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~ STO Frontlines Ground Tournament, "Beachhead on Vesper", 5th April 2014 ~



  • jacknm1jacknm1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Lag Industries : Space (Will update if there is mroe interest in ground...dont hold your breath).

    Message either of the following:


    Team TBA, not sure if i can pull em together with the games current state of play.

    Wish you all the luck though Drk.
    Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
    PvP Boot Camp Coach
    STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
    /channel_join OrganizedPvP
  • angiewilliamsangiewilliams Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I hope the game isn't dying out? Pretty soon we won't be getting any more patches and this game will be left as is in cannibal form.
  • angiewilliamsangiewilliams Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jmiticp wrote: »
    ''I've been farming goats and camels, but drama like this, I had never seen. Arm your weapons soldiers, and prepare your horses. The drama war begins.''

    The problem is boredom there would be less drama if we all had a ton of different pvp modes and something to actually do besides mindlessly grind rep and gear
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,255 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The problem is boredom there would be less drama if we all had a ton of different pvp modes and something to actually do besides mindlessly grind rep and gear

    There's 5th rep and fleet holding coming. So the grind for more gear will continue.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Alright folks, I've made a decision.

    SEEMS that now is not the right time for a ground tournament. Perhaps if the ground folks can get together and come to an agreement, I will gladly look at hosting a tournament for it in the future. I'm serious

    This tournament will therefore be fought in SPACE.
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Now THE TRAIT IS NOT OP in terms of how it leads to getting kills. If the smart user grav shifts you directly after the field comes up you should already be into a roll and when the root from grav hits you will have at least rolled halfway out of it. The op part is the fact that they allowed a trait to now be dmg mitigation, slow, and perception debuff all rolled into just a measly trait slot.

    I don't know if you have seen them before, but there is a Geologist duty officer that has a chance to proc a ground version of Gravity Well whenever Electro-Gravitic Field is used. It is an 8% per duty officer per target hit. With three of them, that is a 22.1312% chance of procing per target (0.92*0.92*0.92 = 0.888688). Even if you do manage to roll out of the dampening field; the gravitic instability (ground gravity well) will pull you right back into the traited dampening field. The only counter is Motion Accelerator...which has a 3 minute cooldown when Tactical Initiative is down.

    As of late, -FS- has been running teams with three science officers using this trait, an engineer, and a tactical officer in order to use tactical initiative to keep the damping field trait chaining. They intentionally stagger the traited dampening field to encompass a good 35 meter area. The team under the effects can't fight back because of the perception/damage debuff. They can't rush the -FS- team because of the engineer with mines that would only get worse if they dump all of the dampening fields on top of each other in a doorway. Yet they can't understand why many players aren't happy with their tactics. It is cheap, just as stacking critical hit melee security officers to oneshot with lunge on every critical hit without buffs is cheap.

    I'm sure the Ground PvP community would love a tournament, but nobody wants to go up against spammers. It is a shame really, Ground PvP is in great shape for the most part.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • angiewilliamsangiewilliams Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yes I have seen the ground gravity well again not an issue if you are aware fast and roll asap the instant you get hit with said effects. Like I said personally I am not having direct issues with the sci spam at least not from full health. Maybe it's just me but if i can do it you all can do it too! Guys it's very simple when you know this sci stuff is on the other team get ready to roll backwards it should be at the forefront of your mind.

    As far as spammers go 2 engy's can also quickly turn into whats called a spam fest. I guess we should be thankful nobody calls in Reman escorts and all those elachi drones and all those other consumable rep system devices. I personally don't have any issues with fs team setup or playstyle. The only issues I have with them is refusing to accept private premade challenges and instead relying on some outside factor in the q's to justify their wins. One pug can totally TRIBBLE up a good match.

    As far as drk goes I can't blame him but we all knew this was never going to be a ground tourney from the start so I guess hijacking the thread made no difference. It's ours now so we mighht as well get all this settled.

    Also again 3 on 3 LT 9 rank tourney anyone? A double xp weekend is coming up we could all easily have Lt 9 rank toons in a breeze. you would just have to stop leveling them there.
  • risingstorm1risingstorm1 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    aww man, i wanted a ground tourney :`(
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    aww man, i wanted a ground tourney :`(

    Sorry if I came off sounding like some tin-pot dictator mate. Just a lot of planning goes into these tournaments and there is not much time.

    As I said, if the ground PvPers can agree on something together and want to chat with me, I am always around.

