We've added a new screenshot to the screenshot gallery! We will begin revealing information about our Season 8.5 update in Dev Blogs starting next week.
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Brandon =/\=
hmm that looks like one of the episodes which name escapes me..... i fear this may just be a graphics update or a change to the story missions
personally i could not care less about the story missions (except for the romulan ones since they are actoually good) after hitting lvl 50 i wont be playing any more story missions really
No sharknado ? I'm going to be so disappointed, after all, sharknado are way more cool than dinos with lazerz.
I can accept a Gornado if you revamp the researcher rescue however.
No sharknado ? I'm going to be so disappointed, after all, sharknado are way more cool than dinos with lazerz.
I can accept a Gornado if you revamp the researcher rescue however.
Your signature says Sharknado is season 9. We aren't there yet :P.
If this is a full remastering of all "Klingon War" episodes (Which it looks likes and is a good thing) then hopefully the Regulus IV planet surface hasn't been drastically changed as that looks great as it is. Maybe Miral Paris will get a voice ingame. It would also be nice if you could go into more of the buildings on the planet surface or a larger Main Embassy map so players could experience the most of the rooms that the exterior model shows.
"Omega Class will prevail she cannot be defeated!"
If this is a full remastering of all "Klingon War" episodes (Which it looks likes and is a good thing) then hopefully the Regulus IV planet surface hasn't been drastically changed as that looks great as it is. Maybe Miral Paris will get a voice ingame. It would also be nice if you could go into more of the buildings on the planet surface or a larger Main Embassy map so players could experience the most of the rooms that the exterior model shows.
I sure hope it would be more than that. A lot of the basic romulan and DS9 missions need serious remastering,
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Brandon =/\=
What sorcery is this?
We doing another round of remastered episodes?
Hasn't a similar structure been seen on Kassae IV (Researcher Rescue Mission)
It is. Could this mean fed content finally being brought up to par with the other new missions?
As in, remastering?
Thank you, Cryptic, for the KDF love.
hmm that looks like one of the episodes which name escapes me..... i fear this may just be a graphics update or a change to the story missions
personally i could not care less about the story missions (except for the romulan ones since they are actoually good) after hitting lvl 50 i wont be playing any more story missions really
If it means an end-game qualtiy kinetic ranged weapon, I can deal with it. Besides, we've already done the battles of Yavin and Hoth...
Yes! If you look closely you can see a Ewok hiding in the bushes....
don't forget the deathstar run (The Breach)
I'll take it.
Ewokk BOFFs are OP and need to be nerfed!
Don''t take it the wrong way Brandon,
but how about your webguys fix your website?
I'll take a forest over that old swamp from the Gorn mission any day.
I remember them saying something along those lines. Maybe they found time to fix up at least some of the older episodes in the game.
I also remember them saying something about improving the episode rewards and/or episode replay rewards.
So here's hoping.
You know they have that new website coming thats in beta... arcgames.com ... I'm sure that's why no improvements are coming to the standalone sites.
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
Yea, we need unique rewards like in some of the newer missions.
Could it be? We're finally getting swarmer pets?
There was never a fed/kdf war woowoo we are all one big happy alpha quadrant family... thanks to temporal lockbox ships!
I can accept a Gornado if you revamp the researcher rescue however.
Your signature says Sharknado is season 9. We aren't there yet :P.
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I sure hope it would be more than that. A lot of the basic romulan and DS9 missions need serious remastering,