Bri: you all have a tau running around? Impressive. Cute even.
Freeman: Part of me was always fed by with how little action we could take in the early days. Some days I just wanted to pack up and join him. *He stands up* I'll take care of the cost if I have to Jorin.
Erin: Have you already told me much about the Borg? The whole concept and the story you've told me including your timeline clone... Do you consider her a sister? Just trying to gauge how I should treat the version of me around here.
Seku: *she rolls her eyes and chuckles a bit*
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
Nexa: While Nova is a bit cute she might be a bit surprised to be called that... she's very very tall, like a bit taller than Lythe I think. *she scratches her cheek* I don't think she's a normal Tau, though i haven't talked with her too in depth as the reason why.
As for watching over her... she hasn't caused any trouble yet so I'm not sure why she needs a close eye on her. I think lately she's simply been training physically and studying about our universe.
Janri: She is quite well equipped. *she says both as an innuendo and a genuine observation on Nova's physique*
Clea: Maybe we should get some food after all that trouble.
Rax: Is there anything else we need to do on Coruscant?
Hanuh: *To Freeman* What, fighting the CIS? There was plenty of action going around. *she pauses for a moment and shakes her head at something* Or... ah, I guess you meant the rebellion.
*she turns to Jorin* I have credits if need be, but I take it you mean "carry my weight"?
Rin: It might be on some level. I think it was a few thousand years ago, it's difficult to be certain without thorough archeological investigations... sorry, got distracted. Thousands of years ago Ossus was hit by a cataclysmic event that wiped almost the entire population off the face of the planet. Those who survived would eventually "evolve" into a new species, the Ysanna though they were tribal by the time anyone discovered them. The Ysanna still live in the city and across the planet, they're a very interesting people. Ossus used to be like a paradise before the cataclysm, but now it's as you see now.
Val: cute?… there is nothing cute about her…. *she crosses her arms, rolling her eyes at janri’s comment*
Lythe: I suppose it was only a matter of time before the tau experimented with their own version of astartes.
Val: I doubt she could stand up to an astartes.
Jorin: I may be in the mess later. *she says to clea* Make yourself useful while for how ever long you plan on staying. *she looks at freeman* that won’t be necessary. *she looks back at hanuh* I’ll show you to your room, and I suppose once you’re settled in if you have questions then feel free to find me or any of the clan. I’m usually on the bridge, *she looks at rax* we’ll be here for awhile tho I may have some personal business to tend to on coruscant but that’s nothing to worry about. *she opens the door of the shuttle to a bunch of b-1’s clumsily going about their work as she waits for hanuh* I hope the droids aren’t an issue for you.
Kenzie: I wonder what it looked like before it got glassed…..
Jaster: *walks back with everyone’s orders* if you’re planning on staying long they send out expeditions often. I’m sure you could learn something from it.
Kenzie: maybe another time, we’re here to find someone.
Jaster: right you’re lookin for the kid.
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Krystal: Well... I consider both Jadzia and Gaia as sisters. Took a while with Gaia as she was technically an evil twin scenario for a while. But we came to an understanding and eventually just accepted each other as sisters. Jadzia... was a bit faster.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Bri: a Tau super soldier? Now this I have to see. Please?
Freeman: I was talking about the early rebellion, yeah. My parents trained clones and the like, not me. Though in those early days I worked alongside old B1 battledroids, CIS militiamen. Hell first real big asset we claimed for the rebellion was an old CIS dreadnaught full of valuables. Certainly helped a lot.
Erin: Evil twin? That's... Something... So ya think I should treat my counterpart here the same way? What are they even like? Could you tell me about them a bit?
Seku: You said it's been a bit since he's been here. Any idea where he could be?
Phalanx: He's a fan of studying ancient sites on account of him being able to look into the past and all. Glad we don't have that one speeder anymore that Hrisst ate a guy in. Kid would be scarred seeing that.
Seku: *blinks* excuse me?
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
Nexa: *She hums for a moment in thought then looks to Val* Should we call her over? We still have a bit of food left and Bri wants to meet her.
Hanuh: I don't have any problems with droids unless they're actively working for some mysterious CIS benefactor. I'm assuming these work for you? *She gives a bit of a shrug and takes a few steps out to look around at the Hangar, the faintest hint of a smile on her lips* Why this ship? Most of them were scrapped to build ISDs and other Star Destroyer models.
*Clea gets out and stretches a bit as Rax offers a nod*
Rin: That's uh, some story. *she scratches her cheek* That doesn't really answer the question though. Maybe we should try asking around the ruins on Ossus, maybe someone has worked with him.
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Krystal: I think you should at least get to know your counterpart, and the two of you decide how to approach it.
As for your counterpart... I... I can't say one way or the other. Never met her.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Val: why ask me it’s not my ship? If you want to go ahead.
