What sets armor generator apart from hull plating is it regenerates instantly while taking damage. It's as powerful as its power supply. It's not much when fitted to a shuttle. Defiant's small 2 1/2 deck tall core, with most of its power hard routed into engines, is unlikely to match Intrepid's dual cores.
In Voyager "Endgame", Admiral Janeway's shuttles ablative armor shrugged off all the Borg attacks so your theory would seem incorrect.
In Voyager "Endgame", Admiral Janeway's shuttles ablative armor shrugged off all the Borg attacks so your theory would seem incorrect.
Klingon attacks - Yes
Borg attack on the shuttle - No
It's possible that the armor on the shuttle can withstand direct attack from the borg, but the only time future Janeway and the Shuttle "engaged" the borg Future janeway was beamed off before the Armor could deploy.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
It's possible that the armor on the shuttle can withstand direct attack from the borg, but the only time future Janeway and the Shuttle "engaged" the borg Future janeway was beamed off before the Armor could deploy.
just rewatched that episode you are correct sir,
the frailties of old memories is my only excuse. :eek:
I think the Intrepid needs at least a Ltc univ slot (like fleet Nova) to use a tac officer.. the console layout is ok but she needs more power.. a pure sience vessel is useless in pve and in pvp are better ships to make shield heal tank for support. The main problem is that the science abilities have not enough dmg output and a healer is in pve not needed.. every escort has enough abilities to heal them self..
General update on the shape, not too different, perhaps a little bigger, say 5% bigger.
The idea being that rather having different forms of escort (Tatical, Patrol, Advanced etc) you have one multi-role ship.
Tier: 6
Type: Multi-role Escort
Crew: 75 (With medical, engineering and tactical holograms)
Hull: 42000 (Which has ablative armour) (Reduced to 37000 when in MVAM)
Standard Shields: 6,850
Shield Modifier: 1.1
Bridge Officers:
TBC confirmed, something sensible, perhaps the same as the JHAS but with whatever special abilities DR will bring.
Additional info:
Here's where it gets interesting - Built in battle cloak, not taking up a device slot - so like the romulan ships.
And, built in MVAM - with a slight reduction in hull points when in MVAM (So like the existing advanced escort)
Pic below showing how the MVAM could work, the small break off point would deploy a warp capable nacelle, the mode would be computer controlled (By the main ship) and would have 3 modes:
Pretty much like a hanger ship.
When in MVAM, the main ship would in essence look like the Galant build, and would have its second deflector in exactly the same place, when in joined 'full' mode - the defector would be as it is on the defiant.
I'd like to see the shuttle bay in the interior too.
Holodeck (Not necessarily on the interior, however let the record show it is equipped with one holodeck, for combat exercises/anything else)
Cloak only works when ship is complete, not in MVAM.
*In the future on all ships, landing gear and ability to land on the planet, particularly those planets where beaming is not possible due to interference and shuttles would be batted around too much.
In Voyager "Endgame", Admiral Janeway's shuttles ablative armor shrugged off all the Borg attacks so your theory would seem incorrect.
Klingon attacks - Yes
Borg attack on the shuttle - No
It's possible that the armor on the shuttle can withstand direct attack from the borg, but the only time future Janeway and the Shuttle "engaged" the borg Future janeway was beamed off before the Armor could deploy.
just rewatched that episode you are correct sir,
the frailties of old memories is my only excuse. :eek:
General update on the shape, not too different, perhaps a little bigger, say 5% bigger.
The idea being that rather having different forms of escort (Tatical, Patrol, Advanced etc) you have one multi-role ship.
Tier: 6
Type: Multi-role Escort
Crew: 75 (With medical, engineering and tactical holograms)
Hull: 42000 (Which has ablative armour) (Reduced to 37000 when in MVAM)
Standard Shields: 6,850
Shield Modifier: 1.1
Fore 5 Aft 3+ Mine launcher (So 4)
Can equip dual cannons.
Device Slots: 2
Console Tactical: 5
Console Engineering: 4
Console Science: 3
Turn Rate: 20
Inertia rating: 80
Bonus Power: +20 weapons power
Bridge Officers:
TBC confirmed, something sensible, perhaps the same as the JHAS but with whatever special abilities DR will bring.
Additional info:
Here's where it gets interesting - Built in battle cloak, not taking up a device slot - so like the romulan ships.
And, built in MVAM - with a slight reduction in hull points when in MVAM (So like the existing advanced escort)
Pic below showing how the MVAM could work, the small break off point would deploy a warp capable nacelle, the mode would be computer controlled (By the main ship) and would have 3 modes:
Pretty much like a hanger ship.
When in MVAM, the main ship would in essence look like the Galant build, and would have its second deflector in exactly the same place, when in joined 'full' mode - the defector would be as it is on the defiant.
Or link here, hope it works: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10448244_10152736517207189_932506250992016204_n.jpg?oh=bee88998050a9016dba47610976f3b1e&oe=5479D0FB&__gda__=1417610667_6ad2ea6fb124d68ff40b87045590caa4
I'd like to see the shuttle bay in the interior too.
Holodeck (Not necessarily on the interior, however let the record show it is equipped with one holodeck, for combat exercises/anything else)
Cloak only works when ship is complete, not in MVAM.
*In the future on all ships, landing gear and ability to land on the planet, particularly those planets where beaming is not possible due to interference and shuttles would be batted around too much.