Its not hard to go find the info yourself and read between the lines.
I won't bother quoting reprots its easy enough to pull them up and read them yourself. EA is very light on details regarding there bioware holdings and there is a reason for that.
When they are mentioned they are often blamed for year over year downward trends. The most current report blames them for a 16% drop in Sub revenue (its gone f2p to be expected so reporting that isn't end of the world)... oddly the last few quarters there Revenue listed is lumped in with numbers from other titles. When public companies choose to group holdings together in public reports... it is OFTEN to mask a holding that is seriously under performing. (In otherwords Subsidiary A is making 60% profit on X and Subsidiary B is loosing 20% on Y... ahh but Subsidiary GROUP C "A+B" is making 40% profit not so bad right.)
I am not claiming that Bioware is loosing money... they aren't They just aren't doing as well as EA claims... because there public reports are obviously direct masking numbers. (nothing illegal about that, they are still reporting overall EA profits).
Comparted to other MMOs... yes they have higher IP licence fees. There is no doubt there, there deal with Lucas was steep. I doubt Disney has backed the % down. Of course with there 4billion dollar game deal its possible they did reduce the kick back TOR was saddled with out of the gate. Regardless how much you want to bet that Disney has been asking EA for more Revenue (cash shop) content going forward. Honestly I can see TOR not being the only star wars MMO option 2-3 years from now. We know DICE is working on there take on Battlefront to hit around the time of the first movie... and Viseral is working on something. (likely an uncharted type console SW game)... still its very possible EA has either or even a third developer working on something new. TOR has not possible direct movie tie ins due to its setting... I doubt the Disney marketing people are in love with that.
1. It makes PvP more accessible by using gear that is much easier to afford.
2. You improve your skill with the game rather than your gear. That is to say, how well you can use what limits you're working with.
3. It eliminates the excuse that the other person won because they had P2W gear.
4. It makes manual shield control and power adjustments important, forcing the player to weigh the costs of transferring power from one system to another. Every advantage creates a weakness elsewhere.
5. It renders power creep moot because you're playing by a different standard.
So why get new and improved gear? That's a good question. I can't come up with one good reason, since it breaks PvP and is utterly excessive in PvE. I guess high-end gear is just there to make the people that spend the most time on the virtual treadmill feel "special" somehow. It doesn't make me feel special; I just feel used. already have gear marked as mk I to mk can setup pvp for different categories like mk I to mk 5 go to a pug mk 10 to mk XII go to high end pug.What you say is not realistic plus it would bring no profit since people have to pay for something .
2.You can't improve your skill if the game makes no money/profit.You can do the same thing if they make the queue system pug you with people with your level of gear
3.No it doesnt .You can trade on exchange (pvp can be in economics low and sell trek was also about trading ,cant see no trading in this game) and make hundred of millions of ec by trading or by selling c store stuffs for ec.EC making is not a excuse....problem appears when you force people to get gear thats dili based (8000 per day) but you don't allow to sell their stuffs for dili .Some people don't want to grind PvE.
4.Thats 1 bind.
5.You have power creep with reputation system,traits and all kinds of buffs that are not gear. already have gear marked as mk I to mk can setup pvp for different categories like mk I to mk 5 go to a pug mk 10 to mk XII go to high end pug.What you say is not realistic plus it would bring no profit since people have to pay for something .
2.You can't improve your skill if the game makes no money/profit.You can do the same thing if they make the queue system pug you with people with your level of gear
3.No it doesnt .You can trade on exchange (pvp can be in economics low and sell trek was also about trading ,cant see no trading in this game) and make hundred of millions of ec by trading or by selling c store stuffs for ec.EC making is not a excuse....problem appears when you force people to get gear thats dili based (8000 per day) but you don't allow to sell their stuffs for dili .Some people don't want to grind PvE.
4.Thats 1 bind.
5.You have power creep with reputation system,traits and all kinds of buffs that are not gear.
1. What I said is completely realistic, it just doesn't suit your preferences. It could be done, and it won't make the game unprofitable; there's no logical argument to support that assumption.