Jorin: I was in the market for a ship and the empire happened to have one. We’re a nomadic clan so a ship this size just worked out. We used to have a stronghold a long time ago but…. *shakes her head* anyway, with your history I’m sure you’re familiar with the lay out of a venator. *she says leading her to the turbolift*
Jaster: yeeeeaaaah. Uh the kid did do some work over there.
Kenzie: is cannibalism normal here?
Jaster no not typically hrrist is just an odd ball….
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Bri: After we see her we should probably head back at some point
Freeman: The droids in my cell were free droids. Smarter B1s than you'd know. Miss them sometimes.
Erin: your daughter told me my counterpart here is a man... Did ya get distracted by how good I look like this, that you forgot that I'm apparently not the norm here?
(Her counterpart is Nick)
Phalanx: well Hrisst is a trandodian... If you're not familiar, that's a giant walking lizard man. It's not exactly cannibalism when it's not the same species, but still pretty bad. Hrisst really didn't care though. This was decades ago though, so I barely remember the reason. But yeah back to the Kid, he's done work here and that's sorta how we came to set up here. We've also gone with him to a few other sites.
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
Nexa: *She nods then calls Novasword using her comms* Hey Nova, mind coming by my quarters? There's some people that would like to meet you.
Nova: Oh? Visitors who want to see me? Sure I'll be right over!
*After a few minutes Nova shows up and enters. The Tau girl is covered in muscle but perfectly so without losing the feminine qualities of her ample figure. With the skintight suit she wears that seems to be mostly tactical in nature, one can still see her musculature and some unusual attributes. She appears to stand around 8 feet tall rivaling the average Primaris marine, her red hair done in a short braided ponytail that could fit in a helmet properly, and her eyes stand out with a bright yellow orange iris.*
Nova: *She looks around at Lythe and Bri tilting her head* I am pleased to meet you, you may call me Novasword. I prefer Nova for short, my full name is less necessary in this place.
Hanuh: I knew a few droids that were like that back on Coruscant, but not many. *She gives a nod to Jorin and follows after her* Yes, I've spent a fair bit of time on them. I always liked the design of the hangars, plenty more space compared to other ships'.
Rin: Well by Galactic law consuming any sapients counts as cannibalism but I know some don't care that much about that... when you're already breaking the law I suppose. Any idea which sites he favored? Might make it easier to investigate.
Lythe: *looks over nova with a stone faced expression* you would be the first tau I have actually conversed with. I am lythewae of craft world biel-tan, unlike the imperium elder have had very little interaction with your empire.
Val: lucky you.
Lythe: to we who weave the tapestry of fate, they were simply too insignificant to notice. *she looks at nova* I am surprised valendria did not cut you down when first you met, but seeing as this is a different universe past alliances are irrelevant.
Val: I guess I just wanted to see where it would go. *she shrugs*
*from the other side of the room a mid sized rabbit white fur and black splotches on it body and the rips of its ears hops over as Jorin casually picks it up and continues walking petting the bunny*
Jorin: as it stands the maw needs some work she’s combat ready but just barely. *she says walking into the turbo lift*
Kenzie: giant lizard men that eat people….
Jaster: eh he’s not that bad really, had a habit of throwing credits at people for random reasons… and I mean that literally, like I said he’s an odd one. Anyway, the kid did have a few sites he looked at here but the most recent one that I remember was on dantooine some old enclave he was looking at, could pick up his trail from there.
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Krystal: Maybe I'm just... there's a lot going on right now.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Bri: Wow you're huge. I'm impressed. I'm Commander Briana Keeva Victoria, United Federation of Planets, Starfleet. Don't mind them *she says gesturing to Val and Lythe* they're still settling into this place. Gotta get used to how things work. How are you settling in with everything?
Freeman: a Venetor's strength is it's fighter compliment, thought the turbolasers still help. Perhaps we need to shift our focus on recruitment for a bit to pilots with their own fighters and engineers to keep them going.
Erin: Well if you need to talk I'm here. Ya got Reina too. Don't gotta suffer alone on this
Seku: dantooine? There used to be an old rebel base there..
Phalanx: maybe he set up one of his Holo player things.
Seku: Holoplayer things?
Phalanx: yeah, he'd set up holographic projectors with scenes he recreated from things he saw in the past from said places. Said he wanted it to be easier to share what he'd seen but all the stuff he had to do to make it happen didn't seem easier. Programing, modeling and generating voices. you'd think he was making holovids for a living... Pretty sure he does sabacc for more money too, so that may be worth looking into as well
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Nova: Glad to catch someone's eye. *She says with a teasing tone, but seems to just be joking* They're alright, I've seen far more angry individuals back where I come from. *She gives a nod, stretching a little bit* I've been enjoying my time here. Your galaxy is much more... open than ours. Your ability to travel faster than light so easily, to connect so many places from so far away is something we can only dream of, and your federation almost feels like an idealized version of what our people dream of.
