I have come across an interesting graphics glitch. I've noticed it in two places, the Crystalline Entity and Hair. I think it has to do with objects that have a transparent overlay the Entity is supposed to be a Crystal obviously and a little bit see through and hair specifically on the Khan and the Federation Elegant hairstyle are supposed to be intricate so I guess it's easier to have the skin be shown through a transparency than to build it in polygons.
I just upgraded to a new computer, specifically an Asus Essentio Desktop 8GB ram, quad core, and a AMD Radeon HD 8670D graphics card. My old laptop was....considerably less impressive.
I got the new computer a few days before season 8 hit and I've been very pleased. I was able to crank the graphics to absolute max (dialed back the bloom a bit though) and it's been running smooth as buttah.
With the exception of this pixel grid appearing over the Crystalline Entity and over fringes in hair bangs.
It's like looking at them through a screen door.
It isn't game breaking or anything, but I'm not sure how to handle it as on my weaker computer it was never an issue.
I'm not even sure if it's a glitch or not.
Has anyone else encountered this? Is it something on my end?
Thank you for your time.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
Unfortunately having STO as highest possible quality isnt factly the highest quality.
There is something to apply anti aliasing onto transparent objects/textures, but cannot be set in game.
What you search for is Transparency Supersampling or Sparse Grid Supersampling
(I think for AMD its called 'adaptive antialiasing')
Bless you, I'll look it up
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
Alright, I looked it up and tried to activate it in the AMD Catalyst center...and crashed the game :P
This is gonna take a while. Anyone with an idea how to do this, I'm open to instructions.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
Any adjustment I made either overriding the game settings or attempting to adjust them ultimately failed and led to a game crash. And none of them actually activated the adaptive antialiasing, nor did they clean up the transparent mesh. Very sad.
"Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many they are few"
There is something to apply anti aliasing onto transparent objects/textures, but cannot be set in game.
What you search for is Transparency Supersampling or Sparse Grid Supersampling
(I think for AMD its called 'adaptive antialiasing')
Bless you, I'll look it up
This is gonna take a while. Anyone with an idea how to do this, I'm open to instructions.