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mirror elite feels like hard mode

cnidaria22cnidaria22 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
i know elite is supposed to be harder than normal, but i never had a problem with borg elite. why does it seem like mirror universe is not just elite, but in hard mode as well? i also hear and experience protonic weapons are pretty much garbage as well as any consol from joint command reward boxes. how are those consoloes and protonic weapons supposed to work? i have no iodea. hit points just seem to drop dramatically. they seem to take longer, and blows ships up faster.
Post edited by cnidaria22 on


  • fatman592fatman592 Member Posts: 1,207 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If you're running Omega Rep gear, you're not getting the resists you're used to getting against the Borg. Grab a [ResA] [Adapt] fleet shield and you'll be fine. Or you could run more shield heals since you don't need clear plasma burn with Hazard Emitters (run TSS and ST).

    And Proton weapons work only if you use a dedicated build and you're a Tac Captain, and even then it's only really useful in PvP. Since most players only PvE (shooting at unshielded targets mostly) stick with better equips.
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    cnidaria22 wrote: »
    i know elite is supposed to be harder than normal, but i never had a problem with borg elite. why does it seem like mirror universe is not just elite, but in hard mode as well? i also hear and experience protonic weapons are pretty much garbage as well as any consol from joint command reward boxes. how are those consoloes and protonic weapons supposed to work? i have no iodea. hit points just seem to drop dramatically. they seem to take longer, and blows ships up faster.

    I stopped playing elite mirror. It requires everyone to pull their weight and then some which is about a 10% or less chance. Most often you get overrun.

    I disagree about the protonic weapons. My kdf has the zen store dyson science ship with all voth/dyson gear and tactical consoles. She regularly deals 30,000+ crits and her average is double my fed who uses polaron with the best fleet consoles. The protonic shield penetration (especially the destabilized proton beam) is the only weapon I have that can hurt good pvp players.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I stopped playing elite mirror. It requires everyone to pull their weight and then some which is about a 10% or less chance. Most often you get overrun.

    Elite Mirror is one of those missions that you really do need a strategy to meet the optional requirement to the full award at the end of the mission. I suppose I am one of those people who are not "playing ball" since I am basically a lone wolf. I am not part of a fleet and I do not PUG. I simply going the mission to help as best as I can by closing as many rifts and activating as many of the satellite relays that I can. I typically close at least 9 rifts and have closed as many as 17 of them in a single mission. I tend to avoid fighting when I can because the more time I spend fighting, the more time the rifts remain open allowing for more ships to appear. I fly a heavy cruiser.

    Perhaps, I should try defending the station instead and let others worry about the rifts and relays...
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jaguarskx wrote: »
    Elite Mirror is one of those missions that you really do need a strategy to meet the optional requirement to the full award at the end of the mission. I suppose I am one of those people who are not "playing ball" since I am basically a lone wolf. I am not part of a fleet and I do not PUG. I simply going the mission to help as best as I can by closing as many rifts and activating as many of the satellite relays that I can. I typically close at least 9 rifts and have closed as many as 17 of them in a single mission. I tend to avoid fighting when I can because the more time I spend fighting, the more time the rifts remain open allowing for more ships to appear. I fly a heavy cruiser.

    Perhaps, I should try defending the station instead and let others worry about the rifts and relays...
    If you're defending the station, you're doing it wrong and guaranteed to fail. Close rifts and don't be afraid to let your team mates serve as a distraction whilst you do so.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Closing rifts is the most important thing to do in the mirror event, everything else is secondary. I have been in pugs where the station dies becuase all they are trying to do is power the station up and defending the station, thus letting Typhoons appear en masse and Transphasic everything to death.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    cnidaria22 wrote: »
    i know elite is supposed to be harder than normal, but i never had a problem with borg elite. why does it seem like mirror universe is not just elite, but in hard mode as well?

    Maybe the question you should be asking is :
    "Why does Cryptic still call them 'Elite STFs' when they should be called 'Easy STFs' ? "

    You know , those missions that have been nerfed , while you've been buffed with passive abilities out the wazoo -- thus making them a cakewalk that they are today (to make it easy for the "average player").
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This is mostly why I stopped doing the ME on elite. It's a whole lot easier on standard and ya get the same rewards so TRIBBLE elite. Least there you can carry.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Its closer to the 'hard' people want (even if they still do complain endlessly about it.) Run it with a good team, you can close all the rifts with minutes to spare. Bad team (even a bad team of good ships), its a royal pain and not worth the extra 20 marks. Honestly the complainers ought to be thrilled with this mission: tactics are key.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If you're defending the station, you're doing it wrong and guaranteed to fail. Close rifts and don't be afraid to let your team mates serve as a distraction whilst you do so.

