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Flight Deck for Bortasqu'

khorvaxkhorvax Member Posts: 18 Arc User
edited March 2015 in Klingon Discussion
Let's face it. This ship is a Dreadnought. The IKS Bortasqu herself is classified as one.

Even if she weren't, this thing still qualifies as a battleship.

Battle Cruisers are called such because they are cruiser hulls with battleship class weaponry.

This thing lets you pile on the biggest and heaviest guns in the game.

Heavy Cruisers are called such because they are armed as cruisers but are enjoying the added defense of enormous, battleship scale hulls.

This thing is bigger than most in game heavy cruisers, and enjoys an enormous amount of Hull points.

All unique model Dreadnoughts (that is to say, not just higher HP versions of normal battlecruisers or carriers) in the game seem to have some kind of frontal, spine mounted super weapon, with the exception of maybe the Balaur.

Obviously, the Bortasqu' has this as well.

What it also has is a somewhat difficult to use, and ordinarily useless Subspace Snare module. Nice for forcing a target in to the autocannon's firing arch but otherwise pointless.

While the Odyssey and the Scimitar both have deployable minions in the bees and the fighters, the Bortasqu has nothing. Both the Scimitar and the Galaxy-X, the faction equivalents of the Bortasqu', really, have flight decks.. yet the Klingon vessel does not.

It just seems like from every angle that I look at this, the Bortasqu' should have a single flight deck. Right now I notice that it struggles in competition with the Mogh for the same role. This would help set it apart and let it run interference.

....oh, also,

It would also be nice if my Bird of Prey cloaked when I did. It's sort of hard to sneak up on things when it's out right now.
Post edited by khorvax on


  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hell no! Don't mess with my favourite ship in STO! :mad:

    The Bortasqu' Class is an battlecruiser, not a dreadnought. The thing is - Cryptic is all over the place with NPC ship designations that have nothing to do with player ships. They classify the Odyssey as dreadnought, the classify the Vo'Quv as a dreadnought and I've even see the Varanus being classified as a dreadnought in fleet actions. The NPC designations in this game have nothing to do with the player ships.

    The Bortasqu' is a mighty fine ship. With the new SA, the Command one is a complete beast. I've been using mine for more than 2 years now, ever since they showed up.
    Despite all the complatints over the years, all this ship ever needed is a good Captain.
  • darthconnor1701darthconnor1701 Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Actually if its a battlecruiser it needs better turn and if they want to just call it a cruiser they can keep the weak turn and add the 4th cruiser command and give it better shields. Actually they could give a boost to the shields either way.
  • baelogventurebaelogventure Member Posts: 1,002 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Can of worms: Opened.
  • atlantraatlantra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I agree it's not a battle cruiser at all. It's just a normal cruiser they're calling a battle cruiser because it looks like a 'Terran" Battle Cruiser, but really it's just a Cruiser and that's it.

    I'm tired of all these lies and trickery with words... Don't resort to lying.
    The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The Bortasqu' could use a few things to make it a better choice (outside the questionable consoles).

    Increase shield mod to 1.1

    Increase to the ship's turn rate, and don't hide it behind stupid consoles like what was done with the Galaxy "revamp."

    Increase to Inertia.

    Do this and you'll see the ship in much better light for the KDF playerbase.

    I do not agree with "slapping a hangar on it and call it a day" that Cryptic thinks will fix everything.
  • davidwforddavidwford Member Posts: 1,836 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    khorvax wrote: »
    While the Odyssey and the Scimitar both have deployable minions in the bees and the fighters, the Bortasqu has nothing. Both the Scimitar and the Galaxy-X, the faction equivalents of the Bortasqu', really, have flight decks.. yet the Klingon vessel does not.

    It just seems like from every angle that I look at this, the Bortasqu' should have a single flight deck. Right now I notice that it struggles in competition with the Mogh for the same role. This would help set it apart and let it run interference.

    ....oh, also,

    It would also be nice if my Bird of Prey cloaked when I did. It's sort of hard to sneak up on things when it's out right now.