2. That only works if you PUG. You can't do this in a PUG, it has to be organized in a private challenge. They could only stop this by forcing everyone to PUG.
3. What? Everything you said looks like you have no clue what I said and just went off on a random tangent.
4. One? Really? You can manually shift your shield facings around with one bind? I'd like to see that. By my count, you need at least five (four facings and one balance). Presets require four.
5. Did you even read what I said? I said that it should be limited to shield facings and power presets. Where did I say "keep the rep traits though..."?
All of that being said, this is a completely voluntary choice. If this is the type of PvP you want to play, then I say you're welcome to it. If you don't like it, you have nothing to complain about. Go play the game the way you think it should be played. It's not going to destroy the game.
Go here and show your support for a better Foundry!
1. What I said is completely realistic, it just doesn't suit your preferences. It could be done, and it won't make the game unprofitable; there's no logical argument to support that assumption.
2. That only works if you PUG. You can't do this in a PUG, it has to be organized in a private challenge. They could only stop this by forcing everyone to PUG.
3. What? Everything you said looks like you have no clue what I said and just went off on a random tangent.
4. One? Really? You can manually shift your shield facings around with one bind? I'd like to see that. By my count, you need at least five (four facings and one balance). Presets require four.
5. Did you even read what I said? I said that it should be limited to shield facings and power presets. Where did I say "keep the rep traits though..."?
All of that being said, this is a completely voluntary choice. If this is the type of PvP you want to play, then I say you're welcome to it. If you don't like it, you have nothing to complain about. Go play the game the way you think it should be played. It's not going to destroy the game.
No what you said is multiplayer pac man where cryptic makes no money at all.I dont think is anyone's fault you can't make ecs.I make few hundred millions every month without even touching PvE or paying real money.Also I can pop ships with better consoles and equipment ( i don't have a romulan).You have no clue how the game works if you want to distribute shields on each side manually ...theres tac team for that.
Your socialistic PvP would never work simply because theres no past or present game that works like that....maybe Pong ,but that was not f2p.
No what you said is multiplayer pac man where cryptic makes no money at all.I dont think is anyone's fault you can't make ecs.I make few hundred millions every month without even touching PvE or paying real money.Also I can pop ships with better consoles and equipment ( i don't have a romulan).You have no clue how the game works if you want to distribute shields on each side manually ...theres tac team for that.
Your socialistic PvP would never work simply because theres no past or present game that works like that....maybe Pong ,but that was not f2p.
You keep saying Cryptic won't make any money if people did this, but you have nothing to back that up. If people stop participating in the current business model, they'll either change the game so we can't or they will adapt their business model. So stop your baseless doom-saying; it has no substance.
I understand how the game works. I know that Tactical Team redistributes shields. You missed the whole point. The point is not to use Boff abilities at all. They are imbalanced and highly exploitable. Many of them don't work as they should.
So you can grind lots of EC for gear? Big deal. Is that a reasonable barrier to participating in PvP? No! The only barrier to PvP should be your own mastery of the game. If you suck, it shouldn't be because you haven't put in the 100 hours to grind the proper gear.
Participation is entirely voluntary, and it won't impact your experience one iota if you don't want it to. This is about letting players who don't like the game the way Cryptic made it and want to play the game by their own rules. That's the great thing about games, you can make your own rules to suit your preferred style of play as long as you can find other players that want to do the same. So keep playing the game your way and I'll play it my way. Don't tell me it's wrong or stupid, because it's neither. It's a choice, nothing more. End of discussion.
One more thing: This can be done through private matches and a private channel just like OPvP, except it would have different rules.
Go here and show your support for a better Foundry!
