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What is the point with the Risa event?



  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I like the Risan Event enough that I do it everyday when I have time to play STO. It's only becomes a grind if I am forcing myself to do for a long period of time. Is trying to get the fastest floater for 1,000 favors or getting the Risian Crusier/Corvet for 1,000 pearls a grind? Yes, anything you do repeatedly over and over again is a grind, however, if it is something you don't mind doing / it is fun to do then it is not much of a grind.

    I did a lot of grinding on Risa at first, but that was only to gather as many favors as possible to sell them on the Exchange to make ECs before the value of the favors dropped too low. Once favors dropped below 10k EC each, I backed off from grinding.

    Now I only spend at most 2 hours on Risa to get favors for my toons. I just do the dance event and the hunt. For the 10 - 11 minutes between the dance and the hunt events, I might do the Pearl Daily for a couple of toons, check out the Exchange, quickly get to Beta Ursae to do the daily dil mining event then quickly get back to Risa, or I just fly around a few sectors to get Doff missions with one of my toons.

    After completing the hunt, I typically have about 22 minutes before the next dance event starts at the top of the hour. I use that time to play a Borg eSTF and Crystalline Catastrophe Elite and on my main toon as part of my daily dil grind.

    I am currently just hoarding the favors I am getting for next year.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Ic, i guess my mistake, then. The thing is, in STO everything you grind for is a "want". You can play the game even with mkI equpment. And of course i dont need swimsuits or more costume addons, but i want em. The same way i wanted the frosted boots from the winter event. With the difference, frosted boots were not so expensive and i can use it everywhere. And the frosted boots are far more valuable item that anything sold on Risa. This is just a little example. I really think "this time" cryptic really didnt think at all when creating the Risa event.

    It's all subjective - cause it's all based on desires/wants. Something may have more value to somebody else than it does you. So the cost might even be cheap to them while it is horribly over priced to you.

    But in the end, it comes down to if you want something enough - you'll do it - if you don't, well you can decide not to do it or you can complain about it.

    Something else to consider is the following...imagine if it were like the previous Summer Event?

    You mentioned wanting the swimsuits on 4 of 6 of your female toons. Did you also get the ships on them? Last year, it would have been 1000 per toon - not 1000 for one and 40 for the rest. You would have spent how much time flying around doing those three courses per toon per day that you do not have to do this year? That's a lot of free time, eh? Free time that could be put into doing other things...like getting the swimsuits?

    Cryptic is constantly trying to reduce the drudgery of the game...but all players tend to do is become more spoiled and want things even faster.
  • peteed1985peteed1985 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Can anyone help me please? I'd make my own thread asking why I can't make threads except I can't make threads. I preordered Star Trek Online and have had a lifetime sub since launch yet i'm facing this when trying to make threads.

    As you can also see on the left Join Date Dec 2012 so 2 years after account was merged here from cryptic with my PW account that already existed before that even and 4 years after launch and I still can't post.

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  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,240 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    No one player can say what is fun for anyone but himself. As it is, Risa is meant to be a distraction and an amusement, and a place to get away from the rest of the game and do something different. If Risa isn't for you, then don't go there.

    The only "complaint" that I have about the Risa Event, is the price of items in the Summer Event Store. They seem a bit high even considering that you're supposed to grind for them. I assume, though, that the higher price of items in the Summer Store as opposed to the Winter Store is a balance thing.

    Risa basically has one currency - Lohlunat Favors - with which to purchase all of the Summer Event items. And you're guaranteed to get Lohlunat Favors for any event that you participate in.

    On the other hand, Q's Winter Wonderland has multiple currencies - Targ Earmuffs, Bolian Candles, Terran Holiday Ornaments, Vulcan Meditation Incense, Andorian Sleigh Bells, Bajoran Gratitude Beads - with which to purchase all of the Winter Event items. But these baubles have varying rarity and drop rates when participating in Winter events.

    Consider the most expensive item in the Summer Store: the Risa Powerboard - Superior (Faction) for 1500 Lohlunat Favors. Seems a bit steep, but assuming that you participate in the Dance, Hunt, one Race, and one Sand Castle (during Bonus Rewards) you KNOW that you'll earn at least 110 Lohlunat Favors per hour, therefore acquiring said Powerboard would take approxiamately 13.5 hours of play on one character.

    Now consider the most expensive item in the Winter Store: Any given Winter Jacket for 10 Targ Earmuffs, 10 Bolian Candles, 10 Terran Holiday Ornaments, 10 Vulcan Meditation Incense, 8 Andorian Sleigh Bells, and 8 Bajoran Gratitude Beads = 56 total in currency. (The next closest being the Non-Combat pet Snowman for 25 Bells and 25 Beads = 50 total) It certainly appears to be way cheaper at a glance, but when you factor in that it is multiple currencies to acquire and said currencies have varying rarities and drop rates (Bells and Beads being the rarest drops), you can't exactly say how long it would take a player to gather the necessary amounts.

