I joined a channel named "trade", but now I cannot leave from it. It don't show in the Chat Settings/Custom Channels list, so I can't just turn it off and ignore. The channel does show up in the chat window (with the name [[UNTRANSLATED]ChatConfig_MessageType_Trade], written with ultra small fonts in the selection), but I can't write to it, yet the messages of others show up. I guess it's from another PWE game because members selling/buying non-STO gear.
Tried to leave from the Chat Settings/Channels tab, but with no succes.
Please help me out, I know it's a minor thing, but very frustrating, at least kick my handle out from it (
@firekeeperhu) or make it show in the channels list so I can put it on /ignore. Many thanks.
did some digging, maybe I can figure it out on my own... still, it's very annoying.
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
trade is a champions online channel, and you gotta leave it from there. it would be nice if they fixed it, but they wont.
also a sto trade channe = thetradingchannel
yep, that's what I found too, already done. thanks for your help! /respect
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
Unable to leave "Team" channel
However, you can't leave the "Team" channel from Champions.