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No more alien nofederation ships



  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rock3tman wrote: »
    Um, im pretty sure that BOP was called the "Bounty", the "Botany Bay" was the ship Khan was found on?

    My bad, got them mixed up. Those 'b's are annoying.
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • johnthomas00johnthomas00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    dkratasco wrote: »
    The point isn't how you explain it to yourself, but how it explain to ST franchise. It simple doesn't.

    It's just like putting light axes or hammers i SWTOR. Bioware can do it and earn from it but they wan't, because it SW universe/franchise Jedis run with glowing sticks. Same situation here Starfleet Captains fly starfleet ships, the only exception is when they have specific mission to do and it demands using enemy ship for example to get behind enemy lines. And we have those situations in game - story line missions.

    I really hate to tell you this and apperantly burst your world into peices... but NONE of us are actually Star Fleet Captains... we're players playing a online game.. and as a game STO's purpose for "us" (not Cryptic) is to relax and have fun.. we pretend to be SF captains.. or KDF or RR.. but the gist is this.. we're here to have FUN.. not strictly adhere to what some people consider is what should be because it's Star Fleet.

    Yes the faction most of us use is Star Fleet and so within reason we do have some expectancies of things, but I hope you get the point of it being a game and it needs to be flexible to allow people to have fun doing various things including using various starships from various races. It's also why we can cust. our ships and uniforms.. change our weapons, after all ALL Star Fleet ever uses for energy weapons except in special circumstances is phasers.

    And as other people pointed out... game mech. in NO way ever forces you to use other race/alien ships. Hell you can use the freebie lvl 40 Sov, or Patrol Escort in endgame if you wanted to and geared them for it (I have personally done this as I had them sitting around and wanted to see if I could pull it off as I was trying to get people who couldn't afford to buy ships to play the game).

    Oh... and Bioware certainly DID put axes in SWTOR.. as well as regular swords and two handed swords... and yes Jedi and sith alike use the none lightsaber weapons with pride... though I never did... so yes compaines can and will do just about anything to make money and don't try and tell yourself otherwise.
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I will never understand this kind of opinion - these ships were awesome, there's no way we'll ever see dedicated factions for them, so why not let players fly them? Come up with your own justification for why you have one if you have to, and remember it's just a video game when you see someone else flying one.
  • gurugeorgegurugeorge Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I agree with the OP, I'd have much preferred faction ships that utilized alien technology, rather than alien ships outright. It just makes little sense to me, especially so many of them flying around in not-their-proper-space-sectors - it just doesn't feel very canon.

    For me, it makes the gamey-game side of the game (especially that it's p2w) more in my face, and breaks immersion to a small extent.

    But of course, Cryptic make the game, and Cryptic have introduced the ships, and people can fly what they want. I'm just glad I can play a decent Star Trek MMO. I can think of many ways (this being an example) that it could be better for me personally, but I'm very well aware it could have been a lot worse, and that compromises with lore and immersion have to be made to make money.
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I will never understand this kind of opinion - these ships were awesome, there's no way we'll ever see dedicated factions for them, so why not let players fly them? Come up with your own justification for why you have one if you have to, and remember it's just a video game when you see someone else flying one.

    Agreed. Especially since, when we are at this, we'd have to go further.

    The concept of "loosen uniform code" is utterly TRIBBLE, being uni form is the point of a uniform.
    So if only Starfleet ships, it also means only starfleet uniforms on characters, and I mean only ONE starfleet uniform.
    And same for weapons. Same for Bos.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    No all the way.

    No to non-faction ships that don't belong to Starfleet, KDF, Romulans. The KDF in STO however is a different matter. While the members of the Federation conform to the single identity, it's not quite so in STO's KDF. The Orions have aligned with the Empire. The Gorn have been defeated by the Klingons and are somewhat in the Empire's control. Yet they are still maintain definite identities and are not "absorbed" the same way Federation members are absorbed as far as Starfleet is concerned.

    Other than that, the defining lines between Starfleet, the KDF, and the Romulans/Remans really need to be more defined. In their ships, in their playstyles, in their BOFF traits, etc.
  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,671 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    build federation ships that match the JHDC and Recluse, and maybe the D'kora and I'll gladly purchase and fly them
    We Want Vic Fontaine
  • feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Just curious. How do we rate Mirror universe ships? Or the Temporal vessels?
    Both are also lock box ships, set to the faction and canonical. ((Well alter the paint job and the mirror are canonical.))

