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And the excuses keep rolling in......



  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Had these two today:

    "Damnit, stop shooting me, my keybinds aren't loaded!"

    and then later "You only won because I forgot to turn my script on!"- no. I won because he was flying a MVAE gamma section with no hull heals.
  • g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    illcadia wrote: »
    Had these two today:

    "Damnit, stop shooting me, my keybinds aren't loaded!"

    and then later "You only won because I forgot to turn my script on!"- no. I won because he was flying a MVAE gamma section with no hull heals.

    or 'was typing', maybe that was his keybind
    Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
    - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Here's one I use. A lot.

    "I do very little PvP lately. Not as much fun as it used to be. Which is why I suck at it."
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • cent11cent11 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Guys i dont know about excuses, but there is some serious Bs going on in PvP, i have played this game from the start and i have always loved the pvp aspect of the game. But not happy about a lot of things lately.

    the latest is how a schimitar can decloak and and kill me in less than 2/3 secs no matter what measures i adopt to stop it!.
    FAW III and EM and i am dead despite having 40% resists accross the board and hitting evasive and emergency to engines, now let me start by saying i never sit still at a point always on the move and despite all this and polarize hull II i still die in a vesta. so how is this? i watched this guy and his mate do this to virtually every one in my team, instant kills!

    maybe i am miss somthing here and i know peeps will say this isnt the show or film, but where in the film did the schimitar decloak and take out the enterprise in like 2 secs?

    also sensor scan and high auxillary never detects it!now sombody is gonna tell me it shouldnt be detectable because thats what it was like in the film Perfect Cloak, thats fine, but its funny how when these peeps only refer to the film or series when it suits them?

    another example of this is jem hedar attack ship, OP is it? well off course it is, and before all the peeps who have got one start saying this is not true i have one! now watching DS9 a few days ago i watched the defiant cut through like 3/4 as if they were'nt there, and yet here its the other way round, all other things being equal the guy with the attack ship will win every time!

    Then we have the Galor class cruiser most op cruiser in the game for sure, once again i have one, once again in an episode of TNG a nebula captained by a renegade capt defeated the galor class with ease. see where i am coming from here.

    and then there is the acetone assims drop em and feds are at dis advatage there FAW are penalised by hitting these joke weapons, how do u get rid of em yep kinetic dam, which means the klinks can for go torps and use the much over used Beam Overload, meanwhile while they r fighting you they are getting a hand from a weapon which appeared in many episodes and films let me think where did i see them. no mind i appreciate the skill and tact it takes to deploy this weapon. By the way BO used in STO Series and it fried all enterprise systems it was a last ditch gamble by Kirk which payed had it not like scotty said we are dead in the water! used by peole here that dont want a dog fight! just decloak press button fire! alpha if it fails run like the wind!and cloak, how about decloak BO fails and the BOP gets what it deserves!

    going back to the Schims the guys using them tonite sat on the fed station in cap and hold took out its defences and killed the feds as they spawned. Didnt take 500 to a 1000 Dominion ships to take DS 9, now i know its all relative and in this game you only get a max of 10 players on your team, how ever if your new to PvP and we want more peeps to play PvP sitting on the station killing peeps as they spawn? I blame cryptic for this, make the stations so powerful that if all 10 from a team go to the enemy station they should be obliterated instantly.

    Any of you remember Starfleet command PvP, yes it had its problems how ever sall things being equal the disparity in ships was far less and all weapons were availble to all sides, it made for very good dog fights and you couldnt heal your team mates maybe somthing to consider here!
  • gibbsptgibbspt Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    this game is simple, fin the loophole and you win :)
    when people dont understand it people complain...
    everyone complains... even the ones that are giving the other people complain list...
    even i complain...

    the person that says that doesnt complain is just lieing to himself...
    then what we have among the complainers is 2 types, the ones that try to understand after some cooling off what happenned and the others that keep complaining...

    then we have the teams that have no problem in explaining what they are doing, and the teams that want to keep everything to themselfs...

    unfortunally i havent been having a lot of time to play, and see what it is the new flavour of the month, but it seems there is a new type of vape build out there if someone cares to explain to me how its done just mail me Jorge Silva@gibbspt
    Federation :: Fleetless :: Klingon
    Jorge Silva - Tac | Nayja - Sci | Jorge E. Silva - Eng
    Jorge R. Silva - Tac (Romulan Fed)
    Nayja K Silva - Sci | Vurg'jah - Tac
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    cent11 wrote: »
    Guys i dont know about excuses, but there is some serious Bs going on in PvP, i have played this game from the start and i have always loved the pvp aspect of the game. But not happy about a lot of things lately.

    the latest is how a schimitar can decloak and and kill me in less than 2/3 secs no matter what measures i adopt to stop it!.
    FAW III and EM and i am dead despite having 40% resists accross the board and hitting evasive and emergency to engines, now let me start by saying i never sit still at a point always on the move and despite all this and polarize hull II i still die in a vesta. so how is this? i watched this guy and his mate do this to virtually every one in my team, instant kills!

    maybe i am miss somthing here and i know peeps will say this isnt the show or film, but where in the film did the schimitar decloak and take out the enterprise in like 2 secs?

    also sensor scan and high auxillary never detects it!now sombody is gonna tell me it shouldnt be detectable because thats what it was like in the film Perfect Cloak, thats fine, but its funny how when these peeps only refer to the film or series when it suits them?

    another example of this is jem hedar attack ship, OP is it? well off course it is, and before all the peeps who have got one start saying this is not true i have one! now watching DS9 a few days ago i watched the defiant cut through like 3/4 as if they were'nt there, and yet here its the other way round, all other things being equal the guy with the attack ship will win every time!

    Then we have the Galor class cruiser most op cruiser in the game for sure, once again i have one, once again in an episode of TNG a nebula captained by a renegade capt defeated the galor class with ease. see where i am coming from here.

    and then there is the acetone assims drop em and feds are at dis advatage there FAW are penalised by hitting these joke weapons, how do u get rid of em yep kinetic dam, which means the klinks can for go torps and use the much over used Beam Overload, meanwhile while they r fighting you they are getting a hand from a weapon which appeared in many episodes and films let me think where did i see them. no mind i appreciate the skill and tact it takes to deploy this weapon. By the way BO used in STO Series and it fried all enterprise systems it was a last ditch gamble by Kirk which payed had it not like scotty said we are dead in the water! used by peole here that dont want a dog fight! just decloak press button fire! alpha if it fails run like the wind!and cloak, how about decloak BO fails and the BOP gets what it deserves!

    going back to the Schims the guys using them tonite sat on the fed station in cap and hold took out its defences and killed the feds as they spawned. Didnt take 500 to a 1000 Dominion ships to take DS 9, now i know its all relative and in this game you only get a max of 10 players on your team, how ever if your new to PvP and we want more peeps to play PvP sitting on the station killing peeps as they spawn? I blame cryptic for this, make the stations so powerful that if all 10 from a team go to the enemy station they should be obliterated instantly.

    Any of you remember Starfleet command PvP, yes it had its problems how ever sall things being equal the disparity in ships was far less and all weapons were availble to all sides, it made for very good dog fights and you couldnt heal your team mates maybe somthing to consider here!

    Rightly or wrongly, i'm not sure how any of these grievances are the community's fault. I agree that the Jemmy is far too powerful compared to the Defiant in relation to it's TV rep, however, mundane & run-of-the-mill doesn't sell lockbox keys.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Personal favorite: This from a teammate in a pug-on-pug FvK queue match, back when there were still people who would do that:

    ~"Their ships are better than ours!"~

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
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