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STO Frontlines : Community Think Tank

drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
edited December 2013 in PvP Gameplay
Hi all,

I would like to hear your ideas.

Anything you may think could work in our Territory Control endeavor!

So, lets hear some ideas about the Factions, System Control, Ships, Consoles, etc.

Beta is going to be the basics. We will start from the ground-up, and slowing add things as we go along.

To ensure I don't get carried away again, I need to hear your thoughts.

STO Frontlines
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  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    may wouldn't it be a good idea to leave the defense building-part out for first testings? just to see how the flow goes and if those could be implemented without breaking the progression.

    in combination with that, may those fleetship restrictions should be dropped. so anyone could partake in any ship of his faction.

    for space battles may simply the no-bs rules would fit, but don't ask me bout ground ;D
  • suuperduudesuuperduude Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    My main question is how do you plan on enforcing any rules?
    Lion Heart of Hammer Squadron
  • panserbjorne39panserbjorne39 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    First, my suggestion would be K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, silly. Second, how about a three way territory control of just fed. vs. rom. vs. kdf?
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013
    My main question is how do you plan on enforcing any rules?

    That's easy peasy. The first thing they can do is require everyone to have their gateway display stuff available (since you can- and almost everyone does- turn it off), that way the tournament GM's can monitor who has what equipped.

    Then, for abuse, basically you have two or three solutions- one is to apply some sort of penalty for minor abuse, someone forgetting to take off a console, or bringing the wrong ship to a faction fight. For more major stuff, basically the entire match is ended, everyone warps out, and the offending member is booted from their team and the next person on the list is subbed in. If a team refuses to cooperate, then they would just be disqualified.

    I mean, this not having a direct connection to STO helps out, because there's no need to 'keep' offenders in the game, so to speak. We can't stop them from PVPing, but we don't need to.

    By the same token, we could easily fire up starcraft and resolve matches that way, so to speak.

    My major concern for this is one thing and one thing only: Temporal Inversion Field. By itself it's annoying but a cool power- but when every ship on the enemy team activates it at once, or in close succession, it's a death sentence.

    If we had no other limitations, I would restrict usage of that one specific power. Doing so may cause some people to drop out, but it would be a much more even game as a result, rather than reliant purely on gear and stacking that ability.

    Dark mentioned in the other thread that he liked the idea of using starbase and other 'constructions' built via acquired points to limit the range that our cool awesome stuff is allowed, and I really support that. Fleet/lockbox ships only being deployable within so many sectors of a starbase (given sector size, maybe 1-4 based on tiers), and then old tier 5 ships being usable at basically any distance.

    That has a lot of potential to encourage strategies in the metagame- you can advance slowly, seizing a system, reinforcing it, building support to extend your range- and repeating- or you can all hop into your old junker T5 ships, and fly out to where someone else is doing that and impede them, win some points, or otherwise get some concessions.

    What do I mean by concessions? Well simply put, I want there to be a complex metagame for this- with factions able to trade points- and possibly even players (temporarily), assistance, aid, that sort of thing.

    For instance, let's say that every faction starts with their home sector, a tier 2 starbase, and have to advance out. If nobody challenges them, they can annex nearby sectors- but if people do, they have to fight it out. I figure if you're fighting peeps who are nowhere near their territory, they can't really 'claim' the sector, instead they prevent you from annexing it for a 'turn' or something, and get some points out of it.

    But the faction could go "Fine, here, imma give you X allocation points if you bugger off", and issue them a promissary note, which would be a kind of item every faction has. It essentially states an agreement, and the faction that issues the note is required to honor that agreement or face sanction. This agreement however is a one time thing- like "Don't attack my convoy for the next so many turns in exchange for ______", and the player that issues the note will be required to honour it, while the player receiving the note can choose to honour it or not- but if they don't, the terms are broken and the note is rescinded.

    What that means is that I tell you not to attack my convoy, and I pay you 3 allocation points if you don't. You take the note, and for a while decide that yeah, that's a good agreement. But another faction's Spy Action (spy actions should totally be a thing) reveals that the convoy in question is transporting supplies to establish a new starbase out in the frontier. It's heavily guarded, but your potential reward is much greater than 3 allocation points. You renege on the deal and attack.

