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The Captains Table Suggestions



  • primar13primar13 Member Posts: 1,896 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I'm loving all these ideas! Make us have an actual reason to go to the Captain's Table!

    I know.. But when it comes to a happy medium and a good start this would do..
    azniadeet wrote: »
    What if you had to go to the Captain's table to access all of your veteran rewards...

    The Heavy Destroyer, the Captain's Yacht, the Android BOFF, the Mugato, and the Veteran Dilithum Refiner are all only available after you've unlocked the Captain's table; so why not just put them all there, so that we need to visit it in order to unlock/use our rewards. Then all of those rewards can be removed from F2P zones.

    That way the Captain's Table can become a 'veteran hub': somewhere you need to go to take advantage of all the existing perks.

    I would love if they did this and added some of the things from the initial list.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Now... CT needs some "killer features" that don't take anything away from the game but add enough value to a subscription that it really sells itself.

    Remember, I'm not necessarily talking about "walling off" these features... Silver players could get there with the help of a Gold player if they followed my idea. But being Gold yourself will make these features convenient and easily accessible.

    With the cross-time element for inspiration, I think it would be relatively easy to add DOFF assignments for recruiting TOS-themed Duty Officers for all three factions that you can't get anywhere else.

    Their portraits would reflect TOS uniforms, unlike normal duty officers. These TOS DOFFs would be freely tradeable, to improve their value. They would all have a "Displaced" trait to distinguish them from other DOFFs and make them useful for specific DOFF assignments also available only via the Captain's Table.

    This would allow players who are role-playing as TOS to have duty officers that match that period. And give Veteran players another way to earn Recruitment CXP, which is not that easy to get.

    Along with these special recruitment assignments, CT could have unique temporally-themed DOFF assignments not available anywhere else. This would help to create a bigger demand for the TOS DOFFs that would get critical bonuses for these assignments because of the "Displaced" trait.

    Now, why would you want to run these DOFF assignments?

    Well, that's a question I'll leave for others to figure out. Just that they would need to offer one of two things:

    1. Bigger numerical rewards than normal DOFF assignments.

    2. Special items that shouldn't be in normal DOFF assignments. Could be anything from special costume pieces, reputation marks, etc.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'd be more inclined to agree to the invite idea if they made the CT a social item free zone where those items that seem to annoy the hell out of a certain portion of the player base didn't work.

    I like it. Again, a feature that makes the zone more useful for role-playing.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    azniadeet wrote: »
    What if you had to go to the Captain's table to access all of your veteran rewards...

    The Heavy Destroyer, the Captain's Yacht, the Android BOFF, the Mugato, and the Veteran Dilithum Refiner are all only available after you've unlocked the Captain's table; so why not just put them all there, so that we need to visit it in order to unlock/use our rewards. Then all of those rewards can be removed from F2P zones.

    That way the Captain's Table can become a 'veteran hub': somewhere you need to go to take advantage of all the existing perks.

    I don't like it... but if they make access to CT more convenient, I'd live with it.

    I do agree that some of the Veteran Rewards should be available directly from CT as well as the current locations scattered all over the place. Good candidates would be the consoles for claiming Fireworks/Faction EV Suits, the Mugato, and the Dilithium Refiner.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    Seeing that this thread is before me (F2P) dominated by subsribers, let me remind you of how STO F2P works.

    The very core of the idea of F2P in STO is that every player has the access to everything, except for the Veteran rewards. Some of the Veteran rewards (I'm looking at you, Vet ships, ship tokens and playable Borg) are pretty powerful. But I respect them as a token of appreciation from Cryptic/PWE to their loyal subscribers.

    Now, however, you are trying to make One Map To Rule Them All. If I understand the Captain's Table from my Lifetime friends, it is (next to dead ofcourse) a Social Zone, not a Social+Useful Zone like ESD is. What you are suggesting is to change the purpose of the map completely, so that you can avoid ever having to interact with the F2P players.

    That feels like elitism to me. And I'm opposed to that. And with the current F2P matrix, so is Cryptic.
    So voting no.

    Well, you know something... it is ELITISM. And this happens in the real world all the time.... Happens in game a great deal to. Ask any one who's in a fleet with a maxed out star base, with max tiered dilithium mine, embassy, fleet spire. Who are tier 4 in all the DOFF catagories, who has maxed out Omega, Dyson, Nukura, etc rep.. But thats all content.

    If you want special ships with greater capabilities? Yank out your wallet, or grind dilithium to exchange for Zen then someone else bought, because they are not FREE, ditto for those Fleet Ships.