    In the end, I think that maybe the grind between the two Events balances out.
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  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It's all subjective - cause it's all based on desires/wants. Something may have more value to somebody else than it does you. So the cost might even be cheap to them while it is horribly over priced to you.

    But in the end, it comes down to if you want something enough - you'll do it - if you don't, well you can decide not to do it or you can complain about it.

    Something else to consider is the following...imagine if it were like the previous Summer Event?

    You mentioned wanting the swimsuits on 4 of 6 of your female toons. Did you also get the ships on them? Last year, it would have been 1000 per toon - not 1000 for one and 40 for the rest. You would have spent how much time flying around doing those three courses per toon per day that you do not have to do this year? That's a lot of free time, eh? Free time that could be put into doing other things...like getting the swimsuits?

    Cryptic is constantly trying to reduce the drudgery of the game...but all players tend to do is become more spoiled and want things even faster.

    Oh well, i was talking about an objective vision. The winter event was filled with useful stuff that you could use everywhere. And they were far cheaper than any stuff on Risa in terms of time of grinding / prices. And all the events had more or less fair enough rewards. It was a huge difference, in fact. And it was indeed an "optional" event, because even if you only wanted some stuff, you had plenty of time to get it and you never had that terrible feeling that you were wasting time in some events. I only needed 20 minutes in the winter event and i had all i needed and more than enough.

    The lack of balance in the Risa event about all of this is just ridiculous.

    I wasnt here the previous summer event, but if it was something like this year.. well, i think people really likes everything no matter wat. And no, i am not grinding for the ships, i dont like em. Even if i did, i was not going to complain about that, thats maybe the only good thing the Risa event is worthy to grind for. And still, the ships are far worst and uglier than anything ive ever seen.

    Its not about i want things faster, its about ENJOYING what im doing, if i need to grind, at least dont make me grind for 2 weeks just to gatherin only 4 dumb swimsuits that i will not be using when the event is over. Its common sense. Why the hell people cant see this?? i really dont have a clue.

    People who likes Risa will never complain objectively, thats the problem. They will never realize how bad the summer event is.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Dude, i only waste about 10 minutes (sometimes 20+ if i do a couple of runs of the horgan hunt) a day. And i am sick of it already. And i only gathered enough favors to buy 4 decent swimsuits for 4 of my 6 female characters. I want to buy the flowers scent costume addon as well. Just for those 2 things i am grinding every day. I dont want hoverboards, enchaned floaters or watever. If you want something, the problem is that you need to grind for it, badly. And should not be the case.

    Some people will like it, of course, but thats doesnt change that this event is a real fail everywhere.
    It is not fun for most of the people (mostly because of the expensive prices) and its just another way to grind, even if the map is beautiful.. :P

    In the end is the same usual blowing TRIBBLE all of the time, just even worst. Because when you grind for something out of Risa, you know at least you are going to be able to use it everywhere.

    I am not saying anyone has to like any activity in this game, but what if there was no grind on Risa.

    What if you got to Risa, got your bathing suit handed to you, and that was it. You could go racing - but you don't need to, your bathing suit and the floater and the surf board, and then you can go do whatever you do.

    How long will you actually be there? How often would you go there?

    Now imagine there were, say, 4 story missions Risa. How often would you go there now? How often will you replay them? No reward, no item to grind for, you just do the mission (it's the same as always).

    How often would you be on Risa? How many people would you see running around, dancing in groups, doing surf board races, flying floaters?

    I tell you what I expect - very little. People wil go there for the mission, and then not come back, because there is other stuff in the game where you can get rewards, and spending time on RIsa is wasting it - you could get rewards elsewhere, you're missing out!
    So you may have that great Bikini on your hot sexy toon, but you're the only one to ever see it, because you won't spend much time on Risa and in Infected Elite you can't see what your character wears.

    And what if there were no rewards anywhere, no grind what so ever?
    Well, you have your fully decked out space ship with all the sets installed, the newest Risan Speed Boat Cruiser or whatever, and you could play anything. Say, replay "Doomsday Machine". Would you? How often? For what purpose? Just for the fun of it?

    I can tell you what I expect. You wouldn't do it much. You completed your game. THere isn't really anything to achieve anymore. So you would spend very little time on it, and only really come back for when there's a new story mission to try.

    And thus, this great MMO is mostly empty.

    So is it all just trickery to keep you playing? Yes. But it might not be all bad.

