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Submit your new missions for advertising on StarbaseUGC/PrimetimeUGC



  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Looks like there were no new submissions in the previous week. Seanconnor, yours are coming up in next week's post! :D
  • velocitorevelocitore Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Hi fellow foundry authors and players.
    I have just published a new mission.
    Title: Beckon Me Unto Beacons
    Faction: Starfleet
    Level: ANY
    Time: 45 to 60 minutes
    Author: Velocitore@velocitore
    Start Location: Cernan System in the Regulus Sector Block

    This is a patrol mission that becomes a fight with Klingons. A Klingon captain chases two defectors in an attempt to recover secret encrypted files. If you would like me to review your mission just leave an invite in the review with the "Title" and "Author".
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited September 2014
  • cyrenkscyrenks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Title: Memory of a Time Before
    Faction: Federation
    Level: 16+
    Time: 30-45 minutes
    Author: cyrenks
    Start location: New Romulus Staging Area, near the medical and command tents toward the southeast.

    You've been called to New Romulus by a mysterious contact seeking an urgent meeting. Report to a secret intelligence facility located near the command and medical tents of New Romulus and uncover your alleged involvement in undercover operations.

    Teaser image: http://imgur.com/sFNHsaG

    I wasn't entirely sure if the image was the correct dimensions, so if I need to resize and upload again, please let me know.
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited September 2014

    This week's missions are now posted! http://starbaseugc.com/index.php/ugcmissions/new-foundry-missions-sept-8-sept-14/

    Looks like your image was the correct size, cyrenks. Thanks!
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Looks like no new submissions last week.

    Be sure to submit using the rules in the OP to have your new missions posted on the StarbaseUGC website!
  • paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Title: "[Rom] Valley of the Shadow III" (aka "Fear No Evil")
    Author: @NCC-89471
    Faction: Federation-allied Romulan
    Level: 31+
    Description: Citizens of the Republic, the time has come to stand and fight! For your lives, for your freedom... for the legacy of Romulus.
  • evil70thevil70th Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Hi Rogueeenterprise,

    This is my latest mission and part one in a two part series. I hope you enjoy playing this mission as much as I enjoyed authoring it.

    Mission Title: Do no harm
    Author: Evil70th
    Project ID: ST-HHYVFPOAS
    Allegiance: Federation
    Level: 16+
    Description: On a routine mission cataloging planetary systems your ship is sent to investigate the apparent spread of a virus. This virus causes infected colonists to attack non-infected colonists in brutal attacks, further spreading the outbreak. You and your crew must rescue the colonists before it is too late.


    The above image is at http://www.evil70th.com/sto/donoharm1.jpg

    Authors Notes:
    This mission is heavy on story dialogue with a "Skip Dialogue" that provides a summary of the dialogue needed to complete that portion of the mission. All combat is optional with noncombat options available.

    Estimated length:
    60 to 90 minutes with full dialog.
    30 to 45 with "Skip Dialogue".

    (AKA: Evil70th)
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited September 2014
  • lordarathronlordarathron Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Mission: Attumar: First Contact
    By lordarathron
    Any level
    Forum thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1155471
  • captainazzaranocaptainazzarano Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Time's Razor, Pt I
    Struggling against the burden of creating a whole new civilization in the Delta Volanis Cluster, the colonists of Polaris have sent a request for basic provisions and supplies to Starfleet Command. But, when the ship encounters a subspace distortion that throws them back through time and space, they must find a way to try to repair the damage that they've done. Boldly go into the unknown in this episode of Star Trek: Odyssey...
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited October 2014
  • gammadelta2gammadelta2 Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    All of Jack's Toys

    A ship has been lost and needs to be found. But is it truly the ship you must find or the story behind its disappearance. Don't let your mind deceive you as you pursue the truth.
  • thegreendragoon1thegreendragoon1 Member Posts: 1,872 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    In the Shadow of MIDAS, Part 2

    MIDAS, an experimental array once used to communicate with the U.S.S. Voyager while it was stranded in the Delta Quadrant. These days it's sending more than messages.

    Your ship has been sent to ascertain the fate of two starships, however they have fallen prey to the same dark forced that overwhelmed the Persephone and Agamemnon. The crew now finds themselves in a fight for their very minds. Will your captain be able to prevent the ship from falling? What are the true plans of these mysterious Eidolon?
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    This week's missions are now posted! http://starbaseugc.com/index.php/ugcmissions/new-foundry-missions-oct-6-oct-12/

    We're going to be taking a break due to the Foundry downtime, but if you publish missions please continue to post them here.
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    With the review system back onlne and all Foundry stuff functional, I'll be reposting this weekly. Post your new missions!
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Looks like no new missions posted this week! Be sure to post them here in accordance with the rules in the OP!
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Looks like no new missions posted this week. Post them if you've got them!
  • patcrowpatcrow Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    After months of procrastination, I'm proud to announced that I have finally published my new mission, "Uncharted Worlds 4"

    Uncharted Worlds 4 is is a non-combat exploration mission. Great place for science vessels, science officers, and anyone who wants a break from shooting things.

    In this mission, you are asked to investigate an unexplored star system in the process of forming and a mystery rogue planet which doesn't belong. What is this planet and where did it come from?

    The answers maybe the scientific discovery of a lifetime!

    This is also apart of a story arc from the other Uncharted Worlds episodes but you’ll be able to follow the story without previous plays.

    If you enjoy seeking out new life forms and discovering the unknown then this is the mission for you!!

    Faction- Federation.

    Levels- All levels.

    Author- @patcrow
  • midnighttlcmidnighttlc Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hey I know it's not a published mission yet, but I was wondering if Starbase UGC/Primetime UGC could advert my foundry contest. Information can be found in this link. Thanks :)

  • yellowsunwarroryellowsunwarror Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    This is my first Foundry Mission.

    Title: Attention to Orders

    Faction: Starfleet

    Level: Any

    Code: ST-HF7GJONHM - currently in review content.

    Description: Starfleet tradition dictates that a Captain attend the commissioning ceremony of any new ship they are to command. An old friend will be facilitating the commissioning of your latest starship, but old friends sometimes open old wounds.

    I created this mission because I felt that one of the things missing from STO is an official ceremony for taking command of a new starship. Also,the first thing I want to do when acquiring a new ship is to test her guns. This mission does both and has some drama as well.
    Please review my first Foundry Mission. Attention to orders.
    Mission Code: ST-HF7GJONHM - Update! This mission has graduated and can now be found in Browse All! Thank you everyone for your reviews.
  • evil70thevil70th Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hi Rogueeenterprise,

    I would like to submit my latest mission In the name of the People. This mission is part two of a two part series. I hope you enjoy playing this mission as much as I enjoyed authoring it.

    Mission Title: In the name of the People
    Author: Evil70th
    Project ID: ST-HE36W9JEP
    Allegiance: Federation
    Level: 16+
    Description: You and the valiant crew of your ship saved the New Montgomery colony from certain annihilation. The outbreak that turned the colonists into violent creatures was just a prelude to what appears to be the early stages of a threat to the Federation from within. Now you must pursue Doctor Oliver and her co-conspirators to stop them from implementing their plan to take over the Federation. The very lives of every single citizen of the Federation hang in the balance. At the moment you have nothing more than the last known location of the S.S. Langston. Will you and your crew rise up in defense of the Federation?


    The above image is at http://www.evil70th.com/sto/innamepeople1.jpg

    Author’s notes:
    Heavy dialog with combat. This is part two of the series. I recommend you play part one list Do no harm if you have not already played it. In this mission the enemy can and do fight back. The mission is story oriented with a "Skip Dialogue" feature that provides a summary of the dialogue needed to complete that portion of the mission.

    Estimated length:
    60-75 minutes with full dialog.
    45-60 with "Skip Dialog".

    Estimated length:
    60 to 90 minutes with full dialog.
    30 to 45 with "Skip Dialogue".

    (AKA: Evil70th)
  • borrowedtuneborrowedtune Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I don't think Starbaseugc posts new missions anymore, guys. It's been 5 or 6 months since they did. Best way to get plays is to get your mission into a Top 3 (I'm looking at you, evil70th).
  • midnighttlcmidnighttlc Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    @midnighttlc AKA STO Admiral Aaron




    Part three and the conclusion of the foundry mission ADRIFT & VARIANCE series.

