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Ok All Fleet Galaxy X Builds Go!



  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Still undecided on the whole thing.

    As a whole, still remain quite disheartened by the lack of response from the dev's to the numerous posts outlining concers pertaining to this ship. And the Lt Tac slot puts and unfortunate leash on the ship.

    On the other hand, it would only cost me one Fleet module - which I would be buying using my stipend - and I have the Saucer seperation and Antimatter Spread consoles already.

    Don't know - buying it feels like I'd be supporting the decision to field a half-hearted ship with setbacks that the dev's didn't want to address.

    There's plenty of fed ships with a lt com tac station and from the looks of it they're looking at changing boff powers in the near future to make ships like the galaxy better rather than changing ships like the galaxy to fit powers better.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    Is it just me, or are there still no cannon builds here?

    With saucer separation and the console set, the Gal-X can be boosted to a turn rate of 6+11+1=18. That is escort-like. And yes, I know that the Tactical boffs are limited, but I'd still like to see a build suggestion. Would be interesting.

    I won't be using Cannons because there's just not enough Tactical slots to make good use of them IMO.

    A2B is just about the only direction that I feel that I can go with the X.

    Having 4 Tactical Console slots means nothing to me if can not slot the skills that I'd like to use with them like FAW3, BO3, TS3, THY3, CRF2, CSV2, APB2, APO1 IMO.

    If cannon skills started at the Ensign level I might have considered using Cannons on my X but sadly that is not the case.

    On a Side Note:

    I bought an Elite Yellowstone Runabout to use with my Fleet X and forgot that you also need 20k Fleet Credits to buy fleet ships, now I only have 17 Fleet Credits and all of our projects are on timers till Friday :mad:

    So unless Fleet leaders start slotting special projects I won't be able to get the Fleet X till this weekend :(
  • rendar1970rendar1970 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So first off, let me say, I was PISSED when the Fleet X kept the same Boff layout. I was mad, swore I wasnt going to get this ship, and was done with STO.

    Then I cooled off, and realized some things.

    I always wanted to use my Galaxy X in the past with DHC's. But the turn rate was horrible. So you really only had 2 options on that ship. Aux2Bat build with builds, or dual Aux2Damp with cannons.

    With the turn rate boost through console 2-piece, and the saucer sep working. I can now actually run a Aux2Bat build, with DHC's on this ship. That right there alone, with NO OTHER CHANGES doubles the effectiveness of the ship for me. Would a LT Com tac seat make it even better, hell yes. But even with only getting CRF or CSV1, i can have that on global, and it makes the ship better than ever for me. And I was still doing great in the ship before.

    Plus now I get hanger pers, which i can go fighters and increase my DPS, or go with yellowstones for CC to help hold people down while I get in position for DHC or lance.

    People are still complaining about the Lance. Well it seems to be a ton better when separated, and while it may be my imagination, I think the connected lance got fixed. At least on my normal gal x, I noticed yesterday in STF's / Fleet actions, that It never missed, not once. Thats unusual. And now with the separated shotgun mode, since every fleet action/stf i do now has a SCI ship throwing Gravity Wells everywhere, that AoE Lance actually makes me feel like im doing something other than just "watch me pop this insignificant single ship".

    So all in all, I was Pissed, but the more I calmed down, noticed that what we are getting is still close to double in effectiveness, I can live with it. Is it still behind the a Scimitar, yes. But its a Fed Ship, not a Reman Warship. Is it going to be subpar compared to some of the other fed tactical ships, maybe, but I was doing ok in the galaxy x before, now I can do even better, and keep the ship skin im in love with.

    Long Story short, They could have kept ignoring us and gave us nothing, and I would still fly the Gal X. Now i get a better Lance, another tac console, saucer sep, a hanger, and better turn rate to actually use DHC's. All for $5. Cant complain.

    ALSO: Just wanted to add, before if you ran with beams at all and hit FAW or BO, it put the lance on a 15 second global cooldown. As of last night, that stopped happening. I can now activate BO and the lance stays ready, so I can fire a BO, take a shield off, hit weapons battery, and lance right away straight to bare hull.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I was able to get the Fleet X today, fastest 20k in Fleet Credits I even earned :)

    So far I really like the X but I'd like to see the Saucer Separation cool down reduced to 2 mins.

    It would also be nice if we had some way of controlling the Saucer Section once its separated because its quite useless on its own :mad:

    Maybe Cryptic could extent the 2 Piece set bonus to a 3 piece set bonus by including the Cloak Console and add in a cool down reduce buff for the Saucer Separation and the Phaser Lance.

    The Hagar is pretty useful and for my build I loaded it up with Elite Yellowstone Runabouts, they fit in quite nicely with what I'm running in my build.

    I still say the X would have been much better with a Lt. Commander Tactical Station but I can live with what we ended up with for the most part.
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