So I have been working hard to try and get my DPS as high as I can. I run ACT as parser and notice that in pugs, the average damage is around 3-5k.
Now I have always considered 10k+ to be good damage and achievable with the Aux2Battery build.
I got that in place and finally I can do 10-12k.
While running pugs, I found 3 anomalies. I have never seen this happen before the last week, so it might an 8.5 bug, or maybe something I have just missed.
So a few days ago, this ship comes along and does 20k. It's a Scimitar. I look at the parse, the guy is using like Beam Fire at Will I and II, Romulan Plasmas etc. It didn't even look like he was an Aux to Battery build, mainly due to the fact that he was using two ranks of the same skill and that's not needed on an Aux 2 Batt build. Plus a rank ONE BFAW. And he was doing 20k. Really?
Today I do another STF, Infected. It took us 2 minutes 40 seconds to do it. I look at the parse.
Scimitar 1: 25k.
Scimitar 2: 20k.
Scimitar 3 (me): 10k.
Followed by a 9k and a 7k.
The 20k Scimitar was running Romulan Plasmas again. Beams. Beam Fire at Will II and III. A cutting beam. I look at the skill list, there's a "Unknown Ability."
The 25k Scimitar was running Antiprotons. Dual Beam Banks this time. Beam Fire at Will II and III, DEM, etc. All good here. And again, an "Unknown Ability.
Me, the 10k Scimitar using an Aux2Batt build... no "Unknown Ability."
Does anyone know what kind of build is capable of doing 20K+? I really can't figure out what build it can be and that "unknown ability" smells of exploit.
Isn't there a thing also, where people will station near the gates and other constantly-regenerating structures, and those will also register on DPS meters, even when no 'real' damage is actually happening (ie, taking effect)?
I think I read that that is a way to deceptively boost DPS, though finishing an STF in 3 minutes suggests they're actually doing real dps here...
Please reconsider ARC. Please make it optional, at the least. PLEASE.
It seems the vast majority of your most active players (forum regulars) hate the idea... and while that's a small subset of the playerbase, I think it's an important constituency.
Looking at my numbers i easily do 20k-25k all the time (usually more) with my breen warship and im not using any special dps build or anything at all.. i only can say i use a plasma build as well, but NOT BEAMS. Just cannons and torpedoes. Of course i have the plasma conductivity proc, and plasma consoles, etc but i never payed attention to the dps, since i am not one of those persons who think , the more dps the better player you are.. or the more dps.. i kill things faster.. (more dps doesnt mean sometimes that u will kill fast).
I agree, doing a STF in less than 3 minutes, all the players are really dangerous.. thats for sure. I mean, less than 3 minutes?? u serious? lol.
There are things like proton barrage cascading tet and other set bonus powers that can push numbers really high. Last night in a KASE I scored 58K crit on Donatra with FOMM/APB2/BOL3/PB run our of cloak in a Raptor.
in STFs I avg about 3 crits in the 40-60K
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
Also don't forget they 'fixed' Fire at will. It now crits when it hits. I have noticed a fleet mate of mine was doing 8k dps and with the fix to the FAW his dps jumped to 13k no other changes were made
When people are talking 50k dps is easy do they mean they're actually averaging 50k dps over the course of a 10 minute elite fleet action? Or do they mean they can keep up 50k dps for a few scant seconds while all their attack patterns and cooldowns and buffs are still up? I use Aux2bat myself and I still have to wait a while for Alpha. Even Omega can't be kept up 100% of the time with half it's cooldown.
When people are talking 50k dps is easy do they mean they're actually averaging 50k dps over the course of a 10 minute elite fleet action? Or do they mean they can keep up 50k dps for a few scant seconds while all their attack patterns and cooldowns and buffs are still up? I use Aux2bat myself and I still have to wait a while for Alpha. Even Omega can't be kept up 100% of the time with half it's cooldown.
They've gamed it specifically to do so the entire run, not just spikes. From what I've seen of the posted builds, they go so heavily into firepower they don't even bother with EPTS (since everything is dead long before it could hurt them), go for coordinated debuffs (5 or more APBs at once), and speedrun the mission so as to shorten the timer as much as possible and increase the 'per-second' of damage-per-second. Its not a cheat so much as knowing how to take advantage of the system, and seriously coordinating and practicing it. Loners are not going to put up those kinds of numbers.
So I have been working hard to try and get my DPS as high as I can. I run ACT as parser and notice that in pugs, the average damage is around 3-5k.
Now I have always considered 10k+ to be good damage and achievable with the Aux2Battery build.
I got that in place and finally I can do 10-12k.
While running pugs, I found 3 anomalies. I have never seen this happen before the last week, so it might an 8.5 bug, or maybe something I have just missed.
So a few days ago, this ship comes along and does 20k. It's a Scimitar. I look at the parse, the guy is using like Beam Fire at Will I and II, Romulan Plasmas etc. It didn't even look like he was an Aux to Battery build, mainly due to the fact that he was using two ranks of the same skill and that's not needed on an Aux 2 Batt build. Plus a rank ONE BFAW. And he was doing 20k. Really?