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
  • jarfarujarfaru Member Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    dkratasco wrote: »
    We're Starfleet so why in the Kirks name we use Cardasian, Jem'hadar, Ferengi, Elachi and all other lock box ships? Please no more such things, because this game start to feel less and less Star Trek. I accept Atrox, D'kyr and Kumari because they are Federation race ships but not 'enemies' ships.

    I understand that game must have new things to be interesting (I'd rather prefer new challenging content than new more powerfull ships) and that's I see Dyson science destroyer as new way how new ships should go. No specific alien race ship, specific FED/KDF/ROM ship modified/projected using alien technology. So Cryptic please keep new ships at same way as Dyson.

    I agree and have been saying this for awhile. But PW/Crypitic make money on these non Trek ships and they make them OP to so they will sell. But yeah sitting outside of ESD and you wouldn't know this was a Trek game. I used to hate the idea of making T5 versions of all the Fed. ships but now i would welcome them if only to make the game feel like Trek.
  • gurugeorgegurugeorge Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It's really another area where canon clashes with the requirements for an MMO - for an MMO, people like to customize, to look unique, etc. Obviously with something like the Federation, it's a quasi-military/political outfit, so everyone kind of looks the same, everyone flies the same ships, etc., which would probably be great fun for those heavily into the lore, but not much fun for most players who aren't so heavily invested in the lore.

    I would have preferred more canon, but this kind of thing (along with other things like loads of VAs running around) are just something you have to accept as part of the territory for an MMO. You get your rp juice when you can, by reconceptualizing in your own mind, or just running things with rp fleet or friends or whatever, and try and blank out the non-canon stuff you see.

    Not much to be done about it I'm afraid, as the consequences for removing these things would be far worse than keeping them. Folks who are into canon and rp certainly form a nice little backbone of loyal customers of any MMO, but they're pretty much a minority, and it's the majority of casual players that the devs have to cater for, in the end, and I think they do their best to do so without making things too outrageous.

    As I said, it could have been a lot worse.
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yes, now that we have them its hard to remove them. But i agree with the OP.
    When its about canon Trek ships its always"they will never come because CBS does not give PWE the rights" why not? Canon Star Trek is as good as dead since we have the new reinvented Star trek.

    And for Alien ships this rule also does not apply, the Voth ships, the Hirogen, Undine, Ferengi... all of them are canon ships.
    So why does CBS or PWE not want to keep Star trek alive and give us ships like the Niagara, New Orleans, Freedom, Constellation.... .

    i am not totally against Alien ships but they should have some reation to the faction you are playing. The klingons have the Orion and Gorn cruisers, that is acceptable and there is room for more.

    The Federation could have more Vulcan ships, Bajoran Prototype Cruisers, more andorian Ships, Tellarite vessels and so on and even some adaption with Alien Systems, (we already have that with the sets like the Jem`Hadar Set) buti am thinking about skills and traits and Design elements that you keep even when you change Shields, Impulse engines and the Deflector
  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    No one is talking about taking already existing ships from the game, only that new ones which will for sure came would be make similar to Dyson Destroyer (FED/KDF/ROM design with alien tech)
  • keltornkeltorn Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I understand what the original poster is saying. I prefer how the dyson ships look like each faction kept their design standards and added dyson tech.

    It would be wrong to take away the ships that are already in the game but it would be good if there were special events or just events with ship requirements. It would be nice to have some classic Federation vs Romulan or Klingon for instance where the players had to use their factions ships. We have several ship slots available to us and it would be a good reason to actually use them.

    On that note I'm not crazy about the whole romulans allied with Klingon or federation thing either. Romulans should have been a faction on their own followed by Cardassian and whoever else. The way it stands now you are either Klingon or Federation regardless of what your race is or what ship you fly and it just isn't star trek to me.

    Ultimately, it is up to the player what ship they choose to fly for the most part which is good. All of my characters use ships specific to their faction and that's my choice. On the other hand it is still irritating that my Federation allied Romulan can't use a federation ship but cardassian, jem'hadar, ferngi, etc.. is okay. That's pretty messed up. I'm surprised they haven't at least made something like unlock fed ships for your character for 500 zen or something in the store.
  • jarfarujarfaru Member Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Such really great input from you guys on this. And it really shows just how limited this game was from the start. Those other race factions should have been in the game from the begining. Players should have been able to play them too. It would have made more sense with all those ships. But no Borg,Undine or Tholians should be playable. Imagine how great the game could have been.
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    dkratasco wrote: »
    We're Starfleet so why in the Kirks name we use Cardasian, Jem'hadar, Ferengi, Elachi and all other lock box ships? Please no more such things, because this game start to feel less and less Star Trek. I accept Atrox, D'kyr and Kumari because they are Federation race ships but not 'enemies' ships.

