Been running Japori for Tau Dewa Patrol and noticed something. When the Enterprise warps in, she has a tendency to stay out of the fight around the 10+km range, just making a huge circle around it. Seems to be a problem with the turnrate. I don't care for the most part because when I look at enemies, they melt, but the Flagship of the Federation should probably do more than just watch me do that.
Also, what's the percentile chance per map of the Enterprise answering the distress call? Seems awfully low to me.
Edit: nvm, must have just been a glitch, working fine now.
Edit again: Nope, now with every map I go to, Japori, tau dewa sector space, new romulus, ESD, every time I change maps I get Captain Shon shouting "We'll back you up!" Dude, I'm just going to the bank and exchange, I'm alright by myself. It's like he heard me say that his ship wasn't helpful.