For next summer these are the New things I'd like to see.
New floaters: Citrine(Light Orange), Lavender(Light Purple), Fed/Kling/and Rom
On the subject of floaters the male versions got a graphical problem in that the supior versions got these dinky back thrusters and the thrust visual is coming out the side of it instead of the end. Also it looks kind of odd that the floater is not against the back and all the persons weight is be supported by the arms so can't be very comfortable, I think if you lowered the back end of the floater up against the back and add a chest strap like just under the TRIBBLE the things would look more realistic.
New Powerboards: A superior green style, A superior red style, Maybe a expensive Custom powerboard that we can color ourselves at a special NPC with a Favor cost for changes.
New Outfits: The swimwear is fairly well fleshed out but their is always room for more.
The Scale and Mesh swimwear that some of the risian females wear would be nice.
Flower shirt and shorts for both males and females should be wearable outside risa and a open short version for males as well.
Another flower accents pack that includes a partial head wealth so we can help avoid hair clipping, A variety of single tropical flowers you can put in your hair. And a flower sash. Also as for the old flower accent paxk it would be nice to have some vine wrappings around the wrist and upper arm ones so they look like they can actually be attached to your body.
On the subject of costumes it would be nice to have bundle packs that offer many of the event costume options in a single pack for a discount so new players have a cheaper way to catch up on the unlockables.
A new pet: I think it would be cool to get a new sries of pets called Glowbugs. They basically would always fly(maybe do some ariel acrobatics while idol like cockscrews or flips) and have a back end that glows and lights up a small area around them. Could have 3 versions Green(gives off yellow-green light with black body) Blue(gives off a Blue-White light with black shell) and Red( gives off Orange-red light with back shell). Mutations will add shell patterns and maybe a extra set of wings. I would think they would be smaller then most pets with a tier1 being about half the size of a epohh baby and a tier 4 being about the size of a adult epohh.
I was thinking a cool way to get them would be to have a quest on a 30 minute timer that can be done only in night zones. Add a insect specialist in the flower filled cauldara that offers the raise doff missions and the resource event. Basically the event entails you using a net like object that works like a melee weapon so no interaction bar So you basically run around the cauldara swinging your net trying to catch bugs from fast to slow and big and small. The harder they are to catch the more they are worth and the more you catcj in the time limit the more bug tags you get.
A Trade-in System for summer items: Would like to have a way to get rid of surplus eggs and tags. Having a vendor that converts 1 egg or 6 tags to 50-75 favor would be great and maybe 150 favor for 40 pearls.
Also a trade-in system for floaters and powerboards. would be nice to be able to trade-in a floater or powerboard for 80% of it's price so if a new one comes out that you like better then your old one, don't have to grind all those favors again to replace your item.
Changes I'd like to see for summer event next year:
The Sand Castle quest to reward a whole lot better then it does now, with many more spots to build around the map.
I'd like to see the powerboard race changed so it's more dynamic and muchless pay to win. Besides the obvious removal of the flag system with a proper finish line. First off to add the dynamic nature I was referring to I was thinking of changing the boost system away from the unreliable system we got now to a system that predetermines specific ramps and gaps for each player that apply a stacking 25% speed boost for each ramp or gap you hit, but the trick is you got to hit the one selected for you. So basically every player that gets the quest has certain ramps and gaps they got to hit to get their boost(which could be marked by smaller versions of the pearl daily course gates) and certain out of the way ramps like the far right one on the second set would give multiple stacks to compensate you for the detour. so if they had like 10 different course layouts that get assigned randomly it should be enough to keep the races interesting. then they could get rid of the increased speeds the more expensive boards give and instead make it so the more expensive boards increase the time a boost lasts so a superior would have a easier time keeping their stacks refreshed. Standard(10s boost duration), Enhanced(12s boost duration), and Superior(15s Boost Duration).
New things I'd like to see for next Winter Event.
New Epohh Pet: Chocolate Epohh that mutates with attached antlers and a glowy red nose.