Today I do another STF, Infected. It took us 2 minutes 40 seconds to do it. I look at the parse.
Scimitar 1: 25k.
Scimitar 2: 20k.
Scimitar 3 (me): 10k.
Followed by a 9k and a 7k.
The 20k Scimitar was running Romulan Plasmas again. Beams. Beam Fire at Will II and III. A cutting beam. I look at the skill list, there's a "Unknown Ability."
The 25k Scimitar was running Antiprotons. Dual Beam Banks this time. Beam Fire at Will II and III, DEM, etc. All good here. And again, an "Unknown Ability.
Me, the 10k Scimitar using an Aux2Batt build... no "Unknown Ability."
Does anyone know what kind of build is capable of doing 20K+? I really can't figure out what build it can be and that "unknown ability" smells of exploit.
My scimitar can reach 50+K in ideal situations, whats your point?
Its just FaW being Overpowered in combination with.
20-25k is pretty much on the low end of DPS for a scimitar
DPS has become rather bonkers in this game since cryptic introduced Romulans (with their free crit boosting boffs) and all the crit boosting passives and equipment.
When people are talking 50k dps is easy do they mean they're actually averaging 50k dps over the course of a 10 minute elite fleet action? Or do they mean they can keep up 50k dps for a few scant seconds while all their attack patterns and cooldowns and buffs are still up?
In the end it's both. ESTFs get reduced to a duration which can be completely covered with people's Tac Fleet for example. Also the more targets the better and the shorter duration single targets are alive the better as well.
Just have the rest of the group hold back when it goes to single targets (e.g. after the last sphere & generator dies in ISE), have them struggle with their single targets (gate & tac cube) for a while and their damage will return to normal levels.
Sadly, all this 'I can do XX DPS and finish ISE in 2 minutes' actually points to the fact that ISE has, in fact, become a complete joke.
It really is very sad that it has become a game of 'how fast can it be done' over 'CAN it be done' :mad:
The Borg - once one of Trek's greatest threads, now one of STO's most worthless foes, reduced to flying bullseyes for overpowered Scimitars.
To be fair, the Klingon's were once the biggest and baddest bad guys around back in ToS series, before the borg came around in TNG to become the new defacto threat with the klingons falling to the way side. This always happens.
All this thread tells me is that ISE as a measuring stick has become obsolete.
We should probably switch to NWS as the new measure of overall DPS. At least in that one you might have a downtime or two, or maybe even an instance lasting more than a couple cycles of APA.
I dont run record runs or have the highest deeps (max so far is 29k on the scim) out there, but typically run about a 2-2 1/2 minute ISE, 2-3 minute CSE, 5 minute HSE, 4 minute KASE with even a competent team, not a high end one.
This is borderline silly really.
For pure lulz ive resorted to outfitting tier 1 and 2 ships and pugging it, just for something that doesnt end in a blink of an eye.
Still push 4-6k on those baby ships, its like cmon!!!
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
I think people need to stop analyzing the damage output and just play the game. Seriously, why do you care if so and so is doing 50k dps? Stop trying to outdo everyone else and just focus on what you're doing and how you can improve. Besides, those high dps scimitars will be completely specced out for it, meaning hardly anything defense wise. So they're useless in a real fight or a challenge by another player. That's why they recalled glass cannons. High dps, but a shuttle can take them out.
Yeah ISE too easy now, you can group with a bad pug with and use pvp build and do 30k now lol, if you game the system and coordinate apb with an entire group doing this it goes up to 50k or more.
I think its probably better to measure DPS on something solo, it would be nice if STO had a testing ground, see how much time a player takes to wipe out a course of targets and they do it solo so no relying on teams apb or relying on team to wipe everything out fast to shorten the timer.
Besides, those high dps scimitars will be completely specced out for it, meaning hardly anything defense wise. So they're useless in a real fight or a challenge by another player.
Too bad this is clearly not true going by how hard they stomp most teams in pvp.
Too bad this is clearly not true going by how hard they stomp most teams in pvp.
I still have to see that, because 90% of the time I encountered a bfaw scimitar in the queues it exploded faster to my alpha strikes than well anyone. Heck many even blew up in Kerrat to my Sci B'rel torpedo boat. I don't really believe that myth. Just stick to their aft side, pew away and watch them wiggle out of your firing arc before they die. Priceless.
I think people need to stop analyzing the damage output and just play the game. Seriously, why do you care if so and so is doing 50k dps? Stop trying to outdo everyone else and just focus on what you're doing and how you can improve.
Those two don't contradict each other. Since even the worst PuGs have a hard time failing the optionals in STFs (or any other queue event) right now, and since the only way to improve on "doing an STF and completing the optionals" would be "doing an STF and completing the optionals faster than before", the only way to really improve when you come to a certain point is to analyze your gameplay and setup and improve on it by jagging up your damage.