Nova: *She gives a friendly smile to Lythe* Its a pleasure to meet you. I am thankful we did not fight before, I might have missed all these opportunities.
Nexa: See? She's fiiiiine. No trouble. *Janri chuckles*
Hanuh: I'm not half bad as a mechanic, though I'm no specialist I could potentially help with preparations. *She raises an eyebrow at the bunny*
*Rax and the others follow along*
Rin: Dantooine is an interesting choice. It also has some interesting ruins... as for Sabacc, I'm not really sure where to begin with that, I prefer pazaak and even then I'm in no gambling circles.
Jorin: hmm that is true. Most of the fighters on here were too stripped to be useful, I’ll figure something out. *she walks into the turbo lift and heads to the crew deck*
Kenzie: what’s sabaac and pazaak?
Jaster: games of chance if you’re into gambling.
Kenzie: so like poker or black jack ok.
Jaster: I guess… *he looks at Kenzie funny then turns to rin and seku* that’d be your best bet. I doubt he’s there but you could probably pick up his trail.
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Freeman: recruiting pilots with their own fighters is the smart move. They get to keep something close to them, special even.
Erin: think you can tell me my counterpart's name at least?
Seku: What's poker and blackjack? *She asks raising a brow* and yeah dantooine it is.
Phalanx: mind if I join? I'd ask Jaster if he wanted to as well but this bar is his baby and he won't abandon it.
Seku: I mean, it might be a bit tight but I'd be okay with it.
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
Nova: Did I say something wrong? *She scratches her cheek looking confused*
Janri: *She looks over at Val a little worried*
Hanuh: How long ago did you get this ship? *She tilts her head*
Clea: I'm sure there's more than a few that would be interested, but how to go about recruiting...
Reashe: Sort of... there's some similarity. I learned about them on the station.
Rin: Hmm, things might get awkward with someone else onboard. *She thinks of the U wing, it can probably fit another. She doesn't seem super against the idea, just thinking*
Val: I don’t buy any of it, I know the elder haven’t had much interaction with them but I have…
Lythe: if I remember my history correctly the only interaction between tau and elder resulted in a maiden world’s destruction which one of the eldari craft worlds responded by destroying a tau colony, tho later it was revealed to be a ploy by the s*ht stain drukhari!… *she gets intensely enraged mentioning the drukhari for a moment before calming down and clearing her throat* my apologies….
Val: *she looks at bri* at least your federation champions peace and cooperation, *she motions to nova* the tau only care if you join their “greater good” but there’s nothing good about it. You either join or die there’s no in between. The day I trust a tau is the day guilliman wakes up from his nap which I doubt will ever happen.
*the turbo lift opens on the crew deck as Jorin walks out*
Jorin: not too long ago. *she walks down the corridor to a room at the end of the hall* here we are if you need anything let some one know, go ahead and get settled in. I’m usually on the bridge if you want to ask about anything when you’re ready. *she looks at freeman and clea* while hanuh gets settled in if you two have any ideas on recruitment I’m all ears let’s head to the bridge.
Kenzie: it’s a form of gambling with cards but it’s been awhile since I’ve played either. *she looks at everyone* are you sure about bringing another? It’s already cramped as it is and I’m a pretty big girl and once we get Eli it’ll be even more cramped…. *after a moment she shrugs*
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Bri: Uhhh... Val I really hate to break it to you, but he does wake up. 41st millennia, he wakes up, the lion comes back, cadia falls... If you were going back I wouldn't tell you that, but I'm pretty sure all of you are gonna be staying here so... Yeah... Look I know it may be hard to trust Tau as a whole for you, but Nova here is all alone, no Ethereals to command the greater good, it's just her. And like you two she shares the same universe of origin. There are only 4 people in this universe currently that share that in common... You three and then the one Kreigsman that's on K-13. I'm gonna ask all of you to try to find some common ground, not be friends unless you really feel inclined.
Freeman: *he nods, ready to follow* Perhaps we can start by getting some attention. Maybe we find a place to host a race. A dangerous one. That's where we can get some. Smugglers looking to get out from under the hutts or debt may be another good point but they'd more than likely have freighters so we'd be able to hold less of them. Though having a lot of freighters wouldn't be a bad thing. Disenfranchised former rebel pilots without a place in the New Republic military may be another. And out of all those those with interest in the mandalorian way of life may be on the rare side... We'll figure something out.... Speaking of recruiting, while we're on coruscant, I can pick up some stuff while we're here to build a forge. Set it up somewhere on the ship.
Erin: ah.... I guess it makes a sad amount of sense that he'd keep the family name I had abandoned, he was probably the golden child to Dad. Cared about not just a bargaining piece. *She scoffs and crosses her arms, looking upset*
Phalanx: Kid has his own ship, what you're gonna make him ride in whatever you came in and leave his behind? I just assumed you'd park your ship in one of his hangers if it's that small.
