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Guest Blog: Ker'rat Space War Zone



  • nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    matthewh01 wrote: »
    And the funniest moment of all, when Vasily (from our allied fleet the Special Service squadron) completely obliterated BranFlakes.

    In Branflakes defense, that tends to happen to everyone. :D
    Harden up Princess
    Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2013
    Or just have the professional courtesy and basic manners not to do such a thing. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Its a game after all.

    Partially true. However the rationale, that it is a war zone and war is brutal, is valid. The goal for both factions is territory control. Control of the zone allows one side the opportunity to destroy the borg facility and salvage the spoils. As the game allows for unlimited respawning, the best and sometimes only way to win that control is to blockade the point of entry until your enemy loses the will to fight. It's not that difficult a concept to grasp.
    Probably the biggest divide over the place; those who think it should be a game for everyone to pick-up-and-play and simply enjoy casually, and those who think its truly anything goes and take pleasure in the frustrations of others. Far more a question of philosophical differences of the nature of gaming than the so-called 'fear' some seem to be assuaging their egos with.

    Please ease off on the victimhood spiel. No one should expect to play casually in a war zone. Warriors do not go off to battle in their chamois trousers and deck shoes expecting to casually execute their battle strategies.

    99% of this game is dedicated to the casual player. Leave at least a few crumbs on the table for those that want something a little more chaotic.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    roxbad wrote: »
    Partially true. However the rationale, that it is a war zone and war is brutal, is valid. The goal for both factions is territory control. Control of the zone allows one side the opportunity to destroy the borg facility and salvage the spoils. As the game allows for unlimited respawning, the best and sometimes only way to win that control is to blockade the point of entry until your enemy loses the will to fight. It's not that difficult a concept to grasp.

    But its poor sportsmanship if you're playing a game that was designed for 'players having fun' in mind. Do you want people to fill out the opposing team so you have someone to play with, or do you prefer waiting on empty queues because 'war is brutal?' Judging from the numerous threads about the death of PVP, maaaaaaaybe want to rethink the 'anything goes, casuals not welcome' approach.
    Please ease off on the victimhood spiel. No one should expect to play casually in a war zone. Warriors do not go off to battle in their chamois trousers and deck shoes expecting to casually execute their battle strategies.

    Victimhood spiel? Pointing out that approaches may vary is painting oneself as a victim? Interesting assessment, I guess. Meant it more trying to have a game-philosophy discussion instead of just the thread running away with the standard mix of vapid pride and 'Cryptic hates PVPer' whines, but I guess unwelcome. Oh well, carry on.
  • nagrom7nagrom7 Member Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Oh good, one of the best parts of Ker'rat (the zone chat smack talk) has arrived :D
    Harden up Princess
    Looking for an Oceanic fleet? Check out our website:
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I did Kerrat when I first did the game but find it quite boring as either fed or KDF if I wasn't getting spawn camped killed I was only taking on Borg as no other faction was present. Due to these experiences I have not been in Kerrat in well over a year not. If I take on the Borg I will do STF's o when they work the red alerts.

    But word of advice before bringing up a spotligh on PVPVE missions you may want to make sure PVP is fine as that is the most unbalanced version of this game.
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2013
    But its poor sportsmanship if you're playing a game that was designed for 'players having fun' in mind.

    So say you. You are now the arbiter of what is and is not proper sportsmanship? It's a big game. There's plenty of room in the design to accommodate a variety of playstyles, each of which may be more fun for one individual than it is for another.

    Do you want people to fill out the opposing team so you have someone to play with, or do you prefer waiting on empty queues because 'war is brutal?'

    We're not talking about queues here. We're talking about Ker'rat. An open PvPvE zone, where you never know what to expect on entry. Will you be outnumbered? Will you have the advantage? Do you have friends online to call in for support? Do you want to switch to your alt of the opposing faction to come in and even up the odds or just to be part of the dominating side? Great fun. :)
    Judging from the numerous threads about the death of PVP, maaaaaaaybe want to rethink the 'anything goes, casuals not welcome' approach.

    Casuals are more than welcome in Ker'rat. Wolves love sheep.
    Victimhood spiel? Pointing out that approaches may vary is painting oneself as a victim? Interesting assessment, I guess. Meant it more trying to have a game-philosophy discussion instead of just the thread running away with the standard mix of vapid pride and 'Cryptic hates PVPer' whines, but I guess unwelcome. Oh well, carry on.