New Snowman Pet: Basically klingon and romulan versions. Also would be nice to have new romulan snowman enemies.
New costume options:
Fur Lined Dresses and Suits. so since they would probaly be color coded like the jackets. Each costume should include furlined boots and gloves, Furry earmuffs and a belt, Fur lined coat and pants for males, and furlined Skirt and top for females. They could make the furlined clothes exclusive to the winter zone and the gingerbread colony if they wanted too.
Winter Accesories. Basically things like mittens, earmuffs and caps, thick thermal gloves and boots. Would be nice to have these purchasable with latinum like the sunglasses and can be worn anywear and be available for most uniform options.
New colors for hte existing costumes like dark green, dark blue, and light blue.
Also Bundles for the costumes so newer players can catch up without paying full price. like all the full legth jackets would be in one bundle.
A Winter Dabo Table that is in the wonderland and has holiday symbols instead of the standard ones.
A elite version of the gingerbread colony that gives much better rewards but has it where if you get frozen a player has to defrost you so if all players get frozen you fail event. Could add destructable enemy snowball mortars around the map also to make it more interesting.
A New ice skating race or coarse that require the frosted boots and gives a unknown reward for doing it(depends what they want it to accomplish).
A snowfort PvP match that pits two teams of players against the other and they got to destroy the others fort. Could have player freindly snowmen like a DOTA Game to help assist. But your have to put in a freeze immunity timer so a player couldn't be froze camped.
Some new guns
A trade-in System for excess autographs and epohh tags. Probaly convert the tags and autographs into latinum for those that don't want to play dabo and the reward rate was much better last year once they fixed it.
Changes for Next Winter Event:
My only real complaint last year was the epohh race. The race was just way to exploitable and was easy to get disqailified. I'd like to see the jump key be disabled when you accept the quest and the every present flags need to go. Having permenant ice barriars around the borders would be great so it's much harder to accidently disquaify yourself. Also to add some dynamic elements to the race why not add different ice barrier obsticles patterns that change from race to race so players don't always know the course they be able to take the same path race from race and have to adapt on the go.
Summer event -
i'd definitely like to see more ways of earning pearls.
I like the option suggesting that an additional 10 favors be added if you did all four paths. Perhaps, if all the paths were made available, then you could be offered a base of say 30 favors for doing the required 3 paths, but then an additional 10 favors for each path you complete in the allotted time. Dropping the requirement to actually go back to the the event coordinator and just hail them like the sand castle and Hunt evnts.
Speaking of sand castle... I'd like to see them offered all around the island. Some areas could be made to be more difficult and offer up more favors. In either case, I'd like to see more favors for completing the event and the bonus rounds.
Powerboard race - I don't like the "grab the flag" finish. several times I've missed it and ended up just finishing the race. I swear a couple of times I came towards the finish and the marker jumped. I thought it was always in the middle of the finish area. Maybe it was just a graphic update glitch do to lag. Then there's the matter of level of boards. Perhaps they could deal out favors to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and finshing by tier... basic boards, standard boards, enhanced boards, superior boards.
i wish the winter event would be moved to andoria so this way we could race all year long if we wanted just for fun as we can visit risa and use the power boards and jet packs andoria would be a great location for winter event ...... plus it be a great way to develop that planet since we can visit it yet do nothing there...
Not everyone tans. Some of us sun-green, or -blue. :P I guess if you fail this on Elite, you get a sunburn injury?
Seriously though, one tweak I'd like to see is in the "Flying High" event. You only need to complete 3 out of 4 courses to get 40 pearls. Would be nice if you got, say, an additional 10 pearls for completing all 4 courses within the time limit.
For next summer these are the New things I'd like to see.
