similar boff layout to the hirogen hunter (or at least the ensign tac converted to ensign eng or univ)
5*/3 weapons, the fifth forward weapon being a locked in dual quantum torp launcher (locked in as with the patrol's tail gun or the DSD's proton DHC), with more DPS output and narrower firing arc than the normal torp. like a DHC of the torps.
hp/shield stats are fine, don't want it to be too OP.
turn should be just a little bit higher, 18 or 19.
quad cannon and cloack should be in set with a phaser dmg set bonus
now the really op needs :P
raider flanking
innate cloack
and/or battle cloack (or should i say romulan battle cloack? they gave the device for the defiant...)
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
I agree with these posts especially with battle cloak and if anyone at Cryptic wants to know about the defiant to watch the mirror universe episode where sisko commands the defiant in the mirror universe at how large a negh'var is compared to the defiant and then tell me they are both scaled properly lol.
One of original reasons I went primarily KDF other than I always loved Klingon content was due to the defiant never being true to canon the way it is in this game. I'm also sure the intrepid could use some love too but I'm pretty sure even with expansion 2 coming it most likely will not be addressed because its more like a cash grab than anything else from the information given.
I'm very happy with the Defiant as is.
As everyone knows, the Defiant is the escort all others are compared to.
It cloaks and the Fleet version elevates it as one of the best escorts in-game (I have it).
While I do not have the pleasure of flying an Intrepid, a friend does and (according to him) is the best non-Vesta sci ship.
I do, however, enjoy the Aventine on my Fed alt.
If the Intrepid is a pure sci ship and the Vesta line is sci+, then why have another Vesta clone in the Intrepid?
My opinion is, keep the Intrepid as is.
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Stop referencing the shows for reason why ships need certain things. This is not the series. The intrepid does not need another tac console, its fine where it is. The intrepid is a sci vessel according to the game, and that's where it should stay. The same applies to the galaxy and it eng role, and the defiant in its tac role. Every ship should be modeled after these 3, leaving a little room for eng and sci boosts. Only ensign boff slots should be universal, and each should have console slots directly related to its role. Multi role ships, like the odyssey and Vesta, should have 3 of each console, plus 2 extra for their designated role (the odyssey is divided into eng, sci, and tac), and its universal slot should be made into a designated eng, sci, tac officer slot to suit the ship. There are too many OP'd ships that have all these universal slots and too many consoles that don't belong there.
Personally, here's what I think needs to be done to the fleet Defiant... in order to pull it closer to canon:
- Make the cloak either integrated or a device, not a console (after all, it is called a "cloaking device"). And (in compliance with canon) it should be a Romulan-style cloak (in fact, why are there different kinds at all?).
- Increase hull stats (or shift a console from sci to engineering) to better represent the ablative armor.
- Change the BOFF layout. I'd actually go for something like the lobi Undine cruiser with 4 BOFFs rather than 5 (after all, it's a small ship!)... I'd leave the Cmdr Tac, a LtC Eng and a Lt Sci along with an LtC Uni. Or something akin to that.
Also, this one's not canon, necessarily, but the shield modifier as mentioned. EVERY fleet ship has it except the Defiant. And add account bank access to the "Belfast" bridge and rename the bridges so this one is actually called "Defiant" (again, something every other ship has).
Only the Defiant has Romulan cloaking though.
The other Defiant-Class has Federation developed Cloaking.
I really think they should do a proper Galaxy revamp before they move on to revamp other ships. Seriously - the so-called "Galaxy Revamp" was a Dreadnought Cruiser upgrade. Everything that the Exploration Cruiser got (which was a lousy 2pc set and improved saucer separation tech), the Dreadnought did as well, and more.
Something to think about before doing a revamp for other ships. You might not get what you're asking for.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
As everyone knows, the Defiant is the escort all others are compared to.
It cloaks and the Fleet version elevates it as one of the best escorts in-game (I have it).
well it was probably true before the release of the new patrol escort. now thats the reference, that's the best. not to mention some of the box/lobi escorts.
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
I really think they should do a proper Galaxy revamp before they move on to revamp other ships. Seriously - the so-called "Galaxy Revamp" was a Dreadnought Cruiser upgrade. Everything that the Exploration Cruiser got (which was a lousy 2pc set and improved saucer separation tech), the Dreadnought did as well, and more.
Something to think about before doing a revamp for other ships. You might not get what you're asking for.
Indeed, if you annoy the devs too much, you get almost the opposite you are asking for, lol.
