I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I actually enjoy not relying on Cryptic to hand feed me story. I like using my imagination to come up with it myself, especially when it comes to flying non-faction ships.
For example, I got a Hirogen ship, so I made a Hirogen looking crew, got the armor and the consoles and said, OK this character is a Hirogen who made it to our area of space courtesy of Sela, who, being Sela, betrayed him so now he sided with the Republic.
I have an all-Andorian crew flying a Kumari. I made up a uniform for them and said their part of a planetary defense force. Federation-aligned but not technically in Starfleet. I have a Romulan flying a Tal Shiar Battlecruiser. I imagine him as being secretly evil and living under a false identity.
I bring my imagination to the party. It's fun. Ya'll should try it sometime.
I guess since you are still either a Starfleet, Romulan, or KDF officer- you need to really stretch that imagination.
I suppose you could pretend that you are a Undine in Human form and play it that way. Just ignore the minor detail of being part of Starfleet or the KDF.
Personally I don't really care what the reason is - we all know the true reason : the lock boxes are to make PWE money and to pay to keep STO running.
I actually like the Undine ships as playable - so the reason for us having them is not too important for me.
Hopefully, they add Undine Hybrid ships like they did Borg/Romulan Hybrid ships with the Tal Shiar Adapted ships instead of Undine ships. Although, it will be interesting to see what excuse they come up with for us to pilot living ships that are supposedly bonded with their Undine pilot.
I would rather have more faction-specific vessels and canon ships than anymore "hybrid" TRIBBLE.
I would rather have more faction-specific vessels and canon ships than anymore "hybrid" TRIBBLE.
But that's just me. To each their own, I guess.
Faction specific ships are limited to the C-Store while canon ships that don't belong to the current playable factions belong to the Lockbox, Lobi, and Duty Officer Packs. Of course, the free ships obtained through grind can include faction specific or canon ships that don't belong to the current playable factions.
As long as they keep these ships were it makes no sense for us to have in the Lockbox rather than the C-Store, then I am fine with it. However, putting Fed ships in the C-Store for Klingons or First Federation or Sheliak ships into the C-Store is when I actually get ticked off with the C-Store and Lockboxes.
I actually like the Undine ships as playable - so the reason for us having them is not too important for me.
Because that is not mostly the reason we DONT want playable undine ships. The reason is, all the power creep that increases with the undine lockboxes. Its common sense. Now , all the non trek guys that always want the best of the best, will spent thousands of zen buying undine lockboxes. Thats the plan. And that is the beginning..
It works for me too. And I have loved Star Trek since I was 3 years old pretending to be captain Kirk.
Then the only thing you want is to fly a power creeped starship, thats all. Dont pretend that you like star trek lol.
And what the hell. So, yes, you will be really good with a playable borg cube, right? because if we get undine lockboxes, the borg ones are not far away. It will make absolutely not sense to release an undine lockbox and not a borg one. But i guess, it will work for you as well.
Then the only thing you want is to fly a power creeped starship, thats all. Dont pretend that you like star trek lol.
And what the hell. So, yes, you will be really good with a playable borg cube, right? because if we get undine lockboxes, the borg ones are not far away. It will make absolutely not sense to release an undine lockbox and not a borg one. But i guess, it will work for you as well.
Personaly I don't think we will see a Borg lock box. There are 2 major issues with traditional Borg ships.
1. Size - the cubes are just to big
2. Direction - front/back/sides - they are not really well defined on most borg ships.
While anything is possible at Cryptic - even a T5 connie if CBS says OK - I just don't see them coming out with pure borg vessels.
While it could be argued the Undine are more powerful than the Borg - the Borg are Star Treks most long serving "scary" enemy - the Borg threat has been diminished but they still hold the most well known position of the ultimate bad guys. Because of this and the 2 things I mentioned, I am fairly certain we will never see a "Borg Lock-box".
Hopefully, they add Undine Hybrid ships like they did Borg/Romulan Hybrid ships with the Tal Shiar Adapted ships instead of Undine ships. Although, it will be interesting to see what excuse they come up with for us to pilot living ships that are supposedly bonded with their Undine pilot.
