Several months ago a patch note stated that the KDF would now be able to access Off-duty costumes. They couldn't then and they still can't now.
A long time ago, I asked Branflakes why Cryptic doesn't show the KDF any love. His response was something to the effect of "KDF are only 20% of the playerbase". If I suddenly lost 20% of my money I would be doing everything I could to figure out what happened to it and get it back. Cryptic would shrug: "Oh well, its only 20%". Any business should be ashamed to have such an attitude about their own funds!
KDF can use off duty wear since the first day of the Risa Summer Event that took place in June I think it was. So they've had it for months now.
The thing that confuses people is that sometimes the dropdown option to choose between uniform and off duty doesn't show up in the uniform options. It does show up in the head options at all times. So when modifying/creating a costume, click the head options and it's right there.
KDF can also use the formal wear and mercenary outfits in the c-store. For off duty wear (excluding formal wear) there are some options KDF don't get like 1 of the robes, maybe 1 or 2 boots, but they do get most of the stuff.
Also at the beginning of the Risa Summer Event, romulan republic characters gained access to off duty wear too (same for them I belive; some pieces are not available. this is intentional.)
That 20% could generate some significant revenue if Cryptic ever pulled it's head out of it's posterior and did the work needed to make it more viable.
Sadly, that institutional apathy also affects the Romulan players that make the mistake of allying with the KDF, as they get stuck with many of the same bugs and the same general lack of interest on the part of the Dev team.
This is why I don't spend money on the C-$tore. They haven't earned it.
The thing that confuses people is that sometimes the dropdown option to choose between uniform and off duty doesn't show up in the uniform options. It does show up in the head options at all times. So when modifying/creating a costume, click the head options and it's right there.
KDF can also use the formal wear and mercenary outfits in the c-store. For off duty wear (excluding formal wear) there are some options KDF don't get like 1 of the robes, maybe 1 or 2 boots, but they do get most of the stuff.
Also at the beginning of the Risa Summer Event, romulan republic characters gained access to off duty wear too (same for them I belive; some pieces are not available. this is intentional.)
Sadly, that institutional apathy also affects the Romulan players that make the mistake of allying with the KDF, as they get stuck with many of the same bugs and the same general lack of interest on the part of the Dev team.
This is why I don't spend money on the C-$tore. They haven't earned it.