***looks at the G-Xs Hangar and uni ensign***
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
The fact that they made a Cruise-ship with weapons more combat-capable than the Galaxy class shows us EXACTLY what the Dev's think of the Galaxy class.
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
In-game, yes. My personal opinion is that it does not make sense.
In canon (excluding STO and future sequences) the Federation did not develop cloaking devices, period. Therefore we don't know *how* they were developed... or even *if*.
It's entirely possible (and much more reasonable) to think that perhaps the Federation either reverse-engineered a working Romulan (or Klingon) cloaking device... or has been provided with a limited supply by the Romulan Republic.... instead of simply assuming that sometime between the end of Voyager and STO, the Federation has conducted a crash course research project which has developed a cloaking device, completely independently of the Romulan and Klingon types which were likely available to study (both the Romulans and Klingons have been allies for a portion of the intervening timeframe), and that works differently than they do.
Based upon that logic, there's no reason why the Federation cloaking devices should operate significantly differently than Klingon and/or Romulan ones. They should be more similar, regardless of whether they are actually "loaned" Romulan cloaks (liek the original Defiant had) or reverse-engineered, Federation-built ones.
I agree, it doesn't make sense.
Even if the Federation did somehow throw it rules overboard and develop a cloak, why should only the defiant class get one?
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
The fleet defiant could use the shield and hull boost that every other fleet ship gets, a 5th forward weapon placement would be cool, and the universal ens. slot would help a lot. The intrepid could use a single hanger slot and extra weapon slots, more like a cruiser.
I would be happy to have that ensign science changed to an engi seat. Let's face it, and ensign science seat when you have a commander and lt commander is pretty useless.
similar boff layout to the hirogen hunter (or at least the ensign tac converted to ensign eng or univ)
5*/3 weapons, the fifth forward weapon being a locked in dual quantum torp launcher (locked in as with the patrol's tail gun or the DSD's proton DHC), with more DPS output and narrower firing arc than the normal torp. like a DHC of the torps.
hp/shield stats are fine, don't want it to be too OP.
turn should be just a little bit higher, 18 or 19.
quad cannon and cloack should be in set with a phaser dmg set bonus
now the really op needs :P
raider flanking
innate cloack
and/or battle cloack (or should i say romulan battle cloack? they gave the device for the defiant...)
It would be nice if the tail gun could be uni...whatever weapon type, the tail gun would revert to..anti-proton, disruptor, plasma...etc,etc...blah blah ahhhhhh! I really love the Defiant, just a little limited with the Boff setup is all. As to the turn rate...for such a small ship, it could use a little boost....but in the impulse department. Flat out
I fly the Defiant almost exclusively. I have for years. I don't think it needs much in the way of a buff. Granted, a Battle cloak would be awesome, but I can live without it. What I want is for skin of the ship to actually look like it's on screen counterpart. They managed to do it reasonably successfully with the other hero ships (Galaxy, Sovereign, Intrepid), but for whatever reason the Defiant looks very little like it's on screen cousin.
Now, the original argument against being able to do was was the Poly count available to the ships. I'm not sure how viable that is anymore as an excuse, as we have these new ships with much more detailed skins. If they can make the Ambassador look like the studio model, why can't they with the Defiant?
It would be nice to see a universal console, and maybe an additional feature on each of these ships. The Defiant isn't bad as is today, but the Intrepid certianly needs a 4th tac console, and a hangar bay of delta flyers. Yes, it's a science ship, but it was also built for battle AND science, which is why it was sent into the badlands to face cardassians and maquis to begin with.
The Defiant needs a self replicating mine console of some sort. Mines that are worth equipping.
So happy the revamping of old ships is happening. The Galaxy X revamp is fun. When does the Galaxy revamp happen?
Are you kidding??
Defiants are one of the most dangerous ships in the game, and Intrepids, while you don't see them often are pretty powerful (my friend has one). Btw the intrepid does come with a universal console, it's called ablative armor or something (not the actual normal console for ablative though)
Yes it's bound to the intrepid.
It mimics the ablative armour as seen in the end episode of voyager, it's from the future. When active you have no shields or weapons (apart from torps)
As some have suggested, it would be nice to have a hangar for the intrepid, but there really should only be 1 if any. A 4/3 weapon slot design would be nice. embedded deployable armor (no console needed for T6).