    I will agree that it would be nice if we could equip a single hangar that prohibited BOPs. I also agree that the BOP pet that separates should remain cloaked at all times out of combat unless the player enters red alert, at which point it decloaks and attacks.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Can of worms: Opened.

    Can of Worms: this hangar pet deploys clouds of genetically engineered gree-worms, designed to consume Ferengi rather than visa versa. In practice, these worms infest any ship passing through the worm cloud, damaging crew and increasing cooldowns of all bridge officer abilities for an extended duration. Obtainable through a special Ferengi-"flavored" ;) version of "Hearts and Minds" this Halloween, titled "A Matter of Taste"


    On topic, the Bortasqu' class ships just aren't my style for a KDF ships. The diminished cloak, poor maneuverability, etc. just don't make it my preferred ship, but I do know some folks are happy with what it is. Any changes to it shouldn't kill the way it is flown now, since those of us preferring something more like the other KDF battlecruisers finally have the Mogh to play with. We have alternatives, while folks that actually like the Bortasqu' don't...

    Fix the cloak, make the BoP less bird-brained, and toughen up the brick... that'd be just fine. Converting to an actual cruiser, since that's how it flies, maybe. Add a hangar and make it a dreadnought... I'm not sure folks would want to trade the Strategic Maneuvering that actually lets you line up for a hangar. The Cruiser Commands you get with a Battlecruiser are pretty handy, better than the Dreadnoughts and FDC's.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • eldest13eldest13 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If you slap a hanger on this ship. Its gonna ruin it. It's fine the way it is. It have so much going for it. The Auto Cannon is a beast! If you can get a continuous shot on something, you wreck! The subspace snare is useful if your targets out of your Auto Cannons reach. Personally, if the enimies out of my Auto Cannons range and it's a priority target (I don't waste it on spheres, pfftt) I snare them tractor beam them and UNLEESH THE HAIL OF DEATH!!!! Its an amazing ship. You just need to build and fly it right. If this ship gets a hanger. I will hunt you down. Find you. Kill your family. Kill you. Then dance on your grave. Got that?

    NO HANGER!:mad:
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    patrickngo wrote: »
    Oh, how I WANT to argue in favour of putting a hangar on the Bort...

    But that's flushing work down a toilet, it's like putting a spoiler on a seventies school-bus with bad brakes and broken suspension.

    The Bort (Tactical) has a massive potential damage output...but it suffers a critical flaw.

    know what that flaw is? of course you do...

    It can't get on target.

    Giving it a hangar just makes it a failboat with a hangar, instead of just a failboat, because instead of a half-assed "Battlecruiser" that doesn't do Battlecruiser tasks well, you would end up with a half-assed Carrier/Cruiser hybrid that doesn't do Carrier OR Cruiser things well.

    For the same money you'd spend on 1/3 of the Bortascrew 3-pack, you can buy a Kar'fi, which does most Cruiser/Battlecruiser tasks well enough, AND is a superb Carrier. If you don't want to spend any money, at the level where you CAN get a Bort, and you want a big carrier instead, you can get a Vo'Quv-which does Carrier things VERY well in spite of a poor turn-rate and only six guns.

    in simple analysis, the Bort is a bad buy, even WITH cruiser commands (and it's short one-seriously, you can't build a viable Cannon boat on a Bort frame in spite of it being allowed, but since it's a "Battlecruiser" by designation, it loses a cruiser command.)

    finally, for the "Lots of Punch" bunch... Mogh, which also costs roughly the same as 1/3 of the Bort 3 pack, and CAN actually be brought to a level where it can get on target long enough to make narrow-focus weapons WORK.

    The Bort is simply a case of "Bad engineering"-really, the Ren'wl that was supervising the design of the thing, should probably be investigated as an Undine Infiltrator, as should the officials at KDF High Command that approved production.

    'cause it's not only that bad, it's that cripplingly expensive while BEING that bad. Adding a hangar wouldn't fix it.