    These tournaments are as much yours as mine.
  • southerntexan12southerntexan12 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't know if you have seen them before, but there is a Geologist duty officer that has a chance to proc a ground version of Gravity Well whenever Electro-Gravitic Field is used. It is an 8% per duty officer per target hit. With three of them, that is a 22.1312% chance of procing per target (0.92*0.92*0.92 = 0.888688). Even if you do manage to roll out of the dampening field; the gravitic instability (ground gravity well) will pull you right back into the traited dampening field. The only counter is Motion Accelerator...which has a 3 minute cooldown when Tactical Initiative is down.

    As of late, -FS- has been running teams with three science officers using this trait, an engineer, and a tactical officer in order to use tactical initiative to keep the damping field trait chaining. They intentionally stagger the traited dampening field to encompass a good 35 meter area. The team under the effects can't fight back because of the perception/damage debuff. They can't rush the -FS- team because of the engineer with mines that would only get worse if they dump all of the dampening fields on top of each other in a doorway. Yet they can't understand why many players aren't happy with their tactics. It is cheap, just as stacking critical hit melee security officers to oneshot with lunge on every critical hit without buffs is cheap.

    I'm sure the Ground PvP community would love a tournament, but nobody wants to go up against spammers. It is a shame really, Ground PvP is in great shape for the most part.

    lol, spam is the way of the game right now, space and ground. If you havn't noticed the devs keep adding more spammable skills, consoles, traits and consumables. So fighting over the spam issue isn't going to go anywhere, and to be honest who really is going to pay to re-trait and re-skill just for a tourney? I mean you can't pvp without spam, no matter which class or gear route you go, due to how they made the game. And saying ground pvp is in great shape isn't an accurate statement either. All ground is pug-stomping due to lack of decent premades and lack of players, since i pretty much know all the ground pvpers. Community is very very small. Which i already knew a ground tourney wouldn't work out, they never have. Just a sad truth
  • as7rayas7ray Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Every time I hear about a ground problem. I think wait, there's ground?

    To people not liking A2B I absolutely hate it because I think it's so stupid in a bad way. I think you determent your team using it and you will be primary target number 1 because of how squishy you make yourself.

    I've never had problems facing them just my 2 cents.

    This tournament will be the first one with no shared CD on team abilities should be interesting.
    Time to go back to the three team wells.
  • southerntexan12southerntexan12 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    as7ray wrote: »
    Every time I hear about a ground problem. I think wait, there's ground?

    To people not liking A2B I absolutely hate it because I think it's so stupid in a bad way. I think you determent your team using it and you will be primary target number 1 because of how squishy you make yourself.

    I've never had problems facing them just my 2 cents.

    This tournament will be the first one with no shared CD on team abilities should be interesting.
    Time to go back to the three team wells.

    Asking if there's ground is like asking if there's pvp in this game. :/
    And people say hardly anyone ground pvps but they're wrong. Same diff from pve'er and pvpers in space. Ground just has a smaller community
  • nulonunulonu Member Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Sorry if I came off sounding like some tin-pot dictator mate. Just a lot of planning goes into these tournaments and there is not much time.

    As I said, if the ground PvPers can agree on something together and want to chat with me, I am always around.

    These tournaments are as much yours as mine.

    Well that was the idea when I suggested a simplified "vanilla" mode with easy to understand rules that would be very accessible but we got off track talking about people's opinions on specific powers which I was saying wouldn't be allowed under the guidelines I proposed anyway. A good point was raised above tho; not everyone would be willing to buy/spend a respec token for one tourney.

    Maybe I shouldn't have commented on it but it's arrogant and presumptuous IMO to put one's own opinion forward as fact for all. I'm all for fixing what's truly bugged/broken and I've pestered dev's directly and questioned interactions when I saw something that didn't add up, and I'll continue to do that.

    Sometimes it's hard to separate fact from opinion but everyone has to remember the difference between bugged(cryo immobilizer, biochemist doff before, grenades and security escorts now) and a power or ability they simply don't like(subspace manipulator, crit doffs). Personally, I hate the molten projectile doff. That's my opinion tho and I'm not going to troll someone in zone over it. Some people swore the game off when pulsewaves came out. Point is, the game's going to change as time goes on, there will be things ya like and things ya don't. If you like the game, keep playing, if you don't, don't. Arguing about it amongst ourselves is pointless, only the devs are capable of changing a power and in the case of subspace manipulator, it's confirmed by bort somewhere on here that it's WAD. Save the energy for getting real bugs addressed.