    You do realize that passive-aggression is still aggression, yes?
  • angrybobhangrybobh Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I went to Ker'rat once or twice. It certainly feels like a war zone. I got ganked a couple of times and died trying to fight back some. I had fun though getting my dil from that mission I have never received again. That is the only PvP I have ever done in this game. If the mission would come around again, I'd go do it once more.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Ker'rat is so boring someone would have to pay me to go and ever go back there lol.
  • bubblygumsworthbubblygumsworth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    nagrom7 wrote: »
    Oh good, one of the best parts of Ker'rat (the zone chat smack talk) has arrived :D

    Nuh huh, oh no dey dient. *snaps fingers and bobs head left to right*
    I drink, I vote, and I PvP!
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    I also find it amusing that apparently everyone's mind-set is back in Season 6 or something. I mean, KDF are so 'bad' and such? Hahah, most amusing and how convenient that most folks in this thread have suddenly felt like 'forgetting' about Romulans. Who can do all that the KDF can do and more with a Romulan twist on either Fed or KDF side.

    Funny is how most of those complaining on the KDF ganking conviently overlook the fed gank groups that move through Kerrat.
    So why fight it? We KDF players enjoy a good open pvp fight and Kerrat allows that to happen with little to no wait time.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Bring a group of friends and have some fun. You can see in my videos that I don't only play it as a KDF mainly but I do bring my Fed toons there too!!

    Debuff Klinks? Make the success for Klinks fed dependant?? I do not think that player actually been in Kerrat before.
    The klinks are not OP, and most time we are so outnumbered we can not even run the mission. That is one reason why we attack the feds-to drive them from the zone so we can run the mission.
    Frankly farmers who do not like the pvp nature of Kerrat should go elswhere to fatten their ingame walletts.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    you're severely biased reaction, and blind defensiveness proved my points to a T. Thank you.

    Your blind and biased judgement of those who enjoy Kerrat proves his point just as well
    Many play kerrat for the fact that one must fight to win yhe zone. Be thaf through taking control of it on just avoiding conflict yo try and scan as much as possible before the otherside does it first.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    koppenflak wrote: »
    Ahhh. Ker'rat. The fleet's home-away-from-home.

    It's a war zone, and we love it. Good way of 'hardening up' a new ship build. (And yes, we've come to love the monikers you give us. See also: "A**monauts" :D)

    Bring on open, territory-control PVP!

    See, he gets it! Its always fun to fight, kill or die to a foe with eyes wide open to the enviroment they are playing in.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Nuh huh, oh no dey dient. *snaps fingers and bobs head left to right*

    What? No "with a twist"? Surely a " with a twist" is warranted?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • marrrtinsmarrrtins Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    lol kdf always consider ker'rat pvp as their farming zone, set up identical to ker'rat, is off limits to fed players. So after they finish farming their high end gear in relative safety in their protected system (where with a bit of team work there is no reset and no risk of any pvp action) they can go to ker'rat for easy pvp kills by using their cloaked ships to prey on feds while the fed is engaging multiple borg cubes/spheres/probes to get their daily dil bonus. True pvp can be found in the pvp scenario's
  • stormcrow704stormcrow704 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Or just have the professional courtesy and basic manners not to do such a thing. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Its a game after all.

    Probably the biggest divide over the place; those who think it should be a game for everyone to pick-up-and-play and simply enjoy casually, and those who think its truly anything goes and take pleasure in the frustrations of others. Far more a question of philosophical differences of the nature of gaming than the so-called 'fear' some seem to be assuaging their egos with.

    I don't mean to attack this guy, but posts like these are the reason PVP is dead in STO and most other MMOs. You went into a pvp zone and got killed. That is it. That is all. If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

    It used to be that everyone understood that when you entered an online world you were doing so because multi player games offered a dynamic that single player games lacked, the chance to interact with other people for good or for ill. Maybe you formed a group to take on an elite mob. Maybe you got ganked by a level 60. The point was, you never quite knew what to expect. And that is what made it special.

    But as time went by enough people complained that there wasn't an 'I-Win' button in most MMOs that open-world PVP more or less went extinct. People didn't understand that as good as you think you are, in a PVP scenario, you will die some. They couldn't wrap their heads around that that is part of the appeal, enough people posted like this and mmo developers, ever in a competition to please the largest amount of people, moved away from the open world model. So PVP became what it is today. Safe. Boring. Now most MMOs offer the same three slices of bland, queue based arena zerg fests, dominated by a handful of flavor-of-the-month builds run by the same six basement dwellers. The is no variety, no strategy, no fun.

    STO in particular has shoe-horned PVP into a small dark corner to be enjoyed by none. Has there been any additional PVP content added since launch? This latest publish is just salt in the wound, IMO the Dysonsphere contested zone just begs to be PVP enabled. And then a featured blog about a broken zone published right after launch to celebrate the near non-existence of PVP content in this game.

    But we keep coming back. Farming dilithium and paying to play. I just wish game developers would stop pissing down our backs and saying its raining.
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yeah, yeah. Those big, scary klingons and their masterful battle tactics.