I think they could balance out a lot of pvp gameplay easy, look at the upcoming bird of prey for example:
vs pve you get x bonus damage, vs pvp you get y bonus damage when firing at rear facings
a lot in the game could benefit from this, it could allow for the intended effects we see in the shows, movies, and other sources WHILE at the same time toning down the effect in competitive team based pvp-
BESIDES, they already have broken away from any sense of "star trek" realism so many times what's the difference if consoles or powers have 2 different effects decided on if they are using it against a computer or a player
THe problem is the casual PvPer will cry their damage was nerfed and that it isn't fair that they could do X vs NPCs and now can only do Y vs me or you. The game has been out of balance for so long, the power creep has become gameplay welfare and as with welfare if you try and take people off it they scream.
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
what makes no sense with all this power creep is that most of it is ether useless or irreverent in pve. sure, some clicky kill button will kill you 1 npc a tiny bit faster, but there's 100 more to go after that. they keep putting enhancements into the game as if all there is is pvp. or at the very least they are building for a pve that has intelligent npcs with a swath of weapons and station powers and actually resemble player ships, and in a mission you might kill 2 rather then 10, or 10 rather then 100. i'll keep holding my breath that elite difficulty will every be something like that, instead of targeted at the ultra, shameless, no excuse, giga-casuals, just like normal difficulty is.
at least with season 9, we don't have a lockbox, rep, AND holding added all at once, that was brutal. no, just 2 out of 3 this time.
Agreed. NPC A.I. and abilities need to be far better than what they are now.
I don't even think it has to do with PvP vs PvE anymore.
Cryptic has identified the demographic most of the whales reside in. It took them awhile but it has happened. Now they are hyper focused upon that group with redesigns and releases.
Take the SA revamp for example. They vastly increased the damage potential while also making it require more user input. Sounds perfect for those 'advanced' players right?
But wait. Those players have two major issues with it. First the icon it uses is simply unnecessary and an eye sore. Additionally it does not work at all with advanced key binding or macros many of those players use. So the only conclusion I can make is it was designed specifically for the 'kirk' type player.
Same with the rep trait revamp they have solved none of the listed problems it was intended to fix. Granted the old traits couldn't scale to infinity but nothing can and the new system will have just as many issues at 20 reputations as the old one would have, if not more.
The casual player who has limited game knowledge and blows wads of cash for the 'cool looking toy' in the lockbox that is actually junk in the eyes of any vet/advanced player is the new target.
Not the hardcore PvPers. Not the DPS Channel PvEers. The ones who cannot wrap there head around the 'do tactical consoles have diminishing returns' debate are the market.
They don't even bother releasing semi challenging content anymore like Hive or No Win (when they were released I mean). Or content that allows a variety of methods to victory like Starbase Blockade or Azure Nebula.
All the new content either gives the bulk of the reward merely for participation (Mirror, Storming Spire) or can just be spacebar bashed to victory using a multitude of speed bump techniques to slow everyone down and give the illusion of difficulty (Breach/Voth in general).
I've had enough of this nonsense. This game will never be the same again. Cryptic's only model now is, force players to ditch their time honored chars so that they can milk them some more.
If you aren't Romulan in PvP then you are an idiot, if you are an escort without cloak then you are even more of an idiot, if you are Federation then LOL just... LOL.
They've destroyed the spirit of Star Trek with shoddy writing.
They've destroyed the game with quick cash money schemes that quickly throw the game's balance into absolute devastation.
Bugs? Well there are many species of bugs, so it's normal obviously.
I Quit~ End of story, end of this gouge fest, end of this.
I'm Gone.
PS: Miss you all except Cryptic and PWE, ta hell with you. But to the rest of you stay happy and stay well.~
Hey maybe they'll remake ESD for the 8th time by the time I look at the website again, cause they have priorities you know?
I remember old vet pvpers say "When PWE takes over, it will be a good thing for PvP!"
Did the end result meet your expectations?
When STO was bought from Atari by PWE i never really expect PWE to directly involve in STO except for setting certain guide lines or business models like adding Lock Boxes and making the game F2P as it is now.
But in the end of the day it's Cryptic lead designers whom decides whats going in the game or not, not PWE. They the ones whom decides if they want to put Foreign Alien Ships in Lock boxes, What ships they gonna sell on the C-store and even weather or not PvP will be updated which we know is NOT, i don't consider all PvP turning into a cross faction mess as neither as a revamp or a update since it uses the same maps that have never been changed 4ever.