    One of the biggest problems with a game like KOTOR or Neverwinter NIghts. Once I am done with it, I have made this cool, awesome character with nice toys and all that. But I am through with the game. I can't play it anymore. Despite the gameplay being fun and all, there is very little to keep you playing. There are no more goals.

    The grindy content is actually there that you keep enjoying the gameplay.
    The probem is if you don't actually enjoy the gameplay. If you don't like flying through space and blowing up spaceships, or if you don't like flying the Floater through hoops - you should just not be doing it. Pretty much everything you do in STO is only helpful if you actually enjoy playing STO. If you don't like blowing up spaceships - then you don't need the Undine Space Set or a Luxury Cruiser.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is a game. The moment you try to shoehorn "game" and "point" into the same concept you've already lost.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Oh well, i was talking about an objective vision. The winter event was filled with useful stuff that you could use everywhere.

    You can use frosted boots in space? You can use a Plesh Brek on ground?

    In the end, I honestly don't have a complaint that folks can't run around all over the place in swimsuits...some do and that's fine, but they shouldn't try to hide the fact that they're perverts by trying to blame Cryptic for something. They should fully accept their deviant behavior and desires, not feel ashamed of them - and - make those complaints form that angle. Folks would at least see they were being honest about it and might support them for that honesty...rather than doing the /doublefacepalm at what they're doing instead.
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    uss917019 wrote: »
    Like the title says, why should we be working hard just to get cool prizes that are by the way overpriced i would say and could take up couple of weeks to get it.

    You play the game and invest time and effort to acquire rare and valuable items. This is how MMOs tend to work.
    Now the Risa event should be some R&R you sit at the beach and releax. The activities during the time are fine but the way that makes it boring is the credits you get after that and you use it to buy stuff.

    Risa can be enjoyed 24/7 365 days a year for R&R and doing nothing. Being able to do absolutely nothing in the game is something you can always do. The Risa event is there to give people something to do.
    The thing is after youve collected all the points to get the item you always wanted there is no point to do more stuff and it gets even more boring with all that hard work. And when the summer vacation is over you go back to work and I am pretty sure that Cryptic has something very big planned for this years event. (Meaning there will be new stuff to do or something like a new featured episode).

    Or you collect more stuff to hoard until next year when there are even more things released for Lohlunat Festival '15. People have been asking for non-combat stuff for a good long while (myself included), and the Risa event is an iteration of that feedback. I find building sandcastles to be a form of relaxation. I find zipping around on my powerboard relaxing. It's not about winning the races, it's about enjoying your time doing it.

    The summer event on Risa is not unlike vacations I see people take every year. They become more exhausted planning out how to relax and have fun and making schedules than actually relaxing and enjoying themselves.

    Cryptic also has a very hard time trying to monetize the ability to do nothing.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    Cryptic also has a very hard time trying to monetize the ability to do nothing.

    Heh, that's where subscription services come into play...people paying to do nothing. :D
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Heh, that's where subscription services come into play...people paying to do nothing. :D

    And subscription services are going the way of the dinosaur, just like 24/7 customer support and a clear distinction between beta and release.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    And subscription services are going the way of the dinosaur, just like 24/7 customer support and a clear distinction between beta and release.

    There's a subscription service out there for quarters - you pay a fee, they send you quarters - so you've got quarters handy to do laundry and the like. There are folks that still pay a subscription to STO as well...
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    There's a subscription service out there for quarters - you pay a fee, they send you quarters - so you've got quarters handy to do laundry and the like.

    Yes, and there are also CoinStar machines where you pay a machine to give you bills for your coins. And there are payroll advance companies that you pay in order to get your paycheck a week early.
    There are folks that still pay a subscription to STO as well...

    There are, but flat subscription-based services are going to be obsolete if they aren't considered obsolete already.
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    mostly its just fun but there are some good accolades that can be gained from playing the different missions that can only be done there.
    you can find all about the accolades here - http://sto.gamepedia.com/Lohlunat_Festival

    also you can pick up some cool costume items to wear by winning the risian favours and trading them in like bathing suits and sun glasses.

    the bathing suits or swimwear are supposed to be only for risa but I have seen many being worn off risa by different players characters, whether this will last after the event ends I cant say.

    you can also pick up a free pet tropical bird, if you find an egg you can hatch it out and raise it up to any stage of development you choose from chick to fledgling ect.
    you can also pick up a free pet monkey and raise it up in the same manner.

    if you haven't bothered with it this year it`s a bit late to start now but I would strongly sudgest giving it a go next year.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    You can use frosted boots in space? You can use a Plesh Brek on ground?

    This is a joke, right? lol.