    I understand that game must have new things to be interesting (I'd rather prefer new challenging content than new more powerfull ships) and that's I see Dyson science destroyer as new way how new ships should go. No specific alien race ship, specific FED/KDF/ROM ship modified/projected using alien technology. So Cryptic please keep new ships at same way as Dyson.

    Well it's a game and people should have choices.

    That being said, it would be nice to get back to actual canon Federation ships, even kitbash ships. More choices of Vulcan and Andorian ships, what few there have been, should be considered as well.
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • jarfarujarfaru Member Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    sirokk wrote: »
    Well it's a game and people should have choices.

    That being said, it would be nice to get back to actual canon Federation ships, even kitbash ships. More choices of Vulcan and Andorian ships, what few there have been, should be considered as well.

    Yeah and where are the vulcan ships? I'm pretty sure they had more than one kind of ship.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    dkratasco wrote: »
    No more alien nofederation ships.

    Oh COME ON! Not this ... AGAIN!

    Look I just barely got over the fact that alllllllll the excelsior fans get to fly and love their ship at T5, while I'm stuck with a T1 OBERTH!

    But now ... NOW ... you're telling me that alllllllllllllllll the breen/jem'hadar/JJ Abrams Romulan Mining Ship/Cardassian/Ferengi/Hirogen fans can fly their ships, but I don't get my damn KAZON SHIP?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

  • stomperx99stomperx99 Member Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    they might as well come out with a Borg and Iconian Lock Boxes.

    Actually, I heard TacoFangs talk about a Borg sphere about 2/3 weeks ago. However, it's unlikely that they will make a foopin' Cube playable because of the size of it.

    I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
  • gooddaytodie39gooddaytodie39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think Cryptic put themselves in a corner here with their ships and how they do things. Their is no logic to their ship choices and no logic behind their place in the game.
    You've got the iconic trek ships taking a back seat to Alien lock box ships and a one-off Reman ship. You've got one of the weakest ships in the series as one of the dominant ships in the game (Jem Hadar Attack Ship). You've got what should be the most powerful Klingon raider in the game with only 3 tac consoles.
    I could go on and on with the baffling stuff that goes on ship wise in this game. If Cryptic were business savvy they would have the iconic trek ships be the pay to win ships and the alien fake ships be the free junk you get as you level. There general feeling here is that there really is just no plan on the future of what ships will be put out and when. It's just like "this would be cool, let's make it".
    If Cryptic was smart they would make variations of the iconic Trek ships and add those ships to the various pay channels instead of a stream of random alien ships. Like a current gen Defiant with a cool new hull design taking cues from the original complete with built in battle cloak and enhanced power insulators equipped warp core. Something like that.
  • gooddaytodie39gooddaytodie39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    keltorn wrote: »
    I'm surprised they haven't at least made something like unlock fed ships for your character for 500 zen or something in the store.

    See that would be smart, and make them money. Cryptic are you listening? My Rommy Sci has no good ship to fly and it brings a tear to his eye. There's the solution. You get five dollhairs and I get my Rommy in a Vesta.
  • stomperx99stomperx99 Member Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I know some people may call me an "idiot" for owning quite a few "alien ship(s)".
    But I have nothing against others who don't use/like cross-faction vessels, it's all a choice of taste.

    No doubt that cross-faction ships are EXTREMELY powerful, and hard to get (for most ppl anyways)
    Sometimes I wish Cryptic would make more Fed/Rom/Kdf ships but lockbox ships make a LOT more $$$ then C-store vessels. :P

    I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Oh COME ON! Not this ... AGAIN!

    Look I just barely got over the fact that alllllllll the excelsior fans get to fly and love their ship at T5, while I'm stuck with a T1 OBERTH!

    But now ... NOW ... you're telling me that alllllllllllllllll the breen/jem'hadar/JJ Abrams Romulan Mining Ship/Cardassian/Ferengi/Hirogen fans can fly their ships, but I don't get my damn KAZON SHIP?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?


    He's gotta have his O to tha #!# BERTH and his alien ships too, Baby! :P
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • kestrelliuskestrellius Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Alright. The supposed silliness of this is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how canon works in this game. Well game-canon. Obviously STO isn't actual canon.

    In-universe, there is only ONE Federation player captain. Or maybe three, one for each class. The point is, the player characters you see around don't exist, in-universe. It's just you. So suddenly, the fact that you have potential access to all these different ships makes a whole lot more sense. It's just ONE elite captain, who's capable of obtaining this specialized gear. The rest of Starfleet is still flying normal ships.