I've had enough of this nonsense. This game will never be the same again. Cryptic's only model now is, force players to ditch their time honored chars so that they can milk them some more.
If you aren't Romulan in PvP then you are an idiot, if you are an escort without cloak then you are even more of an idiot, if you are Federation then LOL just... LOL.
They've destroyed the spirit of Star Trek with shoddy writing.
They've destroyed the game with quick cash money schemes that quickly throw the game's balance into absolute devastation.
Bugs? Well there are many species of bugs, so it's normal obviously.
I Quit~ End of story, end of this gouge fest, end of this.
I'm Gone.
PS: Miss you all except Cryptic and PWE, ta hell with you. But to the rest of you stay happy and stay well.~
Hey maybe they'll remake ESD for the 8th time by the time I look at the website again, cause they have priorities you know?
most of the time feds cry "i quit" i celebrate or just move along. nut this one will be sorely missed. RIP MEWI
I've had enough of this nonsense. This game will never be the same again. Cryptic's only model now is, force players to ditch their time honored chars so that they can milk them some more.
If you aren't Romulan in PvP then you are an idiot, if you are an escort without cloak then you are even more of an idiot, if you are Federation then LOL just... LOL.
They've destroyed the spirit of Star Trek with shoddy writing.
They've destroyed the game with quick cash money schemes that quickly throw the game's balance into absolute devastation.
Bugs? Well there are many species of bugs, so it's normal obviously.
I Quit~ End of story, end of this gouge fest, end of this.
I'm Gone.
PS: Miss you all except Cryptic and PWE, ta hell with you. But to the rest of you stay happy and stay well.~
Hey maybe they'll remake ESD for the 8th time by the time I look at the website again, cause they have priorities you know?
Saw that and quit 2 months earlier............ Dunno if permanent or teprorary though.... Never been away this long though cos i'm getting the PvP fill in another game.
Shoddy Writting... what are you talking about guys.
It is completely logical that while flying a captured bio ship... pushing the big read button. Causes a bunch of the enemy ships to jump to your location blow up your target. (even if it is another bio ship)... then they go home.
Makes perfect sense. For now on I am calling it the deus ex machina console. Well never mind I won't really be around to use it... but if I was. Every time I clicked it I would yell... now its Voyager time... look boom deus ex machina console beeyatches !!
I've had enough of this nonsense. This game will never be the same again. Cryptic's only model now is, force players to ditch their time honored chars so that they can milk them some more.
If you aren't Romulan in PvP then you are an idiot, if you are an escort without cloak then you are even more of an idiot, if you are Federation then LOL just... LOL.
They've destroyed the spirit of Star Trek with shoddy writing.
They've destroyed the game with quick cash money schemes that quickly throw the game's balance into absolute devastation.
Bugs? Well there are many species of bugs, so it's normal obviously.
I Quit~ End of story, end of this gouge fest, end of this.
I'm Gone.
PS: Miss you all except Cryptic and PWE, ta hell with you. But to the rest of you stay happy and stay well.~
Hey maybe they'll remake ESD for the 8th time by the time I look at the website again, cause they have priorities you know?
Don't leave us Mewi!!! I won't be able to see your colorful posts anymore Q_Q.
Its not hard to go find the info yourself and read between the lines.
I won't bother quoting reprots its easy enough to pull them up and read them yourself. EA is very light on details regarding there bioware holdings and there is a reason for that.
When they are mentioned they are often blamed for year over year downward trends. The most current report blames them for a 16% drop in Sub revenue (its gone f2p to be expected so reporting that isn't end of the world)... oddly the last few quarters there Revenue listed is lumped in with numbers from other titles. When public companies choose to group holdings together in public reports... it is OFTEN to mask a holding that is seriously under performing. (In otherwords Subsidiary A is making 60% profit on X and Subsidiary B is loosing 20% on Y... ahh but Subsidiary GROUP C "A+B" is making 40% profit not so bad right.)