Seku: we literally have a small troop transport. A U-Wing. It's been modified for long journeys and habitation, you should fit fine. It's not like we're all stuffing into an escape pod. I sleep in the pilot's seat, Rin has the co-pilot's seat then there's room for 8 people. Big girl isn't big enough that the number goes down when a wookiee or two can fit fine. Plus we're gonna land and camp when we can. If you got a tent you're fine
Phalanx: I'm no stranger to long rides... *He looks over to Jaster* I still miss the fishstick sometimes y'know.
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
Nova: *She scratches her cheek at the mention of Guilliman seeming very confused* I don't know about all that, I'm not of the other castes but we're supposed to be very welcoming to others, and we do have a lot of diplomats thanks to the water caste. But what this um Bri? says is right, I quite enjoy the level of freedom offered by being separated from my people. *She looks to Lythe* The Drukhari? We've had a few very unpleasant experiences with them...
Nexa: I understand if there are some issues back where you come from, but things can be different here. *She says in a hopeful manner with a smile*
Hanuh: Thank you. *She enters the quarters and starts to set down her bag, taking out various items as the door closes behind her*
Clea: Its not a bad idea.
Rax: We could also seek out any groups that are looking for work. We could give those that seem promising an offer to join up.
Reashe: Maybe she was worried about the other stuff? *She coughs, trying to imply the concern they already had with the two couples needing to make stops to "relax".*
Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Krystal: Bad blood on your end of the multiverse I take it?
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
val: what?...... *she stares off for a moment processing* what do you mean he "woke up"... and cadia fell?... by the throne, after ten thousand years the ruinous powers control cadia... i really did get lucky to escape all that. * she looks over at lythe* you're a far seer how did you not see that coming?
lythe: i did, tho i admit our exodus here was not my design it was simply chance but i was indeed looking to... as the mon'keigh would put it "get the hell out of dodge."
val: well i guess if i can befriend lythe then i can at least play nice with you. *she says to nova*
lythe: perhaps there is hope for you yet.
jorin: *nods to hanuh* hmmm.... *she starts walking back making her way to the bridge* we do have more numbers so sending a few people out to gage these suggestions may be the best course then go with the most promising ones. tho i do like the idea of a race, we'd just have to find a sponsor and a prize worth racing for.
kenzie: i guess if that stuff comes up we can deal with it, i guess space wont be an issue then. *she shrugs*
jaster: *chuckles* those were some good times, but im content with my lot owning the only bar on a world the galaxy long forgot about. *he looks at a glass hes cleaning with a smile pondering something before looking over at rin* if you take him with you keep him out of trouble... and away from coruscant....
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Bri: Okay so good news and bad news, Chaos doesn't hold cadia.... Nobody really holds cadia... It was destroyed and without it and the Necron technology there the eye of terror.... Well, expanded.... The Planet itself broke before the guard did they say though.... As for Guilliman, he was woken up, completely healed. Archmagos Belisarius Cawl worked with the Ynnari, a faction of Aeldari to get him on his feet... I'm sure Lythe could explain the Ynnari more for you if you're curious... *She sighs* anyways I'm happy I could help you settle this..
Freeman: We'd be the sponsor, but we'd need to get the word out. A prize is much needed though. Anyone have ideas.
Erin: I went a bit into It before when we met, it can just be summed up as being born as a woman in medieval Europe. I left home so I'd be more than just property and eventually ended up being adopted by two Lanthanites, my real parents to me. That's why I have the name Cunningham.... They know I can't stay dead, so me being here is gonna break their hearts if Starfleet thinks I died, so they'll probably mourn, thinking that I'm floating in the void of space never to be seen again, endlessly reviving and dying over and over... *She sighs* They live on the Isle of Skye...
Phalanx: Listen, they started that fight on coruscant not me.
Seku: We'll try to keep him away but he is a grown man.... As for the other thing, if it's a problem he can go on a hike or something when we need to stop. Or we let him have the sound proofed ship while we make camp outside like planned for that stuff... *She doesn't question the courscant thing or Phalanx's response*
Phalanx: Now I'm connecting the dots. *He takes a drink*
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Krystal: Unfortunately there isn't much we can do about that. *sigh*
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Val: *begrudgingly takes her hand* I said I’d play nice.. you’ve yet to earn my respect….
Lythe: I suppose it’s a start.
Val: *looks over at bri* how the hell do you know so much about my home? About events that haven’t even happened yet?….
Jorin: I’m sure we can get some people to spread the word on what ever type of race it may be, as for funds…. Not as much as I’d like. Certainly not enough for a worth while prize…. We could extend our scope to fighters or unique weapons or some sort of artifact of mandalorian culture.
Jaster: not that I know of…. He took out a few hobos….
Kenzie: like murdered?
