In areas with lots of players (the new Space Battleground zone, even the Crystalline Entity encounter) whenever visual fx quality is set to anything higher than low, many effects such as all types of weapons fire, directional shield effects, well.. just most effects =P, will fail to appear and FPS plummets as well. This happens on all DX modes, and % GPU use (GTX 670) remains about the same no matter the quality setting, and nowhere near maxed out. I'm using the latest nVidia drivers, but this has been around for some time now. It became more pronounced with the release of season 9 though. Anyone have any experience with this? Any workarounds other than keeping the setting low?
Yes, seeing this too. GTX 650 Ti with the latest drivers.
Missing weapons effects are and low fps in "high action" areas.
One thing I noticed this morning is that I can swing the cam around, so that I am viewing my ship from the side, and the weapon firing effect is visible. Return the camera to "head on" view and the weapon firing effect disappears again.
yup...gxt 650TI user here
Exactly what I'm experiencing with my ATI Radeon HD 6850.
Missing weapons effects are and low fps in "high action" areas.
One thing I noticed this morning is that I can swing the cam around, so that I am viewing my ship from the side, and the weapon firing effect is visible. Return the camera to "head on" view and the weapon firing effect disappears again.
Edit: Exactly as in Ragnars example: - Sorry didnt check the clip before replying lol
Same here and extreme lag in Undine space battlezone and new Undine Stf too
Theeeeen the patch came and now I suffer huge lag spikes where I never had them.
Undine zones are a given, but even the Voth ground battlezone starts freaking out as the number of players in my sight increases.
That didn't happen before, and I changed NOTHING on my sytem....besides your "graphical changes" you added in the patch.
I hope the devs at Cryptic are at work solving this.