    Yeah, I suppose... But I only had one mission that was a "critical success" where the Reman station did not get disabled. That once out of about 12 times I've played elite.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Elite Mirror doesn't offer enough reward to justify it's spike in challenge. For 99% of the pugs it's less reward than regular mode. And sure, I could wait for fleet mates to come around and try to hassle them for a group. But in the time I did that I could have earned more marks and dil through any number of ways.

    Cryptic might better just remove elite mirror from the puggable list and only have it as an option for a group queue.
  • achatefwachatefw Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Its closer to the 'hard' people want (even if they still do complain endlessly about it.) Run it with a good team, you can close all the rifts with minutes to spare. Bad team (even a bad team of good ships), its a royal pain and not worth the extra 20 marks. Honestly the complainers ought to be thrilled with this mission: tactics are key.

    I enjoy the hard nature and the tactics. What I wish they would do is scale the rewards based on your personal inputs. This would natually allow those who do not help towards the goal to do one of two things: go back to the normal que or get better.
  • akanaroakanaro Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Do not dare to cry about the only event that is fun to play at the moment BECAUSE it's not a sit at 5 mikes and pew pew setup. People need to learn to play and Cryptic needs to stop nerfing everything for the 5 year olds.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    achatefw wrote: »
    I enjoy the hard nature and the tactics. What I wish they would do is scale the rewards based on your personal inputs. This would natually allow those who do not help towards the goal to do one of two things: go back to the normal que or get better.

    That would be such an elegant solution. Just base mark reward on the accomplishing of objectives. When the AFKers and star base defender derpers wind up with no reward they'd be forced with learning what to do or have incentive taken away to queue to leech off other peoples effort in the first place.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    achatefw wrote: »
    I enjoy the hard nature and the tactics. What I wish they would do is scale the rewards based on your personal inputs. This would natually allow those who do not help towards the goal to do one of two things: go back to the normal que or get better.

    Yeah, I like a challenge from time to time which is why my level 50 KDF toon is still flying a T4 Bird of Prey. :)
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    akanaro wrote: »
    Do not dare to cry about the only event that is fun to play at the moment BECAUSE it's not a sit at 5 mikes and pew pew setup. People need to learn to play and Cryptic needs to stop nerfing everything for the 5 year olds.

    Who's crying? I see lots of people pointing out what makes it different from other 'elite' content. Or do you really think you're so very l33t and special and need to 'put others in their place' ? Deflate the ego there, bud.
  • kronplah78kronplah78 Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Mirror Elite is not really that hard.

    First off is a ship recommendation, that'll work fine nearly everytime:

    Recommended load out and/or ship to bring - CRUISER w/beam boat configuration (ex. even the Dread Scimitar is great in this event with a beam boat config)

    Cruisers, by far the best ship for the Mirror event. Any cruiser with beam boat config with HIGH DPS (8 beams is best), that utilizes Fire At Will in combo with Attack Pattern Beta will work lovely here. If your cruiser is like in the recommendation, you will be able to power up array transfers super fast and clear rifts of weaker ships fast... yes.. fast fast FAST.

    If you bring a Science ship, you have the advantage of closing rifts really fast, but some lack DPS. To make up for any deficiencies, I recommend that you have a Gravity Well available, use that to help your allies clump all those little terran ships together so they can blow them up faster... USE GRAV WELL alot!!! Science Ships shouldn't really be attacking anyway, close as many rifts as you can, especially if you see an ally distracting a group of terran ship near a rift, take that opportunity.

    Even though Escorts (that includes destroyers ex. Breen Chel, Vet ships, etc), are my favorite, they are the least useful in regards to getting arrays and rifts. The one advantage you have is speed. If you do bring in an escort, I would recommend escort pilots to float around more than anyone and assist in any and all roles as necessary. Use your DPS to kill the weaker ships fast near rifts. Don't waste your time pounding on a single battleship class cruiser solo just to get at rift, its a waste of time, and you can't waste any during the course of the mission. Always move on to rifts that are easier to get, then if you come back to the rift guarded by the big cruiser, he may have moved away to attack your base, or at least far enough for you to not to be in range so you can close it in peace. Be smart!! Don't over work yourself in this event.