    What a load of nonsense.
    Just because one *can* use cannons on it, doesn't mean one must (or even should). The bort is a beam pve boat through and through. Forget the consoles that come with the set, as usual those are just fancy looking baubles that really aren't that good. Just run the sci boart as an a2d, with an AP beam array setup.

    http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=engscibortwip_0 A build I was working on a while back, but never quite finished. I never was too sure what I could put into that last eng slot. Maybe another mine console?
    I need a beer.

  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Mostly only ppl you see using them are newer players who don't know till its too late that they wasted their money on the crowbar :)
  • sjokruhlicasjokruhlica Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The Bortas-screwed was the single most disappointing purchase I ever made in STO. I got it when it first came out, cashing in dil from 5 toons, back when dil was 350+ per zen. It's so slow it can't get out of its own way. The autocannon misses half the time. I finally dumped it for a Mogh when it came out, and that ship's performance outshines the Bortas in every measurable way. You can add a hangar, hell two hangars to it.,. and its still going to be a TRIBBLE ship, unless it base states are significantly tweaked.
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    patrickngo wrote: »
    It's a Fifty Dollar PvE Beamboat, and crowbar-gimped copy of the Oddy.
    Fifty of your "dollars" only if you are an imbecile and bought all 3 as a pack. The sci bort is the only one of the three that is worth bothering with. 8 weapon slots, cloak, 4 tac consoles, ltcmdr tac and sensor analysis? Do you know of any other boats that can do that?
    With 'special consoles' that include:

    1. A narrow-focus weapon that drains all your power and misses
    2. a 'separation console device that mainly works to add kills to the other side's tally.
    3. a tractor-beam with a five minute cooldown.

    Yes, they are useless. Just like pretty much every other special console that comes with a c-store boat. Congratulations on stating the obvious.
    The gimping on the Bort only BEGINS with the turn and inertia numbers...

    Crew Mechanics as it works in STO:

    The bigger your crew, the easier you die-because your hull regen is based on crew percentage, crew losses due to hits are percentile, crew restoration? That's a FLAT NUMBER.
    Crew is an irrelevant number in sto and it always has been. As far as I know, healing comes from boff abilities, captain powers (if an engineer), and equipment. The crew hull repair figure is so small in combat that it's virtually worthless. One last thing, crew does not affect boff, captain power or equipment heals.
    what this comes out to, is that the Bort dies faster than it's same-year-release Fed equivalent, which has a tighter turn rate and better inertia, along with better gimmick consoles.
    That isn't saying much. The gimmick consoles on the oddy are just as worthless as those on any other boat. Yes, even the wholly unnecessary saucer separation.
    It not only has less ability to Shield tank, it has less abilty to Hull Tank as well. thanks to the mechanics of Crew in STO and hull hits.

    While I can't deny that the shield mod of the bort is lower than the oddy, you seem to have misunderstoon the crew mechanic in game.
    and you can forget Speed Tanking-inertia numbers don't allow it.

    Indeed. It can be compensated for, but you're never going to set speed records with her.

    It's one of those situations where the extra tac console draws more hate on you than you have the ability to handle-even using fleet consoles and mixed fleet/rep gear.
    and we haven't touched on PvP-because the Bort can't handle PvP at all-even less abilty to do so than much-less-expensive KDF cruisers and Battlecruisers.
    I did say that it wasn't a pvp boat. Guess you missed that part.
    By way of comparison, you can get a Tor'khat from the Fleetyards, which admittedly is a ten console ship, but there are quite a few Fleets at T5 now, and it's only a Tier 3 yard needed, which can ALSO be setup as a beamboat.

    Oh yes, but unfortunately for the tork driver, the boff set up locks you in to one set up. The bort does have some flexibility in that regard.
    Difference is, the Tork can actually manuever enough to make up for only packing a shield modifier of 1.0, will recover from hull hits faster (much smaller crew), has four tac consoles, so yeah, you lose that extra one, and a cloak that isn't broken.