Check your sarcasm flow, its not coming through. After all, if the Defiant was so powerful we´d be seeing it everywhe....oh wait.
you must not have tired the Fleet Defiant out: best all out offence escort and to top it off she has one of the best turn rates second only to bug and i do see plenty of defiants =P she is not the end all be all of escorts but she is still a high tier escort and should not be taken lightly
Check your sarcasm flow, its not coming through. After all, if the Defiant was so powerful we´d be seeing it everywhe....oh wait.
No sarcasm necessary. It's true that newer (read lobi) designs have surpassed the c-store defiant retrofit but it is still a potent escort.
And i see defiant class escorts multiple times a week during STF and kerrat.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
"Let them eat static!"
Only other thing I might consider is, maybe make the cloak built in, but not battle cloak OR make it a battle cloak, but keep it in console form.
Either way, the Defiant needs very, very little "buffing", if any. Changing the Ensign Tac to Ensign Uni would make me totally happy with my ship.
"There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
similar boff layout to the hirogen hunter (or at least the ensign tac converted to ensign eng or univ)
5*/3 weapons, the fifth forward weapon being a locked in dual quantum torp launcher (locked in as with the patrol's tail gun or the DSD's proton DHC), with more DPS output and narrower firing arc than the normal torp. like a DHC of the torps.
hp/shield stats are fine, don't want it to be too OP.
turn should be just a little bit higher, 18 or 19.
quad cannon and cloack should be in set with a phaser dmg set bonus
now the really op needs :P
raider flanking
innate cloack
and/or battle cloack (or should i say romulan battle cloack?
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
One of original reasons I went primarily KDF other than I always loved Klingon content was due to the defiant never being true to canon the way it is in this game. I'm also sure the intrepid could use some love too but I'm pretty sure even with expansion 2 coming it most likely will not be addressed because its more like a cash grab than anything else from the information given.
As everyone knows, the Defiant is the escort all others are compared to.
It cloaks and the Fleet version elevates it as one of the best escorts in-game (I have it).
While I do not have the pleasure of flying an Intrepid, a friend does and (according to him) is the best non-Vesta sci ship.
I do, however, enjoy the Aventine on my Fed alt.
If the Intrepid is a pure sci ship and the Vesta line is sci+, then why have another Vesta clone in the Intrepid?
My opinion is, keep the Intrepid as is.
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
Only the Defiant has Romulan cloaking though.
The other Defiant-Class has Federation developed Cloaking.
Something to think about before doing a revamp for other ships. You might not get what you're asking for.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
well it was probably true before the release of the new patrol escort. now thats the reference, that's the best. not to mention some of the box/lobi escorts.
RnD and upgrade needs less RNG. Less lottery. Something has to change.
***looks at the G-Xs Hangar and uni ensign***
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May i ask why?
Even if the Federation did somehow throw it rules overboard and develop a cloak, why should only the defiant class get one?
yeah, I agree, but an increase to the shield modifier wouldn't hurt either...say 1.1 or so:D
It would be nice if the tail gun could be uni...whatever weapon type, the tail gun would revert to..anti-proton, disruptor, plasma...etc,etc...blah blah ahhhhhh! I really love the Defiant, just a little limited with the Boff setup is all. As to the turn rate...for such a small ship, it could use a little boost....but in the impulse department. Flat out
1. Universal Ensign Slot
2. Embedded regular cloak (no cloaking console needed)
3. All four deck interiors (especially the shuttle bay showing the Defiant's shuttle).
Anyone have any pics?
Now, the original argument against being able to do was was the Poly count available to the ships. I'm not sure how viable that is anymore as an excuse, as we have these new ships with much more detailed skins. If they can make the Ambassador look like the studio model, why can't they with the Defiant?
Are you kidding??
Defiants are one of the most dangerous ships in the game, and Intrepids, while you don't see them often are pretty powerful (my friend has one). Btw the intrepid does come with a universal console, it's called ablative armor or something (not the actual normal console for ablative though)
It mimics the ablative armour as seen in the end episode of voyager, it's from the future. When active you have no shields or weapons (apart from torps)
Check your sarcasm flow, its not coming through. After all, if the Defiant was so powerful we´d be seeing it everywhe....oh wait.
you must not have tired the Fleet Defiant out: best all out offence escort and to top it off she has one of the best turn rates second only to bug and i do see plenty of defiants =P she is not the end all be all of escorts but she is still a high tier escort and should not be taken lightly
No sarcasm necessary. It's true that newer (read lobi) designs have surpassed the c-store defiant retrofit but it is still a potent escort.
And i see defiant class escorts multiple times a week during STF and kerrat.