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Say goodbye to the exchange!



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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This thread is priceless.

    For months/years these people have been whining about the economy's runaway inflation and demanding Cryptic do something to curb it, so when Cryptic responds and implements a way of reducing the flow of EC into the economy the same whiners are now pissed off because Cryptic listened and acted on their complaints.

    Too damn funny. :P
    I know, it's hilarious. :D
    My character Tsin'xing
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    seathemac wrote: »
    I agree, I'm already seeing a BIG slow down in activity on the exchange, especially with higher value items.
    Well, I've seen a big slowdown in the Exchange, period. The thing LAGS REALLY BAD. This certainly dampens the enthusiasm of people on the Exchange, when it simply does not work very well.
    seathemac wrote: »
    They simply aren't shifting.

    To put it in context, in the five days before 9.5 went live I made around 10m EC through grinding, in the 5 days since release I've made less than 2.
    I grind a lot and if I can't afford to buy stuff then nobody can afford to buy my stuff.
    Have you considered that perhaps your prices are too high or that you are out of tune with what the market is presently looking for? I have had no trouble selling things on the Exchange, but I'm peddling Research Lab Scis. Perhaps you should lower your prices if you want things to sell.
    seathemac wrote: »
    The exchange is in serious trouble and it's either by catastrophically bad judgement or design.
    I wouldn't say that. Aside from the horrendous lag, the Exchange is fine. Supply and demand. The demand is in crafting goods right now.
    For months/years these people have been whining about the economy's runaway inflation and demanding Cryptic do something to curb it, so when Cryptic responds and implements a way of reducing the flow of EC into the economy the same whiners are now pissed off because Cryptic listened and acted on their complaints.
    I like the one where people complain about the high prices on the Exchange, then complain when those prices fall and they cannot sell things for the outlandish prices they used to.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This thread is priceless.

    For months/years these people have been whining about the economy's runaway inflation and demanding Cryptic do something to curb it, so when Cryptic responds and implements a way of reducing the flow of EC into the economy the same whiners are now pissed off because Cryptic listened and acted on their complaints.

    Too damn funny. :P
    How do you know?
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    stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    seathemac wrote: »
    It's about to go belly up and here's why.

    Every single energy credit in every single account originated from selling/discarding unwanted trash or a duty officer assignment reward.
    There is no other source of EC in the game.
    The vast majority of EC in circulation is from the sale of unwanted Engines, Deflectors, Shields and Warp cores.
    Now that these have been devalued so drastically there's going to be far less EC being injected into the system and the paltry increase in the value of weapons with this patch won't take up the slack.
    Conversely, the rate of valuable loot drops (stuff that people actually want) has dried up to a trickle.
    Anyone that gets that 1 in a million Mk XI purple phaser relay from a Gorn Minefield run wants a lot of EC for it naturally because it's so rare (6 Million EC last time I looked).

    So we have rampant inflation due to scarcity and stringent cuts in rates of income.
    With every patch and update players are having their EC income throttled and seeing the gear they need to play the game properly become more and more unattainable.

    Cryptic are either very short sighted or deliberately trying to kill off EC as an in-game currency.
    Either way the exchange is doomed if it continues as it is.

    I was thinking the exact same thing. Damn, I should have grinded for those Lolnuts and sold them all before the event ended...
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    seathemacseathemac Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Because I've been reading threads for 4 1/2 years and I recognize names and it isn't hard to remember if they liked or disliked something after the 100th time they've repeated themselves.

    And I bet you have trolled every single one.
    The original post wasn't about inflation or deflation, whether the reduction in EC is reflected in dropped prices or not is yet to be seen, I doubt it personally.
    If the drops of these desirable shinies were more frequent then the supply would be greater, that would force the price down.
    This change just means less people will be able to afford them.
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    jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is an interesting way to combat EC inflation I suppose. Cutting all item values by around 66% will indeed slow down the influx of ECS into the economy. However, it really does not do anything about the EC that is already in the economy. There are no sinks that removes EC from the game itself... at least none of any significance that I am aware of.

    EC is still flowing into the economy the only difference is that inflation has slowed down. I have not been keeping an eye on the Exchange, but I would say that overall, there is probably not much of an impact yet. People who have lots of ECs can still buy whatever they want, but I think things will slow down later on a people continues to buy things off of the Exchange at relatively high prices so a long as they believe they are "rich" in the game.

    Once people's EC account starts to fall though it can cause transactions to slow down since people need to wait longer to replenish their EC funds. To counter sellers may start to lower their prices so that they can maintain a decent turn around rate to list newer items on the Exchange. People can only list 40 items for sale on the Exchange so if nothing sells they cannot list any other loot they have gotten on the Exchange, unless they reduce prices to entice people to buy or they remove one of the 40 items to that a new item can be listed.

    It would be nice if prices can come down a bit on the Exchange to make things more affordable. I would certain welcome the opportunity to purchase a Plasmonic Leech for say 20 million EC instead of 30 million EC.

    For now I will keep an eye out on the Exchange from time to time. Maybe I should start selling the 33 master keys that I have been collecting for 1.9 million to 2.1 million EC before prices start to fall on the Exchange...

    In the end EC is not being removed from the game, it is only being moved around between players.
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