    So, when you go into ISE, and four out of the five ships are alien, just remember: they don't exist. It's just you, and the others are...normal Starfleet personnel I guess? Or maybe they do exist, but only them. It's not entirely clear, because of the five-man team thing.

    The point is this: players flying alien ships do not represent Starfleet in general. They represent the protagonist of STO, a Starfleet captain who fought in the Klingon War, flushed out Ambassador Sokketh at P'Jem, dealt with the Devidians on Drozana Station, and helped establish New Romulus. There's only one of him/her/it.
  • gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    See that would be smart, and make them money. Cryptic are you listening? My Rommy Sci has no good ship to fly and it brings a tear to his eye. There's the solution. You get five dollhairs and I get my Rommy in a Vesta.

    I'll one up that and say that I want a Vo'Quv for my Fed that summons Mirandas and Constitutions to fight.
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Alright. The supposed silliness of this is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how canon works in this game. Well game-canon. Obviously STO isn't actual canon.

    In-universe, there is only ONE Federation player captain. Or maybe three, one for each class. The point is, the player characters you see around don't exist, in-universe. It's just you. So suddenly, the fact that you have potential access to all these different ships makes a whole lot more sense. It's just ONE elite captain, who's capable of obtaining this specialized gear. The rest of Starfleet is still flying normal ships.

    So, when you go into ISE, and four out of the five ships are alien, just remember: they don't exist. It's just you, and the others are...normal Starfleet personnel I guess? Or maybe they do exist, but only them. It's not entirely clear, because of the five-man team thing.

    The point is this: players flying alien ships do not represent Starfleet in general. They represent the protagonist of STO, a Starfleet captain who fought in the Klingon War, flushed out Ambassador Sokketh at P'Jem, dealt with the Devidians on Drozana Station, and helped establish New Romulus. There's only one of him/her/it.

    Sir, you didn't know?!? They are all real characters and players. It's a Federation plot to confuse the NPCs. They never know who or what is coming at them!

    It's not the power creep that makes the NPC easy to frag, it's the fact that they are always confused!

    And you know what really stumps them the most?... It's those @#$@# rainbow ships!... All those different frequencies of light shuts down their nervous systems. Sure, they keep firing at you... because their heads have landed on their spacebar! Please don't get this confused with face-rolling because they haven't figured out how to setup the macros to their spacebar... at least not yet, maybe in Season 9.

    ELITE Captain, Sir, consider yourself informed! Carry on... :P
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Alright. The supposed silliness of this is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how canon works in this game. Well game-canon. Obviously STO isn't actual canon.

    In-universe, there is only ONE Federation player captain. Or maybe three, one for each class. The point is, the player characters you see around don't exist, in-universe. It's just you. So suddenly, the fact that you have potential access to all these different ships makes a whole lot more sense. It's just ONE elite captain, who's capable of obtaining this specialized gear. The rest of Starfleet is still flying normal ships.

    So, when you go into ISE, and four out of the five ships are alien, just remember: they don't exist. It's just you, and the others are...normal Starfleet personnel I guess? Or maybe they do exist, but only them. It's not entirely clear, because of the five-man team thing.

    The point is this: players flying alien ships do not represent Starfleet in general. They represent the protagonist of STO, a Starfleet captain who fought in the Klingon War, flushed out Ambassador Sokketh at P'Jem, dealt with the Devidians on Drozana Station, and helped establish New Romulus. There's only one of him/her/it.

    Well I don't think I agree on that.
    First, even by your own logic its 3-9 captains, KDF Rom and fed possibly of each class.
    Also its obviously (and forced) 2-6 admirals and 1-3 general, no captain.

    To some degree you are obviously right. The Story missions happen only ONCE. Only one ship goes back in time and fixes stuff. Only one ship, story wise, has an annoying guest promoting himself to first officer named thovan khev. Harkeev gets only killed once ect ect.

    That doesnt mean that the others are "not there". From my perspective they are simply not the people who did that stuff. And from other peoples perspective I'm not the one who did that stuff.
    And thats to some degree why I like the Alien ships: Other players are from my in-character perspective what make them, unless I actually RP with them (which happens pitifully VERY rarely there days).
    And if I see a Breen ship flying around from my POV that doenst mean its a federation captain (admiral :mad: ) on a Breen ship. It might be a mercenary on a Breen ship. It might be a Breen dimploat. My characters does not know, but in verse "another captured ship" is not what springs to mind IMO.
    Especially on locations like DS9 its much more immersive to see a wild mix of ships. On ESD its kind of distracting.
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    This thread is still beeing discussed..