I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I actually enjoy not relying on Cryptic to hand feed me story. I like using my imagination to come up with it myself, especially when it comes to flying non-faction ships.
For example, I got a Hirogen ship, so I made a Hirogen looking crew, got the armor and the consoles and said, OK this character is a Hirogen who made it to our area of space courtesy of Sela, who, being Sela, betrayed him so now he sided with the Republic.
I have an all-Andorian crew flying a Kumari. I made up a uniform for them and said their part of a planetary defense force. Federation-aligned but not technically in Starfleet. I have a Romulan flying a Tal Shiar Battlecruiser. I imagine him as being secretly evil and living under a false identity.
I bring my imagination to the party. It's fun. Ya'll should try it sometime.
What do you know. Me too. :cool:
My ship was an old weapons testbed now being used as a refugee ferry, hence the wide variety of aliens on board, weird technological capabilities of the ship, and a tendency to not do starfleet related stuff.
My Orion is working closely with the romulans for easy money, and to get her sticky fingers in more pies, and control a budding government.
A character I made with a friend who owns a Timeship is in fact from the future and was sent back in time to make sure the enemy of the week doesn't foul everything up.
That's the thing about STO. It's not Star Trek in general, it's whatever you want Star Trek to be.
Then the only thing you want is to fly a power creeped starship, thats all. Dont pretend that you like star trek lol.
And what the hell. So, yes, you will be really good with a playable borg cube, right? because if we get undine lockboxes, the borg ones are not far away. It will make absolutely not sense to release an undine lockbox and not a borg one. But i guess, it will work for you as well.
"Quit liking what I don't like, or you're not a REAL fan like me!" That's basically what you're saying, here, and it's ridiculous. You don't get to decide if someone is real fan of something; only they can do that. I'd almost be willing to bet you rage about "fake" geek girls, too...
My ship was an old weapons testbed now being used as a refugee ferry, hence the wide variety of aliens on board, weird technological capabilities of the ship, and a tendency to not do starfleet related stuff.
My Orion is working closely with the romulans for easy money, and to get her sticky fingers in more pies, and control a budding government.
A character I made with a friend who owns a Timeship is in fact from the future and was sent back in time to make sure the enemy of the week doesn't foul everything up.
That's the thing about STO. It's not Star Trek in general, it's whatever you want Star Trek to be.
I do this too.
My old tactical main and his crew are all Avians that may or may not be from a series of fantasies that all happen to be final (though my main squad all wear both armor because there aren't any avian races in STO) that work for Section 31.
Well, I've brought keys for ALMOST all of the previous lockboxes.
I will however ignore the Undine lockbox, which I feel is ridiculous, entirely.
It's more than just ridiculous, I see it as an omen for things to come.
The only lockbox that remotely interested me was the Temporal one, due to the faction specific ships. That was the way to go for lockboxes, imho. Didn't have much luck there. I also opened a few Tal'Shiar ones for the nodes because Cryptic in their infinite wisdom :rolleyes: decided that obtaining Romulan Doffs in STO should be more complicated than the other factions. Got a Tal'Shiar fugly something by accident. Traded it for a nice Krenn Destroyer.
That's about it for me regarding lockboxes. I have absolutely zero interest in them, especially this one.
Likewise. The upcoming box doesn't just stretch credibility, it breaks it clean in half.
Technically it could still be something other than a Undine lock box - but I highly doubt it. There is just something appealing to the mass of players when you put out a new "bad guy" to also give the opportunity to fly their ships as well. Ships that were seen on screen ripping the Borg apart must have some appeal.
The Voth were seen by most as a very stupid addition to the game - but the Lock box released at the same time did reasonably well.
Probably the most lock box ships I see out there are still the dominion ones - but the Jem Hadar were a huge part of a series which was considered much better than Voyager.
Interesting statement; unless you have TRIBBLE million EC to buy one off the exchange, you won't be flying anything in anyone's face unless you win one.
I'll admit that I have aired my thoughts pertaining to the stupidity of players flying around in bio-ships that are SUPPOSED to only require a single pilot with the same genetic template, but I'll leave those thoughts to threads specifically about such matters rather than posting them as a reply to a 'I don't like that you don't like something' reply.
