As I was in the process of playing this morning and a few minutes ago, every 3-4 seconds the server stops responding. For 1 second in between, the message goes away, and the comes back. Once the server does respond, it will either keepp me stationary when I am at full impulse, or the camera angle will move uncontrollably without me moving the camera angle! Is anyone else experienceing this? Sometimes this happens during PvE missions, and I do not really get any answers when I ask this question in the CHAT box, thinking that maybe they are also stuck.
Also, because of this, I can't control the movements of my characters or ships. For example, I move my character or ship forward, the system constantly pushes them back to where he started moving from. I move my characher forward, the camera angle changes and it looks like he's moving sideways.
Any ideas why these keep happening?