    How many newbi troll threads with "must stop, must cancel, must include, no more, we don't need..." have there been in the last few month will trolling, flaming, ranting und zero knowledge about game mechanic?

    Or those special ones: "there is a bug so this game is garbage", "the Server is down so the game will be shut down soon", "i don't want Plasma weapons on my ship, i don't want to be able to buy them, this is not Star Trek.."

    Sorry but this is all getting to much with the time
  • kestrelliuskestrellius Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well I don't think I agree on that.
    First, even by your own logic its 3-9 captains, KDF Rom and fed possibly of each class.
    Also its obviously (and forced) 2-6 admirals and 1-3 general, no captain.

    To some degree you are obviously right. The Story missions happen only ONCE. Only one ship goes back in time and fixes stuff. Only one ship, story wise, has an annoying guest promoting himself to first officer named thovan khev. Harkeev gets only killed once ect ect.

    That doesnt mean that the others are "not there". From my perspective they are simply not the people who did that stuff. And from other peoples perspective I'm not the one who did that stuff.
    And thats to some degree why I like the Alien ships: Other players are from my in-character perspective what make them, unless I actually RP with them (which happens pitifully VERY rarely there days).
    And if I see a Breen ship flying around from my POV that doenst mean its a federation captain (admiral :mad: ) on a Breen ship. It might be a mercenary on a Breen ship. It might be a Breen dimploat. My characters does not know, but in verse "another captured ship" is not what springs to mind IMO.
    Especially on locations like DS9 its much more immersive to see a wild mix of ships. On ESD its kind of distracting.

    "Captain" just means "player character" in this sense, regardless of rank. In any case.

    Well, I dunno. Obviously, that ISN'T a Breen mercenary, is the thing, regardless of whether your character would be aware of that. It's a Federation officer. That's why I just figure that they don't exist. Honestly, I don't think there are as many ships in all of Starfleet as there are Fed players. Or, for that matter, are there as many Scimitars as there are Romulan players flying them. Anyway, my point stands, really: the players are not the bulk of Starfleet. The NPCs are.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Overall, I don't have a problem if people wanna fly alien ships....

    ... as long as they are not attempting to play a T1 ship in an Elite STF.... :)

    It would be nice for my Fed VA to fly around in a Bird of Prey... Hey if Kirk can do it, then I would like the opportunity as well... I can skip the whale part though...
  • feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well I don't think I agree on that.
    First, even by your own logic its 3-9 captains, KDF Rom and fed possibly of each class.
    Also its obviously (and forced) 2-6 admirals and 1-3 general, no captain.

    To some degree you are obviously right. The Story missions happen only ONCE. Only one ship goes back in time and fixes stuff. Only one ship, story wise, has an annoying guest promoting himself to first officer named thovan khev. Harkeev gets only killed once ect ect.

    That doesnt mean that the others are "not there". From my perspective they are simply not the people who did that stuff. And from other peoples perspective I'm not the one who did that stuff.
    And thats to some degree why I like the Alien ships: Other players are from my in-character perspective what make them, unless I actually RP with them (which happens pitifully VERY rarely there days).
    And if I see a Breen ship flying around from my POV that doenst mean its a federation captain (admiral :mad: ) on a Breen ship. It might be a mercenary on a Breen ship. It might be a Breen dimploat. My characters does not know, but in verse "another captured ship" is not what springs to mind IMO.
    Especially on locations like DS9 its much more immersive to see a wild mix of ships. On ESD its kind of distracting.

    First I would say only three, not three per faction. Because whether you are tac or sci you have the same missions. Now that being said the weakness of the writing is showing up again in that this only holds true till maybe commander rank. Because then everyone is doing the same missions. Not a slightly different area in the time line the same mission. So Fed/Kling/Rom board the cardassian ship. Fed/Kling/Rom face Hakeev, etc.
    What this means to the story by perspective? Those other ships you see are just traffic. Earth, DS9, Qo'Nos, New Romulus, these are hubs for interstellar commerce. So alot of traffic should be showing up. So you see 'someone' in a Jem dread. Maybe another federation captain in a ship of the line. When you enter an STF, these are the ships that responded to a generic call. In those instances they are KDF/Rom/Fed/Mercenary along side you. Because STF's are outside the regular PVE storyline. So those people are there helping you just as there was an armada of KDF and Romulan ships for the defense of DS9 once. So go the STF's.

    That is in story. I think we all know that outside story those ships exist because it is cool to not be a cookie cutter. Because it is cool and yes the lock box ships are potentially more powerful.

    (Though I would love to see an STF or MI run with all five Connies.)

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
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