I'll suffer the grind to strip the ship of its bits. Then I'll probably strap them onto my Vesta and laugh at anyone that actually flies this ugly, ugly thing.
I heard that the experimental proton weapon allows you to use beam attacks like a normal beam such as subsystem targeting. If that is true then there is no need to actually have beams on the ship.
I heard that the experimental proton weapon allows you to use beam attacks like a normal beam such as subsystem targeting. If that is true then there is no need to actually have beams on the ship.
The EPW when equipped alone (no other Protonic Arsenal set pieces present) is compatible with Beam Overload and Cannon Scatter Volley. The 2-piece and 3-piece set effects add compatibility with Beam Fire At Will and Cannon Rapid Fire. It is NOT compatible with Subsystem Targeting, like the Kinetic Cutting Beam. So you still need a beam on board to use it with the DSD.
The EPW when equipped alone (no other Protonic Arsenal set pieces present) is compatible with Beam Overload and Cannon Scatter Volley. The 2-piece and 3-piece set effects add compatibility with Beam Fire At Will and Cannon Rapid Fire. It is NOT compatible with Subsystem Targeting, like the Kinetic Cutting Beam. So you still need a beam on board to use it with the DSD.
Aww ok... it only means the 360 antiproton beam is getting a spot on my aft.
One other question: does the Epw benefit from cannon tac consoles, beam, or both?
Aww ok... it only means the 360 antiproton beam is getting a spot on my aft.
One other question: does the Epw benefit from cannon tac consoles, beam, or both?
According to the Dev blog that announced it, neither. It does not benefit from +cannon or +beam tac consoles, but it does benefit from anything that will boost proton damage (i.e. the Dyson tac consoles and "skills that boost Starship directed energy weapon damage".
Well then, epw seems like it is almost wasted space unless you have you don't have room for many tac consoles. If the proton dhc at least benefits from +cannon consoles, I'll probably still go with the dyson consoles myself.
The new Selanae Science Destroyer has a graphical issue I think. When you switch from science to tactical mode, the first thing that happens is the right nacelle collapses slightly in the back. The left nacelle does not do this, leaving a longer left nacelle then the right while in tactical mode. Maybe this is on purpose?
Normally a KDF shipyard forum poster.. but a couple "corrections"
and some corrections of your corrections
The warp core from the Anniversary ship CAN be moved to any one of the ships of the C-Store 3 pack.
and indeed any other ship capable of using a warp core.
One of the blogs revealed that the C-Store 3 pack are going to be 2 engineering, 4 Science, and 4 Tactical console slot ships (subject to change of course)
Except each faction are getting three variants, so this means most likely 3 console load outs
The Klingon carriers with science abilities WILL get a secondary deflector.. BOP's which are Raiders will get the flanking bonus, but they are not science ship.. so no secondary defector for them. The big V's are the only KDF carrier that is going to get a secondary delector.
Really ? My Big V doesnt ever seem to proc a sensor analysis skill, which is one of the two factors they stated makes a proper science ship, so by that it will NOT be getting a secondary deflector, but then maybe I just never noticed the proc, i know its certainly not on the factionless recluse
But what makes the Dyson ships extra special is the synergies with their mounted equipment (That special warp core/singularity !!!) and the 3 additional pieces from the Space set from running the FE, and their built in ability to switch from a pure science ships to the Destroyer (which only looses the inherent subsystem targeting ability.. the other science ships abilities, including the benefit from the secondary deflector remain in place!)
yeah but the gear and core set isnt really a factor of the Dyson other than that being the way to get the core.