Jaster: eeeh debatable.
Kenzie: *stares into her cup for a second* eeeh I can’t really judge.
"The rains have ceased and we are graced with another beautiful day. but you are not here to see it."
Bri: My dad is.... Kinda a fan? He's traveled there, met his counterpart who's a rouge trader along with.... Another version of himself there too which I'm realizing is probably my captain since he has a chain sword... he collects artifacts and the like from there. Has a gallery in his estate that just houses armor, weapons, he's even got a leman russ in his underground storage hanger... The tank obviously... And he likes to talk about it sometimes... And it's not always at the same point in time so... *She shrugs*
Freeman: let's not be so hasty offering up an artifact. A ship is probably in the right place but let's not limit ourselves to fighters... Why not something worth flying for? Something luxurious that catches the eye, that even if they're not into it, they can sell it for a cool run... Honestly if they do sell it I might throw in a bid personally... Something like an J-Type or H-type Nubian yacht... The Naboo make some quality starships... Expensive ones though.
Erin: We.... Can't let them at least know I'm okay?... Send a message explaining things? They wouldn't tell anyone else, they're used to keeping big secrets... You got all this future tech. Isn't it enough or is this a problem of red tape?
Phalanx: *he picks his mug up and downs his drink* They were swarming me, wouldn't take credits, we were on courscant, a planet sized city filled with high places to fall from and it was long before I got my armor back which would have let me fall with ease. I didn't wanna be thrown to my death. And when the first ones went down they didn't wanna route or pull back, they just kept coming at me. What was I supposed to do, let them kill me? I had a friend there too to take care of. I tried to remedy the situation peacefully but they forced my hand.
Seku: Wow.... I know I'm a Jedi and all, but I really can't judge that. Sounds like they had a death wish...
Phalanx: Maybe... No one ever let that go. Even now it seems. *He says looking over to Jaster*
"We have no tomorrow, but there's still hope for the future. In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away. Will I see it in my lifetime? Probably not. Which means there's no time to waste. Someday the world will no longer need us. No need for the gun, or the hand to pull the trigger." -Punished Snake
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
Krystal: Its mostly the HOW that is the issue. We've only been able to travel to one other reality without outside help, and even then it was kinda with outside help. We've never really worked on cross dimensional travel.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Freeman: Part of me was always fed by with how little action we could take in the early days. Some days I just wanted to pack up and join him. *He stands up* I'll take care of the cost if I have to Jorin.
Erin: Have you already told me much about the Borg? The whole concept and the story you've told me including your timeline clone... Do you consider her a sister? Just trying to gauge how I should treat the version of me around here.
Seku: *she rolls her eyes and chuckles a bit*
As for watching over her... she hasn't caused any trouble yet so I'm not sure why she needs a close eye on her. I think lately she's simply been training physically and studying about our universe.
Janri: She is quite well equipped. *she says both as an innuendo and a genuine observation on Nova's physique*
Clea: Maybe we should get some food after all that trouble.
Rax: Is there anything else we need to do on Coruscant?
Hanuh: *To Freeman* What, fighting the CIS? There was plenty of action going around. *she pauses for a moment and shakes her head at something* Or... ah, I guess you meant the rebellion.
*she turns to Jorin* I have credits if need be, but I take it you mean "carry my weight"?
Rin: It might be on some level. I think it was a few thousand years ago, it's difficult to be certain without thorough archeological investigations... sorry, got distracted. Thousands of years ago Ossus was hit by a cataclysmic event that wiped almost the entire population off the face of the planet. Those who survived would eventually "evolve" into a new species, the Ysanna though they were tribal by the time anyone discovered them. The Ysanna still live in the city and across the planet, they're a very interesting people. Ossus used to be like a paradise before the cataclysm, but now it's as you see now.
Lythe: I suppose it was only a matter of time before the tau experimented with their own version of astartes.
Val: I doubt she could stand up to an astartes.
Jorin: I may be in the mess later. *she says to clea* Make yourself useful while for how ever long you plan on staying. *she looks at freeman* that won’t be necessary. *she looks back at hanuh* I’ll show you to your room, and I suppose once you’re settled in if you have questions then feel free to find me or any of the clan. I’m usually on the bridge, *she looks at rax* we’ll be here for awhile tho I may have some personal business to tend to on coruscant but that’s nothing to worry about. *she opens the door of the shuttle to a bunch of b-1’s clumsily going about their work as she waits for hanuh* I hope the droids aren’t an issue for you.
Kenzie: I wonder what it looked like before it got glassed…..
Jaster: *walks back with everyone’s orders* if you’re planning on staying long they send out expeditions often. I’m sure you could learn something from it.
Kenzie: maybe another time, we’re here to find someone.
Jaster: right you’re lookin for the kid.