New floaters: Citrine(Light Orange), Lavender(Light Purple), Fed/Kling/and Rom
On the subject of floaters the male versions got a graphical problem in that the supior versions got these dinky back thrusters and the thrust visual is coming out the side of it instead of the end. Also it looks kind of odd that the floater is not against the back and all the persons weight is be supported by the arms so can't be very comfortable, I think if you lowered the back end of the floater up against the back and add a chest strap like just under the TRIBBLE the things would look more realistic.
New Powerboards: A superior green style, A superior red style, Maybe a expensive Custom powerboard that we can color ourselves at a special NPC with a Favor cost for changes.
New Outfits: The swimwear is fairly well fleshed out but their is always room for more.
The Scale and Mesh swimwear that some of the risian females wear would be nice.
Flower shirt and shorts for both males and females should be wearable outside risa and a open short version for males as well.
Another flower accents pack that includes a partial head wealth so we can help avoid hair clipping, A variety of single tropical flowers you can put in your hair. And a flower sash. Also as for the old flower accent paxk it would be nice to have some vine wrappings around the wrist and upper arm ones so they look like they can actually be attached to your body.
On the subject of costumes it would be nice to have bundle packs that offer many of the event costume options in a single pack for a discount so new players have a cheaper way to catch up on the unlockables.
A new pet: I think it would be cool to get a new sries of pets called Glowbugs. They basically would always fly(maybe do some ariel acrobatics while idol like cockscrews or flips) and have a back end that glows and lights up a small area around them. Could have 3 versions Green(gives off yellow-green light with black body) Blue(gives off a Blue-White light with black shell) and Red( gives off Orange-red light with back shell). Mutations will add shell patterns and maybe a extra set of wings. I would think they would be smaller then most pets with a tier1 being about half the size of a epohh baby and a tier 4 being about the size of a adult epohh.
I was thinking a cool way to get them would be to have a quest on a 30 minute timer that can be done only in night zones. Add a insect specialist in the flower filled cauldara that offers the raise doff missions and the resource event. Basically the event entails you using a net like object that works like a melee weapon so no interaction bar So you basically run around the cauldara swinging your net trying to catch bugs from fast to slow and big and small. The harder they are to catch the more they are worth and the more you catcj in the time limit the more bug tags you get.
A Trade-in System for summer items: Would like to have a way to get rid of surplus eggs and tags. Having a vendor that converts 1 egg or 6 tags to 50-75 favor would be great and maybe 150 favor for 40 pearls.
Also a trade-in system for floaters and powerboards. would be nice to be able to trade-in a floater or powerboard for 80% of it's price so if a new one comes out that you like better then your old one, don't have to grind all those favors again to replace your item.
Changes I'd like to see for summer event next year:
The Sand Castle quest to reward a whole lot better then it does now, with many more spots to build around the map.
I'd like to see the powerboard race changed so it's more dynamic and muchless pay to win. Besides the obvious removal of the flag system with a proper finish line. First off to add the dynamic nature I was referring to I was thinking of changing the boost system away from the unreliable system we got now to a system that predetermines specific ramps and gaps for each player that apply a stacking 25% speed boost for each ramp or gap you hit, but the trick is you got to hit the one selected for you. So basically every player that gets the quest has certain ramps and gaps they got to hit to get their boost(which could be marked by smaller versions of the pearl daily course gates) and certain out of the way ramps like the far right one on the second set would give multiple stacks to compensate you for the detour. so if they had like 10 different course layouts that get assigned randomly it should be enough to keep the races interesting. then they could get rid of the increased speeds the more expensive boards give and instead make it so the more expensive boards increase the time a boost lasts so a superior would have a easier time keeping their stacks refreshed. Standard(10s boost duration), Enhanced(12s boost duration), and Superior(15s Boost Duration).
New things I'd like to see for next Winter Event.
New Epohh Pet: Chocolate Epohh that mutates with attached antlers and a glowy red nose.
New Snowman Pet: Basically klingon and romulan versions. Also would be nice to have new romulan snowman enemies.