    I get my note back, and don't have to pay you anything. But if you chose NOT to attack, then afterwards when I go "Yeah, sure, I'm not paying you squat", you could wave the promissary note, and that payment is mandatory. So I pay you the 3 allocation and get my note back.

    A given faction can only have so many notes- any other agreement is informal. These notes are designed to be short term things, and can generally only cover one thing. Establishing an iron clad 'alliance' with them is not possible. An alliance for a single system fight, sure, but not for the entire game.

    To enforce this, these agreements would be arbitrated by the GMs.

    But wait, you say. If one party can renege on an agreement, how can anything be ironclad?

    Well, that's simple. Both sides can issue the other a promissary note for the same thing. So I issue a note agreeing to bribe you not to attack my convoy, and you issue a note to me agreeing to honour that bribe. Now we're locked in- you can't attack my convoy, and I *have* to pay you.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Also, this is a proposal for updated factions.

    1. Starfleet. Not 'current' starfleet, but traditional starfleet. Only your classic federation ships. No foreign vessels, and not even any andorian ships EXCEPT the Atrox is allowed. No risan corvette. Mirror ships are just cosmetics, so they're allowed.

    2. Klingon. Not the current KDF, but the classical KDF, with true Klingon ships. Gorn/Nausicaan/Orion ships are excluded. Mirror ships are mostly just cosmetics, and look *awesome* so they're allowed too. Karfi is allowed because Klingon Mythology.

    3. Romulan. Pure romulan, no lockbox foreign ships EXCEPT the Galor class and the Tal Shiar ships. Mirror ships allowed.

    4. Pirate faction. Breen, Orion, nausicaan, Andorian ships, Tholians, Risian Corvette.

    5. Dominion Alliance. Jem'Hadar ships, Galor Class, Breen.

    6. A.E.G.I.S. (Multi-species accord aimed at protecting the timeline). All timeships, Voth ships, Klingon D7/K'T'nga, Galaxy X, Sovereign, Intrepid, Defiant (Basically any ship that has traveled in time in TV/movies Trek)
  • starfleetownsallstarfleetownsall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    illcadia wrote: »
    Also, this is a proposal for updated factions.

    1. Starfleet. Not 'current' starfleet, but traditional starfleet. Only your classic federation ships. No foreign vessels, and not even any andorian ships EXCEPT the Atrox is allowed. No risan corvette. Mirror ships are just cosmetics, so they're allowed.

    2. Klingon. Not the current KDF, but the classical KDF, with true Klingon ships. Gorn/Nausicaan/Orion ships are excluded. Mirror ships are mostly just cosmetics, and look *awesome* so they're allowed too. Karfi is allowed because Klingon Mythology.

    3. Romulan. Pure romulan, no lockbox foreign ships EXCEPT the Galor class and the Tal Shiar ships. Mirror ships allowed.

    4. Pirate faction. Breen, Orion, nausicaan, Andorian ships, Tholians, Risian Corvette.

    5. Dominion Alliance. Jem'Hadar ships, Galor Class, Breen.

    6. A.E.G.I.S. (Multi-species accord aimed at protecting the timeline). All timeships, Voth ships, Klingon D7/K'T'nga, Galaxy X, Sovereign, Intrepid, Defiant (Basically any ship that has traveled in time in TV/movies Trek)
    Nah i think dark has it pretty good with just a few adjustments needed because his setup is more about balance and yours is about tradition. remember this isnt the past this is 2409
    Task Force Spectre, Legion of Spectre, and House of Spectre is recruiting!
    I watch the only good STO podcast STOked Radio
    Want to learn more about any of the above? Let me know!
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    illcadia wrote: »
    That's easy peasy. The first thing they can do is require everyone to have their gateway display stuff available (since you can- and almost everyone does- turn it off), that way the tournament GM's can monitor who has what equipped.

    Agreed. This was my idea too. What I am hoping is that the factions among themselves can decide on folks to co-ordinate the factions and teams.
    illcadia wrote: »
    My major concern for this is one thing and one thing only: Temporal Inversion Field. By itself it's annoying but a cool power- but when every ship on the enemy team activates it at once, or in close succession, it's a death sentence.