    As I said before, the crew heal thing is so small it can be ignored anyway. The crew numbers only affect the base regen rate and not the hull heals your boffs or equipment give. The only heal affected by active crew numbers is the regen, but that is only relevant when out of combat. In combat, it's instantly nuked down to sub 10% of it's out of combat rate. If you depend on that, you're going to die. Period.
    and costs the same as one of the three Bort variants, with no fifty-dollar money-vacuum....

    As I said before, it's only $50 if you go full special person and buy all three as a pack. Something that you don't need to do and probably shouldn't do. Hell, if you really wanted you could dil grind for it.
    and it's viable in Pug PvP, in addition to being viable in Pug STF's...and it actually CAN work with a cannons build, unlike the Bort, which doesn't.

    I have already noted that it isn't really a pvp boat. Several times in fact. Not that it can't be done, but it would certainly be a lot harder than just plopping on a lazy a2b build onto a mogh.
    It's called "Relative Value for your Money." (almost everything said about the Tor'khat is equally true of the Mogh.)

    Okay, so you think it sucks. Your loss.
    and as I said: sticking a Hangar on the Bort is tossing effort down a toilet-it doesn't do BATTLECRUISER tasks well, it's only mediocre at CRUISER jobs, making it largely-ineffective as a CARRIER is not an improvement.

    You really haven't seen someone do anything with a bort have you? Where is DDIS when you need him?
    I need a beer.

  • wintiemintiewintiemintie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    People actually, actually have trouble using the Bortas with cannons in pve?

    Really? Really?

    I spewed tea out of my nose reading half of this. PVE Beam Boat indeed.

    I'm guessing very few have spent any real time doing most of the PVE missions, or you'd realize something.

    Its all predictable. 100% easily predictable.

    If you can't figure out where the next spawn of PVE damage sponges are going to come from and already be in position to CSV + Torp Spread. Well... wow.
  • atlantraatlantra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Well, the fact is the ship is horrible. A hangar won't help it. Worse 3 pack in the history of mankind. There's nothing anyone can say that will change that, not even 'GOD' himself. Seriously the devs need to look over this ship a few times. Like 3000 times.

    At least the Bortasqu' looks very nice. Just the stats and consoles are killing it.
    The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    maybe the fact that i bought this pos prior to the rcs revamp and additions of cruiser commands and sensor analysis colours my opinion... but i reckon the borty is the worst ship in sto. cryptic couldnt have done a worse job if they tried.
    to add insult to injury, cryptics failure was propped up as a convenient excuse to leave the kdf behind and wait 2 years to release another ship. meanwhile romulan and feddie failures earn a hangar and a revamp.

    i always try to talk people out of this ship. there really isnt any worse ship in the kdf lineup to buy.
  • ddemlongddemlong Member Posts: 294
    edited August 2014
    atlantra wrote: »
    Well, the fact is the ship is horrible. A hangar won't help it. Worse 3 pack in the history of mankind. There's nothing anyone can say that will change that, not even 'GOD' himself. Seriously the devs need to look over this ship a few times. Like 3000 times.

    At least the Bortasqu' looks very nice. Just the stats and consoles are killing it.

    Then what we need is a " Whats your beef with the Bortasqu Cryptic?" thread.
    I use to do 100K DPS, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

    Your Ramming Speed III deals 242658 (243540) Kinetic Damage (Critical) to you.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    maybe the fact that i bought this pos prior to the rcs revamp and additions of cruiser commands and sensor analysis colours my opinion...
    With all the new meta changes, the Bort is actually now a hard-hitting beast of a FAWboat, if not particularly inspired, a fairly bland port of Fed-style Array-FAW gameplay to the KDF.
    but i reckon the borty is the worst ship in sto. cryptic couldnt have done a worse job if they tried.
    *cough* Failaxy *cough*
    always try to talk people out of this ship. there really isnt any worse ship in the kdf lineup to buy.
    These days it's not quite so bad. Overpriced, for sure...and headed for the scrapheap along with everything else, perhaps. So these days, I'd talk people out of buying ANYTHING AT ALL.
  • ddemlongddemlong Member Posts: 294
    edited August 2014
    I don't think the Bort needs a hangar bay, I wish they would improve the BOP Console on the Bort. Its too hard to keep track of the BOP and needs monitoring like other pets. Heck, if and when I use my Bort, I can't tell if its alive or dead half the time. So in short, add a carrier pet window to monitor the BOP.