    Ok I'm done with this topic now. :D

    I'll be happy to participate in a ground or a space tourney. :)

  • mikiiymikiiy Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Reread what I said, I realize that your primary language isn't English, but you should have been able to interpret what I wrote from the context. I said nobody wants a tournament where the end result is predetermined. That is what will happen if the players/teams are not balanced.

    You should rather rethink what your said.
    A tournament must be played before its won, simple logic.

    Also we are talking about PvP here, thats teamplay business, if theres one team thats so awesome that others may think (as you seem to say) that the outcome is predetermined then by all means, either take up the challenge or don't.

    And on a general note, I don't agree with you that the outcome is predetermined, theres some good teams out there that may have a chance.. but keep thinking what you like :D
    I don't know if you have seen them before, but there is a Geologist duty officer that has a chance to proc a ground version of Gravity Well whenever Electro-Gravitic Field is used. It is an 8% per duty officer per target hit. With three of them, that is a 22.1312% chance of procing per target (0.92*0.92*0.92 = 0.888688). Even if you do manage to roll out of the dampening field; the gravitic instability (ground gravity well) will pull you right back into the traited dampening field. The only counter is Motion Accelerator...which has a 3 minute cooldown when Tactical Initiative is down.

    I know near nobody that even uses those doffs, but nice complaining about something thats almost never seen in groundpvp. LOL
    As of late, -FS- has been running teams with three science officers using this trait, an engineer, and a tactical officer in order to use tactical initiative to keep the damping field trait chaining.

    The truth there is rather, that after our opponents put dampening fields with trait at us at every possible occasion in games for a week, i've suggested our sci's to get it too.

    You also can't really retrait before every game just because you may meet some opponent that objects to a trait or a weapon thats working as designed. Funnily you seem to have a lot less issues with having sci's on your own team using it as we already saw in so many games..
    They can't rush the -FS- team because of the engineer with mines that would only get worse if they dump all of the dampening fields on top of each other in a doorway. Yet they can't understand why many players aren't happy with their tactics. It is cheap, just as stacking critical hit melee security officers to oneshot with lunge on every critical hit without buffs is cheap.

    Back to the topic of absurd opinions from you, if lunge is so totally overpowered to "oneshot with lunge on EVERY critical hit without buffs" as you say, especially as high crit chances are so easy to achieve with doffs, then why isn't the queue full with tac players doing just that?

    Why are most people we see are engineer or sci's in games atm or why are most premades mostly feature lots of engineers and sci's and rather one or no tacs?

    Tac's are rather low on the food chain on ground atm most people know that and play something else atm and the lunge maneuver your talking about can be countered just fine.
    I'm sure the Ground PvP community would love a tournament, but nobody wants to go up against spammers. It is a shame really, Ground PvP is in great shape for the most part.

    Theres always those people in the pvp community that just play the game and then theres those that rather play the zonechat or forum game cause everything is so OP in their opinion and they rather take it out on their opponents and blame the most absurd things on them instead of realizing that their issue is with the game itself.
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    mikiiy wrote: »
    You should rather rethink what your said.
    A tournament must be played before its won, simple logic.

    Also we are talking about PvP here, thats teamplay business, if theres one team thats so awesome that others may think (as you seem to say) that the outcome is predetermined then by all means, either take up the challenge or don't.

    And on a general note, I don't agree with you that the outcome is predetermined, theres some good teams out there that may have a chance.. but keep thinking what you like :D
    Reread what I wrote for a third time. You are completely ignoring what I said in my last post.
    mikiiy wrote: »
    I know near nobody that even uses those doffs, but nice complaining about something thats almost never seen in groundpvp. LOL
    hmm, "almost never", is that like "sometimes always"? You might want to look around your fleet...or perhaps in the mirror?

    mikiiy wrote: »
    The truth there is rather, that after our opponents put dampening fields with trait at us at every possible occasion in games for a week, i've suggested our sci's to get it too.