    Mine too, and some others. That's why I think that the community must decide together on something which will be agreed upon. Perhaps only the Terran Empire should have access to this ability? While the Terran Empire gain a powerful ability, that ability is stemmied by the fact that they have more limited ship offers.
    illcadia wrote: »

    Dark mentioned in the other thread that he liked the idea of using starbase and other 'constructions' built via acquired points to limit the range that our cool awesome stuff is allowed, and I really support that. Fleet/lockbox ships only being deployable within so many sectors of a starbase (given sector size, maybe 1-4 based on tiers), and then old tier 5 ships being usable at basically any distance.

    I will say again - this is a great idea.

    So what I am aiming at is the idea on building "types" of starbases, namely "outpost", "communication", "military", "research". Each of these will have an important benefit to the faction.

    To build a Tier 1 of the Starbase costs +3 allocation points. Upgrade to Tier 1 (+1 allocation point), Upgrade to Tier 2 (+1 allocation point), Upgrade to Tier 3 (+1 allocation point). So in total a SB will only cost +6 allocation points.
    illcadia wrote: »
    That has a lot of potential to encourage strategies in the metagame- you can advance slowly, seizing a system, reinforcing it, building support to extend your range- and repeating- or you can all hop into your old junker T5 ships, and fly out to where someone else is doing that and impede them, win some points, or otherwise get some concessions.

    What do I mean by concessions? Well simply put, I want there to be a complex metagame for this- with factions able to trade points- and possibly even players (temporarily), assistance, aid, that sort of thing.

    This is something very cool. I would like to get more input on this. My idea was unlocking certain items based on the upgrades currently on a system, but perhaps I missed the mark here.
    illcadia wrote: »
    But the faction could go "Fine, here, imma give you X allocation points if you bugger off", and issue them a promissary note, which would be a kind of item every faction has. It essentially states an agreement, and the faction that issues the note is required to honor that agreement or face sanction. This agreement however is a one time thing- like "Don't attack my convoy for the next so many turns in exchange for ______", and the player that issues the note will be required to honour it, while the player receiving the note can choose to honour it or not- but if they don't, the terms are broken and the note is rescinded.

    What that means is that I tell you not to attack my convoy, and I pay you 3 allocation points if you don't. You take the note, and for a while decide that yeah, that's a good agreement. But another faction's Spy Action (spy actions should totally be a thing) reveals that the convoy in question is transporting supplies to establish a new starbase out in the frontier. It's heavily guarded, but your potential reward is much greater than 3 allocation points. You renege on the deal and attack.

    I get my note back, and don't have to pay you anything. But if you chose NOT to attack, then afterwards when I go "Yeah, sure, I'm not paying you squat", you could wave the promissary note, and that payment is mandatory. So I pay you the 3 allocation and get my note back.

    A given faction can only have so many notes- any other agreement is informal. These notes are designed to be short term things, and can generally only cover one thing. Establishing an iron clad 'alliance' with them is not possible. An alliance for a single system fight, sure, but not for the entire game.

    To enforce this, these agreements would be arbitrated by the GMs.

    Being a fairly manual system at the moment, I am not sure how I would be able to achieve this. Any ideas?

    Thanks for the great imput!
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Nah i think dark has it pretty good with just a few adjustments needed because his setup is more about balance and yours is about tradition. remember this isnt the past this is 2409

    illcadia did point out a huge issue around Locknox factions already have lockbox ships so there's nothing to unlock. I laughed a little at that minor oversight on my part!

    What I will do, is build some additional templates the players can choose from including some mentioned here.

    Perhaps even a "Build your own faction" template :)
  • teuteburgteuteburg Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    Also I would simply exclude some "awesome" things like:

    -more then one (or even two) temporal inversion fields per team
    (like illcadia mentioned it is a death sentence)

    -Scramble doff (it just sucks)

    -Yellowstone Runabouts (I think we all hate them ;)

    Also I would allow the Mirror-faction to field the Galaxy-X

    And the console confusion is pretty easy solved:

    No universal consoles unless they are in your ship when you buy it or get it out
    of a box. Reputation and Fleet-consoles are allowed.
    Lobi consoles only for that Ship or faction they are made for!
    All Elachi Ships can get the Elachi-set, as well as all Mirror Ships could
    get the temporal warfare set (see above) and so on.

