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Graphics Related Issues, System Data Collection.



  • aureleusaureleus Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    mouerte wrote: »
    just a update.
    Upgraded my rig from 1 GTX 670 4GB to X2 GTX 670 4GB SLI.
    fun fact makes nearly no dif what so ever still get FPS drop in
    STF's to under 30FPS :eek:

    This game is so broken :P

    only plase I see any deferens is in the load screens went from 450FPS to 690fps :confused:

    Two GTX 670s should Easily play most if not All current titles maxed out >.>. This pretty much Proves that this issue is Definitely on Cryptics end. Which I kind of already knew with how there engine uses my 270X so poorly.

    Does your GPU loads also fluctuate from one percentage to another in one scene, like for example go from 30% to 14% then back up to 40%, and very sporadically lolz.

    I'm starting to think that STO is suffering from many engine related issues, such as memory leaks, improper or lack of coding to properly use our GPUs correctly, and a Very bad UI system...dear gawd! please fix that UI! I mean seriously this game is 4 years old and they still have not optimized it ?
  • awdterrorawdterror Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Ill post my specs once I get back to my computer, but I upgraded from a r7 260x to an r9 270x and there was no difference in FPS with the UI on (~40fps) no matter where I go. If I turn the UI off, then it jumps to 150-200fps without vsync.
  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Yea, same happens to me. If i deactivate the UI i go to 150 fps (with an "old" gtx 650ti lol). And 70-80fps in any zone that is not a big lag factory. But in some zones, i have a lot of stalls and spikes of 5-10 fps. Some zones are just a pain. Other zones are just unplayable. Some zones lag for an unkown reason, etc.

    I wonder, why cryptic didnt think on other UI for the game. Its clear that this one was not the right choice.
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