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PvP - Tell Us How You "Steer" Your Ship

rck01rck01 Member Posts: 808 Arc User
edited May 2014 in PvP Gameplay
The thread title says it all. Are you a...

1. WASD person?
2. Double mouse buttons type?
3. Game controller guy/gal?
4. Custom gaming mouse with a zillion buttons min/maxer?
4. Other?

Frankly, for non-escort play it probably doesn't matter much. But when you're trying to line-up cannons or a BO shot, the efficiency and responsiveness of your "steering" mechanism may make all the difference.

So, how do you steer *your* ship in STO PvP play? And while your at it, tell us how you handle other stuff, like throttle control and powers activation.

Note: I use the WASD keys with my left hand and the number keys pad to activate powers with my right. Not the most efficient solution, and it shows: I suck! :P

Post edited by rck01 on


  • nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I use WASD, it may seem noobish but it's what I'm used to. I have a gaming mouse hooked up with Macros on the side buttons to activate certain key binds.
    Harden up Princess
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  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    i don't got to steer, i got a spacebar ^^ :D... sry, couldn't resist :cool:...

    (wasd/qe+mouse for camera and powers. no macros, follow target cam; ground-edit: wasd+numblock and barely mouse)
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Left Hand: WASD, with Q and E as throttle control.
    Right Hand: Razar Naga (Gaming MOuse with with a Num-Pad like buttons for the thumb)
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • rck01rck01 Member Posts: 808 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    So far the trend seems to be to use the directional keys and then supplement with mouse buttons.

    Does anyone use their right hand for button actions? Or do you all keep your right hand glued to your mouse and just use its extra buttons (if any) to activate powers?

    Is anybody actually mousing around their tray clicking stuff in combat? :eek:

    I know that, once the melee starts, my hands stay glued to the keyboard. Only rarely do I use the mouse, and then only to adjust the camera angle.

    There's another good topic: What camera mode do you use for PvP? Free? Follow Target? Chase?

  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    WASD for steering, it feels nicer than trying to do it on the mouse, plus it frees up the mouse for camera setting. Throttle control depends, I did set up the side buttons on my mouse to give me an all stop and a one step forward buttons when I was flying my escorts, allowed me to spin round in a couple of seconds to line up cannons on some poor person's rear arc. Power activation is a mix, all my core skills are on the spacebar, everything else is on the numpad operated by my little finger and thumb on the left (Ctrl, Alt) and my hand on the right. I always use a free camera, I like to have the control over my viewpoint.
  • rck01rck01 Member Posts: 808 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    adamkafei wrote: »
    WASD for steering, it feels nicer than trying to do it on the mouse, plus it frees up the mouse for camera setting. Throttle control depends, I did set up the side buttons on my mouse to give me an all stop and a one step forward buttons when I was flying my escorts, allowed me to spin round in a couple of seconds to line up cannons on some poor person's rear arc. Power activation is a mix, all my core skills are on the spacebar, everything else is on the numpad operated by my little finger and thumb on the left (Ctrl, Alt) and my hand on the right. I always use a free camera, I like to have the control over my viewpoint.

    So you alternate between mousing and numpad pressing...interesting. That's how I do it, as well, however I find it can be distracting when I'm trying to keep the camera on a fast moving target while also activating buffs.

    Another Topic: How are people laying out their buff activations? I keep my most common ones in Tray 0 and just use the numpad to activate them. However, I have so many that I sometimes have to overflow into Tray 1, and that means a ctrl+keypress combo, which is not always convenient when fighting an escort in a turn battle. :(

    As for a primary keybind, what do you folks use? Anyone map stuff to keys *other* than spacebar?

    FWIW, I've got my ASDW keys all mapped to execute items in Tray 7. So A2D, TT, EPtX and TI all get cycled continuously whenever I turn or pitch. Spacebar also executes Tray 7 (for when I'm in a tight turn and can't maneuver) and also fires weapons - good for triggering a manual BO shot, etc.

  • scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    WASD, with mouse-clicking and one or two on spacebar.

    Free-look mode, with most of my time spent holding down the right-mouse button and looking around.
  • orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,447 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Joypad, mouse and keyboard.

    Joypad for regular powers and dogfighting.

    Mouse for target selection and casual flight.

