So I know the last thing a lot of players believe is that Roms' need anything, Some would probably say they're lacking on decent science vessals, but after going through the ship options for Fed, Klink, and Rom it seems they're the only ones still lacking a actual battle cruiser. I realize the current Rom cruisers are slow for specific reasons, they are HUGE and have a ton of hull, but now that the Klinks have their "Avenger" ship how about something similar for the Rommys? Obviously it would have lower base hull then either the Fed or Klink versions, (Because of battle cloak) 5/3 weapon layout, and a decent turn rate. Simply can't fly a cruiser with a base turn of 5 (Thats carrier speed common lol) and No command abilities? -.- Ouch
(This obviously doesn't include Lobi or Box ships, Honestly I don't consider the Tal shiar ships true Rom ships)
On subject of command abilities is there a reason Roms don't get access to them at all? I realize Romulans have warp core abilities, but thats countered by the fact that their cores give less base energy level (Its near the same if you have a full charge and never use it lol) Honestly I could understand stripped down versions of the command arrays but none at all feels a bit too much, at least give us the turn buff lol.

Roms :cool: Feds :mad: Klingons
No doubt
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
Half of these things don't have anything to do with the ship in the first place. if you're trying to troll, maybe you shouldn't blow things out of proportion, so people won't see you as a complete joke.
Yeah, but stick some of those things on the ship you describe and, BOOM, instant power creep.
You could always, you know, roll a full KDF or Fed toon.
KDF Tac: Bortasqu' Tactical
Fed Tac: Fleet Gal-X
Keep those big guns a-thunderin'
If we get any new romulan ships, which I really hope we don't for a good long while, I hope we get a quintessential warbird that serves as an example of goal the class' engineering pursues.
Asking for the Roms to get a battlecruiser, just like the other factions have, is a variation on asking for the Roms to be able to use the T5 ships of the other factions. Which is something the Dev Team has repeatedly and emphatically stated here and elsewhere they are not going to do.
If you think Rommie Warbirds fly just like everything else, you're not flying your rommie warbirds right. they may be similarly equipped and be compatible with similar builds to equivalent KDF/Fed ships, but they don't fly the same, or accept the exact same tactics.
This isn't starcraft with extreme asymmetry (though that would be cool too). Sometimes small but meaningful differences are just fine.
Well maybe that's my problem, I started on starcraft as a kid and stayed for at least 5 years. It hurts to see factions that aren't drastically different and alien to each other.
Well, my romulans aren't as played because of the reasons I gave earlier. What would you say is the quintessential warbird, that flies in a manner most exemplary of the deifning traits of the warbird playstyle?
I feel like I'm saying warbird a lot. I'm going to say warbird one more time before I'm done.
It's why I used the Mogai as a example. We have things already that are similar, just would require a few more tweaks to be a real battle warbird/cruiser whatever you wanna call it lol...4/4 weapon slots, 10-12 turn rate/ Com Engi + Lt com Tact slots, 4 Tact console slots.
So ya im not exactly looking for a Romulan avenger, just kinda using those as example type cruisers, Heck Id be fine without the 5 fore weapon slots since I'd prolly make it a beam boat lol (And the scim already has that option...though with a 7 base turn rate using cannons is rough)
(Side note the command array suggestion/question was more about personal opinion, I realize why Roms dont have it, doesnt mean I wouldnt want it lol)
Why do you want every game to be like Starcraft? Is that the only ideal? Is it better for every game with different factions to have utterly alien ones? Let's keep in mind that the majority of Star Trek aliens were humans with funny foreheads. It's not entirely unthinkable that their principles of ship design and tactics would be somewhat similar in the macro sense.
Sorry for sounding harsh, but sometimes I get annoyed when people essentially say:
"This game is not like a different game I like, so you should make it like that game I like so I'll play it more. Only my opinion matters and not that of others that like things the way they are."
Well...tough cookies, I guess. Warbirds are meant to exploit their incredible battle cloak and wondrous bridge officers to cloak in and out of combat repeatedly in any engagement of note, using the enhanced maneuverability afforded by cloak mode to compensate for their sometimes low turn rate (see D'deridex) and line up for a strong alpha strike. And let's note that every warbird can mount dual cannons, so heavy crit builds with powerful alphas are encouraged. Except maybe with the D'd, which plays the most "traditionally" of all Warbirds.
Some players believe this set of tactics and singularity powers do not compensate for other weaknesses warbirds have like power penalties and the added risk of dropping your shields while under fire, but in my opinion it's mainly a difference of playstyle, and that's significant enough.
And if you really really really really REALLY REALLY REALLY want a Romulan ship that flies like a Cruiser Command Cruiser-TRIBBLE Cruiser, splurge a bit and buy a Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser. It has Cruiser Commands, is mainly Romulan, and looks to be a former warbird. Just don't expect the benefit of a Rommie Battlecloak.
I wouldn't know if Warbirds are hardcoded not to accept cruiser commands (methinks no), but the D'd is a "Warbird Battlecruiser", which means that while it is compatible with BC tactics, it is a warbird first and foremost, which means it trades cruiser commands for singularity powers and a spiffy cloak, in cryptic's book.
They don't, but it's part of the package. Rommies are only faction that can fly singularity ships and in the same time they do have access to these "things". Other factions do not have access to singularity ships and these "things". So you can't fully separate those.
I wanted different play style for my Rom captain so I got Tal Shiar Battlecruiser. Saying that it's not true Romulan ship is absurd when it was developed by Romulans and the only canon person known to command such ship was Romulan. No, it does not have singularity, because as explained, Borg systems are not compatible with singularity power source, but that does not make it less Romulan ship then the other, singularity ships.
LMAO, oh you poor, poor, naive person.
The Devs said that about Feds getting any form of cloaking tech (T5 Defiant, Gal-X anyone?)
The Devs said that about Feds getting Carriers (Atrox to name one, out of how many ???)
The Devs said this about unique faction side consoles (yet my Fed has a Bio-neural !)
The Devs say a lot of things my friend. While they have good intentions and want to shape the game - they do not hold the purse strings, those that do, if they see profit - will ignore what the Devs say and it will be added to the game.
I don't agree, stock ships do not suck. They're just different, generally weaker with stronger cloaking, so they do require different play style. And that is the point, isn't it? Why have 3rd faction which would be carbon copy of the other two factions? I'm personally very happy with this Cryptic's decision.
Yeah forget power creep. That's frankly over powered. They have absolutely no need for cruiser commands.
Unless you'd like to give up the singularity powers?
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