I am not claiming that Bioware is loosing money... they aren't They just aren't doing as well as EA claims... because there public reports are obviously direct masking numbers. (nothing illegal about that, they are still reporting overall EA profits).
Comparted to other MMOs... yes they have higher IP licence fees. There is no doubt there, there deal with Lucas was steep. I doubt Disney has backed the % down. Of course with there 4billion dollar game deal its possible they did reduce the kick back TOR was saddled with out of the gate. Regardless how much you want to bet that Disney has been asking EA for more Revenue (cash shop) content going forward. Honestly I can see TOR not being the only star wars MMO option 2-3 years from now. We know DICE is working on there take on Battlefront to hit around the time of the first movie... and Viseral is working on something. (likely an uncharted type console SW game)... still its very possible EA has either or even a third developer working on something new. TOR has not possible direct movie tie ins due to its setting... I doubt the Disney marketing people are in love with that. already have gear marked as mk I to mk can setup pvp for different categories like mk I to mk 5 go to a pug mk 10 to mk XII go to high end pug.What you say is not realistic plus it would bring no profit since people have to pay for something .
2.You can't improve your skill if the game makes no money/profit.You can do the same thing if they make the queue system pug you with people with your level of gear
3.No it doesnt .You can trade on exchange (pvp can be in economics low and sell trek was also about trading ,cant see no trading in this game) and make hundred of millions of ec by trading or by selling c store stuffs for ec.EC making is not a excuse....problem appears when you force people to get gear thats dili based (8000 per day) but you don't allow to sell their stuffs for dili .Some people don't want to grind PvE.
4.Thats 1 bind.
5.You have power creep with reputation system,traits and all kinds of buffs that are not gear.
1. What I said is completely realistic, it just doesn't suit your preferences. It could be done, and it won't make the game unprofitable; there's no logical argument to support that assumption.
2. That only works if you PUG. You can't do this in a PUG, it has to be organized in a private challenge. They could only stop this by forcing everyone to PUG.
3. What? Everything you said looks like you have no clue what I said and just went off on a random tangent.
4. One? Really? You can manually shift your shield facings around with one bind? I'd like to see that. By my count, you need at least five (four facings and one balance). Presets require four.
5. Did you even read what I said? I said that it should be limited to shield facings and power presets. Where did I say "keep the rep traits though..."?
All of that being said, this is a completely voluntary choice. If this is the type of PvP you want to play, then I say you're welcome to it. If you don't like it, you have nothing to complain about. Go play the game the way you think it should be played. It's not going to destroy the game.
No what you said is multiplayer pac man where cryptic makes no money at all.I dont think is anyone's fault you can't make ecs.I make few hundred millions every month without even touching PvE or paying real money.Also I can pop ships with better consoles and equipment ( i don't have a romulan).You have no clue how the game works if you want to distribute shields on each side manually ...theres tac team for that.
Your socialistic PvP would never work simply because theres no past or present game that works like that....maybe Pong ,but that was not f2p.
They dont balance the game beacose they dont care, beacose their best sells are the broken items.
Sorry for bad english.
Division Hispana
You keep saying Cryptic won't make any money if people did this, but you have nothing to back that up. If people stop participating in the current business model, they'll either change the game so we can't or they will adapt their business model. So stop your baseless doom-saying; it has no substance.
I understand how the game works. I know that Tactical Team redistributes shields. You missed the whole point. The point is not to use Boff abilities at all. They are imbalanced and highly exploitable. Many of them don't work as they should.
So you can grind lots of EC for gear? Big deal. Is that a reasonable barrier to participating in PvP? No! The only barrier to PvP should be your own mastery of the game. If you suck, it shouldn't be because you haven't put in the 100 hours to grind the proper gear.