    OK now, Here is a generic strategy:

    Your team should decide during the first 30 seconds who will do what if you PUG it. Pre-mades are much better.

    5 man team - 4 ships split up. 4 ship per array. Park near each array, within range to click on it to transfer power. Power your array, and close rifts around your area on both sides of your array. What this will do is end up making you overlap your area with your adjacent teammates. The benefit in this strategy is that you may bump into your team mate doing the same thing you are doing in your area, so you guys can help each other while you're near each other (close rifts and kill ships) and vice versa. Make sure to head back near your array to re-power it for the next base tier, and keep your eyes open for rifts in your area.

    The other 5th ship will float. That ship will go around and stay near the base. Go around grabbing anything of opportunity. Help a teammate close rifts, close one yourself, power an array if that ship is busy away from it. Also kill ships around the base on opportunity to keep the base from taking a lot of damage. Start with the weakest ships.

    Also, its the whole team's responsibility, be ready to throw heal onto the base to keep its health up above 90%, because you lose bonus every 10% it drops. I suggest at the beginning of the match, click on the base and click on the little 'SET FOCUS' button on its target label or right click and select 'SET FOCUS' from the small pop up menu. This is very helpful.

    The faster the base get powered up, while the rifts get closed at a steady pace, the easier it will be on the whole team as the base will be able to provide better support at each tier. Once the base is fully powered up, this is the perfect opportunity for everyone on the team to float the whole perimeter around the base, and take out as many rifts as possible while you still have time left on the clock.

    I hope this helps some people who are having trouble getting high mark rewards on this event. Of course, use whatever strategy works best for you, but if you find yourself having trouble, feel free to review what I've posted here.

    - Cheers
  • groomofweirdgroomofweird Member Posts: 1,045 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    There does seem to be a massive difference between normal and elite modes in the mirror event.
    The elite can be a total nightmare if you have people with no idea how to work together as a team or have afkers. But even with a good team it can be quite challenging at times.
    Compare than to the easy mode where a competant player can basically melt most enemies and really smash his or her way through the mission.
    "If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
  • dathranselanedathranselane Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    There is a place for a starbase defender, IF the other members of the team are paired up and closing rifts. Ideally, none of the enemy ships escape to get near Vauthil Station, but if they start to pile up, it can save marks if someone heals up the station and shoots down the attackers. A big cruiser or carrier that isn't nimble enough to race around can keep the starbase safe while the rest of the team takes the rifts out.

    That said, everyone is much better off if people pair up and close rifts together, not race off and try to solo everything. Then all the base defending/healing in the world won't make any difference.
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    During my first few playthroughs, just after the event went live, it worked out prety well...
    Probably because everyone was still paying attention since it was new for all.

    On the second day the station got knocked out in every playthrough, same for the first 2 attempts on day 3. So I switched to normal since then and it gives more rewards as an average since it fails less.

    Funny thing about the mirror event is that ppl need to adapt to new tactics.

    The all mighty scimitar performs pretty poorly compared to usually, while old bops perform unusually good.
    Also usually useless stuff like point defense makes sense here..,
  • maarkeanmaarkean Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Elite is better for the simple reason that you'll always get more Marks. Normal, it maxes at 50 marks. Running Elite you can have a fail run where you would only earn 34 marks and still earn 50.

    Even on really poor runs, PUG's I've been in have completed 2 of 3 optional objectives
  • thyrnecristhyrnecris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    During my first few playthroughs, just after the event went live, it worked out prety well...
    Probably because everyone was still paying attention since it was new for all.

    On the second day the station got knocked out in every playthrough, same for the first 2 attempts on day 3. So I switched to normal since then and it gives more rewards as an average since it fails less.

    Funny thing about the mirror event is that ppl need to adapt to new tactics.