    EDIT: Every other console has to be earned for 5 wins or so

    Basicly this would strengthen the factions without Zen Ships and not weaken
    the three main factions.


  • teuteburgteuteburg Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hi again!

    Another thought on the items: We could make a list what is
    allowed on each faction. Why would the FED use a Jem Hadar
    or Breen set? Or the Tholians a borg set? We could also include
    some special Weapons for example.

    A try (not finished):

    Maco/Omega/Borg/Aegis Set
    Fleet Elite Phasers

    KHG/Borg/Aegis set
    Fleet Elite Disruptors
    polarized disruptor

    Romulan/Reman sets
    Romulan rep weapons
    nanite disruptor

    Jem Hadar set (only on Jem Hadar Ships)
    Breen set (only on Breen Ships)
    phased polaron

    Maco/Omega/Aegis set
    Fleet Elite Phasers
    temporal warfare lobi-set (3pc set only on temporal sci-vessels)

    Tholian Triangle:
    Nukara set (only on Tholian Ships)
    Nukara rep weapons (only on Tholian Ships)
    Ferengi Lobi-set (only on Dkora)
    Elachi Lobi-set (only on Elachi-Ships)
    phased tetryon

    Generally allowed are normal or fleet Consoles, Weapons, Shields and so on.
    Also fleet Elite Shields/Engines and deflectors are ok.
    Universal consoles could also be whritten in that list, so nobody could use
    consoles that are considred OP.

  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013
    This assumes that every player has unlocked all the rep options- many of us haven't. Basically it means that to remain competitive, 90% of players have to be fed/klink, because they can't run the gear that supports their build.

    I am absolutely against limiting set gear for 'theme'.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I agree that limiting this has too major issues for me:

    1.) It opens the door to "exploitative" gameplay, and whole teams with just stack resistances against the teams they play.

    2.) I want folks to enjoy their grind :) They worked hard to buy all that gear, and it would be horrible to restrict them.

    I do like the idea of making a list though, and will do something like that per faction definitely.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    So here are some of the amendments so far:

    So for example UFP:

    - UFP

    Starfleet Vessels:

    In ANY system, Starfleet may captain:
    - Ships: All Tier 5 vessel, Refit, or Retrofit.
    - Unlimited Range
    - Consoles which are obtained as part of a c-store Federation vessel, can be used on any Starfleet vessel of that class.

    In any system with Tier I Starbase, Starfleet may captain:
    - Ships: All Tier 5 vessel, Refit, or Retrofit, or Starbase Fleet Ships I & II
    - Range: All planets within a single Sector on the Campaign Map, e.g. Vulcan Sector. (1 Sector)

    In any system with Tier II Starbase, Starfleet may captain:
    - Ships: All Tier 5 vessel, Refit, or Retrofit, or Starbase Fleet Ships III & IV
    - Range: All planets within a Sector on the Campaign Map, e.g. Vulcan Sector, and all adjacent Sectors to zone-of-control. (9 Sectors)

    In any system with Tier III Starbase, Starfleet may captain:
    - Ships: All Tier 5 vessel, Refit, or Retrofit, or Starbase Fleet Ships V
    - Range: All controlled planets within a Sector Block as defined by STO, e.g. Sirius Sector Block
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I like it.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Here my thoughts on combat:


    - Any 5-team battle (Starbase II or III) requires all classes to be represented, with no single class having more than two.
    - Any 3-team battle (Starbase I) requires all classes to be represented.
    - Players must be able to use TS.
    - There must be a nominated Team Leader prior to the battle. (email account must be provided so it can be associated to the controlled maps)
    - A single team, may not control more than 3 Sectors.
    - It is the responsibility of the Winning Team Leader to take a screenshot of the final score, and this must then be mailed to drkfrontiers@gmail.com.
    - Players must allow for access to their profiles on gateway.
    - Combat consists of PvP Space Combat, and/ or Ground Combat.


