Ha'Nom is a Warbird, so it should not have access to neither Sensor Analysis, nor Subsystem Targeting.
While I think you may have a point about the engineering warbirds being upgraded, this particular statement is silly on every level.
The Ha'Nom is easily the most awful ship I've flown. Not that I've flown every single one but it's ridiculously oversized which poses several problems particularly in group situations. Anything fired in its general direction will hit it and pbaoe abilities are kind of pointless since the ship itself occupies such a large chunk of the pbaoe range.
Think about it - how often do you see them? They'd have to be one of the least frequently flown ships in the game.
Sensor analysis and subsystem targeting... Um, is there anyone who considers these useful? At least in PvE it's extremely rare for any enemy vessel to survive more than a minute so sensor analysis is already effectively not there. Subsystem targeting seems a gimmick to me. I've only used it once or twice and don't have the boff equivalents on any of my characters.
While I think you may have a point about the engineering warbirds being upgraded, this particular statement is silly on every level.
The Ha'Nom is easily the most awful ship I've flown. Not that I've flown every single one but it's ridiculously oversized which poses several problems particularly in group situations. Anything fired in its general direction will hit it and pbaoe abilities are kind of pointless since the ship itself occupies such a large chunk of the pbaoe range.
Think about it - how often do you see them? They'd have to be one of the least frequently flown ships in the game.
Sensor analysis and subsystem targeting... Um, is there anyone who considers these useful? At least in PvE it's extremely rare for any enemy vessel to survive more than a minute so sensor analysis is already effectively not there. Subsystem targeting seems a gimmick to me. I've only used it once or twice and don't have the boff equivalents on any of my characters.