    You also can't really retrait before every game just because you may meet some opponent that objects to a trait or a weapon thats working as designed. Funnily you seem to have a lot less issues with having sci's on your own team using it as we already saw in so many games..
    Trying to convince certain players in the Ground PvP community to stop using something overpowered is like trying to convince Soviet USSR to go nuclear free.

    mikiiy wrote: »
    Back to the topic of absurd opinions from you, if lunge is so totally overpowered to "oneshot with lunge on EVERY critical hit without buffs" as you say, especially as high crit chances are so easy to achieve with doffs, then why isn't the queue full with tac players doing just that?
    Do I really need to explain to you how this works? You were one of the biggest users of melee critical hit duty officers before Season 8. If you critically hit, then the target dies. If you do not critically hit, then the target lives and fights back. A 60% chance is a pretty good kill ratio, especially if there are two tactical officers hitting the same target. That is how certian -FS- used to roll before the chain knockback on lunge got partially fixed. The chance to get an instant kill relies on the ability to score a critical hit. With chain knockback it was possible to buy time by denying your opponent the ability to fight back on a nearly indefinite basis. You switched to the dampening field combination because chain knockback is now very difficult to do reliably after the patch with Season 8.

    The reason you don't see many players using melee duty officer Tactical officers is because the duty officers cost an average of 30,000,000 Energy Credits each and players need three of them. I don't know many Ground PvPers with that amount of Energy Credits just sitting around to be spent.
    mikiiy wrote: »
    Tac's are rather low on the food chain on ground atm most people know that and play something else atm and the lunge maneuver your talking about can be countered just fine.
    They aren't low on the food chain so much as many players just don't know how to adapt with the Omega set bonus currently in the bugged Mk X state rather than using the correct Mk XII stats. There are also tactical officers that were never able to adapt after chain knockback was fixed for the most part.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • mikiiymikiiy Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    hmm, "almost never", is that like "sometimes always"? You might want to look around your fleet...or perhaps in the mirror?

    Sure you can make something up if you have nothing to support your opinion. But no, im NOT using geologist instability (ground gravity well) doffs and never have, because your just nerfing yourself with those.. theres way better setups to run for doffs.

    I said "almost never" because theres always some player out there using something, regardless if its efficient or not.
    The reason you don't see many players using melee duty officer Tactical officers is because the duty officers cost an average of 30,000,000 Energy Credits each and players need three of them. I don't know many Ground PvPers with that amount of Energy Credits just sitting around to be spent.

    I feel rather sorry for you, cause even 3 of those doffs are still cheap compared to what you may spend to build a good ship for space pvp.

    But no, thats not the reason why we're not having much tac's in our premades, operative users are generally quiet easy to counter those days.
  • nulonunulonu Member Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    "Tellerites do not argue for any reason, they simply argue."
  • soulll78soulll78 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It's sad that there will not be the ground-pvp tournament. If you don't want to have fun, is that your choise. Tournaments need clear and fair rules, that's right. But they shouldn't be made by players that join the tournament or just want to sabotage it.

  • livinrtblivinrtb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I would love to play a ground tournament...hopefuly we get enough intrest...
  • brandonflbrandonfl Member Posts: 892
    edited March 2014
    I vote for ground. I won't be playing, but they deserve their's. Besides, who's left to do a space tourney after this week?
  • southerntexan12southerntexan12 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'd be awesome to see a ground tourney but what is the point when there are no teams? FS is pretty much the only fleet name left in ground, the others left the game. And i'm sure there are some space teams with some people that might wanna do one but it'd be an lolstomp, my fleet could put a team or two up but that'd be all. And prob the only team that could face an FS team...that's assuming i can get my people on during that time.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I support a ground tournament, but wouldn't play it, so I could help Drk with moderating and such.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I would support a ground PvP tournament. But only under certain conditions.

    I can care less about traits. Everyone has access to them so it is even playing field. Their are some rules I would invoke.

    1. Each class has to me represented per team with no more than two of that class.

    2. Only one type three phaser per team, they are a bit much with the whole team using them. I would also limit the amount of omega carbine are allowed(might think about phaser auto rifles also). These weapons stacked have an a amazing hold capability. I would listen to discussions on this.

    3. Each kit can only be represented once. This mean only one kier team kit....and yes the Romulan version counts as a normal. Fleet versions are allowed. This would limit mortars and healers.

    4. Doffs: no crit melee doffs. They are a little OP for ground. I am fine with everything else. Limit the amount of players able to stack certain doffs like security doffs that beam down security teams. The amount of hold from suppressing fire is out of control.

    5. No obscure toys like....crying grenades, chroniton grenades, or any other Lobi store consumable. Gambling Devise is ok.
  • nalastonalasto Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The reason you don't see many players using melee duty officer Tactical officers is because the duty officers cost an average of 30,000,000 Energy Credits each and players need three of them. I don't know many Ground PvPers with that amount of Energy Credits just sitting around to be spent.
    mikiiy wrote: »
    I feel rather sorry for you, cause even 3 of those doffs are still cheap compared to what you may spend to build a good ship for space pvp.