Participation is entirely voluntary, and it won't impact your experience one iota if you don't want it to. This is about letting players who don't like the game the way Cryptic made it and want to play the game by their own rules. That's the great thing about games, you can make your own rules to suit your preferred style of play as long as you can find other players that want to do the same. So keep playing the game your way and I'll play it my way. Don't tell me it's wrong or stupid, because it's neither. It's a choice, nothing more. End of discussion.
One more thing: This can be done through private matches and a private channel just like OPvP, except it would have different rules.
THe problem is the casual PvPer will cry their damage was nerfed and that it isn't fair that they could do X vs NPCs and now can only do Y vs me or you. The game has been out of balance for so long, the power creep has become gameplay welfare and as with welfare if you try and take people off it they scream.
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Cryptic has identified the demographic most of the whales reside in. It took them awhile but it has happened. Now they are hyper focused upon that group with redesigns and releases.
Take the SA revamp for example. They vastly increased the damage potential while also making it require more user input. Sounds perfect for those 'advanced' players right?
But wait. Those players have two major issues with it. First the icon it uses is simply unnecessary and an eye sore. Additionally it does not work at all with advanced key binding or macros many of those players use. So the only conclusion I can make is it was designed specifically for the 'kirk' type player.
Same with the rep trait revamp they have solved none of the listed problems it was intended to fix. Granted the old traits couldn't scale to infinity but nothing can and the new system will have just as many issues at 20 reputations as the old one would have, if not more.
The casual player who has limited game knowledge and blows wads of cash for the 'cool looking toy' in the lockbox that is actually junk in the eyes of any vet/advanced player is the new target.
Not the hardcore PvPers. Not the DPS Channel PvEers. The ones who cannot wrap there head around the 'do tactical consoles have diminishing returns' debate are the market.
They don't even bother releasing semi challenging content anymore like Hive or No Win (when they were released I mean). Or content that allows a variety of methods to victory like Starbase Blockade or Azure Nebula.
All the new content either gives the bulk of the reward merely for participation (Mirror, Storming Spire) or can just be spacebar bashed to victory using a multitude of speed bump techniques to slow everyone down and give the illusion of difficulty (Breach/Voth in general).
Did the end result meet your expectations?
If you aren't Romulan in PvP then you are an idiot, if you are an escort without cloak then you are even more of an idiot, if you are Federation then LOL just... LOL.
They've destroyed the spirit of Star Trek with shoddy writing.
They've destroyed the game with quick cash money schemes that quickly throw the game's balance into absolute devastation.
Bugs? Well there are many species of bugs, so it's normal obviously.
I Quit~ End of story, end of this gouge fest, end of this.
I'm Gone.
PS: Miss you all except Cryptic and PWE, ta hell with you. But to the rest of you stay happy and stay well.~
Hey maybe they'll remake ESD for the 8th time by the time I look at the website again, cause they have priorities you know?
| Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
When STO was bought from Atari by PWE i never really expect PWE to directly involve in STO except for setting certain guide lines or business models like adding Lock Boxes and making the game F2P as it is now.
But in the end of the day it's Cryptic lead designers whom decides whats going in the game or not, not PWE. They the ones whom decides if they want to put Foreign Alien Ships in Lock boxes, What ships they gonna sell on the C-store and even weather or not PvP will be updated which we know is NOT, i don't consider all PvP turning into a cross faction mess as neither as a revamp or a update since it uses the same maps that have never been changed 4ever.
most of the time feds cry "i quit" i celebrate or just move along. nut this one will be sorely missed. RIP MEWI
Saw that and quit 2 months earlier............ Dunno if permanent or teprorary though.... Never been away this long though cos i'm getting the PvP fill in another game.
It is completely logical that while flying a captured bio ship... pushing the big read button. Causes a bunch of the enemy ships to jump to your location blow up your target. (even if it is another bio ship)... then they go home.
Makes perfect sense. For now on I am calling it the deus ex machina console. Well never mind I won't really be around to use it... but if I was. Every time I clicked it I would yell... now its Voyager time... look boom deus ex machina console beeyatches !!
Don't leave us Mewi!!! I won't be able to see your colorful posts anymore Q_Q.