    Those aren't elite? So someone real world thumps down the $300-$400 for a LTM, or is still a gold level subscriber and has been playing for 1000 days and has all the vet rewards unlocked.

    The thing to get about the Captains table.. is it is a THANK YOU to people who have absolutly contributed to keeping the game running financially. Who made it very clear that they were interested and committed to the game by slapping the cash on the table either all at once, or over 3 years.

    Want access?.. sub for 4 years or get a LTM. Those that have the access EARNED the priv.

    Captains table hasn't changed since launch. And lets get another clear. LTM members, and most 1000 day gold subber's have a different attitude to the game, And we would like the SPECIAL SOCIAL AREA that's there for us and US ALONE.. to have some better amenities.

    It should have a dance floor (with a permanent party amp visual effect only) for that matter a fulll on "Night Club. with a stage (yes, a STAGE) and Dabo Tables (more then one)

    All of the amenities available at any starbase should indeed be there... Why? Because its a special place, for special people.

    ESD has been through 2 revamps since launch and another is on the way. Qo'noS got an entire make over. New Romulas is not only a social zone but a mission hub. Currently all the Dev's have made it clear that they are taking a carefull look at social zones, and how they can make them more attractive.

    LTM's would make better use of the Captains table if it were more accessible. The only way to get there is via the portals at ESD, Qo'noS.. And I suppose New Romulas. The ability to go there from any where would in and of its self be an improvement. But the zone its self is old and very stale.. In needs all the possible vendor types along with the access...

    And if all the LTM, and vets start using it and not the regular social hubs so what? My experience is that most LTMs all ready make an effort to avoid the social hubs. And the Captains Table was supposed to be OUR social hub.

    Sorry F2P peeps... but the Captains Table is for LTM and Vet's and thats just the way it is. We want it improved, it should be improved, its overdue to be improved.

    Go buy a LTM. Want a lock box ship? Go buy lock box keys.. Folks sell em on the exchange.

    Mission content is not locked behind any sort of access wall, and that IS Cryptics policy on F2P.

    The Captains Table is not mission content. And it is something you pay for...

    Hopefully there will be something done with it soon..

    ((Apologies to anyone who got a little incensed over my post, but I am one of the oldest folk playing sto, and I can be very curmudgeonly sometimes...))
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Every exploration cluster has a chain of colonization missions that cumulates in a unique blue and purple DOFF reward.

    Maybe the space around the Captains Table can have an assignment to colonize extra dimensional space.

    The result could be any number of special DOFF species:
    Keesner's species (from JJ verse)
    Humpback Whale

    A historical minor canon character DOFF:
    Lt. Kyle
    Nurse Chapel
    Ensign Rivers (Seth MacFarlane)
    Crewman Cutler
    Chef (With a question mark as a profile picture)
    Ensign Gomez
    Commander Remmick
    Ensign Taurik/Vorik
    Ensign Chell
    Jack London
    Mark Twain
    Lilly Sloan
    Zephram Cochrane
    Cap himself
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014

    The thing to get about the Captains table.. is it is a THANK YOU to people who have absolutly contributed to keeping the game running financially. Who made it very clear that they were interested and committed to the game by slapping the cash on the table either all at once, or over 3 years.

    Want access?.. sub for 4 years or get a LTM. Those that have the access EARNED the priv.

    Captains table hasn't changed since launch. And lets get another clear. LTM members, and most 1000 day gold subber's have a different attitude to the game, And we would like the SPECIAL SOCIAL AREA that's there for us and US ALONE.. to have some better amenities.

    You certainly have a point, although I still think anyone with access to Captain's Table ought to be able to invite guests. (400+ Days subscribed)

    I agree that it ought to have many conveniences available from other social areas, but I'm not quite ready to agree that it should have all of them.

    (I am a 900+ day Vet, btw...)

    No objection to a nightclub area (it is basically a bar, after all). And I don't have a problem with Dabo tables or a Nimbus-style dance floor.

    Disco balls? I would like those checked at the door, thank you. If there's a dance floor with a light show, that ought to be enough for everybody. There's dance emotes if you want to dance.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • jockey1979jockey1979 Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Captains table hasn't changed since launch.

    Yes it has, it had the great big green Gorn removed that gave you access to your ships - he stood left of the taylor in the room that has the bank, mail and exchange.

    I used to change my ship configs there all the time as it was the only place where I did not have to keep changing instance while setting up a different config.

    When the Romulans were added, the Gorn went missing (so only the Romulans had the option to do configs without an area change) and the flotilla was added to Romulan space to give the new "faction" the perk
    bluegeek wrote: »

    No objection to a nightclub area (it is basically a bar, after all). And I don't have a problem with Dabo tables or a Nimbus-style dance floor.

