Wall of text inbound...with huge amount of bad english...Brace for impact is recommended.
All you can see on new threads is this..."I want this , Get me this , I have to have this"...and then there?s the people who thinks that their opinion is only thing that matters.
But they all forget something , this is game that every single member on forum enjoy(half of them at least) , so instead of fighting and proving who is right and who is not , we should try to work for common goal that is better and more enjoyable game.
It simply means that we as community of STO should prioritize what we would like to see in near future without making 50+ threads where there is little to no constructive feedback , where everyone whine and complain on everything that is released or even trying to prove something(KDF disenchanted) that doesnt even make sense...how greedy Cryptic is.
For a Greedy company Cryptic sure is.. i mean forget all these free ships , 1 week of free c-store items , 1 month of free lobi crystals(15 per day) , free expansions... so greedy , please be less greedy in future.
PvP in STO is now at all time low , why?....because there is no balance.
Now everyone is like...pff that is old story FAW need nerf , tac nerf etc......not that kind of balance , in order to make PvP in STO more enjoyable for everyone and not only for people who have deep pockets , Cryptic must put Gearscore in game that will queue players that are equal with gear and firepower.
Gearscore in Queue system would make a huge improvment in PvP quality because old players would face more competitive enemy and newbies and casuals would have fun.
PvP improvment will never come over one night , but with this system we could improve it in 1-2 months.
Cryptic should stop making new content for few months , because there is enough of it that need fix or upgrade.. Defera invasion zone would make great new battlezone with new reputation , crafting need revamp in terms of new kits , pets - both combat and non-combat ones , more ship sets that are only available through crafting... more ground maps upgrades , diplomatic missions , Fleet PvP etc...
Specific maps like Bajor/DS9/Starbase K7 etc.. should have specific stores that are only available on these maps(food,weapons,missions,armour,boffs and doffs)....point is that Cryptic should make these maps Unique once again , give them a new purpose and us to visit them again.
I would like to see these improvments in near future of STO , i didnt stuck in this game for nothing...i just love to play STO:P.
Oh God....the irony.....
Take back your home,end the grind!
Volunteer moderators policing the forums is like a mall cop trying to solve a murder.
PvP: It's dead. So dead. It should be dead, it should stay dead. In a game like STO where power-creep is in full swing, nothing can save PvP. The only way to have balanced PvP is to restrict everyone to a single cruiser, escort, science vessel and load them up with Mark X whites. Phasers only.
PvE: New content is required for Cryptic to keep subscriber numbers up. I do, however, agree that Season 9 should be about patching up existing content and adding more stuff to things like crafting. My wishlist would be something like this:
1.) Add more "Aegis" style sets to be crafted. These sets need to offer something unique, or at least offer something fun to use.
2.) Revamp ground combat. All of it. I don't care if it gets turned into a mass effect clone, I'd just like to see it reworked. My friends and I discuss what is wrong with the ground combat all the time, and we have come to the conclusion that it just isn't nearly as polished as Space Combat. Ground combat is clunky and unresponsive. None of the weapons are satisfying to use in the least. The animations are all pretty lousy, especially when your away team goes hyper-speed to catch up to you, suddenly able to carry their miniguns in one hand. The AI is also pretty horrible.
Odan Brota (Science Officer): Captain of a 28k DPS Scryer Intel Science Vessel, U.S.S. Kepler
Patiently waiting for a Romulan Science Vessel