    All the Bort REALLY needs is a .5-1.0 increase in turn rate, .1-.2 shield mod increase, and a inertia of 25.
    I use to do 100K DPS, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

    Your Ramming Speed III deals 242658 (243540) Kinetic Damage (Critical) to you.
  • joshglassjoshglass Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I support a single hanger capable of supporting the special bird of prey that comes in the console. Change it from console to special hanger so it can have pet commands, and allow it to be changed in favor of a regular BoP pet or some other KDF hanger pet.

    I also support some basic upgrades to bring it more on par with other 10 console c-store ships that are supposed to be close to Fleet Ship level like increased shield modifier.

    Frankly my Luxury Liner seems to be a more effective battle cruiser...
  • overlapooverlapo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Ah, another "let's bash the Bortasqu'" thread. And unsurprisingly I see mostly the same faces all over again.
    Yes, it could use some extra shield HP, but the ship is fine. There are better ships, and there are worse. Let's wait to see what the new expansion "upgrade to almost T6" brings to the table before going "doooom" again.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    well the feddie says its fine, so thats that.
  • joshglassjoshglass Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    overlapo wrote: »
    Ah, another "let's bash the Bortasqu'" thread. And unsurprisingly I see mostly the same faces all over again.
    Yes, it could use some extra shield HP, but the ship is fine. There are better ships, and there are worse. Let's wait to see what the new expansion "upgrade to almost T6" brings to the table before going "doooom" again.

    Nobody is saying Doooom. Some people are addressing a disparity in the game. I own and use a Bortasque, but it's a sub par ship. It really could use some minor tweaking to get it where it should be.

    Minor changes to stats: probably not a huge ordeal, they tweak ship stats in testing a lot and mention stats are always subject to change. Devising a control function for combat pets shouldn't be difficult, and if it is, adding a single hanger has been shown to be an easy fix too.

    I've enjoyed my Bort but only from time to time. It should be much more damage capable if it's supposed to be the flagship. It certainly looks badass, and should fight at least half as well as it looks.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Y'all know that your're posting in a 'Necro Thread' right? :confused:

    And for the record, the Bortasqu' rocks. :cool:

  • overlapooverlapo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    joshglass wrote: »
    Nobody is saying Doooom.
    I am just tired of seeing the same posts over and over again by the same people that don't know how to fly this ship because...
    shpoks wrote: »
    And for the record, the Bortasqu' rocks. :cool:
    ... if you know how to fly it.
    The sci version has 8 weapon slots, sensor analysis, battlecruiser commands and 4 tac consoles. If people can't make that work it isn't the ship that's at fault.
    And yes, it could use some extra tweaking, but keep in mind that the ship is old, it comes from a time when the LTC universal boff station was considered awesome and unique.
    That's why, at the risk of repeating myself I'll say, let's wait to see what Delta Rising brings to the table in terms of T6 upgrades and new/improved boff powers before condemning the ship as "subpar".
  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The Borty can do nothing well. Other ships have just as much hull and better weapons and better shields and better consoles and better everything.

    To claim the Borty is good as a FAWboat is misleading, because you're saying that's the ONLY thing it's good at. Not that it excels at it. Compare a 8-beam FAWboat on the Borty vs one on the other battlecruisers? It sucks.

    The Fleet Negh'Var, the Fleet Tork, the Fleet Mogh, the Fleet Kamarag, could all beat the borty on DPS any day of the week using a similar FAWboat setup.