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Freeman: I was talking about the early rebellion, yeah. My parents trained clones and the like, not me. Though in those early days I worked alongside old B1 battledroids, CIS militiamen. Hell first real big asset we claimed for the rebellion was an old CIS dreadnaught full of valuables. Certainly helped a lot.
Erin: Evil twin? That's... Something... So ya think I should treat my counterpart here the same way? What are they even like? Could you tell me about them a bit?
Seku: You said it's been a bit since he's been here. Any idea where he could be?
Phalanx: He's a fan of studying ancient sites on account of him being able to look into the past and all. Glad we don't have that one speeder anymore that Hrisst ate a guy in. Kid would be scarred seeing that.
Seku: *blinks* excuse me?
Hanuh: I don't have any problems with droids unless they're actively working for some mysterious CIS benefactor. I'm assuming these work for you? *She gives a bit of a shrug and takes a few steps out to look around at the Hangar, the faintest hint of a smile on her lips* Why this ship? Most of them were scrapped to build ISDs and other Star Destroyer models.
*Clea gets out and stretches a bit as Rax offers a nod*
Rin: That's uh, some story. *she scratches her cheek* That doesn't really answer the question though. Maybe we should try asking around the ruins on Ossus, maybe someone has worked with him.
As for your counterpart... I... I can't say one way or the other. Never met her.
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Jorin: I was in the market for a ship and the empire happened to have one. We’re a nomadic clan so a ship this size just worked out. We used to have a stronghold a long time ago but…. *shakes her head* anyway, with your history I’m sure you’re familiar with the lay out of a venator. *she says leading her to the turbolift*
Jaster: yeeeeaaaah. Uh the kid did do some work over there.
Kenzie: is cannibalism normal here?
Jaster no not typically hrrist is just an odd ball….
Freeman: The droids in my cell were free droids. Smarter B1s than you'd know. Miss them sometimes.
Erin: your daughter told me my counterpart here is a man... Did ya get distracted by how good I look like this, that you forgot that I'm apparently not the norm here?
(Her counterpart is Nick)
Phalanx: well Hrisst is a trandodian... If you're not familiar, that's a giant walking lizard man. It's not exactly cannibalism when it's not the same species, but still pretty bad. Hrisst really didn't care though. This was decades ago though, so I barely remember the reason. But yeah back to the Kid, he's done work here and that's sorta how we came to set up here. We've also gone with him to a few other sites.
Nova: Oh? Visitors who want to see me? Sure I'll be right over!
*After a few minutes Nova shows up and enters. The Tau girl is covered in muscle but perfectly so without losing the feminine qualities of her ample figure. With the skintight suit she wears that seems to be mostly tactical in nature, one can still see her musculature and some unusual attributes. She appears to stand around 8 feet tall rivaling the average Primaris marine, her red hair done in a short braided ponytail that could fit in a helmet properly, and her eyes stand out with a bright yellow orange iris.*
Nova: *She looks around at Lythe and Bri tilting her head* I am pleased to meet you, you may call me Novasword. I prefer Nova for short, my full name is less necessary in this place.
Hanuh: I knew a few droids that were like that back on Coruscant, but not many. *She gives a nod to Jorin and follows after her* Yes, I've spent a fair bit of time on them. I always liked the design of the hangars, plenty more space compared to other ships'.
Rin: Well by Galactic law consuming any sapients counts as cannibalism but I know some don't care that much about that... when you're already breaking the law I suppose. Any idea which sites he favored? Might make it easier to investigate.
Lythe: *looks over nova with a stone faced expression* you would be the first tau I have actually conversed with. I am lythewae of craft world biel-tan, unlike the imperium elder have had very little interaction with your empire.
Val: lucky you.
Lythe: to we who weave the tapestry of fate, they were simply too insignificant to notice. *she looks at nova* I am surprised valendria did not cut you down when first you met, but seeing as this is a different universe past alliances are irrelevant.
Val: I guess I just wanted to see where it would go. *she shrugs*
*from the other side of the room a mid sized rabbit white fur and black splotches on it body and the rips of its ears hops over as Jorin casually picks it up and continues walking petting the bunny*
Jorin: as it stands the maw needs some work she’s combat ready but just barely. *she says walking into the turbo lift*
Kenzie: giant lizard men that eat people….
Jaster: eh he’s not that bad really, had a habit of throwing credits at people for random reasons… and I mean that literally, like I said he’s an odd one. Anyway, the kid did have a few sites he looked at here but the most recent one that I remember was on dantooine some old enclave he was looking at, could pick up his trail from there.
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Freeman: a Venetor's strength is it's fighter compliment, thought the turbolasers still help. Perhaps we need to shift our focus on recruitment for a bit to pilots with their own fighters and engineers to keep them going.
Erin: Well if you need to talk I'm here. Ya got Reina too. Don't gotta suffer alone on this
Seku: dantooine? There used to be an old rebel base there..
