Hi guys,
so i do not know if I am the only one having issues with Romulans becoming the Bloodelves of STO, but looking on the new ship i have to ask YOU, devs -
Romulans petting rabbits - ok, attraction for the FEDs
Romulans without home planet sporting a Republic - ok, this could be a strategy Romulans in a ship with ORNAMENTS!?!
is this still a Sci-fi game ??
PLEASE, give us at least a different skin without the bloody ornaments. It is inaproppriate!
Uh... If you're referring to the lattice-like wings, that's consistent with everything we've seen regarding Solanae technology, it's just how they build ships, makes sense that ships built with their tech would have similar organic lines. The Klingon and Starfleet ships have the same stuff, as does the obelisk and a bunch of interiors.
Uh... If you're referring to the lattice-like wings, that's consistent with everything we've seen regarding Solanae technology, it's just how they build ships, makes sense that ships built with their tech would have similar organic lines. The Klingon and Starfleet ships have the same stuff, as does the obelisk and a bunch of interiors.
why would they? it is a Romulan/KDF/FED - "allied" design, copying technology is not copying design.
in fact, i really like the KDF and FED designs of the solanae ships.
the romulan one is somehow too ... oppulent.
Originally Posted by walshicus View Post
If there's one thing we know about Romulans it's that they'd never paint their ships for non-functional aesthetic reasons...
yeah this, thank god i'm not the only one..
i took the freedom to play through the mission once more and here you go:
The emblem of the Romulan Star Empire depicts a large bird of prey clutching the worlds of Romulus and Remus. The avian motif also appears on their warbird starships. Those who rejected the teachings of Surak were said to be "beneath the raptor's wing".
Designer Herman F. Zimmerman has said regarding interior design, "the Romulans have possessed advanced technology a lot longer than the Federation, so the look was a combination of art deco and medievalism meets high tech. Most of the designs were inspired by Italian designer Carlo Scarpa."[citation needed]
Regarding exterior design of the Senate area, designer Syd Dutton said director "Stuart Baird wanted us to think about Albert Speer, the architect who did all the conceptual drawings for Hitler. Speer took that National Socialist idea to a extreme where everything was huge and classical and they have moats.[citation needed]
"The Romulans are a people who live in a marshy area. They had little houses on stilts around mudwork. The mudwork became part of this central core and that was where the old part of the city-?the Forum and Senate buildings-?was located. As the city expanded going away from that, the buildings became bigger and more technological."[citation needed]
Romulans do have a sense of style and art. Thats why so many bird shaped ships. That one just happens to be with a nod to Solanae tech since its build with it. And IMO its by far the best looking of the trio.
Also as an long time ex WOW player I am pretty sure that the bloodelves do not have warp-capable spaceships with city-leveling torpedos and similar weapons.
i really have been looking forward to fly the big D'D - loving the design, but as i main a sci, it is somehow not a viable option.
the T'Varo is also a nice ship..
Neither the D'D nor the T'Varo will be any good for a Science captain looking to do some sciencing. It's Ha'Nom, Fleet Ha'Nom or (if you're lucky) Temporal Science.
Part of why I like the new look is that it's very reminiscent of the D'Deridex. The basic shape is the very similar, once you take away the Dyson tech. And having lived with the Ha'Nom, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the Dyson ships is a sight for sore eyes.
You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
"bla bla i reject your reality and substitute my own, also excuses" basically.
Romulans aren't as cool dressers as you want or wish them to be. Their uniforms were always (till STO) tacky. they painted birds on their ships to go along with their bird fetish. They even paint tacky birds of some of their ships.
And buddies to the feds? you should have been crying about this when LOR was released along with all the rest.
Neither the D'D nor the T'Varo will be any good for a Science captain looking to do some sciencing. It's Ha'Nom, Fleet Ha'Nom or (if you're lucky) Temporal Science.
Part of why I like the new look is that it's very reminiscent of the D'Deridex. The basic shape is the very similar, once you take away the Dyson tech. And having lived with the Ha'Nom, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the Dyson ships is a sight for sore eyes.
sry, now i get it...there we are waiting and hoping for a PURE romulan science vessel, for romulan science officers (since that is obviously the most powerfull and dominating combo in like ever!)
and the scince vessel we finaly get doesn't even look romulan!!!!11 (in other words "green")
ohh the humanity...i mean romulanity!!!1111
quick, we need a thread about it...in general descussion subforum, though it is probably a romulan fleet subject or whatever, to see if ANYBODY else cares!
sry, now i get it...there we are waiting and hoping for a PURE romulan science vessel, for romulan science officers (since that is obviously the most powerfull and dominating combo in like ever!)
and the scince vessel we finaly get doesn't even look romulan!!!!11 (in other words "green")
ohh the humanity...i mean romulanity!!!1111
quick, we need a thread about it...in general descussion subforum, though it is probably a romulan fleet subject or whatever, to see if ANYBODY else cares!
now you have it. as important as a FED cloak or an STO "pro"
also, i'd love to buy some new KDF uniforms and Romulan bridges.
They said that the C-Store versions of these ships will have faction specific hull materials availible. Since they'll be comming in the form of a 3-pack, I don't think it's far fetched to say that they'll have slightly different design gimicks, so one of them will come with a dfferent design without the 'holes' in the hull as a call them, or ornaments as you call them.
Exactly, youd never find a Romulan ship with, say, a dirty great bird painted on it or anything.
yeah this, thank god i'm not the only one..
i took the freedom to play through the mission once more and here you go:
i've played enough WOW and similar to snuff a bloodelf on miles..
why would they? it is a Romulan/KDF/FED - "allied" design, copying technology is not copying design.
in fact, i really like the KDF and FED designs of the solanae ships.
the romulan one is somehow too ... oppulent.
dirty bird 200 years ago (ingame)..
bird as the ones still used as a symbol in many republics/states around the globe?
yeah, so there is this thing called sarcasm...
personal opinion: yeah...designing a spaceship with huge birdwings and a beak is totally functional design!...yeah that is sarcasm too
also, there is the thing called wikipedia..
The emblem of the Romulan Star Empire depicts a large bird of prey clutching the worlds of Romulus and Remus. The avian motif also appears on their warbird starships. Those who rejected the teachings of Surak were said to be "beneath the raptor's wing".
Designer Herman F. Zimmerman has said regarding interior design, "the Romulans have possessed advanced technology a lot longer than the Federation, so the look was a combination of art deco and medievalism meets high tech. Most of the designs were inspired by Italian designer Carlo Scarpa."[citation needed]
Regarding exterior design of the Senate area, designer Syd Dutton said director "Stuart Baird wanted us to think about Albert Speer, the architect who did all the conceptual drawings for Hitler. Speer took that National Socialist idea to a extreme where everything was huge and classical and they have moats.[citation needed]
"The Romulans are a people who live in a marshy area. They had little houses on stilts around mudwork. The mudwork became part of this central core and that was where the old part of the city-?the Forum and Senate buildings-?was located. As the city expanded going away from that, the buildings became bigger and more technological."[citation needed]
i really have been looking forward to fly the big D'D - loving the design, but as i main a sci, it is somehow not a viable option.
the T'Varo is also a nice ship..
anyway, thank you for your feedback all, it is in fact interesting how differently can the theme be viewed.
Also as an long time ex WOW player I am pretty sure that the bloodelves do not have warp-capable spaceships with city-leveling torpedos and similar weapons.
The Mogai has giant bird like wings and is as wide or wider than the Enterprise E is long.
anyway, another "i don't like it, so it must be wrong!" type of threads.
Neither the D'D nor the T'Varo will be any good for a Science captain looking to do some sciencing. It's Ha'Nom, Fleet Ha'Nom or (if you're lucky) Temporal Science.
Part of why I like the new look is that it's very reminiscent of the D'Deridex. The basic shape is the very similar, once you take away the Dyson tech. And having lived with the Ha'Nom, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that the Dyson ships is a sight for sore eyes.
Romulans aren't as cool dressers as you want or wish them to be. Their uniforms were always (till STO) tacky. they painted birds on their ships to go along with their bird fetish. They even paint tacky birds of some of their ships.
And buddies to the feds? you should have been crying about this when LOR was released along with all the rest.
i didn't get it in the beginning, cause in fact, that was the exactly same thing i have been thinking.
you are getting personal, while i just wanted to
1 - deliver my opinion on an issue that disturbs me, as i main a sci and i am planning on flying this ship for a while
2 - i am curious about how the other folks here think about the issue
3 - as posted the Romulan design is everything else, but bloodelves..
T'Varo is an ideal SCI-torp PVP/PVE ship..
i have been crying on these forums on the release day, seeing there are no playable romulans:)
these are just rants to see if my forum account is still active
What issue? The Romulans' Dyson Science Destroyer looks fine to me. One of the best-looking ships in the Rom lineup, in my opinion.
Still don't know what your whole "elves" hangup is about. -shrug-
Ah. This explains soooooooo much.
Oh, I see.
Not sure how a Tac ship is the ideal Science ship but okay.
and the scince vessel we finaly get doesn't even look romulan!!!!11 (in other words "green")
ohh the humanity...i mean romulanity!!!1111
quick, we need a thread about it...in general descussion subforum, though it is probably a romulan fleet subject or whatever, to see if ANYBODY else cares!
...yeah that too was sarcasm
love this thread more and more
now you have it. as important as a FED cloak or an STO "pro"
also, i'd love to buy some new KDF uniforms and Romulan bridges.
obviously you did not...:(
here is another clue probably not as good as my previous one: