Character: Level 50 Reman aligned to KDF.
Steps to reproduce:
- Fly to New Romulus
- Beam down to Embassy
- Move Shuttle Bay
- Take Shuttle to Starbase
- Take Shuttle back to Embassy
- You cannot beam out of the Embassy, so take lift to Lobby
- Cannot beam out from the Lobby Transporter Pad
- Leave Embassy through Front Door
- Unable to beam up from Staging Area on New Romulus
Expected results: I expect to be able to beam out of New Romulus and not be restricted just because I used the Embassy Shuttle.
Rant: This restriction is new and has properly been implemented to stop what is seen as a "free" transwarp. E.g. Otherwise to get to Tau D sector as well as Starbase would have taken 2 transwarps.
Plea: If the development resources can be found to implement such a petty restriction, for the love of everything good in the world, please allocate the resources to fix the Defera Hard City mission. After a run is complete, the "room" NEVER resets correctly. As the "room" has not reset correctly, the next team which triggers the mission have to stand there for 7 minutes, waiting for some mission timer to run down.
Every day you have people "stood" around waiting for the mission to count down to the final phase. This cannot be considered a good user experience.