My own reserch has lead me to consider only keeping the console from the protonic arsenal set.
and for the KDF Dyson SCi DD using Protonic (tacyon, or tetryon, I forget which) DHC's forward, and 3 turrets of the same type aft.. and skipping torps entirely. Remeber that on the Sci DD you have at 4 TAC boff powers. 5 in DD mode. Dropping torps and mines from the mix simplifies matters immensely. TT of course is a must have. Going either all beams, or all cannon will likely give you the best over all benefit assuming you want to have TAC Boff powers that enhance them.
with a total of only 11 BOFF abilities available your going to have to make best use of what you can do. As a KDF I'm going to go with a pure cannon boat, and consoles to enhance turn rate, improve hull and shield HP, and buff the damage out put from weapons and special abilities. I'm going to have to get real specialized. The C-Store versions differ only in that each has a different specialized secondary deflector oriented toward Healer, exotic damage, or weapons damage if i understand correctly. I expect no changes in BOFF layout, and possibly a small increase in hull and shield HP, plus that all important 10th console slot. which is most likely to be tactical.. though it may get moved around. depending on the secondary deflector.
I'll likely go primarily with the weapons damage versions, and operate primarily in destroyer mode. For me its going to be a Destroyer with a lot of special abilities and science powers, not a SCI ship with tactical abilities. As a Cannon boat subsystem targeting is going to be a waste so into DD mode and stay there.. It'll still have ensor analysis skill kicking in in DD mode. And that passive is not weapon type specific. I'll most likely kick AP-Omega as the LtCmdr, and CRF-III as the Cmdr TAC BOFF skills.
Fed players may wand to for with a more traditional beam boat.
These ships are not going to walk and chew gum as well as some others... My preference for myself, and my sci captains skills and traits is to concentrate on being a superior gum chewer so to speak.
special consoles may just give more bang for the buck with this ship then any other ship type due to its ability to do a change step to its role. It's not the best pure science ship availible federation side, the at most 6 SCI Boff abilities against most tier 5 sci ships 7 or more SCI BOFF abilities means its just not going to be as good of a pure sci ship. For the KDF and ROM players it gives them some serious flexibility. Fed players already have a huge ship menu to play with. The one thing to be certain of though is your never going to know quite what your up against with these ships..
See I am thinking of the full protonic arsenal set. The combination of a torp spread of gravimetric torps and an grave well, even a Grav 1, is nasty. and at that point I may as well take the proton weapon too for the full set with all the extra photon damage for the torp, but not sure yet.
On the issue on whether or not to buff Proton damage directly, there's another wrinkle than just the Protonic DHCs and the Experimental Weapon. Two of the three Universal consoles on the mission ship, which presumably will be the same as the C-Store three-pack consoles, deal Proton damage. Very likely those will only be buffed by the Auto-Targeting Modules as far as Tac Consoles, along with the two-piece C-Store bonus and the Dyson Universal console.
I REALY think the protonic is the wrong way to go with this UNLESS you are using DBB but even then, the problem with that is, you either have to use beam moves and forget the cannon, or use cannons moves but then why the beams instead of more cannons? The thing is, if you go ALL cannons, you are throwing away Subsystem targeting, a BEAM set of moves. Now i know what youre all thinking:
"SO then if Protonic is the wrong way then, WHY when there is a fixed proton cannon that we are forced to use? Why not use more proton stuff?"
Antiproton. Use antiproton. Why? Simple, the 360 beam array. this beam, does more DPS than an AP turret and allows you to use Subsystem targeting. You can also STILL run two AP DHC and A grav torp(with the proton console.). This gives you a forward set up of the proton cannon, 2 AP DHC and the grav torp.
Now why the grav torp? Because as a science ship, you should of put points into boosting Grav Well and the Grav torp gains from this. Also, the two set bonus from the dyson weapons gives a 13.1% boost to proton weapons....boosting the fixed cannon.
In the Aft weapon slots, you mount the KCB, the 360 AP cannon, and an AP turret. With the 360 beam allowing you Subsystem Targeting.
Then you include the borg console for that two piece which brings more heals. Also, the Solenae gear, isnt as great as the OTHER borg two piece you can get with the Borg engines and deflector. Then you can run what ever core you want and Fleet shields. through on leech and if youre not romulan, you have one more slot open. If you ARE romulan, you use the valdore console. for the Tactical slots...you whatever gives you the most AP damage and the dyson tac console arent it.
You have firepower, through cannons, a beam for Sub system targeting, a grav trop boosted by the proton console and crits increased by the proton weapon set two piece.
Now for the engineering slots, I use the Dil enhanced RCS for both the +40% turn rate(times two) and the resists.
My hull resist are over 20% and my shield resists can get as high as another 20%. Thats not counting buffs and passives.
guys, this ship can be a bloody powerhouse which does not have lose any of its abilities if this build is used....
When the 10 console version comes out, you pick ONE of the consoles to use... why one? You only need one for the set bonus that boosts Proton damage. this build give the proton cannon over 1100 DPS.
As for the c store consoles, which ever one you choose to use, will get the same 30% bonus that the Proton cannon gets.
I was thinking of setting up the ship much like it already is. Minus the flow cap console of course.
Replacing the Flow cap with Protonic console, replacing the phaser consoles with Mk 12 Purple Auto targeting majiggers for polaron.
Replace the DBB with a Protonic Polaron DBB, replace the BA with a Protonic polaron (can you see where this is going?), replace the Photon torp with the Grav Torp. Might just put the EPW up front too.
See how it runs, itll be interesting at the very least.....
Inertia just means you can do Powerslides in you carrier!
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
I was thinking of setting up the ship much like it already is. Minus the flow cap console of course.
Replacing the Flow cap with Protonic console, replacing the phaser consoles with Mk 12 Purple Auto targeting majiggers for polaron.
Replace the DBB with a Protonic Polaron DBB, replace the BA with a Protonic polaron (can you see where this is going?), replace the Photon torp with the Grav Torp. Might just put the EPW up front too.
See how it runs, itll be interesting at the very least.....
That's the way I'm leaning. I want to see how far this build can be taken. I've always had a thing for dark horse ships.
I rather like the Federation version. The two things I don't really like are the deflector dish area, and the one nacelle that doesn't move around.
Now I am concerned with the set stuff. You get the four pieces from the feature episode and the unlock, and then another three piece set (assuming) from the next release. It just means the ship is intended to be setup in a particular way. Also, I really like the special ability tray, and I think that should be unlocked for out ships and setups as well. My Vesta would really like that.
"..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino
It is kind of Vesta-lite, a sci ship that can equip DHCs. In fact I am wondering now if this isnt the "Vesta" type ship that was discussed as being made available to Roms.
As I said earlier, my primary interest in it is that its a usable warbird with cmdr sci. I'm also interested in the KDF version for similar reasons, but not as much (I have other ships filling that gap already). No interest in it for fed.
The proton dhc is a bit of a trap. By the time you buff it, you will have self-nerfed your primary energy weapon damage to an even greater extent.
this ship screams for cannons. in tac mode you have 3 cannons going with a torpedo.. or 4 cannons. aft turrest and a kcb. even in the FE the turn rate was sufficient for DHCs in a PVE environment. add the grav well ability and you are doing well. my initial thought is CRF III TSIII CSV I TTI and TTI yes the CSV and TS could be swapped but i just like the amount of torpedoes going out with TS 3 especially using the grav photon or the hyper-plasma
a lot of comparisons to the vesta but i'm thinking a build along the lines of an MVAE
ill be honest i threw all the pieces i had on my vesta and not too shabby.
Agreed. All the talk of new untested builds is not really necessary if you are a Sci with a killer Vesta setup. I know exactly what I'll do with the Dyson Sci/destroyer ship when I get it. I've already optimized my tactical Vesta, so I'll just transfer everything over, and fly it as a Sci ship primarily. I'll totally ignore trying to buff the in-built DHC as it just creates a messy build, and fly it as a beam boat, using the tactical mode for a slight increase in dps and extra turn rate (which actually could do with a slight increase -as it isn't noticeable)
Though the true potential of the Aves won't shine through until the C-store version hits (hopefully with Vesta Universial Bridge positions) with the 10th console slot. The C-store console from the ships though are like most ship console sets, they force you into narrower builds and just don't make up for the other consoles that you have to replace. Though it might be fun to try them out, ultimately they usually suck because of long CDs.
At this point I'm planning on just throwing my dyson rep gear on her and using her to smash Voth. May as well do something with all this protonic polaron gear they gave me, and I don't mind having a theme ship in my dry dock.
For me, it is a case of owning so many ships that this one doesn't really replace any. If I didn't own so many sci focused escorts and sci ships that I already don't fly, then the Dyson ship would certainly hold my interest more. As it is, other then the new shiny factor, she doesn't bring anything to the table that I need.
I read some people saying she is beating out a Mobius? Are you sure they are talking the Fed version and not the Rom? Rom version yeah is a thing of beauty, but Fedside? Did I miss a stat? Not to be a negative nancy, but I'm not seeing it. Admittedly, I do not have her yet.
Edit that sounded weird... I love my sci escorts... its just I have like 4 of them now and almost always fly the Mobius or FAE. Dyson isn't as fast as the FAE beta vector and it's not timey wimey like the Mobius... And I'm not seeing where her stats are better than either. She would have to really be something to get me out of either of those 2 ships instead, and for as much as I've tried me and pure sci ships never got on. So I'd go from a weaker version of a ship I'd rather fly to a shiptype that I don't enjoy... yeah... this ship is a bust for me. Not that she is a bad ship, just totally not for me.
Edit: The boff layout is interesting, I'll give it that... but I'm still not sold on it next to my Mobius.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
You do know that the ship we are using in the mission is a 10 console one with three special consoles. This is probably one of the C-Store pack ships with all three of the consoles from the pack. This is not the freebie you get from this Anniversary Event.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
You do know that the ship we are using in the mission is a 10 console one with three special consoles. This is probably one of the C-Store pack ships with all three of the consoles from the pack. This is not the freebie you get from this Anniversary Event.
And considering it has an extra tactical console too so its pretty likely which version it is too.
That's not really a good indicator of how useful the ship is for everything else outside of solo missions.
And you know, for solo missions, you could rock them like a hurricane in your Miranda.
I think people need to say what they use it for along with saying it sucks. If your just doing normal pve then the ship should be as good as anything else. I hate when people just say it sucks and not saying why or how they use it. I have many ships in game and they all do well in pve if you take the time to set it up right. I refuse to believe this ship just plain sucks. If your doing elite stf and because your not god like well that's on you.
Wow now theirs an idea.
The EPW when equipped alone (no other Protonic Arsenal set pieces present) is compatible with Beam Overload and Cannon Scatter Volley. The 2-piece and 3-piece set effects add compatibility with Beam Fire At Will and Cannon Rapid Fire. It is NOT compatible with Subsystem Targeting, like the Kinetic Cutting Beam. So you still need a beam on board to use it with the DSD.
Aww ok... it only means the 360 antiproton beam is getting a spot on my aft.
One other question: does the Epw benefit from cannon tac consoles, beam, or both?
According to the Dev blog that announced it, neither. It does not benefit from +cannon or +beam tac consoles, but it does benefit from anything that will boost proton damage (i.e. the Dyson tac consoles and "skills that boost Starship directed energy weapon damage".
and some corrections of your corrections and indeed any other ship capable of using a warp core.
Except each faction are getting three variants, so this means most likely 3 console load outs
Really ? My Big V doesnt ever seem to proc a sensor analysis skill, which is one of the two factors they stated makes a proper science ship, so by that it will NOT be getting a secondary deflector, but then maybe I just never noticed the proc, i know its certainly not on the factionless recluse
yeah but the gear and core set isnt really a factor of the Dyson other than that being the way to get the core.
and for the KDF Dyson SCi DD using Protonic (tacyon, or tetryon, I forget which) DHC's forward, and 3 turrets of the same type aft.. and skipping torps entirely. Remeber that on the Sci DD you have at 4 TAC boff powers. 5 in DD mode. Dropping torps and mines from the mix simplifies matters immensely. TT of course is a must have. Going either all beams, or all cannon will likely give you the best over all benefit assuming you want to have TAC Boff powers that enhance them.
