, but with the spamability of the current cooldown they just block out entire sections of the map. Preventing combat is basically preventing the fun part of the game.
What you need to do is put them on 3 min timer like every other clicky console
They are probably the most OP console in terms of area-denial capability, do more drain than Tykens, and have half the cooldown. They'd still be OP if they couldnt be spammed out every few seconds, but with the spamability of the current cooldown they just block out entire sections of the map. Preventing combat is basically preventing the fun part of the game.
Oh how the Fed tears floweth. I find it hilarious that the Feds get the last good KDF console and they're the ones that are crying about it. You just have no idea what you're talking about. First off, they don't do anywhere near the drain of Tykens. Not even 10 of them on one target drains as much as a single Tykens. Secondly, it doesn't prevent combat. Have you ever considered maybe...I dunno...not shooting at them with energy weapons?
Right and we Feds suffered many years this evulness...but now it's time to revenge!:cool:
Notice how KDF aren't even the ones complaining about it? It's because we know how to counter it unlike the Fed cupcakes who just FaW all day at them and wonder why their icing has melted. If you think this will bring your vengeance you best think again!
Oh how the Fed tears floweth. I find it hilarious that the Feds get the last good KDF console and they're the ones that are crying about it. You just have no idea what you're talking about. First off, they don't do anywhere near the drain of Tykens. Not even 10 of them on one target drains as much as a single Tykens. Secondly, it doesn't prevent combat. Have you ever considered maybe...I dunno...not shooting at them with energy weapons?
Notice how KDF aren't even the ones complaining about it? It's because we know how to counter it unlike the Fed cupcakes who just FaW all day at them and wonder why their icing has melted. If you think this will bring your vengeance you best think again!
This. In all my PVE years, I have always known what to do. Shoot a torpedo at it.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
What you need to do is put them on 3 min timer like every other clicky console
They are probably the most OP console in terms of area-denial capability, do more drain than Tykens, and have half the cooldown. They'd still be OP if they couldnt be spammed out every few seconds, but with the spamability of the current cooldown they just block out entire sections of the map. Preventing combat is basically preventing the fun part of the game.
though they are quite good at zone denial, i would hardly call it OP... all else said in that paragraph was highly exaggerated. lol every few seconds... hehehe
i will agree they could use a longer cd due to many people spamming them now though.
Don't know why it says i'm an ARC user. i will never use that TRIBBLE Cryptic!
No-Win Scenario. Not a requirement by any stretch to beat it at all, but for the 'average joe' kind of player, it helps a lot with bioneurals.
Yes, I know ... I have mentioned the Borg, the STFs as in the most common PvE pug that takes just a few seconds to load, which is not the case of NWS.
By the way, I must point out that I forgot that in CSE AA might be helpful to watch Kang but, if someone watches Kang and there's not low DPS, not even there.
Then , there's still the isometric charge ...
Best way to deal with the assimilators is to torp them. If you don't carry torps, you should. Every ship should have some kind of kinetic damage weapon (besides cutting beam). If you don't, then you're simply sol. Lol. Kinda funny when you think about it. AA, the great equalizer.
Oh how the Fed tears floweth. I find it hilarious that the Feds get the last good KDF console and they're the ones that are crying about it. You just have no idea what you're talking about. First off, they don't do anywhere near the drain of Tykens. Not even 10 of them on one target drains as much as a single Tykens. Secondly, it doesn't prevent combat. Have you ever considered maybe...I dunno...not shooting at them with energy weapons?
Notice how KDF aren't even the ones complaining about it? It's because we know how to counter it unlike the Fed cupcakes who just FaW all day at them and wonder why their icing has melted. If you think this will bring your vengeance you best think again!
After I've purchased it, I have used them with any KDF toon of mine ( I am also a Fed and a Rommie by the way :cool: ), ground toons, fresh ones, whatever, for farming, levelling them up with dailies and so on in PvE.
They help but they are not a win-win tool in PvE ... 1 minute cooldown, instead of the 3 min of the subspace integration circuit ( and don't call it black poo! :P ) but you can keep only 2 of them outside ... if you load a 3rd one, the first one autodestroys itself.
Maybe because NPCs are not FAW-lovers?
Anyway, I know what my 2 can do but I don't know what 10 AAs in a 5km respawn area can actually do ... Apart from torps, is a photonic shockwave powerful enough to destroy them? Just curious ...
How to use your full-grown adult brain: Torp Spread has 30 sec interval. Six AA platforms * 30 sec = three min of shooting AA platforms, during which time you are presumed to be avoiding hostile fire from their owners who are dropping replacement AA platforms every 45 sec.
1 or 2 is np, 6+ locks up the map
Put them on the same CD as every other clickie console. They will still be useful for blocking FAW or draining targets or defending territory but will not be spammed out non-stop like they are and have been.
How to use your full-grown adult brain: Torp Spread has 30 sec interval. Six AA platforms * 30 sec = three min of shooting AA platforms, during which time you are presumed to be avoiding hostile fire from their owners who are dropping replacement AA platforms every 45 sec.
1 or 2 is np, 6+ locks up the map
Put them on the same CD as every other clickie console. They will still be useful for blocking FAW or draining targets or defending territory but will not be spammed out non-stop like they are and have been.
Don't need TS to kill them. There are at least 5 folks per side.
Don't even need Torps to do the Kinetic to kill them.
Don't even need Torps to do the Kinetic to kill them.
You cant shoot the AA with KCB while simultaneously returning fire to its owner who is on your TRIBBLE (but you can cover both with spread, if you can pilot). So time is the factor and it is basically the same no matter what you use. Well, unless you are suggesting that everybody fly sci, like some earlier posters.
You guys need to stop with half-equivocations and prevarications. Everybody knows why they are spammed.
Insert quarter receive crutch mechanic, every 45 sec
You cant shoot the AA with KCB while simultaneously returning fire to its owner who is on your TRIBBLE (but you can cover both with spread, if you can pilot). So time is the factor and it is basically the same no matter what you use. Well, unless you are suggesting that everybody fly sci, like some earlier posters.
I don't think people are talking about only flying science, I think they're talking about better team play. It can happen in pugs, I do it all the time.
Also, on a side note, I like using TBR against AAs and there's a few escorts and cruisers that can safely slot it.
You cant shoot the AA with KCB while simultaneously returning fire to its owner who is on your TRIBBLE (but you can cover both with spread, if you can pilot). So time is the factor and it is basically the same no matter what you use. Well, unless you are suggesting that everybody fly sci, like some earlier posters.
You guys need to stop with half-equivocations and prevarications. Everybody knows why they are spammed.
Insert quarter receive crutch mechanic, every 45 sec
what about evasive maneuvers and / or deuterium burn to run away from that zone?
It's like so many "things" the Feds have ended up with, after having asked for them...only to end up with no clue how to fight them because they've been hiding in FvF for years. While the folks that were doing FvK or KvK are just looking at them through fingers from the /facepalm...
You cant shoot the AA with KCB while simultaneously returning fire to its owner who is on your TRIBBLE (but you can cover both with spread, if you can pilot). So time is the factor and it is basically the same no matter what you use. Well, unless you are suggesting that everybody fly sci, like some earlier posters.
You guys need to stop with half-equivocations and prevarications. Everybody knows why they are spammed.
Insert quarter receive crutch mechanic, every 45 sec
Sure you can. I've been doing it ever since Feds got AA. Here, I'll break it down for you: Click on the AA then click the icon for your KCB and then click back to your main target. The KCB will continue its long firing cycle on the AA while your other weapons target your enemy. I's gotta like click on stuff and stuff...
Sure you can. I've been doing it ever since Feds got AA. Here, I'll break it down for you: Click on the AA then click the icon for your KCB and then click back to your main target. The KCB will continue its long firing cycle on the AA while your other weapons target your enemy. I's gotta like click on stuff and stuff...
One cycle wont do it. Again with the half TRIBBLE.
I don't think people are talking about only flying science, I think they're talking about better team play. It can happen in pugs, I do it all the time.
Also, on a side note, I like using TBR against AAs and there's a few escorts and cruisers that can safely slot it.
The best part of this console. I got it to drain -43 per tick for two hours. Awesome little device when used in conjunction with all my other abilities.
It only blocks combat if your stupid enough to be running faw in there proximity.
If your build revolves around dumb fire aoe energy... well that's your failing isn't it.
Can they be annoying... sure... so Can stacked ISOs AMSs Black Holes Gravity pulses. Likely a bunch I'm not thinking about right now as well.
Are acetons pletnyful right now... sure there in the current box so there going to be all over.
Honestly I have been a in a couple matches and spent some time in kerrat lately... sure there around plenyt... funny though my ships with a torp spread on them haven't really noticed them being much of an issue.
Find room for a torp... or bring a sci friend along and there no issue. A sci sci with a kinetic load out is going to eat acetons as fast as a team can dump them. All they are are targets to to proc more Grav torp rifts on.