    1) Decloak, scramble sensors, tractor beam, gravity well, beam overload/and or summon 5 buddies to gang up on you.
    2) Fed dead yet?
    >a) Yes - cue fireworks, make crude remarks about maternal ancestry in zone chat
    >b) No - cloak, run away, go to step 1.


    Bring it, Rocky Dennis.
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • nachtfangennachtfangen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The above poster pretty much nailed it - MMO PvP is a joke, always has been, always will be.

    Comes down to 1 tactic: camp the entry/spawn points.

    Just look at the classic open world PvP zones in games like Eve Online - they've spent ten years trying to mitigate the gate camp by introducing a plethora of tactical abilities - notably wormholes and jump bridges and cloaked ships.

    But still, with all of those advantages, look at the population density of 'limited PvP' empire space (where you can only engage in PvP if at war) and the no holds barred nullsec compared to lowsec where only gates and stations offer a modicum of safety.
    80% of the population hides in secure space, which shows you how much people *loathe* pvp because of the broken E-peen I-win-button-mashers who break any concept of pvp wherever it arises.

    In STO PvP is a laughing joke, and that blog should be deleted as the trash it is. Cloaked ships just sit and wait for players to spawn or engage the NPCs to wreck them once otherwise involved.
    Lacking similar cloaking abilities of its own the Feds can never compete with the Klings in any such arena. Only the romulan torp/mine-spamming-while-cloaked ship can begin to match, but is available to both sides (whichever the Rom joins) and even then on a very limited scale due to the narrow functionality of torps/mines.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Nice effort Reg, good work.
  • jacknm1jacknm1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I don't mean to attack this guy, but posts like these are the reason PVP is dead in STO and most other MMOs. You went into a pvp zone and got killed. That is it. That is all. If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

    It used to be that everyone understood that when you entered an online world you were doing so because multi player games offered a dynamic that single player games lacked, the chance to interact with other people for good or for ill. Maybe you formed a group to take on an elite mob. Maybe you got ganked by a level 60. The point was, you never quite knew what to expect. And that is what made it special.

    But as time went by enough people complained that there wasn't an 'I-Win' button in most MMOs that open-world PVP more or less went extinct. People didn't understand that as good as you think you are, in a PVP scenario, you will die some. They couldn't wrap their heads around that that is part of the appeal, enough people posted like this and mmo developers, ever in a competition to please the largest amount of people, moved away from the open world model. So PVP became what it is today. Safe. Boring. Now most MMOs offer the same three slices of bland, queue based arena zerg fests, dominated by a handful of flavor-of-the-month builds run by the same six basement dwellers. The is no variety, no strategy, no fun.

    STO in particular has shoe-horned PVP into a small dark corner to be enjoyed by none. Has there been any additional PVP content added since launch? This latest publish is just salt in the wound, IMO the Dysonsphere contested zone just begs to be PVP enabled. And then a featured blog about a broken zone published right after launch to celebrate the near non-existence of PVP content in this game.

    But we keep coming back. Farming dilithium and paying to play. I just wish game developers would stop pissing down our backs and saying its raining.

    I agree mostly, PvP is generally the only thing i do, other than the Grinding i have to.

    Reason to PvP in this game now? none for me sadly, Only reason i still play is nothing else interests me.

    Biggest problem for me? the Graphics Engine unable to render over a certain amount of particles, well with people spamming pets, grav wells, EWP blah blah blah, you eventually find your self being disabled by invisible warp plasma, invisible tractor beams, hell sometimes i cant even see if my weapons are firing.

    (no this not a graphical issue on my side - Core I7 , 2x2GB Sapphire HD6950's, 8 GB Ram up-to-date drivers and all the rest this aint my first PC or game :/)

    So before PvP can be fixed, this engine needs an update, or scrapped and a new one built. But then again this wont make them money will it? PvP doesnt bring in money so it wont get the update it deserves, those who think PvP'ers bring in money fair point, most of them spend a fair bit on their builds, most are lifers etc...but in comparison to the RP'ers, PvE'ers and Farmers our PvP community is like, 2 - 3% (I've not actually done a head count so excuse me).

    But any way, Nice post Reg you lil Brown Nose (j/k) :P

    By the way branflakes, still not got my Bootcamp coach title....get the lead out
    Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
    PvP Boot Camp Coach
    STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
    /channel_join OrganizedPvP
  • s7ikes7ike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Tactical Team 1 x2 and EPTX Abilities on global you should do alright in kerrat, or pvp in general ^^
  • vfpfyasko1vfpfyasko1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Unfortunately PVP in this game is as others have stated, an utter joke. No purpose behind it, no objective and they could have done so in a very balance way but instead we get to Dil grind. You know Cryptic has been given so many good ideas to make the PVP balance and have a purpose, someone needs to come up with a territory system of some sorts that has a purpose and a goal, not a half measured purpose and Ker'rat HAS no purpose at all just like the rest of the so called PVP in this game.
  • hanoverhanover Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Since when does ANY Klingon need 5 buddies?