New costume options:
Fur Lined Dresses and Suits. so since they would probaly be color coded like the jackets. Each costume should include furlined boots and gloves, Furry earmuffs and a belt, Fur lined coat and pants for males, and furlined Skirt and top for females. They could make the furlined clothes exclusive to the winter zone and the gingerbread colony if they wanted too.
Winter Accesories. Basically things like mittens, earmuffs and caps, thick thermal gloves and boots. Would be nice to have these purchasable with latinum like the sunglasses and can be worn anywear and be available for most uniform options.
New colors for hte existing costumes like dark green, dark blue, and light blue.
Also Bundles for the costumes so newer players can catch up without paying full price. like all the full legth jackets would be in one bundle.
A Winter Dabo Table that is in the wonderland and has holiday symbols instead of the standard ones.
A elite version of the gingerbread colony that gives much better rewards but has it where if you get frozen a player has to defrost you so if all players get frozen you fail event. Could add destructable enemy snowball mortars around the map also to make it more interesting.
A New ice skating race or coarse that require the frosted boots and gives a unknown reward for doing it(depends what they want it to accomplish).
A snowfort PvP match that pits two teams of players against the other and they got to destroy the others fort. Could have player freindly snowmen like a DOTA Game to help assist. But your have to put in a freeze immunity timer so a player couldn't be froze camped.
Some new guns
A trade-in System for excess autographs and epohh tags. Probaly convert the tags and autographs into latinum for those that don't want to play dabo and the reward rate was much better last year once they fixed it.
Changes for Next Winter Event:
My only real complaint last year was the epohh race. The race was just way to exploitable and was easy to get disqailified. I'd like to see the jump key be disabled when you accept the quest and the every present flags need to go. Having permenant ice barriars around the borders would be great so it's much harder to accidently disquaify yourself. Also to add some dynamic elements to the race why not add different ice barrier obsticles patterns that change from race to race so players don't always know the course they be able to take the same path race from race and have to adapt on the go.
Whoo lots of suggestions here: have to say i like them all, especially the snow fort, i keep saying the undine assault game type should be modified and made a PvP game type, like DotA or LoL. i'll be adding them to the list ^^
Oh also, the glowbug idea is neat, but it'd have to be a seperate insect species, as glowbugs are already in the game and are basically fireflies.
KDF for Life! Romulan at Heart Fed cause they made me ~ :P
Summer event -
i'd definitely like to see more ways of earning pearls.
I like the option suggesting that an additional 10 favors be added if you did all four paths. Perhaps, if all the paths were made available, then you could be offered a base of say 30 favors for doing the required 3 paths, but then an additional 10 favors for each path you complete in the allotted time. Dropping the requirement to actually go back to the the event coordinator and just hail them like the sand castle and Hunt evnts.
Speaking of sand castle... I'd like to see them offered all around the island. Some areas could be made to be more difficult and offer up more favors. In either case, I'd like to see more favors for completing the event and the bonus rounds.
Powerboard race - I don't like the "grab the flag" finish. several times I've missed it and ended up just finishing the race. I swear a couple of times I came towards the finish and the marker jumped. I thought it was always in the middle of the finish area. Maybe it was just a graphic update glitch do to lag. Then there's the matter of level of boards. Perhaps they could deal out favors to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and finshing by tier... basic boards, standard boards, enhanced boards, superior boards.
tiered rewards would be a good compromise if they can't make it first second and third to cross; adding to the list ^^
i wish the winter event would be moved to andoria so this way we could race all year long if we wanted just for fun as we can visit risa and use the power boards and jet packs andoria would be a great location for winter event ...... plus it be a great way to develop that planet since we can visit it yet do nothing there...
not sure the Andorians would like playing host to a rather destructive at times omnipotent all-powerful being...but i do agree Andoria needs a revamp (so does Vulcan )
for all those klingons out there how about a TARG HUNT
Targ Hunt would be awesome, but it should be cross faction maybe a queue to hunt the smaller targs then at the end have a larger and/or tougher Prize Winter Targ (maybe with a shaggy white coat like some giant klingon pig version of a white buffalo); adding it to the list!
