Ticket #140721-000370
Unable to load character Djinn. Was attempting to transition to Defera Ground Invasion zone. Complete game crash to desktop. Relaunch of game client freezes and will not connect to server after crash. Must hard-reboot the computer and then try game client again. Repeated attempt of force-verify of game files and of safe login unsuccessful. Total game crash repeats with no deviation from previous pattern. Other characters are unaffected, but none have attempted to go to same zone.
fatal error: error decompressing data. verifying files in the launcher may fix this issue.:
technical details: error decompressing data. verifying files in the launcher may fix this issue.: /piggs/bins.hogg:bin/geobin/maps/planets/bre/bre_defera_social_ground/bre_defera_social_ground.zone/
Even after the patch on Tuesday, there is no ability to log onto this character, Cryptic. Safe-mode, force verify, normal mode all lead to the same outcome. Crash to desktop and reboot to make launcher connect to server. The auto-reply to the ticket said everyone was too busy to look at it.
What about deleting the file that the game says is corrupted and making the force verify replace it?
Heh. I fixed my own problem. Worked like a charm. If anyone else runs into this problem, remove the corrupted hogg file, force verify and let the game re-install the missing data.
fatal error: error decompressing data. verifying files in the launcher may fix this issue.:
technical details: error decompressing data. verifying files in the launcher may fix this issue.: /piggs/bins.hogg:bin/geobin/maps/planets/bre/bre_defera_social_ground/bre_defera_social_ground.zone/
What about deleting the file that the game says is corrupted and making the force verify replace it?
Is anyone else having problems similar to this?
I would thank Cryptic, but... you know.