I have unlocked a good number of them in the past, but ever since they did this random drop thing. Almost 99% of them I'm getting duty officers. I don't need any more stinking Duty officers. Yah I keep the rare ones for filling in later and sale the common ones, but really any one else notice nothing but Duty Officer have been dr:(opping when you unlock them?:mad:
I don't mind the random lower items, just not duty officers over and over and over. At least I'll hold on to the and sale then later to make some in game credits. I mean this is like getting 1's all the time on a roll of dice over and over. It wouldn't be so bad if my chars weren't all loaded up with all most mass Duty officers as is. Might be time to trade a few in for higher grade ones.
Its pure luck. As long as you not paying real money for the keys (just invested time) you should not be so worried. I open a key every day and i get mining claims (because i open a dominion one that have more probabilities of mining claims) or doff packs most of the time. But i NEVER open a box to try to get a ship, or something more valuable. That is not the idea you should have in mind when you open a box.
Now if you tell me (same as other guys in the past, xD) that you actually wasted real money on thousands of keys and you always get a doff pack, thats your fault. nobody with common sense will waste real money on a lot of keys to try to get something valuable. If its not your case, you should not be having any reasons to "complain" :P
The operative word above is "GAMBLE" !! linked with the words "Random" and "Chance"
Or some pink slips handed out Klingon style :eek:
There you go... can't be anymore obvious... You gambled and lost... deal with it.
Now if you tell me (same as other guys in the past, xD) that you actually wasted real money on thousands of keys and you always get a doff pack, thats your fault. nobody with common sense will waste real money on a lot of keys to try to get something valuable. If its not your case, you should not be having any reasons to "complain" :P