    - A System is captured if the planet has been occupied. The attackers must first secure the System. If there is a starbase in the system, or within range to reinforce the system, then the defenders may used whichever fleet ships are available. (same rule applies for initiating an attack)

    If the System battle (3-match win Arena) is won by the defenders, the attacking force must forgo any further action for that day against that system.

    If however, the attackers win - then they progress to the next level of the battle, neutralizing the Orbital Defense.

    The battle for orbital control requires 1x Capture and Hold. If the Defender wins, the attacking force must forgo any further action for that day against that system.

    If however, the attackers win - they the players move to the last stage which is planetary assault.

    If the System battle (3-match win Ground) is won by the defenders, the attacking force must forgo any further action for that day against that system.

    If however, the attackers win, then they have captured the system.

    The system automatically suffers a -1 System Defense Rating due to unrest.


    These are some interesting "addons" I'm thinking of adding to Starbases, and some of the other Defense Ratings:

    Scientific Research Codes

    = grants 50% bonus to the allotment of allocation points for the next 3 matchs.
    = grants 100% bonus to the allotment of allocation points for the next 3 matchs.

    Merchant Marines Command Codes

    = transfer of 6 allocation points to any region outside of ones zone of control.

    "Onscreen Skirmish"

    Players can challenge each other individually to Arena matches. -1 Penalty to the System from where the Defender originates from any Defense Rating of the winner's choice.
  • starfleetownsallstarfleetownsall Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I very much like it dark! now will there be a gm to see the match to see if rules are followed?
    Task Force Spectre, Legion of Spectre, and House of Spectre is recruiting!
    I watch the only good STO podcast STOked Radio
    Want to learn more about any of the above? Let me know!
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I very much like it dark! now will there be a gm to see the match to see if rules are followed?

    Yes, during the Sponsored Events there will be organiser GM (Gamemasters) at hand to assist. (Hint: Please if there any folks that would like to help mail me!)

    Private Challenge Matches will be based on gentlemen rules where each side will allow the opposing team just prior to the match an opportunity to check out the team via gateway.

    If there is any issues during the match a GM and be contacted.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm thinking that in order to construct a Grade C Starbase one needs to have won at least 5x matches (a total of 15 allocation points)

    Thereafter the upgrade to Grade B Starbase requires +2 Allocation Points

    And Upgrade to Grade A Starbase requires +2 Allocations Points.

    What you all think? I just think that anything less will trivialise the idea of starbases altogether as they will be popping-up like mushrooms?

    Also, Once a Starbase has been upgraded to Grade A, I am thinking of over time adding various "addons" to the System which teams can purchase to make things interesting?

  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013
    That seems fine.

    One thing I think should be expounded upon is the sector control limit. If factions have limited teams, controlling three sectors per team may not be viable- and I can see teams effectively 'getting stuck behind the lines', and the other issue is that there are those of us who don't pvp on ground at all. Having zone capture be contingent on ground victories may be problemtatic too, if a given ground fleet (I can think of a few) happens to be the defender.

    While I don't want to marginalize ground combat, I do think that you should be able to capture a system even if you don't win the ground invasion- orbital bombardment, transporters, and glassing a planet is always a possibility. Not a happy one, mind you, but certainly possible.

    If a faction loses enough ground invasions (I'm thinking three), they can choose to just glass the planet. This halves all resource gains *they* get from that planet. If someone else captures it, they get full value, unless they choose to glass it. Every time it changes hands, the 'glassed' status resets.

    At the same time, if as the defenders you push attackers off the planet enough times that they choose to glass the world, YOU get the points that they lose by doing so.

    Back on the topic of three systems 'controlled' per team, keeping in mind there's like five to eight systems in a sector, and you have a bit of a recipe for all your teams to be stuck in the starting sector if they want those worlds to be kept for their faction. (unless I'm misreading what control means)

    I think that worlds that are captured, which are within the supply range of your starbase should not need to be 'controlled' by a team. Only worlds that are outside the starbase's range need to be controlled. And given that starbases will be moderately expensive, this in turn translates to having a variety of strategic options available- most teams that are controlling worlds might, for instance, only control two worlds, leaving the third slot open so they can participate in other battles. But if some worlds are particularly crucial (any in sectors that block connection lines go through, for instance) then they might want to control three.