KDF for Life! Romulan at Heart Fed cause they made me ~ :P
I'd actually like to be able to trade my pearls for the favours with the new discount on ships if one character has it, Maybe a 1:5 ratio for a nice boost of 200 favours a day for people like myself who cant get on for verry long and arn't flush with creds to spend in the exchange.
Don't know if this has been suggested for the summer event.
Say I go to Risa and I'm in my risian cruiser or corvette, when I beam down make it so I see my ship "parked/moored" out at sea. It only has to be visible to my toon, I know this sort of thing can be done because the hoops for the floater courses are only visible to players actually doing the mission.
You could still have the latest ship reward out at sea like the cruiser currently is but there's plenty of space for my ship to park up!
What I want to see in the next Winter / Summer Event?
NO MORE STUPID FLAG GRABBING MECHANIC! That or give us alternate means to earn tags! :mad:
And next Summer Event's Hoverboard race:
1) Get rid of the stupid shortucts
2) Make the Race that actually requires SKILL and not stupid random speed boosts!
3) Make Ramps actually useful! Nobody uses them if they can avoid them! Maybe give players a chance at a free tag.
I would like to see the race flags mechanic made less random so the people who actually come in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd actually GET the rewards.
I want to see Risian Bird Eggs be BoA so my one toon doesn't have to buy them while my other toon has a dozen more than it can use this year!
Make the price of eggs 100 and make a 6-pack of tags also buyable for 100 so I can avoid doing the crappy powerboard P2W race that has horrible issues from start to finish.
The price of anything that is only usable on Risa/Winterland should be 25% of the current costs.
Doff assignments for the summer event would be a nice way to pad your fevor gain.
Also would be nice to have the dance instructor call out a new phrase like "Show me your Stuff!" that includes all the earned dances like samba and fan dance. Could make it where the only way to unlock the dance event is to talk to the intructor first(only for the first time) which unlocks the basic samba so everyone gots at least one of the special moves when she/he calls out.
This is for both the summer and winter event. For first timers why not make it where as soon as you enter the zones you get a quest that has you go around the areas learning about all the events and activities so they don't have to ask others what they can do and how. Could even reward them enough event currencies to get a pet and starter gear.
New floaters: Citrine(Light Orange), Lavender(Light Purple), Fed/Kling/and Rom
On the subject of floaters the male versions got a graphical problem in that the supior versions got these dinky back thrusters and the thrust visual is coming out the side of it instead of the end. Also it looks kind of odd that the floater is not against the back and all the persons weight is be supported by the arms so can't be very comfortable, I think if you lowered the back end of the floater up against the back and add a chest strap like just under the TRIBBLE the things would look more realistic.
New Powerboards: A superior green style, A superior red style, Maybe a expensive Custom powerboard that we can color ourselves at a special NPC with a Favor cost for changes.
New Outfits: The swimwear is fairly well fleshed out but their is always room for more.
The Scale and Mesh swimwear that some of the risian females wear would be nice.
Flower shirt and shorts for both males and females should be wearable outside risa and a open short version for males as well.
Another flower accents pack that includes a partial head wealth so we can help avoid hair clipping, A variety of single tropical flowers you can put in your hair. And a flower sash. Also as for the old flower accent paxk it would be nice to have some vine wrappings around the wrist and upper arm ones so they look like they can actually be attached to your body.
On the subject of costumes it would be nice to have bundle packs that offer many of the event costume options in a single pack for a discount so new players have a cheaper way to catch up on the unlockables.
A new pet: I think it would be cool to get a new sries of pets called Glowbugs. They basically would always fly(maybe do some ariel acrobatics while idol like cockscrews or flips) and have a back end that glows and lights up a small area around them. Could have 3 versions Green(gives off yellow-green light with black body) Blue(gives off a Blue-White light with black shell) and Red( gives off Orange-red light with back shell). Mutations will add shell patterns and maybe a extra set of wings. I would think they would be smaller then most pets with a tier1 being about half the size of a epohh baby and a tier 4 being about the size of a adult epohh.