Using others to compare is simply a fair way of having any kind of reference. How can you improve on something when you don't have anything or anyone to compare yourself to?
A 100 meter track runner can run his distance in 12 seconds, improve to 11 and eventually to 10, but won't know weather he's doing good or bad unless he has others to compare his times to.
Common to find 30-40k dps scims at any given time.
Unknown damage is for the most part damage that has occurred from an entity that is no longer alive.
no exploitz here
Mine Trap Supporter
It requires math, skill and team work
What kind of team work can it require if you are pug doing 20k and nobody else knows you?
the builds are either dual a2b or zemok (attack patter doff).
Isn't there a thing also, where people will station near the gates and other constantly-regenerating structures, and those will also register on DPS meters, even when no 'real' damage is actually happening (ie, taking effect)?
I think I read that that is a way to deceptively boost DPS, though finishing an STF in 3 minutes suggests they're actually doing real dps here...
It seems the vast majority of your most active players (forum regulars) hate the idea... and while that's a small subset of the playerbase, I think it's an important constituency.
I agree, doing a STF in less than 3 minutes, all the players are really dangerous.. thats for sure. I mean, less than 3 minutes?? u serious? lol.
in STFs I avg about 3 crits in the 40-60K
They've gamed it specifically to do so the entire run, not just spikes. From what I've seen of the posted builds, they go so heavily into firepower they don't even bother with EPTS (since everything is dead long before it could hurt them), go for coordinated debuffs (5 or more APBs at once), and speedrun the mission so as to shorten the timer as much as possible and increase the 'per-second' of damage-per-second. Its not a cheat so much as knowing how to take advantage of the system, and seriously coordinating and practicing it. Loners are not going to put up those kinds of numbers.
My scimitar can reach 50+K in ideal situations, whats your point?
Its just FaW being Overpowered in combination with.
DPS has become rather bonkers in this game since cryptic introduced Romulans (with their free crit boosting boffs) and all the crit boosting passives and equipment.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
In the end it's both. ESTFs get reduced to a duration which can be completely covered with people's Tac Fleet for example. Also the more targets the better and the shorter duration single targets are alive the better as well.
Just have the rest of the group hold back when it goes to single targets (e.g. after the last sphere & generator dies in ISE), have them struggle with their single targets (gate & tac cube) for a while and their damage will return to normal levels.
To be fair, the Klingon's were once the biggest and baddest bad guys around back in ToS series, before the borg came around in TNG to become the new defacto threat with the klingons falling to the way side. This always happens.
We should probably switch to NWS as the new measure of overall DPS. At least in that one you might have a downtime or two, or maybe even an instance lasting more than a couple cycles of APA.
I dont run record runs or have the highest deeps (max so far is 29k on the scim) out there, but typically run about a 2-2 1/2 minute ISE, 2-3 minute CSE, 5 minute HSE, 4 minute KASE with even a competent team, not a high end one.
This is borderline silly really.
For pure lulz ive resorted to outfitting tier 1 and 2 ships and pugging it, just for something that doesnt end in a blink of an eye.
Still push 4-6k on those baby ships, its like cmon!!!
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
I think its probably better to measure DPS on something solo, it would be nice if STO had a testing ground, see how much time a player takes to wipe out a course of targets and they do it solo so no relying on teams apb or relying on team to wipe everything out fast to shorten the timer.
Too bad this is clearly not true going by how hard they stomp most teams in pvp.
I was gonna say...
My fully offensive specced scim is lethality incarnate in PvP. I decloak, things die. I get shot, things still die.
Valdore console is so fricken OP on a scim man.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
I still have to see that, because 90% of the time I encountered a bfaw scimitar in the queues it exploded faster to my alpha strikes than well anyone. Heck many even blew up in Kerrat to my Sci B'rel torpedo boat. I don't really believe that myth. Just stick to their aft side, pew away and watch them wiggle out of your firing arc before they die. Priceless.
Those two don't contradict each other. Since even the worst PuGs have a hard time failing the optionals in STFs (or any other queue event) right now, and since the only way to improve on "doing an STF and completing the optionals" would be "doing an STF and completing the optionals faster than before", the only way to really improve when you come to a certain point is to analyze your gameplay and setup and improve on it by jagging up your damage.
Using others to compare is simply a fair way of having any kind of reference. How can you improve on something when you don't have anything or anyone to compare yourself to?
A 100 meter track runner can run his distance in 12 seconds, improve to 11 and eventually to 10, but won't know weather he's doing good or bad unless he has others to compare his times to.
vid or it did not happen :P
LOL i would like to see that video... :mad: xD.
Well, if they kill every sphere in 1 single shot, and the cube and the gate in 2 shots, yea it can be done in less than 1 minute..
This is an old video. Apply almost one year's worth of power creep and I'm sure there are one minute STFs out there.