    DPS relies on a number of things, but one of them is being able to position yourself where you can do the right damage at the right time. You just cannot ever do that in a Borty. If you devote all your boff skills to getting you into position, you have none left to save your own butt or to buff your own attacks. You sacrifice it all and actually do a ton less DPS than lesser ships.

    Let's just put it this way: On one sci toon I'm trying to run my Borty for max damage but still allowing me to use GW1. My DPS is no better than when I was running my Hegh'Ta in a sci-oriented setup. The only real difference is the Borty is slightly more durable than the Hegh'Ta, but far less practical. I had to stop using the Hegh'Ta, and I may have to stop using the Borty as well (again) pretty soon.

    Truth be told my Borty at its best currently only breaks 8k DPS barely. With far less tac boff seats, my TAC in a Fleet K'Tinga does 12.5k DPS. And yes I know the Borty can run the same boff setup as the K'Tinga, and have tried it in the past that way with hideous results.

    That about sums it up right there.
  • khorvaxkhorvax Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This thread is not a bash the bort thread. It was not intended for that.

    There are fixes the ship could use. This is not the thread for that. The primary purpose of this thread was to discuss the addition of a flight deck.

    Something I think the flag ship of a faction should have. After all, what's the point if you can't even have your own little honor guard escort?

    I saw mention of no BoP but if I recall you can only field those on the Voq anyways, right? But I do agree, it shouldn't be able to field them. I would probably think it would focus on fighters... Although really it'd be nice if we got those klink shuttles.

    I do think command options for deployables like the special BoP (or the Oddy's DD, saucers, ect) should be integrated. That was a good idea.
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    khorvax wrote: »
    This thread is not a bash the bort thread.

    So...this is a Fed-style "teh Galaxy needs a puffs!!!" whine thread? :P

    The only real change required is to make it abort that starbase size whale fetus in it's womb so it can MOVE.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • khorvaxkhorvax Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It's not that either. It's more about the fact that the Borty seems like it should be considered and treated like a Dread, and have a little flight deck.

    I don't think a flight deck would drastically buff it. Just change up how it plays a little bit and make up for the fact that one of its consoles is a little lackluster.
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    khorvax wrote: »
    It's not that either. It's more about the fact that the Borty seems like it should be considered and treated like a Dread, and have a little flight deck.

    I don't think a flight deck would drastically buff it. Just change up how it plays a little bit and make up for the fact that one of its consoles is a little lackluster.

    Cryptic will never add to it.
    If they did, it would be a waste of dev time if it didn't make the Bort turn better.
    Not better than the other flagships, just better than it does now.
    If you're into beams/FAFTWW then yes, you probably won't care and it won't matter (much).

    Any other viable build is set back...pre-nerfed if you will...by a turn rate so low it's timed by a calendar.
    A flight deck on the Bort will do nothing to the one glaring problem...turn rate.
    I have the Tac-Bort and the hideous turn rate is the only thing wrong with it.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    There are a few (very, very few) things that the Bortasqu' is pretty good at.

    But its inertia and turn rate, despite all the new ways in the last year to make turning easier, still make handling the Bortasqu' a chore and annoyance if not using it as a beamboat.

    It doesn't need a hangar. Leave that to the Feds. We have superior 2 hangar carriers for that kind of job anyways. What the Bortasqu' needs is to behave like the other Klingon-designed Battlecruisers like Negh'Var, K'T'Inga, Vor'Cha, etc. Do that, and I promise you, this ship will be much more popular.

    Slapping a hangar on the Bortasqu' does nothing. Just like Cryptic throwing a hangar on the Gal-X, it did NOTHING to alleviate the core issues the Gal-X had.

    Really, if you wanted to fly a slow, hard to kill ship that had hangar bays, there's an infinitely superior choice for the KDF.

    The Vo'Quv.

    Slapping a hangar on the Bortasqu' does not help the ship's original issues, the reasons why it's reviled: The turn rate & inertia.
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