    Of course perhaps teams can relinquish control of sectors, either to other teams, or once they're within supply range. We might even have a need to make some diplomatic action setup, so a faction (like the feds, say), could trade entire systems for resources or other territory, to add a diplomatic aspect to the game.

    (also, reiterating my support for the promissary note idea I mentioned either in this or the other thread).
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    illcadia wrote: »
    That seems fine.

    One thing I think should be expounded upon is the sector control limit. If factions have limited teams, controlling three sectors per team may not be viable- and I can see teams effectively 'getting stuck behind the lines'

    Last night when I was lying awake I was thinking just this!
    illcadia wrote: »

    One thing I think should be expounded upon is the sector control limit. If factions have limited teams, controlling three sectors per team may not be viable- and I can see teams effectively 'getting stuck behind the lines', and the other issue is that there are those of us who don't pvp on ground at all. Having zone capture be contingent on ground victories may be problemtatic too, if a given ground fleet (I can think of a few) happens to be the defender.

    While I don't want to marginalize ground combat, I do think that you should be able to capture a system even if you don't win the ground invasion- orbital bombardment, transporters, and glassing a planet is always a possibility. Not a happy one, mind you, but certainly possible.

    If a faction loses enough ground invasions (I'm thinking three), they can choose to just glass the planet. This halves all resource gains *they* get from that planet. If someone else captures it, they get full value, unless they choose to glass it. Every time it changes hands, the 'glassed' status resets.

    I can work something out with this surely. So like the planet would come under blockade!!

    That way the Defenders still receive any Planetary Defense bonuses if ground battle ensured, but they loose their Orbital, System and Starbase Ratings.

    Meza like!

    It would create awesome gameplay where factions are driven to liberate their friend under siege!
    illcadia wrote: »
    I think that worlds that are captured, which are within the supply range of your starbase should not need to be 'controlled' by a team. Only worlds that are outside the starbase's range need to be controlled. And given that starbases will be moderately expensive, this in turn translates to having a variety of strategic options available- most teams that are controlling worlds might, for instance, only control two worlds, leaving the third slot open so they can participate in other battles. But if some worlds are particularly crucial (any in sectors that block connection lines go through, for instance) then they might want to control three.

    Of course perhaps teams can relinquish control of sectors, either to other teams, or once they're within supply range. We might even have a need to make some diplomatic action setup, so a faction (like the feds, say), could trade entire systems for resources or other territory, to add a diplomatic aspect to the game.

    (also, reiterating my support for the promissary note idea I mentioned either in this or the other thread).

    This is good. I like the idea of this promissary note and diplomacy. We see what I can do with that ok.

    Important thing is that is a System Control Map is won by a team, the Team Leader's contact mail is readily at hand, so I can associate that to the Campaign map.

    That way, when folks come looking for a fight, they can quickly pop the team leader a mail to organise a match. Not a perfect system, but beats the heck-out-of running around looking for folks.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    Players may only fly Tier V starships in System Control Maps which are outside the range of their starbase.

    Players are permitted to fly certain Fleet Ships if they are within range of a Starbase.

    Starfleet members are permitted to fly the Temporal Science Vessel only, as well as the Risian Corvette.

    "Special Items" such as consoles and weapons can only be used on a ship in that class.

    Set Items from the Lobi Store can be used but only 1 item set piece.

    The [Console - Universal - Tipler Cylinder] granted Temporal Backstep, cannot be used on more than 1x vessel.
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013

    Players may only fly Tier V starships in System Control Maps which are outside the range of their starbase.

    Agree, with exceptions for factions with limited/lockbox only ships (Tholians/Merc faction, Dominion)
    Players are permitted to fly certain Fleet Ships if they are within range of a Starbase.

    Starfleet members are permitted to fly the Temporal Science Vessel only, as well as the Risian Corvette.

    "Special Items" such as consoles and weapons can only be used on a ship in that class.

    Set Items from the Lobi Store can be used but only 1 item set piece.

    Partially agree- I'd have it at 2, since that allows for interesting builds but weeds out some of the cheesier applications. (And before people try and accuse me of preferential bias, I only use one Lobi store set item in my build.)
    The [Console - Universal - Tipler Cylinder] granted Temporal Backstep, cannot be used on more than 1x vessel.