That it takes time to clear them out, ~3 min with 6, not even counting the replacement spam
Its not shoot and go back to fighting, it blocks out combat
That's why they are so heavily abused, it ties up the opponent, reduces engagment level requirements for the abuser
Put them on CD so people have to, you know, fly and shoot their own damn ship
It's called micro-management. It's something that a lot of people in this game don't understand because they're mostly spacebar heroes. In no way does it block out combat. For the most part they can largely be ignored and just circled away from if you're afraid of the drain, which is negligible. It's like the people that complained about the new Sensor Analysis and how you have to click on it now even though it was a terrific change in both gameplay mechanics and effectiveness.
If the CD time was changed to 3 minutes it would make them pretty much useless because battlefields are constantly maybe if they make them tethered we could increase the CD...hmmm...
If the CD time was changed to 3 minutes it would make them pretty much useless because battlefields are constantly maybe if they make them tethered we could increase the CD...hmmm...
Oh my I could hear the qq on that one... A tethered Faw buster sure give me one of those. 5 Man escort teams evasiving and parking on a poor fat boat letting it roast it self... It would be a race to see who gets the kill the AA rad spam or the escorts when the fat boat runs out of juice. LoL
45s on them although it is a very short cool down for a console... has never felt all that op to me.
The only real issue I think has been the way they destroy destructable torps and mines. Although that is 90% of the reason people take them at all for PvE... so I would think that change to be honest is just out. Bort has said they could do that. Really though the PvE backlash wouldn't be worth it to them. Honestly even the cool down... The pve Kids like it as it is. They can use them to protect vs borg HY torps 2 or 3 times in an STF... move it to 3 min and the QQ would be insane.
However if there was a way for them to make Mines and Targatable torps not be effected by them in PvP Only... I think that would be one option, people could live with. Still wouldn't help those poor faw kidz though.
It only blocks combat if your stupid enough to be running faw in there proximity.
ORLY. They drain if you shoot them or not. And since we're talking about pug arena, you get the benefit of a teammate shooting them on your behalf and then you get to share in the enjoyment. And you dont need to FAW to target, because cloak/jump/fluidic can cause you to automatically target shift onto them. So, you know, they are not limited to me being stupid with FAW, in any way.
It would be nice if people here could just admit that AA spam is actually a real tactic. We all know it. Put your man pants on and talk about it.
It would be nice if people here could just admit that AA spam is actually a real tactic. We all know it. Put your man pants on and talk about it.
The only thing AA spam is really good for is clearing up other spam, like pets, mines, and photonic fleet, which is a good thing. If you're having trouble against them as a player in an end-game ship I think your man pants might be a little too snug around the crotch.
personaly, i've never had a problem with aceton. they are so easily countered. 1 TS 3 or move 4k from it... problem solved. also spec into insulators, and by all means, and i can't express this enuff, Don't hit it with energy weapon!! lol
frankly i hate that there are so few faction specific consoles left, but feds getting aceton is happy times for faw haters. {*is a faw hater}
They are very easily countered, that said 5x ships laying 10 AA's is somewhat funny :P
I haven't been in the Que's for a week or so but if that is what it's like at the moment then more power to them.
TRIBBLE for Tat though Cryptic Tachyon Detection Field for KDF plz...
Please keep the QQ to a minimum.
>>>Positive Feedback from a PvE HERO<<<
No-Win Scenario. Not a requirement by any stretch to beat it at all, but for the 'average joe' kind of player, it helps a lot with bioneurals.
CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
What you need to do is put them on 3 min timer like every other clicky console
They are probably the most OP console in terms of area-denial capability, do more drain than Tykens, and have half the cooldown. They'd still be OP if they couldnt be spammed out every few seconds, but with the spamability of the current cooldown they just block out entire sections of the map. Preventing combat is basically preventing the fun part of the game.
This. In all my PVE years, I have always known what to do. Shoot a torpedo at it.
fortunately, only two can stack. ^^
though they are quite good at zone denial, i would hardly call it OP... all else said in that paragraph was highly exaggerated. lol every few seconds... hehehe
i will agree they could use a longer cd due to many people spamming them now though.
Yes, I know ... I have mentioned the Borg, the STFs as in the most common PvE pug that takes just a few seconds to load, which is not the case of NWS.
By the way, I must point out that I forgot that in CSE AA might be helpful to watch Kang but, if someone watches Kang and there's not low DPS, not even there.
Then , there's still the isometric charge ...