    While, I'd agree on Dabo tables, so you can gamble in peace - I'd have to have my access removed, as once I start... I could be there for weeks :eek:
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Oh no totally in agreement that it should really be a no popper/disco ball zone...*shiver*

    But having the visual effect of the disco ball over the dance floor would be some rather nice mood lighting ya know?

    900 day Blue? Dude, you so almost there!

    I agree that players with access should be able to invite a "Guest" to the zone...But I suspect it'll need a limit... Call it no more then 4 people invited per Vet/LTM person. But I don't there should be any limitations to whom can be invited.. after all if a F2P players gets to visit and thinks the place is utterly cool beyond beyond... they might just pop for a LTM ya know! (I might be misunderstanding your comment there)

    All the standard social zone amenities.. but no access to fleet gear and the like, but a dilithium gear vendor for the different types, ground, space..

    I don't think the Captains table is appropriate for acquiring and sort of special DOFFs (even though personally i think its a ragingly cool idea!)
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Oh no totally in agreement that it should really be a no popper/disco ball zone...*shiver*

    But having the visual effect of the disco ball over the dance floor would be some rather nice mood lighting ya know?

    900 day Blue? Dude, you so almost there!

    I agree that players with access should be able to invite a "Guest" to the zone...But I suspect it'll need a limit... Call it no more then 4 people invited per Vet/LTM person. But I don't there should be any limitations to whom can be invited.. after all if a F2P players gets to visit and thinks the place is utterly cool beyond beyond... they might just pop for a LTM ya know! (I might be misunderstanding your comment there)

    All the standard social zone amenities.. but no access to fleet gear and the like, but a dilithium gear vendor for the different types, ground, space..

    I don't think the Captains table is appropriate for acquiring and sort of special DOFFs (even though personally i think its a ragingly cool idea!)

    I think we're more or less on the same page. Guests would make the place more lively and worth going to. But they have to want to come.

    I just want to see some kind of unique feature added that makes people want to go there. Services are not enough.

    As far as limiting guests goes, I think that's not too hard. If they leave, they don't come back without another invite. If they enter a queue from there, they get dumped back into the zone they originally came from when the scenario is over. If they disconnect/log out, they get dumped back into their starting zone when they log back in and can't get back to CT without an invite.

    Other than that, I would just let the map instance limits do their job and not necessarily limit the number of invites. Limiting invites would inhibit use of CT for legitimate role-playing. If need be, they could restrict non-Vets from being able to transfer instances freely.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • stararmystararmy Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    OP has great ideas. The Captain's Table should at least have the same contacts and features as ESD, and a new way to get there instantly is vital.
    Zinc: The universe of Star Trek Online is shaped and changed by the actions of the players...expect to see new planets and races discovered that were unknown the last time you logged in."
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Ya know.. Got to thinking....in the current FE we have a very special "BOFF" when you go into the space fighting... Ya Tuvok...

    Captains table would be an awesome place to get a "Tuvok" BOFF clone... maybe not quite as good as him..

    Or perhapes a special BOFF trainer that can train Bridge officers in very special powers.. Like Attack Pattern Tuvok. (Sorry. guests can look, but they can't buy. Gold and Silver members only.. But I've been a store owners.. having pretty things on display promotes sales..)

    These would be powers that are a combination of several powers at a given level. Just like attack pattern Tuvok is.

    This BOFF training would tend to cost Dilithium.

    Break it down for costs.. Teir-I (Enx) powers.. pretty cheap.. 5,000 Dilithium, Tier-II (Lt) 15,000, Tier-III(ltC) 50.000, and the big boys, the uber Commander level Tier-IV powers.. 150,000 Dilithium.

    Gotta be a subscriber or LTM to be able to get. And lets kill an exploit right off the bat. If your not a subsciber, and your not a ltm YOU CAN'T TRAIN EM.

    But I also like the idea of cross time BOFF's to.. Unique, can only have one of any given one, and they're all named, with a little bio blurb.

    I've seen folks pretty much shell out 200 for a star ship out of the lobi store.. Giving thema rally really good reason to want to either subscibe and stay subscriber or get a LTM cant be a bad thing..
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I have always had a fairly stock group of suggestions if they wanted to increase traffic at the Captain's Table:

    1) Accessibility - As pretty much an exclusive Federation Captain, getting to ESD is easy.
    I have the transwarp option and then ESD is right there.

    I can immediately beam down to the Academy, and a little movement allows me to beam to ESD (or i can go to the Academy and then beam up to ESD).

    To get to the captain's Table I have to fly over to, and through, the nebula, which is more time and another loading screen.