Phalanx: maybe he set up one of his Holo player things.
Seku: Holoplayer things?
Phalanx: yeah, he'd set up holographic projectors with scenes he recreated from things he saw in the past from said places. Said he wanted it to be easier to share what he'd seen but all the stuff he had to do to make it happen didn't seem easier. Programing, modeling and generating voices. you'd think he was making holovids for a living... Pretty sure he does sabacc for more money too, so that may be worth looking into as well
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Nova: *She gives a friendly smile to Lythe* Its a pleasure to meet you. I am thankful we did not fight before, I might have missed all these opportunities.
Nexa: See? She's fiiiiine. No trouble. *Janri chuckles*
Hanuh: I'm not half bad as a mechanic, though I'm no specialist I could potentially help with preparations. *She raises an eyebrow at the bunny*
*Rax and the others follow along*
Rin: Dantooine is an interesting choice. It also has some interesting ruins... as for Sabacc, I'm not really sure where to begin with that, I prefer pazaak and even then I'm in no gambling circles.
Lythe: *nods*
Jorin: hmm that is true. Most of the fighters on here were too stripped to be useful, I’ll figure something out. *she walks into the turbo lift and heads to the crew deck*
Kenzie: what’s sabaac and pazaak?
Jaster: games of chance if you’re into gambling.
Kenzie: so like poker or black jack ok.
Jaster: I guess… *he looks at Kenzie funny then turns to rin and seku* that’d be your best bet. I doubt he’s there but you could probably pick up his trail.
Freeman: recruiting pilots with their own fighters is the smart move. They get to keep something close to them, special even.
Erin: think you can tell me my counterpart's name at least?
Seku: What's poker and blackjack? *She asks raising a brow* and yeah dantooine it is.
Phalanx: mind if I join? I'd ask Jaster if he wanted to as well but this bar is his baby and he won't abandon it.
Seku: I mean, it might be a bit tight but I'd be okay with it.
Nova: Did I say something wrong? *She scratches her cheek looking confused*
Janri: *She looks over at Val a little worried*
Hanuh: How long ago did you get this ship? *She tilts her head*
Clea: I'm sure there's more than a few that would be interested, but how to go about recruiting...
Reashe: Sort of... there's some similarity. I learned about them on the station.
Rin: Hmm, things might get awkward with someone else onboard. *She thinks of the U wing, it can probably fit another. She doesn't seem super against the idea, just thinking*
Lythe: if I remember my history correctly the only interaction between tau and elder resulted in a maiden world’s destruction which one of the eldari craft worlds responded by destroying a tau colony, tho later it was revealed to be a ploy by the s*ht stain drukhari!… *she gets intensely enraged mentioning the drukhari for a moment before calming down and clearing her throat* my apologies….
Val: *she looks at bri* at least your federation champions peace and cooperation, *she motions to nova* the tau only care if you join their “greater good” but there’s nothing good about it. You either join or die there’s no in between. The day I trust a tau is the day guilliman wakes up from his nap which I doubt will ever happen.
*the turbo lift opens on the crew deck as Jorin walks out*
Jorin: not too long ago. *she walks down the corridor to a room at the end of the hall* here we are if you need anything let some one know, go ahead and get settled in. I’m usually on the bridge if you want to ask about anything when you’re ready. *she looks at freeman and clea* while hanuh gets settled in if you two have any ideas on recruitment I’m all ears let’s head to the bridge.
Kenzie: it’s a form of gambling with cards but it’s been awhile since I’ve played either. *she looks at everyone* are you sure about bringing another? It’s already cramped as it is and I’m a pretty big girl and once we get Eli it’ll be even more cramped…. *after a moment she shrugs*
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Freeman: *he nods, ready to follow* Perhaps we can start by getting some attention. Maybe we find a place to host a race. A dangerous one. That's where we can get some. Smugglers looking to get out from under the hutts or debt may be another good point but they'd more than likely have freighters so we'd be able to hold less of them. Though having a lot of freighters wouldn't be a bad thing. Disenfranchised former rebel pilots without a place in the New Republic military may be another. And out of all those those with interest in the mandalorian way of life may be on the rare side... We'll figure something out.... Speaking of recruiting, while we're on coruscant, I can pick up some stuff while we're here to build a forge. Set it up somewhere on the ship.
Erin: ah.... I guess it makes a sad amount of sense that he'd keep the family name I had abandoned, he was probably the golden child to Dad. Cared about not just a bargaining piece. *She scoffs and crosses her arms, looking upset*
Phalanx: Kid has his own ship, what you're gonna make him ride in whatever you came in and leave his behind? I just assumed you'd park your ship in one of his hangers if it's that small.