    Since they discovered they can't 1-shot my Fleet Defiant. :P
    Does Arc install a root kit? Ask a Dev today!
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Wow a blog on how 20+ people attack one player and think of themselves as elite pvpers lol :D

    Of course they think of themselves as elite PvPers, it's easy for them to brag about how good they are when they hiding behind a organized party with mic's doing only subnuking > focus fire on a single target with a group of 5 or more ppl.
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2013
    yup *nod* *nod*

    And now with the continuous ground cloaking with the Dyson equipment, ground pvp is now obsolete and shattered. Unless we get the ability to somehow make a ground anti-cloak build like we can with ships.

    From the youtube comments:
    Neil Kennan
    1 week ago

    That bug being fixed on the We will be performing shard maintenance on Nov. 15th from 6:00-8:00 AM Pacific time (0100-0300 UTC). Please check the forums
  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2013
    no it doesn't prove your point at all.

    And are you living in a a world inside your mind?! what "control"?! ker'rat isn't a capture and hold map. Maybe you need to lay off the hallucinogens for bit.

    There's that superior sociability again.

    The control is in denying the opposing faction from achieving the mission objectives before your faction does.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    The above poster pretty much nailed it - MMO PvP is a joke, always has been, always will be.

    Comes down to 1 tactic: camp the entry/spawn points.

    Just look at the classic open world PvP zones in games like Eve Online - they've spent ten years trying to mitigate the gate camp by introducing a plethora of tactical abilities - notably wormholes and jump bridges and cloaked ships.

    But still, with all of those advantages, look at the population density of 'limited PvP' empire space (where you can only engage in PvP if at war) and the no holds barred nullsec compared to lowsec where only gates and stations offer a modicum of safety.
    80% of the population hides in secure space, which shows you how much people *loathe* pvp because of the broken E-peen I-win-button-mashers who break any concept of pvp wherever it arises.

    In STO PvP is a laughing joke, and that blog should be deleted as the trash it is. Cloaked ships just sit and wait for players to spawn or engage the NPCs to wreck them once otherwise involved.
    Lacking similar cloaking abilities of its own the Feds can never compete with the Klings in any such arena. Only the romulan torp/mine-spamming-while-cloaked ship can begin to match, but is available to both sides (whichever the Rom joins) and even then on a very limited scale due to the narrow functionality of torps/mines.

    So the cloaking Avenger BFaw Battle Cruiser, the AGT dreadnought Galaxy and the many incarnations of the cloaking Defiant (not to mention fed aligned cloaking romulan ships) do nothing to help the fed faction to overcome the KDF advantage?

    Thats inconcievable?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    no it doesn't prove your point at all.

    And are you living in a a world inside your mind?! what "control"?! ker'rat isn't a capture and hold map. Maybe you need to lay off the hallucinogens for bit.

    His point. I said his point. As in the point he made.

    As for control, yes. Control of a zone or instance. Meaning kick enough players in the teeth so that they leave or keep them tied up in PvP so your other players can run the mission to completion.
    Wash rinse and repeat as needed.
    Tactics can be a big help in Kerrat.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Since when does ANY Klingon need 5 buddies? they always go solo like that idiot Klingon who always went rogue and found Kirk at one point thinking he could destroy him, but ended up getting blow up instead because of his arrogance.

    But you're absolutely correct about the above.
    (I laugh when a group of federation ships pops up (seldom) and continuously ganks a group of klingons. And when the Klingons can't do anything with their stupid alpha strikes they eventually leave Ker'rat lol So i suppose there is a silver lining to cheap kdf attacks.

    but I do find it funny how your fed fandom protects your morality. If you where a KDF player talking about ganking some pantywaisted fed in the fashion your described above you would be called a cheap playing cowardly ganker.

    I guess it doesnt apply to a fed doing the same.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • roxbadroxbad Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2013
    and there are the syllogistic fallacies from you again because you don't use facts to back up what you say.

    THE BORG CONTROL THAT SPACE. The objective in ker'rat is to negate the borgs DEVELOPMENT in Ker'rat!! it has nothing to do with feds or kdf controlling it!! get off your delusions!

    1. It is a fact that the game announces a winning faction on the destruction of the fourth repair hulk.

    2. I clearly stated the conditions of control were predicated on achieving the mission objectives.

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
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