    My suggestion: Add a door on every station, the Academy, Qo'nos, the Romulan Fleet, and wherever else I may be forgetting or that may be added later that leads to the Captain's Table.

    2) Services - The Captain's Table currently has nothing to offer that the major social hubs offer. Why take extra steps to go somewhere that offers less than what you may want?

    Instead, they should locate every possible service at the Captain's Table.

    Dabo table, Lobi vendor, tailor, difficulty selection, commodity vendors selling everything at the best rate, a fully functional shipyard including selectors, vendors, and tailors... If there is someone selling it somewhere, then they should be selling it at the Captain's Table.

    I'm okay with certain one-offs being located elsewhere. Nothing wrong with having to go to the home base to get your fireworks, for example, or to go to DS9 for your pet Mugato, but there is no good reason why, if I am already at the Captain's Table, that I should have to go to ESD to change my game difficulty or the way my ship looks.
  • gurluasgurluas Member Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I agree the Table needs some love.
  • wazzagiowwazzagiow Member Posts: 769 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    artan42 wrote: »
    Add Worf, Tuvok, Tasha, Spock (TOS), Scotty (TOS), Mcoy (TOS).

    yeah that would be a cool touch.

    they could even add some people from other factions aswell. like the kor dahar master could tell the story of how battleed the dominion in a single bird of prey. oh and we all know how good Klingons are at telling stories :)
  • primar13primar13 Member Posts: 1,896 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Blue Geek

    I don't know what your capabilities are with the Company but if you can, would it be possible to get theis thread passed on to Capt. Smirk and see if we can get a response or some feedback from the Original Designer of the "Captains Table" Map or Smirk himself if the Original designer is no longer with the Company.
  • wildmousexwildmousex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    One thing that would be cool to add to the captains table could be that when you visit, some of your other captains are walking around there as well.

    I would also prefer a transwarp directly too it, and if it was made into a one stop shop for everything (including Dabo!) - but it shouldn't have anything better then anywhere else. The Dil guy from earth, fine - but it's the same mission and same cool down so you can only get it once from either source.
    Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz0DnP7wXnU
  • wildmousexwildmousex Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    azniadeet wrote: »
    What if you had to go to the Captain's table to access all of your veteran rewards...

    The Heavy Destroyer, the Captain's Yacht, the Android BOFF, the Mugato, and the Veteran Dilithum Refiner are all only available after you've unlocked the Captain's table; so why not just put them all there, so that we need to visit it in order to unlock/use our rewards. Then all of those rewards can be removed from F2P zones.

    That way the Captain's Table can become a 'veteran hub': somewhere you need to go to take advantage of all the existing perks.

    I approve of this idea!
    Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz0DnP7wXnU
  • captainkirk300captainkirk300 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I love the captains table as it is... Although I agree it could use more facilities.... The captains table is one of those things that is to good to be true I guess :/ it is a beautiful map, you usually have the place to yourself (no need to switch instances to get to your buddies), it is lagless, it features some amazing art, and it does have some functionality (it's not role play restricted). I think your asking a bit much seeing as cryptic wouldn't listen to us even if they saw this thread by chance... However I agree it should be given a shipyard AT THE LEAST! And I could see giving the ferengi wholesaler decent items and a 1% bonus from regular vendor sell prices (strictly because he is a unique vender). This reminds me of the fleet star base... It has EVERYTHING but an exchange (which is one of the facilities I use most) so I was bummed out and was forced to stick with esd. This has the potential to replace the android as my favorite vet reward.
  • admiralsharpadmiralsharp Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    They say the new ESD will have a Captains Table after they finish the new Club 47, in its meantime they will keep the Anomaly in the main systems.
  • adverberoadverbero Member Posts: 2,045 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    While it would be a nice gesture on Cryptics behalf to give LTMs and veterans a bit of attention on the CT, I think its unlikely

    Why? They already have your money.

    With F2Pers they probably feel the need to keep them around and to keep coming back, and to make a good impression on new players, Hence the new tutorials, and ESD revamp.
    But when it comes to LTMs, they probably don't feel it as urgent to retain you, because you've made a significant investment/commitment to the game already.

    Personally, and for the sake of the games population and its future existance, I think they have their priorities in the right place. ESD needs the attention far more, as much as some prefer not to use it ( personally I just turn of zone chat, peace of mind is easily retained) its still the key Facility for Starlfeet, and the first Major hub/social zone a new player will encounter

    That said, removing a feature like the shipyard contacts is a bit sly, they should probably put that back, and Adding some contacts probably doesn't take substantial effort

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  • o0kami87o0kami87 Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    How about letting me invite others that are non-goldmembers in? That in itself would bring more utilization.
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