The two special traits with the shiny Xindi BOffs are broken, as inactive, by default. The player can't activate them manually, and they're not activating in combat either (I checked only in space combat though), this way, the space trait is useless.
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
gj Cryptic
Join Date: Aug 2010
edit: measured it with stopwatch, my cooldowns are the same with or without him.
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
Thank you for contacting us.
I understand that you are encountering some issues with a special trait. Based on the information you've provided your issue may be the result of a currently unknown game play bug. While we understand you would like us to be able to resolve your issue quickly, some issues require further development from departments outside our control.
and I'm perfectly okay with it, I know it'a just some little bug, which only affects 0.0000001% of the playerbase, it isn't at the first place on your priority list, and I don't expect to throw away everything and fix this immediately.
That being said, I would like if you can adress this problem in the "known issues" section in the release notes as long as it's broken, otherwise I won't have other choice but continue to submit tickets and b*tch about it in the forums.
Keep up the good work!
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
well i'm sure it did not imporve a single second on my 1 minute cooldown, i measured it myself. but if you say it's working, maybe the problem is specific in my case.
although this 5% reduction is hardly worth the price, i guess my 300 lobi is now officially thrown out the window. it's just not enough compared to SRO or even Pirate and leadership, so i won't use him anyway. i should've listened to that inner voice and not fall for the tooltip.
you guys should put in some effort in the boff space trait area, to give us something that at least worth considering to use instead of SRO.
but anyhow, thx for the support.
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.