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Submit your new missions for advertising on StarbaseUGC/PrimetimeUGC


Hello all, StarbaseUGC would like to revive two things:
- The weekly post of new missions on the StarbaseUGC blog site (posted weekly)
- The reading of new missions on the air on PrimetimeUGC podcast (~2x per month)

We at SBUGC want to give everyone a place to post their new missions upon their initial publishing. Either myself or someone else will be picking up the missions for posting on the site, and Capt.PFDennis will be picking them up for use in PrimetimeUGC.

Please keep in mind that this list should be of NEW missions. We want to see these continue to roll in!

Please supply the following information when you submit:
- Your @handle
- Your mission title
- Your mission's faction
- Your mission's level requirements
- Up to 50 words of teaser text
- The URL of your mission trailer (if you have one)
- The URL of your mission banner (if you have one)

The first time we will post this on SBUGC will be Sunday 2/23, so if you have published your mission on or after 2/15 your mission is valid for submission.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • captpfdenniscaptpfdennis Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If you wish to have your trailer played in PrimetimeUGC, please keep it as close to 30 seconds in length, as possible. I will be glad to include them in the show. Thanks, and Happy Authoring. :D
  • helixfungushelixfungus Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    published 2/20 ...

    mission title: The Good, the Bad and L


    minimum level :31+

    allegiance: federation

    Project ID: ST-HABUFF95E

    Estimated lenght 30 min +-

    door: earth space dock

    Let me introduce L... is a continuum charachter "a la" Q... same continuum, different flavour...
    You will be his pawns, to do a job for him wether you want it or not...
    thrown in 3 different timezones, to recover to him a single artifact, the Tear of Jonat, one of the bajoran jewels who fell from the wormhole, revered religiously by the bajoran people

    Currently you have to be a reviewer (foundry browser/click become reviewer tab) to the hailing tab.

    Doesn't qualify for rewards yet, but you get enjoy yourself all the same.
  • salempardussalempardus Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Handle: @salempardus

    Mission Title: Icarus Simulation: Colony Rescue

    Faction: Fedaration

    Level Req: 41

    Recently the Icarus Directive was put into effect and a new fleet is forming to accomplish the mission. You have been selected for evaluation where both your combat skills in space, on the ground, and your character will be tested. What will you do?
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,236 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    While they're not new missions... Here are some banners I had made up last year by @Gurhipu (Link to her deviant art page)




    Granted I can't edit the Depths of Nukara Prime, however I could edit the last two to make them appear "new" if i get some free time.

    Feel free to use them for whatever.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • radiouronradiouron Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Handle: @radiouron

    Title: Tempest: On the edge


    Faction: Federation

    Min level: 46

    Estimated time: 15-30 minutes

    Quest entrance: Console outside transporter room, ESD

    Teaser: Tempest, the experimental weaponry facility has stopped sending transmissions. It's up to you to find out what happened. This mission will take you through some enjoyable storyline, and features challenging space/ground combat.
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited February 2014
  • logitech007logitech007 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Name: The Unexpected Return Part Three
    Author: Logitech007
    Language: English
    Allegiance: Starfleet-Federation
    Level: 16+

    Story: After the loss of Starbase 375 to the Tzenkethi forces, Starfleet and the Klingon Empire forces are on the run. Both Starfleet and the Klingon Empire are hard pressed to get Starbase 375 back and to take care of this new threat. How did the Tzenkethi forces manage to gain all of these vessels and facilities under the Federation and the Klingon Empire’s Knowledge? Do the Tzenkethi forces have support or are they alone? Will this be another Dominion war or will it not get that far? What will happen to the Tzenkethi? What will happen to the Klingon Empire? What will happen to the Federation?

    Where to start: Wall console just outside of the Transporter room on Earth space dock.
  • confedinblueconfedinblue Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Mission Name: The Devil's Playground
    Author: confedinblue
    Minimum Level: 41+
    Allegiance: Federation
    Project ID: ST-HE4GS98P8
    Estimated Mission Length: 1 to 1.25 hours

    Forum Thread: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1019191

    Summary: You are ordered to the Noro System to investigate why contact was lost with a research team.
  • sampa4sampa4 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Name: The Unexpected Return Part Three
    Author: Logitech007
    Language: English
    Allegiance: Starfleet-Federation
    Level: 16+

    Story: After the loss of Starbase 375 to the Tzenkethi forces, Starfleet and the Klingon Empire forces are on the run. Both Starfleet and the Klingon Empire are hard pressed to get Starbase 375 back and to take care of this new threat. How did the Tzenkethi forces manage to gain all of these vessels and facilities under the Federation and the Klingon Empire’s Knowledge? Do the Tzenkethi forces have support or are they alone? Will this be another Dominion war or will it not get that far? What will happen to the Tzenkethi? What will happen to the Klingon Empire? What will happen to the Federation?

    Where to start: Wall console just outside of the Transporter room on Earth space dock.

    Hey, I'll play that series right now! I have been in a state of limbo since I completed the Purity series a couple of days ago!
  • logitech007logitech007 Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hey sampa4,
    Thank you, its a really great series I have got great feedback on the series, my best work yet. Please let me know what you think about it.
    If there are missions by you please let me know and I will play them.