    Honestly, Temporal Backstep is annoying but doesn't always save you from getting killed and can even backfire- you see if you activate it just as you die, that kill still counts towards the match- you'll just respawn there at half health rather than at the respawn point. If you immediately get killed afterwards, then that kill will also count. So limiting that console to a single ship is honestly not really a concern, I don't think.

    That said, there is one consideration I brought up in the old thread, which I'll reiterate here, and that's 2 piece mini-sets for lockbox + lobi ships.

    I would totally support being able to use the console from the other ship on your lockbox/lobi ship as a special rule. Particularly given that the tholian recluse console is worthless, while the orb weaver console has some strategic usefulness to it, so being able to equip that on a Recluse could see some play. That's really the only sort of exception I think we would have for equipping consoles from 'other ships'. Ditto for the Breen consoles, Jem'Hadar, Tholian, Tal Shiar, Elachi.
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    illcadia wrote: »

    That said, there is one consideration I brought up in the old thread, which I'll reiterate here, and that's 2 piece mini-sets for lockbox + lobi ships.

    I would totally support being able to use the console from the other ship on your lockbox/lobi ship as a special rule. Particularly given that the tholian recluse console is worthless, while the orb weaver console has some strategic usefulness to it, so being able to equip that on a Recluse could see some play. That's really the only sort of exception I think we would have for equipping consoles from 'other ships'. Ditto for the Breen consoles, Jem'Hadar, Tholian, Tal Shiar, Elachi.

    Interesting that so say that.

    As I was thinking that perhaps as an alternative to not having any Tier V ships for some of the factions how about if they are not in range of a starbase they cannot use any consoles?

    That way the Tier V ships stand some chance ;)

    Also, how do folks feel about the Elachi Monboosh consoles?
  • mrkollinsmrkollins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Everything it's looking good
    Division Hispana
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hey community,

    Please can you folks give some of your ideas and inputs?

    I really would like to know if I'm heading in the right direction!
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hey all,

    The site is back up and I hope this time its better!!

    STO Frontlines

    I've broken down the factional ships/ consoles here: (could use some feedback)


    I'm buggered. Off to bed. Writing my 70-668 Pro-Administrator exam for SharePoint on Monday!
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013
    One suggestion- for the mirror universe faction, let them run the fleet version of their mirror ship with the same restrictions other factions have for fleet ships- but they have to use the mirror universe skin (to show they have the ship in question)
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    illcadia wrote: »
    One suggestion- for the mirror universe faction, let them run the fleet version of their mirror ship with the same restrictions other factions have for fleet ships- but they have to use the mirror universe skin (to show they have the ship in question)

    I like that idea!
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Troll idea: have a special 'cargo run' mission type, which allows teams to temporarily extend their starbase's supply range.

    Cargo run is a private capture and hold map- but here's the kicker. You can't capture points unless you're in a freighter. So at least one member of each team needs to be in a freighter. If you aren't in a freighter, you aren't allowed to cap points- you can drive an enemy freighter away from a point, or kill him outright, but once the point is 'free', you have to leave it.

    The game ends when a side runs out of points, granting that faction a 1 sector increase to their starbase supply range.

    (The reason it's a troll idea is because people are not likely to be swimming in freighters, and to Cryptic's eternal shame, there is no free/dilithium freighter available)
  • teuteburgteuteburg Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    Is the Jem Hadar Dreadnought within the Tholian-list a mistake?

    And I like what you did! Now it?s really clear what the factions can use!

    Two suggestions:

    Let the Terran Empire field the Galaxy-X! It?s their flagship ;)
    Originally Posted by illcadia View Post
    One suggestion- for the mirror universe faction, let them run the fleet version of their mirror ship with the same restrictions other factions have for fleet ships- but they have to use the mirror universe skin (to show they have the ship in question)

    I love that!

    Also it was a good idea to have some items only once or twice on a team!

    btw: If I register (with a full team) and some of my teammates change, what should I do?
    I gathered about 7 or 8 ppl for a team so we can always play even when somebody can not
    participate. I hope to find more so we are able to field two teams sometimes.



    PS: Oh f*** I am really looking forward to that!
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