I was thinking a cool way to get them would be to have a quest on a 30 minute timer that can be done only in night zones. Add a insect specialist in the flower filled cauldara that offers the raise doff missions and the resource event. Basically the event entails you using a net like object that works like a melee weapon so no interaction bar So you basically run around the cauldara swinging your net trying to catch bugs from fast to slow and big and small. The harder they are to catch the more they are worth and the more you catcj in the time limit the more bug tags you get.
A Trade-in System for summer items: Would like to have a way to get rid of surplus eggs and tags. Having a vendor that converts 1 egg or 6 tags to 50-75 favor would be great and maybe 150 favor for 40 pearls.
Also a trade-in system for floaters and powerboards. would be nice to be able to trade-in a floater or powerboard for 80% of it's price so if a new one comes out that you like better then your old one, don't have to grind all those favors again to replace your item.
Changes I'd like to see for summer event next year:
The Sand Castle quest to reward a whole lot better then it does now, with many more spots to build around the map.
I'd like to see the powerboard race changed so it's more dynamic and muchless pay to win. Besides the obvious removal of the flag system with a proper finish line. First off to add the dynamic nature I was referring to I was thinking of changing the boost system away from the unreliable system we got now to a system that predetermines specific ramps and gaps for each player that apply a stacking 25% speed boost for each ramp or gap you hit, but the trick is you got to hit the one selected for you. So basically every player that gets the quest has certain ramps and gaps they got to hit to get their boost(which could be marked by smaller versions of the pearl daily course gates) and certain out of the way ramps like the far right one on the second set would give multiple stacks to compensate you for the detour. so if they had like 10 different course layouts that get assigned randomly it should be enough to keep the races interesting. then they could get rid of the increased speeds the more expensive boards give and instead make it so the more expensive boards increase the time a boost lasts so a superior would have a easier time keeping their stacks refreshed. Standard(10s boost duration), Enhanced(12s boost duration), and Superior(15s Boost Duration).
New things I'd like to see for next Winter Event.
New Epohh Pet: Chocolate Epohh that mutates with attached antlers and a glowy red nose.
New Snowman Pet: Basically klingon and romulan versions. Also would be nice to have new romulan snowman enemies.
New costume options:
Fur Lined Dresses and Suits. so since they would probaly be color coded like the jackets. Each costume should include furlined boots and gloves, Furry earmuffs and a belt, Fur lined coat and pants for males, and furlined Skirt and top for females. They could make the furlined clothes exclusive to the winter zone and the gingerbread colony if they wanted too.
Winter Accesories. Basically things like mittens, earmuffs and caps, thick thermal gloves and boots. Would be nice to have these purchasable with latinum like the sunglasses and can be worn anywear and be available for most uniform options.
New colors for hte existing costumes like dark green, dark blue, and light blue.
Also Bundles for the costumes so newer players can catch up without paying full price. like all the full legth jackets would be in one bundle.
A Winter Dabo Table that is in the wonderland and has holiday symbols instead of the standard ones.
A elite version of the gingerbread colony that gives much better rewards but has it where if you get frozen a player has to defrost you so if all players get frozen you fail event. Could add destructable enemy snowball mortars around the map also to make it more interesting.
A New ice skating race or coarse that require the frosted boots and gives a unknown reward for doing it(depends what they want it to accomplish).
A snowfort PvP match that pits two teams of players against the other and they got to destroy the others fort. Could have player freindly snowmen like a DOTA Game to help assist. But your have to put in a freeze immunity timer so a player couldn't be froze camped.
Some new guns
A trade-in System for excess autographs and epohh tags. Probaly convert the tags and autographs into latinum for those that don't want to play dabo and the reward rate was much better last year once they fixed it.