with a total of only 11 BOFF abilities available your going to have to make best use of what you can do. As a KDF I'm going to go with a pure cannon boat, and consoles to enhance turn rate, improve hull and shield HP, and buff the damage out put from weapons and special abilities. I'm going to have to get real specialized. The C-Store versions differ only in that each has a different specialized secondary deflector oriented toward Healer, exotic damage, or weapons damage if i understand correctly. I expect no changes in BOFF layout, and possibly a small increase in hull and shield HP, plus that all important 10th console slot. which is most likely to be tactical.. though it may get moved around. depending on the secondary deflector.
I'll likely go primarily with the weapons damage versions, and operate primarily in destroyer mode. For me its going to be a Destroyer with a lot of special abilities and science powers, not a SCI ship with tactical abilities. As a Cannon boat subsystem targeting is going to be a waste so into DD mode and stay there.. It'll still have ensor analysis skill kicking in in DD mode. And that passive is not weapon type specific. I'll most likely kick AP-Omega as the LtCmdr, and CRF-III as the Cmdr TAC BOFF skills.
Fed players may wand to for with a more traditional beam boat.
These ships are not going to walk and chew gum as well as some others... My preference for myself, and my sci captains skills and traits is to concentrate on being a superior gum chewer so to speak.
special consoles may just give more bang for the buck with this ship then any other ship type due to its ability to do a change step to its role. It's not the best pure science ship availible federation side, the at most 6 SCI Boff abilities against most tier 5 sci ships 7 or more SCI BOFF abilities means its just not going to be as good of a pure sci ship. For the KDF and ROM players it gives them some serious flexibility. Fed players already have a huge ship menu to play with. The one thing to be certain of though is your never going to know quite what your up against with these ships..
The Universal consoles and set bonus as seen on the mission ship.
I REALY think the protonic is the wrong way to go with this UNLESS you are using DBB but even then, the problem with that is, you either have to use beam moves and forget the cannon, or use cannons moves but then why the beams instead of more cannons? The thing is, if you go ALL cannons, you are throwing away Subsystem targeting, a BEAM set of moves. Now i know what youre all thinking:
"SO then if Protonic is the wrong way then, WHY when there is a fixed proton cannon that we are forced to use? Why not use more proton stuff?"
Antiproton. Use antiproton. Why? Simple, the 360 beam array. this beam, does more DPS than an AP turret and allows you to use Subsystem targeting. You can also STILL run two AP DHC and A grav torp(with the proton console.). This gives you a forward set up of the proton cannon, 2 AP DHC and the grav torp.
Now why the grav torp? Because as a science ship, you should of put points into boosting Grav Well and the Grav torp gains from this. Also, the two set bonus from the dyson weapons gives a 13.1% boost to proton weapons....boosting the fixed cannon.
In the Aft weapon slots, you mount the KCB, the 360 AP cannon, and an AP turret. With the 360 beam allowing you Subsystem Targeting.
Then you include the borg console for that two piece which brings more heals. Also, the Solenae gear, isnt as great as the OTHER borg two piece you can get with the Borg engines and deflector. Then you can run what ever core you want and Fleet shields. through on leech and if youre not romulan, you have one more slot open. If you ARE romulan, you use the valdore console. for the Tactical slots...you whatever gives you the most AP damage and the dyson tac console arent it.
You have firepower, through cannons, a beam for Sub system targeting, a grav trop boosted by the proton console and crits increased by the proton weapon set two piece.
Now for the engineering slots, I use the Dil enhanced RCS for both the +40% turn rate(times two) and the resists.
My hull resist are over 20% and my shield resists can get as high as another 20%. Thats not counting buffs and passives.
guys, this ship can be a bloody powerhouse which does not have lose any of its abilities if this build is used....