Well the bio-organic part can be explained with technology. Voyager's own bio packs turned into a lifeform I think in one episode. Even today we have implanted technology that controls human body functions - the pacemaker being one of the oldest. So developing ways to manipulate organic matter ships should not be too hard.
The one pilot thing - well we only got that from the very first episode with the one ship that was attached to the Borg Cube. I don't think it ever really stated that ALL bio-ships just had 1 pilot. Regardless - the ships themselves seemed to have a very large interior - as even the small one that they went inside they were walking around quite a bit.
Yes it is a BIG stretch to say that Starfleet crews would be out piloting these things in anything other than a specific mission - like the Bug ship during the War - but I think the idea of Star Trek "realism" sailed out the airlock a long time ago!
Did I miss something? I thought all the Undine stuff turned out to be related to the Undine reputation and revamped mission to go along with the reputation. We have never had a lock box that matches a new reputation have we? Why do people think we are getting a Undine lock box? What did I miss?
Interesting statement; unless you have TRIBBLE million EC to buy one off the exchange, you won't be flying anything in anyone's face unless you win one.
I'll admit that I have aired my thoughts pertaining to the stupidity of players flying around in bio-ships that are SUPPOSED to only require a single pilot with the same genetic template, but I'll leave those thoughts to threads specifically about such matters rather than posting them as a reply to a 'I don't like that you don't like something' reply.
I have TRIBBLE million EC yes.
The gambling of opening boxes, I leave to other suckers.
Umdine bio ships player controlled ?..............more silly
Wait one minute
We have bops/defiants and jem hadar attack ships with more firepower than a galaxy class which is even more silly than a dino V Rex
it works in perfect for STO................Slapstick Trek Online
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Indeed... I think it is high time that we stop with all the canon this and canon that. Canon only really applied to whatever show was being written at the time, and even then the writers tossed it aside the moment it became inconvenient for the story they were writing. It was just a TV show.
We want to try to make it as if it's some sort of gospel or something. It has been and always shall be a form of entertainment that has existed to make money. Seeing it as something any greater than that is a mistake. The shows' subject matter may be about humanity growing beyond social hang-ups. But what has made the shows a success has in fact been the business side of things. We go out and buy produces advertised during the show. We go to the movies and pay a ton of money to see the films, multiple times in many cases. We buy all the video tapes, DVDs, Blu-Ray discs. We buy all the collectable memorabilia. How much have we canon-jockies handed over to Paramout/Viacom and CBS over the years. It is our willingness to spend money that has kept Star Trek alive.
Star Trek Online is an extension of that. Only all the products being sold are INSIDE the main product. If everyone suddenly stopped buying Zen to be used for whatever reason, and if everyone decided to ditch their subscriptions and embrace the free to play aspect, then STO would die within a couple of months. But between you and me, that isn't going to happen. As long as people keep on "gotta having", which requires spending money, STO, like Star Trek itself, will remain alive and well for the foreseeable future.
You make some good points, although I believe it's necessary to see things from another perspective as well.
Yes, I agree that the business part of the IP is what kept ST allive (for the company), because we, the fans, are and were willing to purchase DVDs, Blu-Rays or all kinds of other memorabilia.
However, we did and are doing this because we love Star Trek. And that show that happens to be about the human condition, evoultion, exploring the universe around us and our species growing beyond social hang-ups is the reason the business part worked as it worked. If we didn't happen to enjoy the show, we wouldn't buy all that memorabilia or ST related stuff previously mentioned.
Now, what I'm trying to say is not a debate on canon actually. It's about the face of ST. Yes, it's just a TV show, but that TV show had a basic direction and guidelines that helped making it what it is. And that's what we that call ourselves 'Star Trek fans' came to love.
And just as a single example, one thing that was certain in that show is that the factions' equivalents of space defense forces all used their own ships developed with their own technology. That's a part of that face of ST I'm talking about.
People grew to love the show about a peacefull Federation and a crew of their own that voyages into the vastness of space in their own reckognizable starships, exploring the universe as well as the human condition. Not VADM Badass that commits mass murder, blows everything apart because it's "cool" and hijacks all kinds of alien ships (even ones that are a live organism) at his pleasure, while pertaining to be 'of Starfleet'.
See, I get your point, and it's valid from what I can say. However, I just wanted to point out that there's this other blade (as a synonim, a two-bladed sword, we have a saying in my country) of the matter - the one I'm trying to explain here.
And this other 'blade' says that STO is growing apart with every passing day from the show I loved, therefore I ceased spending any funds in this game as of S8 and unless there are serious changes at the helm or at least in the manner the game's managed - I won't be rethinking my decision.
I guess since you are still either a Starfleet, Romulan, or KDF officer- you need to really stretch that imagination.
I suppose you could pretend that you are a Undine in Human form and play it that way. Just ignore the minor detail of being part of Starfleet or the KDF.
Personally I don't really care what the reason is - we all know the true reason : the lock boxes are to make PWE money and to pay to keep STO running.
I actually like the Undine ships as playable - so the reason for us having them is not too important for me.
T-Rex's with laser beams on their frickin heads DIDN'T JUMP the shark?
I would rather have more faction-specific vessels and canon ships than anymore "hybrid" TRIBBLE.
But that's just me. To each their own, I guess.
Faction specific ships are limited to the C-Store while canon ships that don't belong to the current playable factions belong to the Lockbox, Lobi, and Duty Officer Packs. Of course, the free ships obtained through grind can include faction specific or canon ships that don't belong to the current playable factions.
As long as they keep these ships were it makes no sense for us to have in the Lockbox rather than the C-Store, then I am fine with it. However, putting Fed ships in the C-Store for Klingons or First Federation or Sheliak ships into the C-Store is when I actually get ticked off with the C-Store and Lockboxes.
This is all cryptic hears from you
Of course it works for you. Cuz you dont like star trek. Period.
Because that is not mostly the reason we DONT want playable undine ships. The reason is, all the power creep that increases with the undine lockboxes. Its common sense. Now , all the non trek guys that always want the best of the best, will spent thousands of zen buying undine lockboxes. Thats the plan. And that is the beginning..
Then the only thing you want is to fly a power creeped starship, thats all. Dont pretend that you like star trek lol.
And what the hell. So, yes, you will be really good with a playable borg cube, right? because if we get undine lockboxes, the borg ones are not far away. It will make absolutely not sense to release an undine lockbox and not a borg one. But i guess, it will work for you as well.
DOFFs, Traits, Space Set, new Console or Console Exchange...there you go!
Personaly I don't think we will see a Borg lock box. There are 2 major issues with traditional Borg ships.
1. Size - the cubes are just to big
2. Direction - front/back/sides - they are not really well defined on most borg ships.
While anything is possible at Cryptic - even a T5 connie if CBS says OK - I just don't see them coming out with pure borg vessels.
While it could be argued the Undine are more powerful than the Borg - the Borg are Star Treks most long serving "scary" enemy - the Borg threat has been diminished but they still hold the most well known position of the ultimate bad guys. Because of this and the 2 things I mentioned, I am fairly certain we will never see a "Borg Lock-box".
Correction. They don't like your version of Star Trek. After all, everyone has their own version of what Star Trek is.
Iconians, of course.
What do you know. Me too. :cool:
My ship was an old weapons testbed now being used as a refugee ferry, hence the wide variety of aliens on board, weird technological capabilities of the ship, and a tendency to not do starfleet related stuff.
My Orion is working closely with the romulans for easy money, and to get her sticky fingers in more pies, and control a budding government.
A character I made with a friend who owns a Timeship is in fact from the future and was sent back in time to make sure the enemy of the week doesn't foul everything up.
That's the thing about STO. It's not Star Trek in general, it's whatever you want Star Trek to be.
"Quit liking what I don't like, or you're not a REAL fan like me!" That's basically what you're saying, here, and it's ridiculous. You don't get to decide if someone is real fan of something; only they can do that. I'd almost be willing to bet you rage about "fake" geek girls, too...
I do this too.