They help but they are not a win-win tool in PvE ... 1 minute cooldown, instead of the 3 min of the subspace integration circuit ( and don't call it black poo! :P ) but you can keep only 2 of them outside ... if you load a 3rd one, the first one autodestroys itself.
Maybe because NPCs are not FAW-lovers?
Anyway, I know what my 2 can do but I don't know what 10 AAs in a 5km respawn area can actually do ... Apart from torps, is a photonic shockwave powerful enough to destroy them? Just curious ...
Admiral Marcus 2 - Quest for vengeance soundtrack
1 or 2 is np, 6+ locks up the map
Put them on the same CD as every other clickie console. They will still be useful for blocking FAW or draining targets or defending territory but will not be spammed out non-stop like they are and have been.
Don't need TS to kill them. There are at least 5 folks per side.
Don't even need Torps to do the Kinetic to kill them.
You cant shoot the AA with KCB while simultaneously returning fire to its owner who is on your TRIBBLE (but you can cover both with spread, if you can pilot). So time is the factor and it is basically the same no matter what you use. Well, unless you are suggesting that everybody fly sci, like some earlier posters.
You guys need to stop with half-equivocations and prevarications. Everybody knows why they are spammed.
Insert quarter receive crutch mechanic, every 45 sec
I don't think people are talking about only flying science, I think they're talking about better team play. It can happen in pugs, I do it all the time.
Also, on a side note, I like using TBR against AAs and there's a few escorts and cruisers that can safely slot it.
what about evasive maneuvers and / or deuterium burn to run away from that zone?
Sure you can. I've been doing it ever since Feds got AA. Here, I'll break it down for you: Click on the AA then click the icon for your KCB and then click back to your main target. The KCB will continue its long firing cycle on the AA while your other weapons target your enemy. I's gotta like click on stuff and stuff...
One cycle wont do it. Again with the half TRIBBLE.
Yeah, it takes two. Your point?
The best part of this console. I got it to drain -43 per tick for two hours. Awesome little device when used in conjunction with all my other abilities.
Its not shoot and go back to fighting, it blocks out combat
That's why they are so heavily abused, it ties up the opponent, reduces engagment level requirements for the abuser
Put them on CD so people have to, you know, fly and shoot their own damn ship
If your build revolves around dumb fire aoe energy... well that's your failing isn't it.
Can they be annoying... sure... so Can stacked ISOs AMSs Black Holes Gravity pulses. Likely a bunch I'm not thinking about right now as well.
Are acetons pletnyful right now... sure there in the current box so there going to be all over.
Honestly I have been a in a couple matches and spent some time in kerrat lately... sure there around plenyt... funny though my ships with a torp spread on them haven't really noticed them being much of an issue.
Find room for a torp... or bring a sci friend along and there no issue. A sci sci with a kinetic load out is going to eat acetons as fast as a team can dump them. All they are are targets to to proc more Grav torp rifts on.
It's called micro-management. It's something that a lot of people in this game don't understand because they're mostly spacebar heroes. In no way does it block out combat. For the most part they can largely be ignored and just circled away from if you're afraid of the drain, which is negligible. It's like the people that complained about the new Sensor Analysis and how you have to click on it now even though it was a terrific change in both gameplay mechanics and effectiveness.
If the CD time was changed to 3 minutes it would make them pretty much useless because battlefields are constantly maybe if they make them tethered we could increase the CD...hmmm...
Oh my I could hear the qq on that one... A tethered Faw buster sure give me one of those. 5 Man escort teams evasiving and parking on a poor fat boat letting it roast it self... It would be a race to see who gets the kill the AA rad spam or the escorts when the fat boat runs out of juice. LoL
45s on them although it is a very short cool down for a console... has never felt all that op to me.
The only real issue I think has been the way they destroy destructable torps and mines. Although that is 90% of the reason people take them at all for PvE... so I would think that change to be honest is just out. Bort has said they could do that. Really though the PvE backlash wouldn't be worth it to them. Honestly even the cool down... The pve Kids like it as it is. They can use them to protect vs borg HY torps 2 or 3 times in an STF... move it to 3 min and the QQ would be insane.
However if there was a way for them to make Mines and Targatable torps not be effected by them in PvP Only... I think that would be one option, people could live with. Still wouldn't help those poor faw kidz though.
It would be nice if people here could just admit that AA spam is actually a real tactic. We all know it. Put your man pants on and talk about it.
The only thing AA spam is really good for is clearing up other spam, like pets, mines, and photonic fleet, which is a good thing. If you're having trouble against them as a player in an end-game ship I think your man pants might be a little too snug around the crotch.