    The all mighty scimitar performs pretty poorly compared to usually, while old bops perform unusually good.
    Also usually useless stuff like point defense makes sense here..,

    Keep in mind that most 'Elite' people do not want to adapt. They want easymode freeloot with Pwnboats running 4/5 Tac Consoles and the Rest stuffed with Universals, not even running Neutroniums or other Armors, because their gear (Adapted Borg 2 Piece Space set, can proc the currently strongest passive Hull heal, Valdore Console, Plasmonic Leech) carries them, on top of the 50-Mill-a-pop gamebreaking Doffs.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    thyrnecris wrote: »
    Keep in mind that most 'Elite' people do not want to adapt. They want easymode freeloot with Pwnboats running 4/5 Tac Consoles and the Rest stuffed with Universals, not even running Neutroniums or other Armors, because their gear (Adapted Borg 2 Piece Space set, can proc the currently strongest passive Hull heal, Valdore Console, Plasmonic Leech) carries them, on top of the 50-Mill-a-pop gamebreaking Doffs.

    I like using Phaser Beam Arrays Mk XI generally because phasers are the de-facto canon weapons of choice for the Federation... at least according to Star Trek.

    The most exotic equipment I have on my ship is from the "Step Between Stars" mission.

    My 10 doff slots are empty.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I prefer non-phaser, simply because it's easier to tell the difference between my weapons and enemy weapons.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • akanaroakanaro Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Who's crying? I see lots of people pointing out what makes it different from other 'elite' content. Or do you really think you're so very l33t and special and need to 'put others in their place' ? Deflate the ego there, bud.

    Do you? And I'm not the one with the ego 'bud'.
  • ravagerborgravagerborg Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    kronplah78 wrote: »
    OK now, Here is a generic strategy:

    Your team should decide during the first 30 seconds who will do what if you PUG it. Pre-mades are much better.

    5 man team - 4 ships split up. 4 ship per array. Park near each array, within range to click on it to transfer power. Power your array, and close rifts around your area on both sides of your array. What this will do is end up making you overlap your area with your adjacent teammates. The benefit in this strategy is that you may bump into your team mate doing the same thing you are doing in your area, so you guys can help each other while you're near each other (close rifts and kill ships) and vice versa. Make sure to head back near your array to re-power it for the next base tier, and keep your eyes open for rifts in your area.

    The other 5th ship will float. That ship will go around and stay near the base. Go around grabbing anything of opportunity. Help a teammate close rifts, close one yourself, power an array if that ship is busy away from it. Also kill ships around the base on opportunity to keep the base from taking a lot of damage. Start with the weakest ships.

    Also, its the whole team's responsibility, be ready to throw heal onto the base to keep its health up above 90%, because you lose bonus every 10% it drops. I suggest at the beginning of the match, click on the base and click on the little 'SET FOCUS' button on its target label or right click and select 'SET FOCUS' from the small pop up menu. This is very helpful.

    The faster the base get powered up, while the rifts get closed at a steady pace, the easier it will be on the whole team as the base will be able to provide better support at each tier. Once the base is fully powered up, this is the perfect opportunity for everyone on the team to float the whole perimeter around the base, and take out as many rifts as possible while you still have time left on the clock.

    I hope this helps some people who are having trouble getting high mark rewards on this event. Of course, use whatever strategy works best for you, but if you find yourself having trouble, feel free to review what I've posted here.

    - Cheers

    Something I find wrong about your strategy is that rushing through the tiers of the defense arrays will make your rifts spawn less or stop altogether after you reach tier 5 defenses, when I've run MIE with teams doing the strategy you suggested, rifts stop spawning and nets an overall of 20 or less at the end of 1st stage and that will make your final rewards be less than 70 marks even.

    I've already checked multiple times (and can now say with 100% certainty) that having your team focus solely on rifts/ships will allow for more rift spawns which will net all of you an average of 30 or more closed at the end of stage 1, and just increase defenses as a secondary objective when most rifts are closed and people are just running around doing nothing. Usually this allows for almost 0 damage done to the starbase since everyone is focusing on killing the ships and closing rifts and also with reaching tier 5 defenses with about 1 min or less left on the clock.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If you have a competent team, MIE is just as boring as MIN. If you have a semi-competent team (as in at least 3 people know what's going on), then it's actually interesting. If you have a completely incompetent team, then it's fun. Because winning gets boring after a while.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    sonnikku wrote: »
    Elite Mirror doesn't offer enough reward to justify it's spike in challenge.
    achatefw wrote: »
    I enjoy the hard nature and the tactics. What I wish they would do is scale the rewards based on your personal inputs. This would natually allow those who do not help towards the goal to do one of two things: go back to the normal que or get better.
    kronplah78 wrote: »
    Mirror Elite is not really that hard.

    This thread is now my favorite. Absolute favorite.
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