Changes for Next Winter Event:
My only real complaint last year was the epohh race. The race was just way to exploitable and was easy to get disqailified. I'd like to see the jump key be disabled when you accept the quest and the every present flags need to go. Having permenant ice barriars around the borders would be great so it's much harder to accidently disquaify yourself. Also to add some dynamic elements to the race why not add different ice barrier obsticles patterns that change from race to race so players don't always know the course they be able to take the same path race from race and have to adapt on the go.
Summer event -
i'd definitely like to see more ways of earning pearls.
I like the option suggesting that an additional 10 favors be added if you did all four paths. Perhaps, if all the paths were made available, then you could be offered a base of say 30 favors for doing the required 3 paths, but then an additional 10 favors for each path you complete in the allotted time. Dropping the requirement to actually go back to the the event coordinator and just hail them like the sand castle and Hunt evnts.
Speaking of sand castle... I'd like to see them offered all around the island. Some areas could be made to be more difficult and offer up more favors. In either case, I'd like to see more favors for completing the event and the bonus rounds.
Powerboard race - I don't like the "grab the flag" finish. several times I've missed it and ended up just finishing the race. I swear a couple of times I came towards the finish and the marker jumped. I thought it was always in the middle of the finish area. Maybe it was just a graphic update glitch do to lag. Then there's the matter of level of boards. Perhaps they could deal out favors to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and finshing by tier... basic boards, standard boards, enhanced boards, superior boards.
Good suggestion! i'll add that to the list ^^
Whoo lots of suggestions here: have to say i like them all, especially the snow fort, i keep saying the undine assault game type should be modified and made a PvP game type, like DotA or LoL. i'll be adding them to the list ^^
Oh also, the glowbug idea is neat, but it'd have to be a seperate insect species, as glowbugs are already in the game and are basically fireflies.
tiered rewards would be a good compromise if they can't make it first second and third to cross; adding to the list ^^
not sure the Andorians would like playing host to a rather destructive at times omnipotent all-powerful being...but i do agree Andoria needs a revamp (so does Vulcan
Targ Hunt would be awesome, but it should be cross faction
(This may have been due to a personal experience this summer event...)
Say I go to Risa and I'm in my risian cruiser or corvette, when I beam down make it so I see my ship "parked/moored" out at sea. It only has to be visible to my toon, I know this sort of thing can be done because the hoops for the floater courses are only visible to players actually doing the mission.
You could still have the latest ship reward out at sea like the cruiser currently is but there's plenty of space for my ship to park up!
NO MORE STUPID FLAG GRABBING MECHANIC! That or give us alternate means to earn tags! :mad:
And next Summer Event's Hoverboard race:
1) Get rid of the stupid shortucts
2) Make the Race that actually requires SKILL and not stupid random speed boosts!
3) Make Ramps actually useful! Nobody uses them if they can avoid them! Maybe give players a chance at a free tag.
I want to see Risian Bird Eggs be BoA so my one toon doesn't have to buy them while my other toon has a dozen more than it can use this year!
Make the price of eggs 100 and make a 6-pack of tags also buyable for 100 so I can avoid doing the crappy powerboard P2W race that has horrible issues from start to finish.
The price of anything that is only usable on Risa/Winterland should be 25% of the current costs.
1: Risian ship that is science centered. We have the Escort with the Corvette and the Cruiser with the ummm..... cruiser.
2: Ability to trade in the eggs for Lohlunat Favors.
That way we could use them after the event AND have a reason to visit Andoria.
Also would be nice to have the dance instructor call out a new phrase like "Show me your Stuff!" that includes all the earned dances like samba and fan dance. Could make it where the only way to unlock the dance event is to talk to the intructor first(only for the first time) which unlocks the basic samba so everyone gots at least one of the special moves when she/he calls out.
This is for both the summer and winter event. For first timers why not make it where as soon as you enter the zones you get a quest that has you go around the areas learning about all the events and activities so they don't have to ask others what they can do and how. Could even reward them enough event currencies to get a pet and starter gear.