Can someone tell me how many general research skill points i need to be able to craft MK XII gear please? Or does crafting only go to MK XI now? If so, how do all these people get the purple MK XII gear you see on exchange?
Im making some new toons and i dont want to give away 10mill ec's for one console or weapons or whatever. Sorry, but imho, it is a rip off
I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
MK12s you see sold on the exchange are drops from the Elite STFs.
i was sure i used to see MK XII's at Memory Alpha in the R & D list. Too many late nights on STO is catchin up to me i think lol
Yea... Either you were very tired, or drunk... Either way, you've never been able to make MK XII's at MA.
The new system will allow you to however.
"By the time you hit the maximum level of any school, youll regularly craft Rare and Very Rare items,"
Sorry but this sentence should be like this:
By the time you hit the maximum level of any school, youll regularly craft Common, Uncommon and Rare items...
0, yes zero very rare AP MK II dual canons
p.s. I will execute my rare Jamhadar who is serving under me for 1,5 years for incompetence its just a MK II dual canon, he is Energy Weapons Officer not a Doctor.
just hope it wont cost the universe to craft them
awww man, dont jinx it lol
too late lol
quick delete his post, we might still be lucky lol
system Lord Baal is dead
Whhhyyyyy PWE??
It's the Cryptic way! Before they hit reset they might ask for feedback then hit reset.
Also, I am even less likely to do any crafting with the new system if they don't fix the Dil cost. If I am only going to have a chance to get something close to what I want, then I will just run with regular MK XII purples, or fleet gear. The Dil cost per item is much lower with fleet gear, and you don't need to gamble just to get a purple.
I would rather them let you pick purple quality, and the gamble be on what bonuses they will have. For example, the gamble will decide which combination to roll, [Acc]; [CritD]; [CritH]; etc, instead of the quality of the item being what you gamble on. Even then, the cost of Dil shouldn't be more than 200-500 per weapon, since the fleet ones that you can see what you get before buying cost about 900.
Doff assignments?
won't be able to farm the clusters anymore
Well, we can only hope they leave the points we have accumulated alone....antennas are crossed
I have just recently hit the max. Thats why i thought i would post about it .....Im just hoping we can keep the points.
The dil requirements are pretty expensive for some things. I think some items cost around 30k dil or something, dont quote me on that tho, been a few weeks since i last looked lol.
So, cheaper dil requirements would be be....logical , since fleet gear or rep gear is cheaper than current crafting system
Im not sure on this, but i think they said in a dev post that the anomalies will be staying, if that is correct, (someone correct me if i am wrong ), then you should still be able to collect them the same way as it has been
It's basically an attempt to create a gambling addiction and they should be ashamed of themselves.
Sure, why not? One of the Devs did the math in another thread, max in the current system equals around one-tenth of max in one school of the new system. Sure, you can have that insignificant token "headstart."
(Which is about like getting a 4-inch headstart in a Marathon)
The anomalies are inside the exploration clusters, which they've said we won't be able to enter since it's all going to be DOff assignments sitting outside the clusters like ships piled on each other outside ESD, DS9, etc.
It's just "Season 9.5: More Of The Same." Secondary Lockbox system.
i will wait and see..
from the dev blog "by the time you hit the maximum of any school, you will have completely eliminated the chance of crafting a common item"
Also: Even at minimum level, the chance of crafting a Very Rare MK XII beam array is 13%
from the interview on priority one podcast "while you will not be able to control the mods at release, this will be added in before/with expansion 2"
We are talking about the crafting revamp that is coming out in late july
EDIT: Pointless comment erased
And secondary deflectors are still on there way, AND will be craftable when they do hit