When the 10 console version comes out, you pick ONE of the consoles to use... why one? You only need one for the set bonus that boosts Proton damage. this build give the proton cannon over 1100 DPS.
As for the c store consoles, which ever one you choose to use, will get the same 30% bonus that the Proton cannon gets.
Replacing the Flow cap with Protonic console, replacing the phaser consoles with Mk 12 Purple Auto targeting majiggers for polaron.
Replace the DBB with a Protonic Polaron DBB, replace the BA with a Protonic polaron (can you see where this is going?), replace the Photon torp with the Grav Torp. Might just put the EPW up front too.
See how it runs, itll be interesting at the very least.....
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
That's the way I'm leaning. I want to see how far this build can be taken. I've always had a thing for dark horse ships.
Now I am concerned with the set stuff. You get the four pieces from the feature episode and the unlock, and then another three piece set (assuming) from the next release. It just means the ship is intended to be setup in a particular way. Also, I really like the special ability tray, and I think that should be unlocked for out ships and setups as well. My Vesta would really like that.
this ship screams for cannons. in tac mode you have 3 cannons going with a torpedo.. or 4 cannons. aft turrest and a kcb. even in the FE the turn rate was sufficient for DHCs in a PVE environment. add the grav well ability and you are doing well. my initial thought is CRF III TSIII CSV I TTI and TTI yes the CSV and TS could be swapped but i just like the amount of torpedoes going out with TS 3 especially using the grav photon or the hyper-plasma
a lot of comparisons to the vesta but i'm thinking a build along the lines of an MVAE
ill be honest i threw all the pieces i had on my vesta and not too shabby.
I am Il Shadow and i approve these Shennanigans!
Agreed. All the talk of new untested builds is not really necessary if you are a Sci with a killer Vesta setup. I know exactly what I'll do with the Dyson Sci/destroyer ship when I get it. I've already optimized my tactical Vesta, so I'll just transfer everything over, and fly it as a Sci ship primarily. I'll totally ignore trying to buff the in-built DHC as it just creates a messy build, and fly it as a beam boat, using the tactical mode for a slight increase in dps and extra turn rate (which actually could do with a slight increase -as it isn't noticeable)
Though the true potential of the Aves won't shine through until the C-store version hits (hopefully with Vesta Universial Bridge positions) with the 10th console slot. The C-store console from the ships though are like most ship console sets, they force you into narrower builds and just don't make up for the other consoles that you have to replace. Though it might be fun to try them out, ultimately they usually suck because of long CDs.
For me, it is a case of owning so many ships that this one doesn't really replace any. If I didn't own so many sci focused escorts and sci ships that I already don't fly, then the Dyson ship would certainly hold my interest more. As it is, other then the new shiny factor, she doesn't bring anything to the table that I need.
I read some people saying she is beating out a Mobius? Are you sure they are talking the Fed version and not the Rom? Rom version yeah is a thing of beauty, but Fedside? Did I miss a stat? Not to be a negative nancy, but I'm not seeing it. Admittedly, I do not have her yet.
Edit that sounded weird... I love my sci escorts... its just I have like 4 of them now and almost always fly the Mobius or FAE. Dyson isn't as fast as the FAE beta vector and it's not timey wimey like the Mobius... And I'm not seeing where her stats are better than either. She would have to really be something to get me out of either of those 2 ships instead, and for as much as I've tried me and pure sci ships never got on. So I'd go from a weaker version of a ship I'd rather fly to a shiptype that I don't enjoy... yeah... this ship is a bust for me. Not that she is a bad ship, just totally not for me.
Edit: The boff layout is interesting, I'll give it that... but I'm still not sold on it next to my Mobius.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
And considering it has an extra tactical console too so its pretty likely which version it is too.
I think people need to say what they use it for along with saying it sucks. If your just doing normal pve then the ship should be as good as anything else. I hate when people just say it sucks and not saying why or how they use it. I have many ships in game and they all do well in pve if you take the time to set it up right. I refuse to believe this ship just plain sucks. If your doing elite stf and because your not god like well that's on you.