    Thanks Logitech
  • sirboulevardsirboulevard Member Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I've got two, because I forgot to post one last week.

    Honor of Orions, published Feb 20, 2014
    KDF, Lv 35+
    by: @sirboulevard


    Three weeks after the Shiassi incident on Ferasa, you are called back to Qo'nos at the request of Ambassador S'taass. Has the smoke cleared from that dark hour? Or has the darkness just started to move in?

    And the finale:

    Honor of the Empire, published Feb 28, 2014
    KDF, Lv 50+
    by: @sirboulevard


    Following the incident with the Shiassi in the Azure Nebula, the Klingon High Council convenes to discuss the ongoing threat, only to find it knocking on their door. Win or lose, the Empire will be changed forever...

    DISCLAIMER: Promo images may contain more lens flare than actual mission.

    TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    My missions are already on Starbaseugc so I am hoping to get them on the list for Primetime one day :D.

    In chronological order.

    Arc 1, Perfection series

    Perfection, part 1 Synopsis: In the wake of the Borg Queen's defeat by Admiral D'vak and his fleet, you have been contacted by Admiral Quinn to report to Outpost 77 in the Kessik system for a confidental assignment. He didn't leave any details as to what you were needed for, but there was an urgent tone in his voice. Whatever it is, you know it must be serious. What is about to happen will push the very limits of the Federation and the galaxy itself.

    Mission time varies depending on difficulty and group size. Make sure you use a remodulator. It is intended to be a decent challenge in solo play. Best experience will be in solo mode on normal difficulty This is the first part of a 2 part series.

    Perfection, part 2 Synopsis: With the fall of Earth, the unthinkable has happened. The Borg, now powered by the Omega Molecule, have launched their final campaign to rid the galaxy of every species. With the Federation in shambles and every civilization under threat of extinction, there is only one hope. Can the the Federation and its allies and enemies come together to save their homes? Or will this spell the end for our existence as we know it?

    You have been summoned to the Kalferi system, where a task force is the last stand against this impending genocide.

    Average mission time is 45 minutes for part 2.

    Arc, 2 Scars of the Pride
    Part 1:Vacation So Short

    It has been 7 months since the Borg's defeat at Cait. The galaxy has gradually recovered and rebuilt ever since then. You have played a fundamental role in bringing many civilizations back to a normal lifestyle. Now you have been given an extended vacation for both you and your crew to the planet of Bajor for a well-earned rest. Your time on leave will be cut short as a mysterious attack upon the city of Hathon will spark the flame of a new conflict. This new evil is malicious and old scars left upon some of your closest friends will burn once more. You will learn that there is more to the history of them than meets the eyes.

    This is a story dialogue mission with some ground combat. Takes place after the Perfection Series. Recommend you play that first if you haven't already. This mission also assumes you saved M'Sarabi in Perfection, which is considered the canon ending.

    Scars of the Pride Pt 2:The Claw
    Synopsis: It has been three days since the attack on Bajor. You and your crew have completed your leave time while waiting for Admiral Taka to contact you with the results of M'Kiara's study of the toxin Captain T'Vitani used on herself. A new breakthrough with the Borg medical technology could serve as something to adapt against this toxin. Someone else has their eyes on this device though, and for the wrong reasons...The toxin's true effects are about to be witnessed, Not even the U.S.S. Simba will be safe from this threat. Report to the Lateri System in the Beta Ursae sector block.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • johnnysnowballjohnnysnowball Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    TITLE: Shore Leave Under Siege

    AUTHOR: Johnny Snowball

    @HANDLE: @johnnysnowball

    FACTION: Federation

    LEVEL: Any



    On vacation on Betazed, you are enlisted to bring a potential ally into the Klingon war effort.
    A new alien race. A girl with remarkable skills. A city under siege.
    Faced with a choice that could win or lose the war, can you do the right thing?

    Thank you so much,

  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    All banners posted in this thread have been added to Foundry random rotating ads at top and bottom of the site. Thanks everyone.
  • captpfdenniscaptpfdennis Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have just released a 2 part mission The Phoenix of Bavar. Hope you enjoy it.

    Author: @PFDennis

    Title: The Phoenix Of Bavar - Parts I & II


    Level: 31+

    You are ordered to intercept a lone Klingon shuttle with a single occupant. This warrior may hold the key to a dangerous new alliance in the Alpha Quadrant. It will be a test of courage and faith to solve this mystery.

    The trailer can be found here.
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hey Ashkrik, which of those missions was published in the last week? I'm trying to keep these mission listings as brand new for now. :D
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Here's the post for the last week's set of new missions:
  • prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hey all - thanks for making this thread and the UGC chat page!

    In accordance with your rules for posting, I submit to you:

    The Rise of the Red Eclipse
    by @prierin
    Starfleet 35+

    When an anti-Federation terrorist group violently interrupts peace talks between Starfleet and several high-profile dignitaries, it falls upon you to rescue them and stop an all-out war against the Federation. However, things are not always what they seem, and some answers lead only to further questions…

    Rise is the first of a three-part mission series complete with multi-option dialogue and outcomes, giving the player control over the flow of the story.

