So, I've bought a couple of duty officers in the exchange but I'm unable to use them on assignments or to use them on ground or space as active duty officers.
The funny thing is that I can see them on my roster, I just can't use them.
I've done everything imaginable but I'm stuck, I'm pretty sure it's got to do with the STO server.
Thanks in advance for any advice or help you can give me.
Yes, you can spend them if they are white but you can't put them in the Grinder if green or better.
On the lower is a little checkbox for hiding Doffs not usable for your faction on the Exchange. It is bugged for some other things or simply does nothing, but it works on Doffs
If you want to get rid of you false Doff, just send him back to the exchange or mail him to another Toon
On the lower is a little checkbox for hiding Doffs not usable for your faction on the Exchange. It is bugged for some other things or simply does nothing, but it works on Doffs
If you want to get rid of you false Doff, just send him back to the exchange or mail him to another Toon