Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
There is one Ferengi who knows about Alyosha, and he would say this:
"Don't quote zero percent odds on anything. There is always one outlier. ALWAYS. And if you can figure out what it is, you'll make a whole lot of money."
Obviously Selk didn't disclose this one--but I think it opened his mind to watching for things that don't fit the normal pattern for sure.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Never look a gift Targ in the mouth, untill you've counted the legs...
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Lazarus Long --->Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Jesu LaRoca: "Never bet against a clever man with a crazy plan. Or a crazy man with a clever plan, for that matter."
Ssharki: "With enough leverage, one person may turn an empire on its head."
Lewis McLain: "Peace sells, War buys."
Harding Cash: "Anything can be legal if the bribe is right."
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
Unit designation Three: "Do not provoke a living weapon. Just don't."
D'trel: "Never, ever bet against a grief-crazed tactical genius."
Unit designation Three, again. Referencing UndineQuinn: "When you kill a man and take his place, inheriting his living weapon, and that living weapon comes with a 27-page employment contract, READ IT. No, seriously."
Grand Vizier Worffan101 (from the Ba'al joke): "Never double-cross a college student who has a goatee and effectively rules 3 planets."
New Lunar Republic
"Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!" -Lina Inverse
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,914Community Moderator
edited June 2014
Color coded for faction ID
Rattler's rule: It ain't a Lexington mission if there isn't something totally off the wall. Roll's rule: When in doubt... C4. Blaze the Cat's rule: Beware Pyro Caitians. Ashe's rule: Never spoil an Andorian's Quota. Saria's rule: Power means nothing without Wisdom, and Wisdom means nothing without Courage. Fali's rule: If you value your life... stop looking at my chest or buy me a drink.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
"Make sure you have an outfit for every situation, or two."
Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care. Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker. Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
"Don't quote zero percent odds on anything. There is always one outlier. ALWAYS. And if you can figure out what it is, you'll make a whole lot of money."
Obviously Selk didn't disclose this one--but I think it opened his mind to watching for things that don't fit the normal pattern for sure.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
'Only a Fool out-prices the Market'...
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
(cf "Outpost 47 - Epilogue")
Ssharki: "With enough leverage, one person may turn an empire on its head."
Lewis McLain: "Peace sells, War buys."
Harding Cash: "Anything can be legal if the bribe is right."
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon
D'trel: "Never, ever bet against a grief-crazed tactical genius."
Unit designation Three, again. Referencing UndineQuinn: "When you kill a man and take his place, inheriting his living weapon, and that living weapon comes with a 27-page employment contract, READ IT. No, seriously."
Grand Vizier Worffan101 (from the Ba'al joke): "Never double-cross a college student who has a goatee and effectively rules 3 planets."
"Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!" -Lina Inverse
Rattler's rule: It ain't a Lexington mission if there isn't something totally off the wall.
Roll's rule: When in doubt... C4.
Blaze the Cat's rule: Beware Pyro Caitians.
Ashe's rule: Never spoil an Andorian's Quota.
Saria's rule: Power means nothing without Wisdom, and Wisdom means nothing without Courage.
Fali's rule: If you value your life... stop looking at my chest or buy me a drink.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
aslong as they give you exclusive rights to exploit theirpeople and natural resources
Meral Ranek: When in doubt, apply generous firepower.
Lynathru: What's theirs is also inevitably yours.
Ta'nara Velar: Morality is the universe's greatest fiction.
Elmind Sar: Intelligence is no match for dumb luck
Tojmach: Tiny will kick your TRIBBLE everytime
Vladimir Leoniv: Cold is good for business
Traass: Huge will kick your TRIBBLE everytime
nulTaj: Never bring a gun to a knife fight
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
Mine, for you?
"Never surrender to an alien overlord...unless he makes a REALLY good offer. Hail Ba'al!"
That moment in that one thread where I made you that offer of the cushiest job EVER and you accepted immediately?
If you have free time, stop by the official thread. The guys'd be happy to bring you up to speed. :cool: