.....I'm looking to respec my two TAC toons.
Things to NOTE:1) I fly medium/heavy cruisers and have been moving toward beam boats.
2) For now I only fly ESTF's and PvE stuff.
3) I'm only generating about 8-9k DPS so I'm not at a level that would allow me to play PVP.
4) I have not finished the reputation trees on either toon. (I am making progress but it will be some time before they are all done.)
ATM I'm looking at an all energy skill set so that I can max everything energy weapon related and then the core hull, shield, & resist buffs.
.....Obviously, I won't be building a Kinetic ship any time soon.
My concern is that I have no resistance to DRAINS (power insulators)
or HOLDS (inertial dampers).
This is the
All Energy skill set I was considering.
This is a more generic skill set with
ALL damage maxed out except for the Weapon performance. As you can see I had give up Armor reinforcement completely and compromise on the EPS, Impulse Thruster, and Warp Core Efficency.
http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=tggralldamageskilltest_4737This may be what I have to do if I want to keep a kinetic boat in my future.
Any recommendations would be appreciated.
.....Either this is the least understood function of the game, or I've asked for the secret recipe for making Coca Cola...
.....If you're wondering why I'd ask such a noob question, The reason is this:
____Many factors in this game claim to give bonuses for this or perks for that, but have little to no actual effect on how your ship performs in actual gameplay. Unless you max them out and/or use equipment/weapons that happen to coincide with that particular factor.
.....So the question is simple, do you go forfeit any real resistance by not putting anything into the noted skills?
OR (to rephrase the exact same question)
.....Is there any noticeable benefit in actual gameplay (not just statistics) to investing in these items and compromising on the other items?
I apologize in advance for what you are about to read...
Vents open.
.....For those of you who look at this question and think it's too noob or you simply can't answer it without knowing what ship, weapon type, consoles, etc that will be used with it; Here's something just for you...
.....YES, it IS a noob question.
.....YES, I have read the specs and seen what numbers change for what and where.
.....YES, I AM trying to figure out just how those statistics, that I can read just as well as you can, really affect the actual gameplay.
.....NO, I am NOT asking you to give me a full respec that will work for all ships or even for one particular kind of ship.
.....NO, I am not claiming that this is an UBER skill set or even that it will produce maximum DPS output with any given set-up.
.....FURTHER, You will notice that the planner link indicated is named "skillTEST." Which should clearly indicate to you that it's an experiment. An exercise to see if, how many, and how far certain items can be maxed while trying to max out/balance out certain other items.
.....And as a final comment, at one point, you too started with no knowledge of how STO worked. And one assumes that somewhere along the way you asked someone a question about how things worked, and someone answered.
Vent closed, have a nice day...
Two bits of advice:
1) DRM has diminishing returns, and the pips in hull resistances (energy/kinetic) have diminishing returns on actual skill rank, so if you're rocking an Enhanced Neutronium or two you are getting rather little out of maxing those hull resists... the wiki isn't always up to date, but the diminishing returns on DRM-->DR% are not likely to change greatly since invulnerability would take the risk out of combat entirely.
2) You're asking on the Klingon Fleetyards area, so I'm assuming the characters in question have the ability to obtain a Vandal. It's well worth maxing Flow Capacitors for the overall power level bonus the Plasmonic Leech provides if properly spec'd for it. It's even worth grinding dilithium for the Zen needed to purchase the Vandal, since you can then claim as many Plasmonic Leech consoles as needed on any Klingon character.
Otherwise, it really depends on what you want to accomplish. You might try reposting in the Klingon Gameplay or the Builds, Powers, and Game Mechanics areas for a broader opinion on your skill tree.