I have two settings that randomly (but very frequently) change on their own. It's usually a case of having to check each time I login with a toon to make sure they have not changed.
My standard Privacy Settings are...
Search visibility: Anonymous
Allow only friends and fleet to chat: Off
Allow only friends and fleet to email: On
Allow only friends and fleet to make team invites: On
Allow only friends and fleet to tell: On
Allow only friends and fleet to trade: On
Allow only friends and fleet to issue challenges: On
Allow fleet invitations: Off
Allow others to view your character on Gateway: Off
The following two settings change with extreme frequency...
Allow only friend and fleet to email: On -> Off
Allow only friend and fleet to tell: On -> Off
...allowing non-friends/non-fleet to both email and tell.
The settings are the same for all of my toons. At one point, I thought it was tied to an issue with playing both STO and Champions. Playing CO all but guaranteed that my Privacy Settings in STO would get dorked up...far beyond just the two mentioned above. I uninstalled CO because of that (and am not likely to install it or any other PWE game because of the issue).
However, the issue persists in regard to the two options mentioned above.
I'm also one of the folks that even if everything shows as "public" - have had issues with folks still not being able to PM. I followed the information from the following link:
http://stoisite.weebly.com/17/post/2011/09/how-to-fix-your-commicationschatbox-problems-answer-from-q.html :and it provided a temporary fix, but it in turn required that it be done at random intervals because it would break again.
I mention that, because I've even tried that in the reverse to make things "private" - but - much like making it "public", it's still just a temporary reprise of the issue as the settings will simply change of their own accord once more.