    For added flavour, there is also trivia...

    For some reason I can't actually add an image to this post, so the banner can he found HERE
    You will forever be missed and never forgotten.
  • commandermiccommandermic Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hello, here is my newly translated mission:

    Title: The Krios Conspiracy Part 1
    Faction: Klingon
    Level requirements: 16+

    handle: @commandermic

    Mission description:

    IIt all starts with investigating the destruction of a Klingon vessel nearby Krios. Kebor, son of Mak'Tor asks you for help, after the High Council refused his request for support.
    What initially sounds like a routine job, soon leds into the beginning of a conspiracy against the Klingon Empire.

    The mission banner can be found here.
  • sampa4sampa4 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hey sampa4,
    Thank you, its a really great series I have got great feedback on the series, my best work yet. Please let me know what you think about it.
    If there are missions by you please let me know and I will play them.

    Thanks Logitech

    Thanks, it will take some time for me to get to part three as I will be slowly moving through as I also play many other games including Microsoft Flight Simulator X plus I have school!

    On the note of missions by myself, I have a series that is upcoming, but the first "episode/phase" is not yet completed. I will be sure to let you know when the first episode comes out! For continuity's sake, however, I suggest that, in the meantime, that you play my friend and partner's series: Starfleet Odyssey as I reference many of the events or people from that series. It is NOT an official sequel to the series, but the continuity still needs to be there to understand what I am up to.

  • paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Title: “Ghosts of War, Part VI” (aka “Time’s Hammer”)

    Author: @NCC-89471
    Faction: Federation
    Level restriction: 35+

    The entire Ghosts of War series has now been remastered! In the unforgettable finale, you must pursue the enemy alliance across space and time to end their threat - thousands of years before it began.

    Banner URL: http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww122/LogoViper/STO/Mission%20banners/GoWtitleandinfo.png
  • boertje1998boertje1998 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    hey guys
    i have just released my new mission

    mission name: dreaded undead
    author: boertje1998
    faction federation

    when you're sent on a mission to find a lost ship what you find is even more gruesome than you have ever imagined. you find a pathogen capable to kill and revive the victim as a canniballistic infection-spreading version of himself.
    you have to work as hard as you see possible to stop the spreading of this horrible virus and save entire starfleet!

    estimated time:30-50 mins
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited March 2014
  • prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Ok - I have NO idea why this happened but Cryptic bugged out on my 'Rise' misison. Thanks to Logitech007 for finding this out... MANY apologies for all those who spent 45 minutes getting to the point this glitch prevented them for completing the mission.

    Cryptic, it seems, has an issue wiht poacing npcs on multi-leveled maps. Placing them on flat floors is ok, but if you have platforms, etc on the map it has a terrible time wiht the "Y" position. When I had tested this particular map, everything was peachy keen. When I published it, however, it shoved this NPC into the ceiling so tha tonly his feet appeared... players could not progress further without attempting to apprehend him and this was impossible due to this glitch.

    What a pain in the TRIBBLE!

    I beleive I have fixed it... moved the NPC and played through a live version and all went well.

    Fingers crossed.
    You will forever be missed and never forgotten.
  • locutusofcactuslocutusofcactus Member Posts: 651 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Author handle: @11001001_v2.0
    Title: Requiem for a Dream (1/2)
    Title: Requiem for a Dream (2/2)
    Faction: Federation
    level: 41+
    Description: An old friend requests you participate in a targ hunt in his stead. You soon make an important discovery.
  • prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Something going on with the UGC chat site? it looks different and I can't get past the logon screen....:confused:
    You will forever be missed and never forgotten.
  • patcrowpatcrow Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    My Uncharted Worlds series features a non-combat exploration missions. Are you tired of shooting things? Want to do science in your science ship? Then these are the missions for you!!! Try them this weekend for the promotion rewards.

    Uncharted Worlds- All levels

    Uncharted Worlds 2- Level 31

    Uncharted Worlds 3- All level

    Look under author patcrow
  • cokeymoncokeymon Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Handle = @Solauri

    Mission Name = Summit at Alhena

    Faction = Federation or Federation Allied Romulans

    Level = Playable at any level

    Synopsis =

    You have volunteered to escort Ambassador Jennifer Kyle to the Alhena Refueling Station at Alhena in the Donatu Sector. What starts as a simple escort mission ends up turning into a trip which not only puts the Ambassador in danger but threatens the life of your entire crew.

    This mission can be started by talking to Linnea outside Admiral Quinn's office on Earth's Space Dock.

    Please try my mission and let me know how you liked it by commenting on it at the end.
    Thank you.
  • rogueeenterpriserogueeenterprise Member Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited March 2014
  • sithscourgesithscourge Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Handle: Sithscourge
    Mission title: Shadows Rising
    Mission's faction: Federation
    Level requirements: 31+

    Star Fleet reports that several ship have been attacked with their crews abducted. Ships logs indicate the Ferasans may have been involved. Contact was lost with the last ship that was following the trail of the attackers.
This discussion has been closed.