    Keyboard for irregular powers (like batteries, cruiser commands, set powers).
    Previously Alendiak
    Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
    Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    i mostly use the mouse to steer, although i also use wasd when making certain turns or when i need to move the cam about (i use freelook cam). btw, it would be great if my cam didnt always resort to 'follow target'!

    i use the mousewheel for throttle and q/e to zoom/unzoom.
    i have my cycly skills bound into two groups of two- so four keys: gbcz. two keys are defensive-based and two are offensive-based. i do not bind the alpha-strike buffs, nor gdf, tet cascade, etc.

    i also tend to run things in reverse, like a flight sim. mousewheel back to accelerate, inverted mouse y axis, etc.
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    These are mine!



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  • notrealednanotrealedna Member Posts: 1,028
    edited April 2014
    WASD ,follow target camera and mouse to click the cheap laggy high on CPU UI.
  • rast1qqrast1qq Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    WSAD steer, T- BeamOverload or something, G- shooting key,dis shields,+ 8 trays,mouse up - more power to engines , mouse down more pwr to aux.
    FaW+DEM+AtB in pvp = High score , no skill.
    PVP 2014 - Fawn00bs,Vapers and leavers...
  • magniacapramagniacapra Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Seems like I'm the only one.

    Two buttoned mouse with free look.

    My left hands too busy activating powers on the tray to steer!

    Also, this thread is far more useful to less experienced pvp'ers than pretentious platitudes that include "team work is OP".
  • dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Two-button mouse for steering, with one-button mouse camera control. The mousewheel is for throttle control, with a side button will rebind that if I need to quickly adjust my camera zoom. I've never managed to get the hang of wasd movement in any game.

    The most frequently used abilities get broken into groups:
    T for Tac Teams
    H for EPtX abilities
    G for attack patterns
    Y for cannons/beam overloads.

    Everything else uses the number keys or I use it infrequently enough that manually clicking the ability tray isn't a problem.
  • rck01rck01 Member Posts: 808 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Wow! Awesome feedback, guys! :)

    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced I should try mouse steering. WASD is great for basic maneuvers/cruiser play, however, I can't help but feel I'm losing some turn potential due to keyboard lag, lack of key repeat (when jamming a single directional key in a tight circle-battle), etc. Gotta be a better way...

    Keep it going, guys! Lots of wisdom on display! :)

  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Pitch Up - W
    Pitch Down - S
    Turn Left - A
    Turn Right - D
    Throttle Forward - E
    Throttle Back - Q

    RMB-Drag to rotate the camera, sometimes dropping in the LMB as well just to steer that way if I've got to scratch my nose...course, sometimes that causes me to fire prematurely. ;)
    rck01 wrote: »
    Wow! Awesome feedback, guys! :)

    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced I should try mouse steering. WASD is great for basic maneuvers/cruiser play, however, I can't help but feel I'm losing some turn potential due to keyboard lag, lack of key repeat (when jamming a single directional key in a tight circle-battle), etc. Gotta be a better way...

    Keep it going, guys! Lots of wisdom on display! :)


    Get a slow turning Cruiser and EWP. Hit up some NPCs and paint them. Not a stream of EWP, but a puddle - forward, backward, turning, forward, backward. Move to a faster boat with EWP. Work your way up in speed as you paint them. Eventually, you won't even think about it while flying - it will be reflex as you work the throttle control into your pitch/turn to dance your nose on the target. As you get used to the ship, you'll work the inertia into it - working the slide - start going Dukes of Hazard with powerslides, bootleggers, and the rest.
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    WASD for steering + Q/E for throttle, key binds for everything else - no mouse and no macro or cheating programs
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    My rule for all PVP games: do not move your hands. If you are picking up your hand to reach a key thats used in combat often then you need to redo your layout (out-of-combat keys like chat or map view dont matter).

    For me, left hand is always set to the home-row position (ASDF) and right hand is always on the mouse. With my left hand in this position, I can reach the whole left half of my keyboard without moving my hand; I use ESDF for steering, which frees up my pinky for modifiers and specials (shift, tab, tilde, etc), and can reach 6/H/N with my index finger, which gives me a lot of keys for specials. The mouse is used to control camera position and zoom, targeting, and throttle. I use mouse steering for small craft (fighters and shuttles) because they are too twitchy for keyboard control, but the behavior changed in one of the S9 updates and its not reliable now. I would use the mouse more if I could remap the buttons the way I want, but some of the controls are undocumented or unchangeable.

    ps--I havent owned a joystick for 10 years but have thought about getting one. Might be able to do some interesting things with a hat and camera/targeting, plus get more fire controls onto the right hand so i'm not bashing space bar as much.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well, mouse, but I don't use WASD. I'm a weird, gross, disgusting freak that uses the arrow keys, because I am left-handed. :D
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • sharxtremesharxtreme Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well, I use WASD+SB+numbers for regular stuff, mouse side buttons for pwr conf and some switching to off/def, mouse wheel for throttle, and clicking on some powers, Page up, and down for zoom, varies on ship and capt.