    This is quite a remarkable statement considering that were it not for the "issues" concerning dilithium that were present in the game around 12 months ago, you could not afford these DOFFS. Prior to these "issues" you had stated how you were saving up for them, but had yet to even own one.

    So to "rather feel sorry" for someone - is this because they didn't avail of this "issue" to achieve their goal of having these DOFFS and subsequently missed their chance ... is that why you feel rather sorry for them? It's like you feeling sorry for someone for not being able to beat NWS, while you parade around with the title of "Kirk's Protege" even though you beat it through exploitation.

    It is true that there are many that have beaten NWS through the means mentioned above; similarly it is true that there is a substantial amount of players that "availed" of the "issues" surrounding dilithium - however, the difference is: they didn't gloat about it or throw around statements about feeling sorry for someone.

    Stick to the love letters.
  • majortiraomegamajortiraomega Member Posts: 2,214 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    simeion1 wrote: »
    2. Only one type three phaser per team, they are a bit much with the whole team using them. I would also limit the amount of omega carbine are allowed(might think about phaser auto rifles also). These weapons stacked have an a amazing hold capability. I would listen to discussions on this.
    I doubt you will get anyone disagreeing on limiting either of these weapons. The easiest solution to many of these problems would be to give players a 10 second stun immunity after stunned and a 10 second knockback immunity after knocked back. If that were a universal thing for all stuns/knockbacks, then these weapons would cease to be an issue.
    simeion1 wrote: »
    3. Each kit can only be represented once. This mean only one kier team kit....and yes the Romulan version counts as a normal. Fleet versions are allowed. This would limit mortars and healers.
    We know Season 9 will bring a kit revamp and the release date will be in April. While slim, there is a chance Season 9 could be released before this tournament is scheduled to take place. That could greatly shake up the current game meta.
    simeion1 wrote: »
    4. Doffs: no crit melee doffs. They are a little OP for ground. I am fine with everything else. Limit the amount of players able to stack certain doffs like security doffs that beam down security teams. The amount of hold from suppressing fire is out of control.
    Yes, Suppressing Fire really should have its ability to stack removed. The ability has essentially 100% uptime without Tactical Initiative and is overpowered when stacked. The problem with buffs getting passed to all player "pets" that was created when Sphere of Influence went live has greatly amplified the situation.
    simeion1 wrote: »
    5. No obscure toys like....crying grenades, chroniton grenades, or any other Lobi store consumable. Gambling Devise is ok.
    Good point, I forgot about the Nukara Reputation Drones that apply an unclearable hold for 10 seconds while allowing you to take damage as normal. Fortunately they are very expensive in terms of dilithium, but you never know who might try to use them in a tournament.
    --->Ground PvP Concerns Directory 4.0
    --->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
    Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
  • uraziel0815uraziel0815 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Raumpatrouille Elysion - SPACE

    Members TBA
  • tbffotbffo Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Omega-Flotte - SPACE

    Members TBA
  • grandpadxxgrandpadxx Member Posts: 342
    edited March 2014

    is this now Ground or Space ? I a little bit Confused. Sorry I´m a old men. :D

    I think we can join this with one Team,.. BUT in the last two Turney there was

    NO Live drawing

    and thats a nogo.. to keep fair & co., please do it this time !

    Maybe you can do it for a better Fairplay. If its not possibile so we dont play it. Sorry.

    T'lilu SCI. / Dxxdavid TAK. / STO Inner Circle
    *** R.I.P. ***
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hi all.


    Please check this thread.

    Depending on the number of people that register, the tournament with the most folks will be held.

    So, really I leave the choice up to the community :)
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    grandpadxx wrote: »

    is this now Ground or Space ? I a little bit Confused. Sorry I´m a old men. :D

    I think we can join this with one Team,.. BUT in the last two Turney there was

    NO Live drawing

    and thats a nogo.. to keep fair & co., please do it this time !

    Maybe you can do it for a better Fairplay. If its not possibile so we dont play it. Sorry.


    The host site (Challonge) I am using does not allow for live drawing and there is no time for that. It does however have random seeding when creating the brackets.

    If this is not acceptable for participants, I'm afraid I'm really unable to do more.
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