Seku: we literally have a small troop transport. A U-Wing. It's been modified for long journeys and habitation, you should fit fine. It's not like we're all stuffing into an escape pod. I sleep in the pilot's seat, Rin has the co-pilot's seat then there's room for 8 people. Big girl isn't big enough that the number goes down when a wookiee or two can fit fine. Plus we're gonna land and camp when we can. If you got a tent you're fine
Phalanx: I'm no stranger to long rides... *He looks over to Jaster* I still miss the fishstick sometimes y'know.
Nexa: I understand if there are some issues back where you come from, but things can be different here. *She says in a hopeful manner with a smile*
Hanuh: Thank you. *She enters the quarters and starts to set down her bag, taking out various items as the door closes behind her*
Clea: Its not a bad idea.
Rax: We could also seek out any groups that are looking for work. We could give those that seem promising an offer to join up.
Reashe: Maybe she was worried about the other stuff? *She coughs, trying to imply the concern they already had with the two couples needing to make stops to "relax".*
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lythe: i did, tho i admit our exodus here was not my design it was simply chance but i was indeed looking to... as the mon'keigh would put it "get the hell out of dodge."
val: well i guess if i can befriend lythe then i can at least play nice with you. *she says to nova*
lythe: perhaps there is hope for you yet.
jorin: *nods to hanuh* hmmm.... *she starts walking back making her way to the bridge* we do have more numbers so sending a few people out to gage these suggestions may be the best course then go with the most promising ones. tho i do like the idea of a race, we'd just have to find a sponsor and a prize worth racing for.
kenzie: i guess if that stuff comes up we can deal with it, i guess space wont be an issue then. *she shrugs*
jaster: *chuckles* those were some good times, but im content with my lot owning the only bar on a world the galaxy long forgot about. *he looks at a glass hes cleaning with a smile pondering something before looking over at rin* if you take him with you keep him out of trouble... and away from coruscant....
Freeman: We'd be the sponsor, but we'd need to get the word out. A prize is much needed though. Anyone have ideas.
Erin: I went a bit into It before when we met, it can just be summed up as being born as a woman in medieval Europe. I left home so I'd be more than just property and eventually ended up being adopted by two Lanthanites, my real parents to me. That's why I have the name Cunningham.... They know I can't stay dead, so me being here is gonna break their hearts if Starfleet thinks I died, so they'll probably mourn, thinking that I'm floating in the void of space never to be seen again, endlessly reviving and dying over and over... *She sighs* They live on the Isle of Skye...
Phalanx: Listen, they started that fight on coruscant not me.
Seku: We'll try to keep him away but he is a grown man.... As for the other thing, if it's a problem he can go on a hike or something when we need to stop. Or we let him have the sound proofed ship while we make camp outside like planned for that stuff... *She doesn't question the courscant thing or Phalanx's response*
Phalanx: Now I'm connecting the dots. *He takes a drink*
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Nexa: *Her head is spinning, she only recognizes some of what was said. Janri giggles and gives her a hug from behind*
Rax: What are our funds like? I don't really think its come up.
Clea: A starfighter could be a prize, that'll usually get people interested I think.
Reashe: Why coruscant? Got a bounty?
Rin: I guess it works. *she shrugs*
Lythe: I suppose it’s a start.
Val: *looks over at bri* how the hell do you know so much about my home? About events that haven’t even happened yet?….
Jorin: I’m sure we can get some people to spread the word on what ever type of race it may be, as for funds…. Not as much as I’d like. Certainly not enough for a worth while prize…. We could extend our scope to fighters or unique weapons or some sort of artifact of mandalorian culture.
Jaster: not that I know of…. He took out a few hobos….
Kenzie: like murdered?
Jaster: eeeh debatable.
Kenzie: *stares into her cup for a second* eeeh I can’t really judge.
Freeman: let's not be so hasty offering up an artifact. A ship is probably in the right place but let's not limit ourselves to fighters... Why not something worth flying for? Something luxurious that catches the eye, that even if they're not into it, they can sell it for a cool run... Honestly if they do sell it I might throw in a bid personally... Something like an J-Type or H-type Nubian yacht... The Naboo make some quality starships... Expensive ones though.
Erin: We.... Can't let them at least know I'm okay?... Send a message explaining things? They wouldn't tell anyone else, they're used to keeping big secrets... You got all this future tech. Isn't it enough or is this a problem of red tape?
Phalanx: *he picks his mug up and downs his drink* They were swarming me, wouldn't take credits, we were on courscant, a planet sized city filled with high places to fall from and it was long before I got my armor back which would have let me fall with ease. I didn't wanna be thrown to my death. And when the first ones went down they didn't wanna route or pull back, they just kept coming at me. What was I supposed to do, let them kill me? I had a friend there too to take care of. I tried to remedy the situation peacefully but they forced my hand.
Seku: Wow.... I know I'm a Jedi and all, but I really can't judge that. Sounds like they had a death wish...
Phalanx: Maybe... No one ever let that go. Even now it seems. *He says looking over to Jaster*
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