    Seriously virusdancer, the more i read of you, the more i think you are just trying to be condescendent to cryptic all the time.. you never write things thinking in a reasonable way. Cryptic is not doing a "good" work since ages ago, but for you, they always do great things and they cant never be blamed for anything. I get it, i really do. But that is not the truth, not by far lol.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This is a joke, right? lol.

    Seriously virusdancer, the more i read of you, the more i think you are just trying to be condescendent to cryptic all the time.. you never write things thinking in a reasonable way. Cryptic is not doing a "good" work since ages ago, but for you, they always do great things and they cant never be blamed for anything. I get it, i really do. But that is not the truth, not by far lol.

    Cryptic gets blamed for things they do all the time. I'm neither a Cryptic fanboy nor a Cryptic hater. It's possible to blame them for things and give them kudos for things when you're not delusional either way. The forums would be a much better place (sure, less entertaining) without all the fanboys and haters. Fanboys are blind to the wrong and Haters are blind to the good.

    I tend to find that many of the folks blaming Cryptic for things, though - they're just looking for somebody to blame other than themselves...because they can't accept their own faults.

    If one can accept their own faults, it becomes easier to see where one needs to go after Cryptic and where one needs to work on things themselves.

    Perhaps I come off looking like a Cryptic Defender at times...but that's just because so much whiny stupid nonsense gets posted.

    I used to be happy just hanging out in the Builds forum - but I noticed how the game kept getting made into something so pathetic that a toddler on an iPad could log in and go to town. I couldn't just idly sit by and let the idiocracy push their agenda.

    Somebody needs to stand up and point out how blatantly TRIBBLE some of the complaints are - complaints that are distracting from all the things that are actually wrong with the game and need to be addressed.

    "Waaaah, waaaaah, I can't wear swimsuits whenever I want to...this is the worst Star Trek game ever!"

    Do some folks even read the complete garbage they write sometimes? Or are they so wrapped up in their delusional entitlement that they will never see it...?
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Somebody needs to stand up and point out how blatantly TRIBBLE some of the complaints are - complaints that are distracting from all the things that are actually wrong with the game and need to be addressed.

    "Somebody needs to set these people straight and make them worry about the important stuff that concerns me instead of the silly TRIBBLE they're worried about." :rolleyes:
    Do some folks even read the complete garbage they write sometimes? Or are they so wrapped up in their delusional entitlement that they will never see it...?

    The irony detector just exploded.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    "Somebody needs to set these people straight and make them worry about the important stuff that concerns me instead of the silly TRIBBLE they're worried about." :rolleyes:

    The irony detector just exploded.

    It's not about what's important to me in the least. I support all sorts of things that I don't give a rat's butt about - cause folks are presenting their arguments/requests as adults rather than whining children.

    I support folks wanting to wear swimsuits off of Risa...
    I don't support folks crying about not being able to wear swimsuits anywhere but Risa.

    Some folks have made good arguments for additional places to be able to wear them.
    Some folks have stunk up the forums with their soiled diapers.

    Simple as that.
  • ravancheravanche Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It sounds like another example of the Locust Effect, a term used by That Other MMO's developers to describe the clamor of end-game players that feel all development should revolve around providing nothing but more end-game content. The devs spend 6-9 months or longer making said content, only to have said players consume it and be done with it within 1-2 weeks of release, then start the clamor all over again. It isn't a viably sustainable model.

    So you see things like Risa: events and activities that have minimal impact or connection to "end-game", is accessible by the entirety of the player-base, has minimal impact on the overall in-game economy, and keeps players attention in the game itself, extending it's lifespan.

    To those players wanting more that is "usable" outside of Risa, the question I would ask is "usable for what?"

    I agree, the swimsuits should be able to be used off Risa, but other than that, what are the people in this thread wanting? Is it more end-game style content, more and better gear for their ships? What would keep it from either A: being consumed and dismissed within weeks, or B: being complained about as yet another grind?

    Risan PvP?

    Just something to show for "hard work" in a video game? Some sense of achievement recognizable to other players? I see a great deal of complaint about Risa, but very little coherent about what they would prefer in it's place.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    BTW, this iteration of the Risa Event DOES have things usable outside the event. DOFFS! :D
    My character Tsin'xing
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    BTW, this iteration of the Risa Event DOES have things usable outside the event. DOFFS! :D

    Heh, I was tempted to go for the Drift DOFF for a short period of time...I fought the urge! :P
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Heh, I was tempted to go for the Drift DOFF for a short period of time...I fought the urge! :P
    I'm planning to get them just so I can have Risian Doffs. :P I like to collect Doff species.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Answering the title: Fun

    Not having any? Don't go.
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