    Classified: By order of Starfleet Command:

    Your mission is to apprehend Mirror Admiral Aaron at all costs and discover who or what is pulling the strings behind this nightmare inducing mission.
    Mission Objective:

    The URL of your mission trailer

  • theyredeadjimtheyredeadjim Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    My mission is still under the review content tab, but if that's ok, here's my info:

    Mission Name: Deus In Machina
    Project Id: ST-HIYASJH9I
    Author: @Thomas_Baston
    Faction: Federation
    Minimum Level: 46+
    Estimated Time: Around an hour

    Description: The U.S.S. Ophion has gone missing on a xenological survey in the Hromi Cluster. Can you find her? And What will you find when you do?

    Banner URL: http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad168/359majortom/Deus%20Signature_zpsvvhpovye.jpg
    (Banner is the same graphic as the signature below)

  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hey guys! I sort of dropped posting these due to lack of submissions, but with some entries, I will resume posting them on the site this weekend. Thanks!
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,239 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    If you want more submissions.. I'll give you one. :P
    Title: Rise of Mol'Rihan
    Author: @P_Sutherland
    Mission ID: ST-HGYI9LOK4
    Language: English
    Level: 51+
    Faction: Federation / Fed-Romulan
    Start: New Romulus (aka Mol'Rihan ... or Dewa III.)

    The year is 2410. The galaxy has taken a heavy toll after the Undine invasion. More and more worlds are turning to the major powers for assistance and protection.

    With resources dwindling, Commander Setall of the Romulan Republic has put out a call for outside support with dealing with a new threat recently discovered on Mol'Rihan. Transmissions have been sent by an unknown party from an unexplored region of Mol'Rihan.

    Determined to identify these unusual readings before they could become a threat to New Romulus. Commander Setall has sent out a call for further assistance.

    You will need an environmental suit for this mission.

    This mission is recommended for a single player.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hmmm... *counts* 1 mission, 2 missions, 3 missions, 4 missions, 5 missions...

    ..6 missions!:D


    Banner Link: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-l4onYVu4slo/VRlvbhXqY1I/AAAAAAAAAnc/2O6zd_JKWmU/w468-h154-no/%28Banner%29%2BO_Threshold.png

    Author: starfarertheta
    Faction: Federation
    Level: 51+
    Length: Estimated 50-70 minutes
    Door: Risa - Risa Sector - Sirius Sector Block

    The informally self-labeled Task Force Impromptu is now effectively distanced from any help within the Deadzone. With no way out for the next decade, only one mission remains: finding Xausea, the homeworld whence the Omnitabula was made. There lies a potential wealth of knowledge the equal of the Preserver Archives, and a small hope of a way home.

    But what will be found within the Deadzone will only begin to reveal the true nature of what is yet to come...

    (Edit: Reached 5 plays, now out of review.)
  • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hello, I'd like to put forth my first mission up here if your still doing reviews.

    Title: A Past Forgotten
    Author: @Gromio
    I.D.: ST-HHFMTI48V
    Allegiance: Starfleet or Romulan Republic
    Level: 50+
    Estimated Time: About one hour.

    Description: An ancient terror waits in the darkness of space, long ago passing into legends and myth... Now when your allies call for aid, you will discover that darkest of secrets, are not meant to be lost. From the shadows a new; yet familiar foe has set their schemes into motion; searching for a power they believe would make them invincible. This is a threat none had foreseen; but if you can't see past the web too the truth, something far worse than any war looms over the horizon.

    This is currently in the review section, and is designed for a single player.
    Why do I still play and put money into STO?
    The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    I'm happy to say that this is revived on StarbaseUGC.com. As long as you guys keep posting here, I'll be doing the weekly post there.

    Find the latest entry here, action-packed with the latest few months' worth of missions! http://starbaseugc.com/index.php/news/new-foundry-missions-oct-13-2014-mar-5-2015-recap/

    Note that per the OP guidelines, I edited some of the teaser text. If you want to change this, please let me know.
This discussion has been closed.