My old tactical main and his crew are all Avians that may or may not be from a series of fantasies that all happen to be final (though my main squad all wear both armor because there aren't any avian races in STO) that work for Section 31.
His flagship is a M
It's more than just ridiculous, I see it as an omen for things to come.
The only lockbox that remotely interested me was the Temporal one, due to the faction specific ships. That was the way to go for lockboxes, imho. Didn't have much luck there. I also opened a few Tal'Shiar ones for the nodes because Cryptic in their infinite wisdom :rolleyes: decided that obtaining Romulan Doffs in STO should be more complicated than the other factions. Got a Tal'Shiar fugly something by accident. Traded it for a nice Krenn Destroyer.
That's about it for me regarding lockboxes. I have absolutely zero interest in them, especially this one.
I'm gonna be flying around in those ships right in your face.
Technically it could still be something other than a Undine lock box - but I highly doubt it. There is just something appealing to the mass of players when you put out a new "bad guy" to also give the opportunity to fly their ships as well. Ships that were seen on screen ripping the Borg apart must have some appeal.
The Voth were seen by most as a very stupid addition to the game - but the Lock box released at the same time did reasonably well.
Probably the most lock box ships I see out there are still the dominion ones - but the Jem Hadar were a huge part of a series which was considered much better than Voyager.
Well the bio-organic part can be explained with technology. Voyager's own bio packs turned into a lifeform I think in one episode. Even today we have implanted technology that controls human body functions - the pacemaker being one of the oldest. So developing ways to manipulate organic matter ships should not be too hard.
The one pilot thing - well we only got that from the very first episode with the one ship that was attached to the Borg Cube. I don't think it ever really stated that ALL bio-ships just had 1 pilot. Regardless - the ships themselves seemed to have a very large interior - as even the small one that they went inside they were walking around quite a bit.
Yes it is a BIG stretch to say that Starfleet crews would be out piloting these things in anything other than a specific mission - like the Bug ship during the War - but I think the idea of Star Trek "realism" sailed out the airlock a long time ago!
Ain't that the unfortunate truth of the matter! I want the Star Trek I know and love back
I have TRIBBLE million EC yes.
The gambling of opening boxes, I leave to other suckers.
Umdine bio ships player controlled ?..............more silly
Wait one minute
We have bops/defiants and jem hadar attack ships with more firepower than a galaxy class which is even more silly than a dino V Rex
it works in perfect for STO................Slapstick Trek Online
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
You make some good points, although I believe it's necessary to see things from another perspective as well.
Yes, I agree that the business part of the IP is what kept ST allive (for the company), because we, the fans, are and were willing to purchase DVDs, Blu-Rays or all kinds of other memorabilia.
However, we did and are doing this because we love Star Trek. And that show that happens to be about the human condition, evoultion, exploring the universe around us and our species growing beyond social hang-ups is the reason the business part worked as it worked. If we didn't happen to enjoy the show, we wouldn't buy all that memorabilia or ST related stuff previously mentioned.
Now, what I'm trying to say is not a debate on canon actually. It's about the face of ST. Yes, it's just a TV show, but that TV show had a basic direction and guidelines that helped making it what it is. And that's what we that call ourselves 'Star Trek fans' came to love.
And just as a single example, one thing that was certain in that show is that the factions' equivalents of space defense forces all used their own ships developed with their own technology. That's a part of that face of ST I'm talking about.
People grew to love the show about a peacefull Federation and a crew of their own that voyages into the vastness of space in their own reckognizable starships, exploring the universe as well as the human condition. Not VADM Badass that commits mass murder, blows everything apart because it's "cool" and hijacks all kinds of alien ships (even ones that are a live organism) at his pleasure, while pertaining to be 'of Starfleet'.
See, I get your point, and it's valid from what I can say. However, I just wanted to point out that there's this other blade (as a synonim, a two-bladed sword, we have a saying in my country) of the matter - the one I'm trying to explain here.
And this other 'blade' says that STO is growing apart with every passing day from the show I loved, therefore I ceased spending any funds in this game as of S8 and unless there are serious changes at the helm or at least in the manner the game's managed - I won't be rethinking my decision.