    Tried with PS controler, but camera gets tricky although flying fast ships is more precise(on paper)
  • nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    rck01 wrote: »
    1. WASD person?
    2. Double mouse buttons type?
    On escorts both. When the match is in a slow phase, i use WASD since it's easy to stay front and shoot with my DHCs; when i need to stay focused on a fast target, i use the double mouse buttons, so i can better steer my ship. Q+E for standard speed modifier and my personal binds near the left hand :)
    On Healers and Sci's WASD.
  • ehrlehnehrlehn Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    WASD to steer, with dist shields and my eptx/a2d roll bound to each.

    mouse wheel for throttle, freecam preferably, though sometimes it switches to follow target on me. :/

    I have keys around wasd bound for certain powers/power group activations.

    and I have several keybind files made to quickly switch when I change ships or layouts, depending on my objectives.

    Derrick - Fed Eng
  • blahhdreyblahhdrey Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    WASD + throttle on mouse wheel. I use a Naga mouse so my top tray is all bound to my side buttons. Tray 1 is 1-6 number keys, tray 2 is Shift 1-6, Ctrl 1-4. Shield distro is on ~.
  • brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited April 2014
    Mouse usually, I only go near WASD if I'm reversing. I'm a leftie too, so that might have something to do with it. Setting up the keyboard for lefties inevitably leaves you reaching for some awkward combos. My right hand lives on the keyboard and activates all of my abilities, no clicky clicky for me.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    For the Mouse guys, how are you handling camera views/rotation/er...looking around?
  • brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited April 2014
    For the Mouse guys, how are you handling camera views/rotation/er...looking around?

    You just let go of 1 button for a sec or 2, no biggie.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    brandonfl wrote: »
    You just let go of 1 button for a sec or 2, no biggie.

    Heh, I guess for some - it would explain to them why it looks like I'm flying around like I'm not looking where I'm going...cause odds are probably good at that point I'm literally not looking where I'm going.

    Whether looking at a target, looking at what the expected path would be on that target and thus looking at what the expected paths to attack somebody on that path is - or - doing the support thing, trying to keep folks visually queued so I can try to avoid flying out of range of them and watching for where their flying might be leaving them open...I guess I'm just looking around.

    But I guess that's tied into not really ever flying anybody that's built to kill - tend to be support or distraction. Toss some buffs/debuffs/heals...get somebody to burn some buffs/debuffs/heals...get folks chasing to maneuver them into position for somebody else...kiting...etc, etc, etc.

    Figure I'm going to have a tough time with the two rerolls that I did to try to make kill boats. It's left me feeling like I'm flying blind with them - the narrow 45 arcs, more focused on keeping them on target (not the wheeee, here I am, come chase me and forget about the guys about to kill you)...because so far, lol - I'm definitely having trouble with them (outside of just the lack of piloting skill I have for the 45 arc, I keep getting blindsided by things that I normally would have seen coming - perhaps it's just the focus on the 45 arc being unnatural...meh...now I'm babbling...)...
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    arrow keys for movement, R ctrl and R shift for beam and torp fire, num pad for various binds like energy levels and target calling, throttle on mouse wheel, execute whole row binds on 5 different mouse buttons, zoom in and out on 2
  • donrahdonrah Member Posts: 348
    edited April 2014
    I use WASD to steer. I use the numpad for tray. I use the math keys for power levels. I use binds to activate trays 5-8. I use chase cam and switch to target cam if I'm going against a fast opponent. Shift-F targets nearest ally.
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  • rck01rck01 Member Posts: 808 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Lots of different play styles! Excellent, guys!

    Another question: Do you use autofire? Or are you a manual activation person?

    I use autofire on my DHCs/turrets/KCB, but trigger BO manually. This allows me to activate and hold the power until I'm on target and (hopefully) have a clear shot against their (again hopefully) bare hull. :)

    Note, also, that I've dropped all powers from my space bar and use it *just* to trigger weapons (i.e. the BO from above). Everything else - my EPtX cycle, my A2B/A2D cycle, TI and Fleet Support - all tied to WASD so they activate automatically as I maneuver.

    One more question: Do you run TT manually? Using A2B or TT doffs for CD reduction? Or do you run 2x copies and put them in a keybind?

    I do the latter when running without A2B, but use a single copy - and activate it manually, as necessary - when running A2B.

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